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Why are we Farming? what's the endgoal (not endgame)


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Currently I'm trying to find a weapon that isn't complete dog poop in SP without spending 17 hours stripping armour (some frames don't have that).

Though I consider SP cruel and unusual punishment, there's just not enough dudes in regular.  

Sevagoth is my current long term project, as he's going to need at least 12 forma.

I have most of the frames at this point, and I don't play favourites aside from Protea being way ahead usage wise.  Though now I have Grendel Prime he'll probably get used more.


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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Currently I'm trying to find a weapon that isn't complete dog poop in SP without spending 17 hours stripping armour (some frames don't have that).

Though I consider SP cruel and unusual punishment, there's just not enough dudes in regular.  

Sevagoth is my current long term project, as he's going to need at least 12 forma.

I have most of the frames at this point, and I don't play favourites aside from Protea being way ahead usage wise.  Though now I have Grendel Prime he'll probably get used more.


SP (Steel Path), at least against Grineer and Corrupted....is about stacking buffs. Using the tools the game throws at you in droves.

Otherwise it's Slash damage which bypasses armor. This is where Kuva Chakkurrs and Ash shine, just for 2 examples. 


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The journey is the destination. If you don't find enjoyment in finding new builds than just stop playing. Warframe is great in that it lets you take a break without punishing you if all you care about is new content.

There are thousands of viable solutions to complete the "endgame" tier of content in SP. The journey of discovery and the mini-progression of creating a new build is the evergame, Also yes... many, many, many builds are viable in SP. Between armor stripping, slash, and status priming, there are countless combinations of items to make unique gameplay in SP. Build choices matter in SP and that is what makes it so good.


Not everyone needs a "reason" to enjoy something. Some people just... do. I am fortunate enough to be one of those people so I am able to play the game for hundreds of hours without a good excuse. Trying to make endless carrots in Warframe could only come at the cost of other systems, I recommend playing Warframe only for what you enjoy out of it instead of asking it to perfectly conform to what you want. If you only enjoy the chase of power and new content, then only play Warframe for those things. As I said before Warframe is a fantastic game for such a desire, it is extremely respectful to your investment and it is always easy to hop back in (unless there are year+ gaps).

Edited by DrBorris
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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Currently I'm trying to find a weapon that isn't complete dog poop in SP without spending 17 hours stripping armour (some frames don't have that).

Though I consider SP cruel and unusual punishment, there's just not enough dudes in regular.  

Sevagoth is my current long term project, as he's going to need at least 12 forma.

I have most of the frames at this point, and I don't play favourites aside from Protea being way ahead usage wise.  Though now I have Grendel Prime he'll probably get used more.


I like the Boar Prime incarnon with a CC and CD riven. Even without the incarnon mode, the regular mode with the adapter is still really good and I don’t even usually bother with it unless enemies are grouped. Armor strip? What’s that? 😉 Use Ash with the smoke screen augment giving you 150% CC while invisible and you get SP fun time. Other tanky frames with Xata’s Whisper will also work wonders. The Boar will need about 7 or 8 forma though.

Edited by MutoManiac
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10 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

How do I fix this endless Cycle?

by logging out.

if the farm and the joy of combat isn't enough for you, then I'm sorry but you're basically gonna be waiting months on end for anything interesting like story content to happen. DE has no real interest in bringing in any sort of endgame because it's almost inevitably going to be either too easy with our god-tier loadouts, or too hard because DE will shut down any power spam and restrict us in terms of gear and what not in order to add artificial difficulty: there is a sweet spot somewhere in between, but it's practically microscopic and I don't think DE can hit it. the devs have also said outright that they lean far more in the direction of power fantasy, not intending to make the game difficult. myself and most others who have played for years have always known this, but now it's out in the open, so asking for an "endgame" is a total waste of time, just as it's always been. 

taking breaks and playing other games is essential to prevent yourself from burning out completely. it's also a good idea to "make your own fun" when possible, such as running random loadouts. 

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10 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

My Major problem for why I'm not hooked on Warframe too much is my playstyle that I call "making the build" 

it's basically about when I obsess over a new or old Warframe/rework/mods etc...I tend to spend my time farming it, giving it forma, getting the weapons and other miscellaneous items that it needs.

for example, the New Hydroid rework, made me a big Hydroid fan (despite the weird over the top third ability) so I farmed him, got special weapons for him, put 6 forma, put 5 crimson tau shards, and made him perfect for any content...but where is it?


