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Warframe Story Pack Feedback Thread!


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On 2023-11-07 at 10:56 PM, Keyhound said:

i said this before and i will say it again.


to me, the right direction would be. to

1- PLAYERS START WITH ALL MK-1 WEAPONS. maybe rename the MK-1 name to something closer to decomissioned, or faulty. to tell them that, there are better versions they can get. mk1 weapons are not game breaking, having access to all of them from the start(already in the inventory) will make them not feel stuck in their starting choice. as from personal experience, i suffered alot when i started because i picked the braton and lato, so everytime i had to do a spy mission, i had a miserable experience, until i finally got a bow.


2- THE START FRAMES SHOULD BE GIVEN AT THE START. i mentioned that earlier, but a great way to do it, would be to make the frames you dont choose be gotten during quests at the start of the game.

maybe after defeating Vor, the player gets a message about 2 ships leaving the area. each carrying one of the frames that werent chosen. and so they get the quest to hunt down those ships. maybe after completing the first they are informed that Alad attacked the second ship but was unable to secure the frame, as the ship crashed on venus, so we have a reason to go to fortuna, to collect info on the downed ship. as we complete the hijack mission to bring the frame to our ship, we are contacted by Alad. giving players a first glimpse of him.


3- BOSSES NEED TO BE IMPORTANT IN THE STORY. ask most players, who vay hek is, or who Tyl Regor is. and all you will get is "they are bosses that you kill a few times to get their frames". and those are 2 of the more charismatic bosses, with lots of quotes, but to most players, they are nothing important, because THE GAME doesnt give the players a reason to care about them. maybe each time a mission is done in their planets, we are contacted by them, maybe they will have some gimmick. like for example, with tyl regor he starts sending more and more maniacs against the player. as his own personal invaders. give some fun gimmicks to bosses. like for example, during the missions in europa, we get attacked by raptors followed by a group of ospreys.


4- STARCHART SHOULD BE DIVIDED BETWEEN MAIN MISSIONS, AND SIDE MISSIONS. the main reason beginners give up on warframe is because the "story" doesnt start until the second dream. and even after that, there's no much change. instead, what should happen is, the missions as we have them, be SIDE MISSIONS, with each planet having a small amount of main missions, that are themed around the bosses of that planet, and that planet enviroment. have a reason for players to continue the game. but have those "normal missions" we have be there are extra complement. for farming and grind. as opposed to progression.


there's not even a need to go deep. just like some missions suddenly turn to exterminates, we could have smaller missions, but that are interesting. Alad got his hand on a warframe, lets hunt him down having missions to find and trap him so he cant escape. maybe one of the missions is about trying to rescue that frame, but it turns out to be a trap(could start as a spy, that turns into a survival) and when we finally get to him, its too late we discover he butchered her, and used her corpse to make zanuka.

tyl regor keeps talking about his tubemen, but unless you are REALLY old shool, NOBODY even knows what a tubemen is. so why not put them back? hell, maybe we are manipulated by tyl regor earlier, with him asking for an alliance, as he wants to betray the queens, and send us to deal with sargas who is very loyal to the queens. but then, as we kill sargas we discover that he was the one trying to get away from the queens, sargas could also be linked to keyla, who discover what we did, and promisses to kill the player for what we have done.


there's so much potential for stories that dont revolve around the sentient and the old war. this is just an example of how the game could be more interesting for new players. giving a reason to care about bosses, want to kill them. be pestered by them. make us care about the world, before the second dream. so when the second dream happens, and the player is taken aback by the revelations. it goes beyond, because we already have an estabilished world.

You got some very nice idea's and a progressive point of view as well. 2. and 3. are things I like a lot. It would also indeed as you said be great if we got pestered more by bosses before actually getting to defeat them. Hope they'll do something with your suggestion!

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Please don't skip the story when there's so many other alternatives!

I've seen so many great posts already addressing it but I'd like to add my perspective too. I just recently started the game over again after playing for 8~ years because my friends had all long-since left and I wanted to begin fresh.

What I found is that the thing taking the most time is the grind! And it's empty.

