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When does DE grow up?


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The only one needing to do any growing up is you and your incredibly narrow view.

If DE didn't sprinkle in those "menial tasks" stopping you from accessing the "actual game" then this game would have died years ago. As without those everyone would have gotten even more bored with running through the same hallways for the ten thousandth time killing the exact same enemy for the millionth time. Variety in gameplay and objectives is a necessity.

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28 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

Generally in Warframe getting to know the environment is done by mining, gathering plants etc. for building tools  These puzzles are not that. These are extra for interior cosmetics. These are done for fun and nothing else. The fun is ruined by bad design.

I don’t think it’s bad design though. They share attributes with searching for Argon Crystals or even mining, gathering plants, etc. They’re localised little bits of searching through the environment for a reward; if you want the extra interior cosmetic, that’s the reward, just like crafting a new weapon or Frame.

Often I just do them because they’re there while I’m traveling through the environment and willing to engage (like Argon crystals or mining), with no particular goal in mind aside from “Thing to do while I’m traveling from point A to point B”, and like with weapons or whatever, I’ll end up with an excess of currency(resource) I can trade for something else. I find that stuff like miniature scavenger hunts often enhance something I was already willing to do anyways (like when I stumble across a ghost in Destiny while fooling around)

edit: Now they could probably be improved, but fundamentally it’ll still involve some slowing down and poking around the area

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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2 hours ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

Are you talking about the Enigma puzzles?  I remember some people enjoying these when they came out.  I did too for a little bit, but not for long.  Anyway, despite not finishing them, I never felt like I didn't have access to the actual game because of it.

Warframe is huge, and the devs love going in different directions with content, so it's inevitable there is stuff that's not going to work for you.   There are huge swathes like Railjack I've put aside without much regret, because the game is pretty good about being amenable to a la cart play.  So I'd recommend taking advantage of that wherever something feels like it has no value whatsoever to you.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

These puzzles are not that. These are extra for interior cosmetics. These are done for fun and nothing else.

Wait, aren’t things like mining to get weapons and stuff for fun as well? We don’t need every single weapon or Warframe, but they provide more options. I wonder why the distinction and whether that influences your impression of stuff like searching for the sake of Duviri puzzles

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3 hours ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

The game is FULL of 100% pointless menial tasks. Just one of these is the Duviri puzzle power orb searching. Why? There simply can not be a reason for it other than to make things unnecessarily tedious. The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

I think the issue with your post, and why people are hitting you back hard, is because of the title of the post, the fact that you are trying to speak for everyone and that not everyone agrees with you at all. 

For me, I enjoy these puzzles because they are a nice break and adds variety to the game. As this forum has proven, even one of the greatest hack n slash games of all time can get boring after a while. Next time, just say YOU don't like these puzzles and try not to include all of us.

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That finding 3 orbs alone makes me skip every enigma in duviri. That design is like when you go in mission and have 0 ammo at the start.

Likewise, Decree Fragments in the Circuit are bad design.

Please make it 1 orb/fragment, DE.

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I like the enigma puzzles. I wish the game had more stuff like them. Duviri as a whole was just really fantastic actually, even the rouglike stuff which I was really apprehensive about. And I'm far from a fanboy. Almost everything I say about warframe and the devs is extremely critical.

K-drives tho. THOSE are a massive waste of data, player time, and development time. I actually like skating games, and I'm not even one of the people that had trouble with wave rider. I actually don't see how anyone has trouble with that quest at all. But those things are a train wreck that have no purpose and are not fun. Yareli might have justified their existence, if only the tiniest bit, if Merulina was modable.

And then there's Dormizones. Literally the only thing that would've justified the existence of these things is if they were huge spaces that gave everyone access to the dojo decorations system, or been treated as an alternative to the orbiter. But they're just pointless out-of-the-way decoration warehouses that do nothing.

Your psot kinda just sounds like a rant about the enigma puzzles, probably because you're having troubles with the Cinta grind. Cus there's a lot of other stuff in the game that exemplifies DE's proclivity to add pointless BS way better.

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On 2023-10-24 at 5:43 PM, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

The game is FULL of 100% pointless menial tasks. Just one of these is the Duviri puzzle power orb searching. Why? There simply can not be a reason for it other than to make things unnecessarily tedious. The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

Fillers, every game has them

Also I feel like DE has grown, what with their 10 year old game still going strong

On 2023-10-24 at 5:43 PM, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

Arguably the things you are “jumping through” is a part of the game. Taking some of those things away might take some elements some others enjoy. Of course examples would’ve been nice. 