I spent all that time preparing for...what? I don't run circuit at all because it practically throws all that effort out the window.

steel path is the same game but a bit higher leveled, no enticement to stay for longer.

what exactly am I farming for? why am I farming? why do I need this X weapon to get that perfect build when I have a dozen or so different ones that do the same if not slightly different result?


How do I fix this endless Cycle?

To get cool drip and look cool I guess! 

And get cool weapons too!


Ok but maybe that's the one thing duet night abyss will have since anime (gacha) games typically have an endgame that incentivize you to actually spend 💰 on characters (genshin is an exception but that's because they actually have characters people care about and even then, people still care about getting characters for builds and doing spiral abyss).

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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10 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

I spent all that time preparing for...what?

what exactly am I farming for? why am I farming? why do I need this X weapon to get that perfect build when I have a dozen or so different ones that do the same if not slightly different result?

How do I fix this endless Cycle?

This is a really thoughtful question!

It sounds like you're the kind of person who simply enjoys the process of "making".  You've got all these components that can go into a Warframe build, and you like the process of having an idea, picking out the right pieces, testing it out, and iterating on your design until you feel like it's perfect.

Your only mistake is assuming that the purpose of making something has to be so you can then use it.  There are many aspects of our lives — the parts we need to be productive in — where this would be true.  For example, at your job you need to be productive, so you don't make things (whether it's a program, a piece of furniture, or a report) unless there's a meaningful plan to use that thing to accomplish something.

But there's no need to be productive in Warframe.  Video games are a leisure activity, and the goal of playing Warframe is to enjoy yourself.  That being the case, there's literally nothing wrong with simply making something for the intrinsic joy of it.  If you enjoy that, embrace it!  The things that bring you joy in life don't need an extrinsic purpose, beyond that they make you happy.  Let that be enough. <3

Hope this helps!


9 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

well what do I do when there's no more items to farm and no more builds to perfect?

The same thing that you do when you finish sewing a quilt, or finish building a Gundam model, or finish eating an ice cream cone: go do something else.  No single piece of entertainment will entertain you forever without limit.  It's important to develop an awareness so you can tell when you're trying to squeeze blood from a stone; that way you can stop doing that and move on to more fulfilling pastures.

In fact, often taking a break can help regardless, because it can be so easy to get in the habit of doing something in our free time, to the point where it becomes so ingrained that we keep doing it even when it's stopped bringing us joy.  Taking a step back and making sure we're doing things because that's what we feel like doing can be really helpful.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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5 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

SP (Steel Path), at least against Grineer and Corrupted....is about stacking buffs. Using the tools the game throws at you in droves.

Otherwise it's Slash damage which bypasses armor. This is where Kuva Chakkurrs and Ash shine, just for 2 examples. 


Of course, Ash.  

Got him recently, Inodem a good weapon for him considering Blade Storm?

Seems like a dagger frame.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

DE has no real interest in bringing in any sort of endgame

I am literally not talking about Endgame though.

Like, I'd take my hard made builds to play bounties on different open worlds because I really enjoy them, Bounties aren't endgame, to me they're an endgoal, the vanishing point of the road you spend making that awesome build that you want to try on decently powerful enemies...I just wish there was more like that all the time.

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There is no end goal.

All games are just a past time, and when you have time to burn you can turn to your favorite games.
It's just nice to have one aging like a fine wine in your roster of games as you cycle through.

Ah yes, today will be a bottle of "Void Storm Massacre, Warframe, 2021"



Also we need to know what happens in 2035 to all the people who were banned. We've come this far, I must know.

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So the way I read this question, it can be split into two. Why am I farming? Why are you farming? I can answer the latter more directly. There is a lot about Warframe I don't really care for, but there is a lot that I enjoy. For example, I do enjoy putting together a lot of builds too, but there are some Warframe weapons, and Warframes, and their abilities, I just enjoy using in the moment.

So, the other day, I just really wanted to use the Exergis with Mag. We have new missions up to get Dagath, the Steel Path version has nice enemy density, on a map I like, so I just had fun using Mags 1 to pull a group of enemies together and just shooting them with the Exergis. Also, I had overlapping goals. 1. I enjoyed the sheer gameplay in the moment and using what I consider a fun and well designed weapon with a Warframe I enjoy. 2. I also gathered resources I need for something else, aka farming I suppose. Oh and also passively getting certain other resources like SE and RS. 3. I am building a new Warframe and weapon, and Dagath looks interesting to me, so look forward to making a build for her, and that will be fun. Even more so if I actually enjoy playing as her in content. So I am enjoying myself on multiple levels. 