I was excited to unlock the Operator again and experience the quests but it took me MONTHS to get there, even as a vet, because I had to complete countless nodes, grind through planets and level my MR in an completely EMPTY starchart. What I never realized was that once steel path was added, people stopped playing the base starchart. Rarely I would run into a confused MR 1-2 player and try to guide them through the mission but 90% of the time, I never saw a soul. I was forced to ask for taxis in chat, while being largely ignored or having people immediately dip after the taxi when I really just wanted to play with others. It was empty, depressing and difficult. 

I was also constantly being downed because I didn't have the mods I needed due to poor rng and limited time. I was always alone and failed numerous missions.

It's a completely different new player experience than when I played 8 years ago. Back then, new locations would be FLOODED with people. The star chart was bustling before steel path. Everyone was running around Cetus, Fortuna, Railjack etc. to get the latest thing. We were all playing through it together. But now it's a literal ghost town.

Trying to run bounties on Cetus and Fortuna were empty and meaningless. I would always load into empty squads, forced to run max difficulty bounties on my own in Fortuna with bad loadouts (because mod rng) while struggling for debt bonds so I could maybe hope to unlock vox and get a decent amp. I died over and over, and when I didn't, I was often rewarded with another random resource instead of the bonds I desperately needed. I ultimately ended up fishing instead. Only to then find out that public squads like Eidolon hunts, Index and Profit Taker are ridiculously toxic. Being yelled at for "not having the perfect build" or "not knowing what im doing" despite secretly being a veteran was beyond disgusting. I suddenly WANTED to be back by myself farming in an empty starchart. 

When I finally started railjack, I was horrified to discover the veil proxima is EMPTY TOO. I NEVER saw anyone even when actively looking for squads to join. I needed mods for my ship and couldn't survive the high level corpus eximus nightmare that is railjack missions. But no one would help me in chat, no one was flying in game and I had no friends to ask for carries. Needless to say, I've given up. 

Then there's the mind-numbing slog of killing a boss 50+ times to try to get a warframe/weapon or running a specific mission over and over for a resource or mod. Grinding focus, grinding MR, fighting rng, always alone, always wondering why I'm wasting time on a mission with no guaranteed reward. The only reprieve from the madness WAS the story quests, but the were too short and too far between.


If you want to help new players reach the new content, please re-examine the OLD content. I promise the quests aren't what's holding people back. It doesn't take 100 hours to do the quests, it takes 100 hours to survive an empty, tedious grind. The game at this point REQUIRES that you have friends to play with from day 1 or it's just pure agony.

Here are some suggestions:

1: Separate the story out from the Star chart requirements and add a menu that allows you to play each quest one right after the other. You can further streamline this by having "Story Quests" and "Side quests" (like howl of kubrow or Octavia's Anthem)

2: Loan players what they need for each quest IN the quest. Just like we use Snake in Deimos or were given a built Paracesis in New War, give people what they need in the quest itself so if they like it, they have incentives to farm resources or buy them. 

3: REVISIT the star charts, bounties, drops and foundry times, PLEASE. Do we really need so many nodes on the base starchart? Do players really need to run missions over and over for desperately needed mods? No! And it's not fair either. Like I highlighted earlier, the game is a player ghost town compared to years ago. Where maybe those rare drops were valid back then, I'd argue older players had it easier because everyone was playing everything together. The bad rng doesn't make sense anymore when you're stuck playing by yourself by no fault of your own. 

4: Introduce a "Mentor Queue" so  veterans who want to play with newbies can get paired up with newbies who want help in any mission theyre struggling with, be it boss, bounty or railjack. Nothing hurts more than finally matching with a veteran because of a Nightwave challenge just to have them zoom to extraction and be extremely frustrated that you're slowing down their grind.

5: Flesh out the "content islands" and add replayability. The reason the open worlds and starchart feels so empty is because once a player gets through the nods or maxes their standing with a faction, they have no reason to come back. While many of the systems, like railjack, aren't used anywhere else in 90% of the game. I think it's time once 1999 drops to switch gears to fixing the game itself. 