On 2023-10-24 at 5:43 PM, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

What “things?” You haven’t specified said “things.” You could’ve left out that little insult at the end too, it doesn’t benefit the convo at all.

Edited by Aruquae
*has, not is
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15 hours ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

The game is FULL of 100% pointless menial tasks. Just one of these is the Duviri puzzle power orb searching. Why? There simply can not be a reason for it other than to make things unnecessarily tedious. The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

I like the owl puzzles, do enough of them and you know where each key is. The big one with hidden keys is fun to boggle the brain.

Edited by Slayer-.
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I'm sorry you didn't like the puzzles.  Personally, I loved every aspect of the puzzles and had a lot of fun doing them; my Duviri experience would have been lesser without them.  My best guess is that you've simply forgotten that not everyone in the world has the same thoughts and preferences as you, as we all do from time to time.  With respect, hopefully this serves as a gentle reminder that Warframe was made for a wide variety of people and not just players like you. <3

If the puzzles aren't your thing, you can either ignore them entirely or look up the solutions (including where the orbs are) online.  And if they're really frustrating you for whatever reason, I'd recommend taking a break and getting away from it entirely so your body and mind can recharge.

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20 hours ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

True. That’s not the point either. Like I said, the game has a lot of things you have to endure before you get to do the fun parts and none of these are useful or fun. I used the 1 part of the puzzle just as an example. 

I think that's just part of it being a non-sandbox videogame. As far back as I remember, there have been parts of games that I'd rather skip. Other people like those parts. That's just life me boi. 

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:01 AM, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Just to put it in perspective, try the Protea grind.  Trying to get a spare for the helminth, 17 tries so far to get neuroptics.  Nada.

12 for systems. Got that one.

10 for chassis. Got that one.

Sevagoth is almost as bad.  Not going into the forma cost to get him up and running properly.

My point being, there's worse things than puzzles in the game.  F2Pitis in full flow.

Sure. I also remember grinding equinox. 31 runs and I was extremely lucky to get it. That being said, these are the nature of the game. The whole thing is built on grind. Trying to find a power core so that you can even start to solve the puzzle is an example of pointless tedium, one of many. 

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:04 AM, trst said:

The only one needing to do any growing up is you and your incredibly narrow view.

If DE didn't sprinkle in those "menial tasks" stopping you from accessing the "actual game" then this game would have died years ago. As without those everyone would have gotten even more bored with running through the same hallways for the ten thousandth time killing the exact same enemy for the millionth time. Variety in gameplay and objectives is a necessity.

I get that you are a fan and feel hurt because someone points out a flaw in a thing that you love. That is fine. That being said, while it is certainly true that there has to be stuff to do to keep things interesting, there should not be pointless tasks that you are forced to suffer through so that you can start playing the game. Imagine that you would have to make a 10 minute handstand before you can start a basic mission, for literally no other reason than to make you jump through a hoop. I think that that would be pointless and should be removed from the game, just like any other such pointless tasks. 

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:06 AM, (NSW)Greybones said:

I don’t think it’s bad design though. They share attributes with searching for Argon Crystals or even mining, gathering plants, etc. They’re localised little bits of searching through the environment for a reward; if you want the extra interior cosmetic, that’s the reward, just like crafting a new weapon or Frame.

Often I just do them because they’re there while I’m traveling through the environment and willing to engage (like Argon crystals or mining), with no particular goal in mind aside from “Thing to do while I’m traveling from point A to point B”, and like with weapons or whatever, I’ll end up with an excess of currency(resource) I can trade for something else. I find that stuff like miniature scavenger hunts often enhance something I was already willing to do anyways (like when I stumble across a ghost in Destiny while fooling around)

edit: Now they could probably be improved, but fundamentally it’ll still involve some slowing down and poking around the area

Yes. Sounds about right. Like I said, I think that these things are cool. The un ecessary hoops are still just juvenile. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:24 AM, Tiltskillet said:


Are you talking about the Enigma puzzles?  I remember some people enjoying these when they came out.  I did too for a little bit, but not for long.  Anyway, despite not finishing them, I never felt like I didn't have access to the actual game because of it.

Warframe is huge, and the devs love going in different directions with content, so it's inevitable there is stuff that's not going to work for you.   There are huge swathes like Railjack I've put aside without much regret, because the game is pretty good about being amenable to a la cart play.  So I'd recommend taking advantage of that wherever something feels like it has no value whatsoever to you.