Also again though, just speaking for myself. I also take regular breaks from Warframe, and enjoy and appreciate the variety. Its also why I can enjoy the Circuit, because it plays up to what I enjoy. 

To the other question. I think thats mostly up to each individuals to discover for themselves, as in knowing what they really do enjoy and have fun with, identifying that, seeing if a game can actually deliver and then enjoying it where they can. Which can sound easy but eh... As people, we don't always actually know how to identify and articulate why and how we enjoy things, which can then influence how we understand what we enjoy and don't enjoy. Like why do I personally like the Exergis over the Kuva Bramma? If you asked me when I was 18, I might not know how to answer. I can now though, I like the sound design more, and it feels more discriminate, I prefer having to aim, and the sensation of force applied to enemies and the way they are animated when being hit, and the aesthetic of a futuristic pump action shotgun, and the way the shot has a cone like pattern, and... I could go on. I personally like a lot of small details, with such things, like reload animations, sound design. Its also totally fair and reasonable, someone else might just care purely about DPS/KPM, and I do care about that a little too, just not solely. That being said, the way Warframe is set up, will probably favour me more, since there are so many weapons... if you only cared about which gun was the meta, why use the rest? Where as for me, each new weapon is going to be interesting at the least, even if they might not be the most powerful. 

Comparing two different approaches. Which of course can be basically applied to everything else as well. Maybe for you, just creating the perfect builds is enough satisfaction? Though, maybe not if you are asking such a question? Maybe you need a break then? Or, you need to find a way, so the builds you enjoy creating, can also feel satisfying beyond that? Which is fair, just... you do have to be considerate to what that is exactly? For example, in an ideal world, Warframe for me, selfishly, would have way more story, plot, character interactions and development. More like an RPG. Still have everything else too, and more, again, ideal hypothetical situation, post scarcity alt reality etc, but I don't actually expect that from Warframe, because I know thats beyond their budget and also probably what their actual general fanbase plays for. 

Good questions to ask ourselves though. I think some people can fall into routine/patterns, where they end up frustrated with something but not really realising why or how. Even for myself, Warframe is a bit of an outlier. Its the only game I play that has no foreseeable end. All the other games I play, have set ends, and then you move on usually.  

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17 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

This is where you are wrong and you do not give yourself a chance to change the opinion, because you do not run the circuit.

A rare instance of agreement with Zakkhar. I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.

@(PSN)Hopper_Orouk I was also down on The Circuit because I felt like it wouldn't respect my efforts to make cohesive builds. However, as it turns out, the enemy scaling in there is such that as long as you aren't intentionally making horrid choices from the selection of things the mode offers you, you'll do fine. Like, don't pick up a shotgun with your frame that is built around rifles, or something dumb like that.

That being said, I do find I often choose to ignore a spiral when I don't see attractive options in the preview. Right now isn't a good example (current spiral has some good choices for me), but here's an example of why I ended up realizing The Circuit doesn't really disrespect my investments:




In this case, I'd take my:

  • Nova Prime (Tankova, which is a subtype of Slowva)
  • Supra Vandal (good for early energy management, mild synergy with Nova due to sheer output)
  • Kuva Nukor (overkill for Nova, but just a generally good anti-crowd tool due to its arcane)
  • Dorrclave (zero synergy, a "might as well, because at least it has investment" pick)

Even if you don't own something (depicted by the diamonds with a spiral inside), they generally have functional mod setups for The Circuit.

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Unless you want to push into endurance content until your build either falls apart or trivializes it entirely there is nothing you're building for.

Simply put the game is far too casual friendly to ask for any build to be entirely "perfected". There might eventually be content that does warrant some of that work but by then we'll have received new gear/mods/systems/reworks that repeat the same exact issue.

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20 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Currently I'm trying to find a weapon that isn't complete dog poop in SP without spending 17 hours stripping armour (some frames don't have that).

Though I consider SP cruel and unusual punishment, there's just not enough dudes in regular.  

Sevagoth is my current long term project, as he's going to need at least 12 forma.

I have most of the frames at this point, and I don't play favourites aside from Protea being way ahead usage wise.  Though now I have Grendel Prime he'll probably get used more.


I suggest the OG incarnons (need to get headshots though)

Nataruk is also very fun too

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