Honestly, I think the game is heading towards a rehaul. I know it's a HUGE undertaking and probably terrifying, but we're here for you. What I've found in this thread is that we all collectively want to make the game better for all players. If it means pausing quest creation completely for a few years to completely rework base elements of the game, I KNOW with certainty that the real players of this game will support you. Don't listen to the loud, constant complainers. We're happy you're acknowledging some of the problems in the game. It's existed for 10 years. ANYTHING that old will need a tune up. But it does require careful thought and real solutions. Don't disservice your work and the connection we've all made by telling the community to skip 10 years of a beautiful story. Instead work with us to give the game the polishing and tlc it deserves. It'll be worth it. Dont give up!

Edited by Faeii
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  • 2 weeks later...

The main issue with story skip is that the story is not what keeps new players out, it's 10 years worth of systems that they have to interact with and understand before they can get to experience said story entirely. As such, giving them a skip to after The New War, it's gonna have the undesirable effect of throwing them into ALL of those systems at once. While new players right now have to deal with modding, affinity and a general direction to progress towards, being thrust right into / after The New War will lead to dealing with opperators, amps, necramechs, rayljack and an entire cast of characters thay have no incentive to care about.

The following sugestions are based on the new player experience discussions started by Josh Strife Hayes and Brozime 2 years ago, and reffer to streamlining the starchart progression up to The Second Dream and after The War Within, which act as "hooks" for player retention. They are ordered based on ease of implementation, from a development standpoint, but should have equal weight in improving early game experience. The "elephant in the room" is that some, if not all those sugestions could lead to a net loss of platium sales, which would be undesirable from a business standpoint.

Firstly, while the early game experience has been overhauled, the game still lacks any imediate incentive for players to explore the starchart. The most efficient way to solve this issue would be to allow for blueprint purchases straight from the foundry (or just unlock some of them by default). This, combined with potentially showcasing where required resources can be aquired from, would lead to a clear sense of progression and an overall goal.

The second point would be to reduce reliance on the wiki by more thoroughly explaining systems such as modding and affinity. The easiest way of implementing this aspect would be through messages such as: "Ordis found this mod cache, use it to empower your warframe", "You reached deimos, be on the lookout for vaults" or "Your latest mission uncovered a corpus weapon blueprint, use it to increase your mastery rank". A more expensove aproach, in terms of development time, would be to have dedicated sidequests for each mechanic.

This leads to the third point, making the "Thing you need to do early in warframe" videos into a series of quests. It can start off with finding an affinity booster (wich leads to explaining affinity), allowing for faster leveling of the starter frame. Next, finding the afformentioned weapons cache (containing a boltor and furris) and mod cache (conatining basic damage mods for weapons and survivability mods for warframes). And finally a multi stage fight with the new Corpus creation, the Jackal, each fighr rewarding a different Rhino component. Such "mini quests" could also be used for mosg frames, prompting players to explore each plannet in order to get the respective parts.

Finally, the best and, at the same time, most logistically challenging way of circumventig The New War is to decouple future content from the "Ballas Arc". This would involve using The War Within as a central starting point (because this is where players get access to their full kit) from where several arcs such as: 
The New War - current progression, with forced visits to the Ropallolist and Orphics events;
Wispers in the Wall - started after Chains of Harrow and Heart of Deimos;
Duviri - started after the final void node has been completed (prompting players to finish the starchart).

This solution is the most challenging because it would require revamping future story events (that are already being worked on) and it might create continuity issues between arcs. It would however be interesting to get retroactive references between the different stories (such as the end of The New War referencing Whispers in the Wall).

To conclude, the issue is not "Story skip bad", it's that even after a story skip new players will be faced with the same antiquated systems and unmaintained tilesets that would have turned then away from Warframe. Revamping those early game mechanics and tilesets will not only benefit new player engagement, but will also allow old players to revisit them, giving newcommers someone to look up to.

Thanks for making an amazing game and I hope this helps make it more accessible for others.

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On 2023-11-03 at 4:14 AM, (XBOX)LunarDreamer said:

Allow players to share equipment...