All this is true. I am not against variety. I don’t like Khal missions either but those are just fine, separate game mode with its own rules. A cool idea, not for me and that’s fine. Those however are not what I was talking about. I don’g have to like everything in the game. I just want to try things without losing my enjoyment of the game because there is some thing that gets in the way without having any sort of actual point. 

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

Yes. Sounds about right. Like I said, I think that these things are cool. The un ecessary hoops are still just juvenile. 🤷🏼‍♂️

This.. raises questions as to how you even categorise what’s juvenile or adult, and what an adult option looks like

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:48 AM, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Welcome to fictional entertainment/art. 

It's called "world building" for a reason. 

The people that made the game, made an entire world, instead of a basic fighting game like street fighter. 

Some people can handle details, others can't.

the thing I am talking about has nothing to do with world building. Other than that I agree. 

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On 2023-10-25 at 3:51 AM, (NSW)Greybones said:

Wait, aren’t things like mining to get weapons and stuff for fun as well? We don’t need every single weapon or Warframe, but they provide more options. I wonder why the distinction and whether that influences your impression of stuff like searching for the sake of Duviri puzzles

Yes and they serve a purpose. 

I used the puzzles just as an example and made very clear that the puzzles themselves are not the problem but rarher the stuff you have to do before you csn start solving them, specifically searching for the orbs. There are plenty of such tasks in the game, none of which provide any value. 

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On 2023-10-25 at 4:19 AM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I think the issue with your post, and why people are hitting you back hard, is because of the title of the post, the fact that you are trying to speak for everyone and that not everyone agrees with you at all. 

For me, I enjoy these puzzles because they are a nice break and adds variety to the game. As this forum has proven, even one of the greatest hack n slash games of all time can get boring after a while. Next time, just say YOU don't like these puzzles and try not to include all of us.

They are allowed to. It’s just that I was never a good target for bullies or mobs. I just do not care about them. If they could they would prove me wrong. They can’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I never said that the puzzles were a problem. I like them too. I just do not like to do things that serve no purpose other than devs forcing me to do it before I can get to interact with the content. 

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16 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

I like the enigma puzzles. I wish the game had more stuff like them. Duviri as a whole was just really fantastic actually, even the rouglike stuff which I was really apprehensive about. And I'm far from a fanboy. Almost everything I say about warframe and the devs is extremely critical.

K-drives tho. THOSE are a massive waste of data, player time, and development time. I actually like skating games, and I'm not even one of the people that had trouble with wave rider. I actually don't see how anyone has trouble with that quest at all. But those things are a train wreck that have no purpose and are not fun. Yareli might have justified their existence, if only the tiniest bit, if Merulina was modable.

And then there's Dormizones. Literally the only thing that would've justified the existence of these things is if they were huge spaces that gave everyone access to the dojo decorations system, or been treated as an alternative to the orbiter. But they're just pointless out-of-the-way decoration warehouses that do nothing.

Your psot kinda just sounds like a rant about the enigma puzzles, probably because you're having troubles with the Cinta grind. Cus there's a lot of other stuff in the game that exemplifies DE's proclivity to add pointless BS way better.

The actual puzzles are fine. K-drive races are also fine. The difference between these 2 is that the races do not force you to go for a treasure hunt with zero clues before you get to race. Things like this treasure hunt are pointless. The puzzles and the races are just content. 

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13 hours ago, (NSW)Malikili said:

Fillers, every game has them

Also I feel like DE is grown, what with their 10 year old game still going strong

Arguably the things you are “jumping through” is a part of the game. Taking some of those things away might take some elements some others enjoy. Of course examples would’ve been nice. 


What “things?” You haven’t specified said “things.” You could’ve left out that little insult at the end too, it doesn’t benefit the convo at all.

Fillers are fine. I was not talking sbout them.

if they have the senior devs that have grown have moved on and the current people are not there yet.

I don’t know what you expect as an example. I laser focused on an example which was a specific part of one task found in one game mode. The point of the post was specifically that and other things like it that serve no purpose in the game other than to make people walk away from those things. 

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12 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

I like the owl puzzles, do enough of them and you know where each key is. The big one with hidden keys is fun to boggle the brain.

Good for you. I don’t think that we talk about the same thing though. The keys would be the symbols under the owl, right? That is the fun part. What is not fun is trying to find the power orbs before you can actually do the puzzle. But that is just an example of things that I think should be removed from the game. 

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

I think that's just part of it being a non-sandbox videogame. As far back as I remember, there have been parts of games that I'd rather skip. Other people like those parts. That's just life me boi. 

True. I just wish that I could access the fun without suffering first. 

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