I really loved this sugestion because it gives more use to dojos, but donating loadouts will boost players very quickly in many missions, so I recommend that these loadouts should be rented, each clan can share loadouts for each account level and the Rent can be credits or resources requested weekly by the clan.

loadouts must share riven, mods, skins, companions and does not affect the loadout owner's inventory, the loadout owner will not profit from taxation, sharing the loadout only serves to boost the construction of the dojo and boost newbies. your idea is sugestion

Edited by Famecans
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I can see good reasons for both sides of the discussion.  I don't really feel like I would easily make a decision either way.  However, I did want to offer my two cents.

When I was a new player, I almost lost interest in Warframe....until Second Dream.  That was the defining story quest that added a whole new dynamic to the game for me.  A lot of the quests leading up to the Second Dream were tedious and congested.  I yawned through "The New Strange."  "Natah" got a little interesting with the arrival of Hunhow, but it too was long and drawn out.

My suggestion is to shelve the pay to skip plans for now, and instead, simplify the story quest progression as such:

1. The archwing, orbiter segments, and all beginning equipment should be acquired by the end of Vor's Prize.
2. Remove the Archwing Quest altogether, as it really is obsolete.  Instead, I would prompt the player with a few optional archwing missions to test the new archwing gear.
3. Make "Stolen Dreams" optional, not a required part of story progression.
4. Make "The New Strange" optional, and not a required part of story progression.
5. "Once Awake" is a great way to introduce the infested, but I would ramp up the intensity to make it more thrilling for new players.  Again, make it optional, as the players already run into infested enemies on low levels anyway.
6. Keep "Natah" as story required, but tighten it up a little bit.  If I'm not mistaken, that one defense mission goes for ten waves and like 20 minutes.  Make it five waves.  Also make it so that the sentient scouts don't leave so quickly.
7. Second Dreams and the rest of the quests play as normal.

Basically, the older content that's rougher around the edges should just get a really thorough smooth-over.  I think it would help new players a lot.

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8 hours ago, Mikhael222 said:

I can see good reasons for both sides of the discussion.  I don't really feel like I would easily make a decision either way.  However, I did want to offer my two cents.

When I was a new player, I almost lost interest in Warframe....until Second Dream.  That was the defining story quest that added a whole new dynamic to the game for me.  A lot of the quests leading up to the Second Dream were tedious and congested.  I yawned through "The New Strange."  "Natah" got a little interesting with the arrival of Hunhow, but it too was long and drawn out.

My suggestion is to shelve the pay to skip plans for now, and instead, simplify the story quest progression as such:

1. The archwing, orbiter segments, and all beginning equipment should be acquired by the end of Vor's Prize.
2. Remove the Archwing Quest altogether, as it really is obsolete.  Instead, I would prompt the player with a few optional archwing missions to test the new archwing gear.
3. Make "Stolen Dreams" optional, not a required part of story progression.
4. Make "The New Strange" optional, and not a required part of story progression.
5. "Once Awake" is a great way to introduce the infested, but I would ramp up the intensity to make it more thrilling for new players.  Again, make it optional, as the players already run into infested enemies on low levels anyway.
6. Keep "Natah" as story required, but tighten it up a little bit.  If I'm not mistaken, that one defense mission goes for ten waves and like 20 minutes.  Make it five waves.  Also make it so that the sentient scouts don't leave so quickly.
7. Second Dreams and the rest of the quests play as normal.

Basically, the older content that's rougher around the edges should just get a really thorough smooth-over.  I think it would help new players a lot.

i dont think u understand what stolen dreams was about

stolen dreams leads right into the natah quest

i assume u dont remember the natah quest ether right?

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Spider_Enigma said:

i dont think u understand what stolen dreams was about

stolen dreams leads right into the natah quest

i assume u dont remember the natah quest ether right?

Hmm perhaps I don't fully remember then.  For some reason, I thought Stolen Dreams was only about Maroo.  Regardless, the beginning quests need tightened up and streamlined.  The fact that I don't even remember huge chunks of those two quests just goes to show how forgettable/uninteresting they are compared to the rest of Warframe.

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1 hour ago, Mikhael222 said:

Hmm perhaps I don't fully remember then.  For some reason, I thought Stolen Dreams was only about Maroo.  Regardless, the beginning quests need tightened up and streamlined.  The fact that I don't even remember huge chunks of those two quests just goes to show how forgettable/uninteresting they are compared to the rest of Warframe.

each of the starting quests introduce u to a boss, stolen dreams introduces u to tyl reggor

there are quests that where part of tactical alerts missing

in the quest ur trying to decypher an archane codex, while doing so the lotus can only read part of it and is forced to ask samarus for help, be he will only help us if we tract down crhoma

at the end of the quest a message is sent to the tenno, the message is referencing the fact that the moon is no longer in the void (wich is probably maroos fault for pulling the codex out in the first place)

samarus tell us this message was of tenno origin witch should not be possible

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

Stop it.  They aren't heroes for not doing something shady.  That should be normal behavior, not something special.  "Oh wow, you didn't burn my house down, you're such a hero."  No.  And there's plenty of other super shady stuff they do anyway.

I can respect your sense of justice. But I believe that purely negative feedback is an imbalanced approach. Is there anyone in your life that is displeased with you no matter what you do? I don't know about you, but when I'm around someone like that I stop caring about anything they have to say.

To be fair though I think 100% positive feedback is also imbalanced.

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11 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

I can respect your sense of justice. But I believe that purely negative feedback is an imbalanced approach. Is there anyone in your life that is displeased with you no matter what you do? I don't know about you, but when I'm around someone like that I stop caring about anything they have to say.

To be fair though I think 100% positive feedback is also imbalanced.

What you said can be true and still not apply to thanking them for not being crappy.  Praise them for what they do that is actually good, rather than just not bad.  Because there's a big difference there.  When you set the bar for praise and doing good down at the level of just not doing bad, then you also move the bar for what is considered bad and that's how we end up with a game full of timed-content and worsening grind.

Grind that, coincidentally, is the main roadblock to new players rather than the story.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

What you said can be true and still not apply to thanking them for not being crappy.  Praise them for what they do that is actually good, rather than just not bad.  Because there's a big difference there.

I can agree with this part, that's solid logic.


2 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

When you set the bar for praise and doing good down at the level of just not doing bad, then you also move the bar for what is considered bad and that's how we end up with a game full of timed-content and worsening grind.

This part seems less solid and more personal though, honestly.

I think they probably make most of their decisions based on pressure from stakeholders to generate as much profit as possible. A tedious grind promotes purchasing shortcuts (and a Story Skip aligns with that). But amazingly they actually listened to the backlash this time, and that's a pattern I'd like to see strengthened.


2 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

Grind that, coincidentally, is the main roadblock to new players rather than the story.

True, that and just how overwhelmingly complicated everything is. The guy that got me into Warframe also got his wife into it and she had never played any video games in her life. I remember her saying: "I thought gaming was just mindless entertainment, like boys just running around shooting stuff. But wow, this is like a college class!"
(I replied with something like: "Well... you're not entirely wrong; there are dumb games too.")

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Okay, positive: DE backed down on this idea because they actually just want players to be able to get to the new Quest content because the game has a huge backlog and needs to have some smoothing out so that new players can reach that content without a month or more of play time.

Negative: We are still, just like before, going to get whiny, entitled players complaining about the grind. And the grind will have even less purpose for them because they've already experienced everything shiny and fun about the Quests and will have received all the new things. Those players will hit Whispers in the Wall within a week and know absolutely nothing about actually playing the game.

And they'll leave again. They won't play, they'll have experienced what they wanted to, and that's it.

So DE have essentially shot themselves in the foot in terms of player retention. And that's not even including the fact that a massive amount of people don't even reach the two hour mark (according to achievement tracking),

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I do feel kind of bad…

I thought the story skip idea had fundamental problems associated with it in terms of the very nature of skipping everything means that context is lost and potentially players hit that “What do I do now” moment faster, and since they’ll always be chasing the next new thing instead of playing with what they’ve got or bypassed (which does still give new things, just not in an expected way), they’ll struggle to identify reasons to keep playing with even fewer carrots to chase

But if the players don’t get hooked because they gotta blindly go through some non-linear gameplay (that, let’s face it, is non-obvious how to get the most out of it when players think it’s purely a linear chase of numbers) to hit the part of the game that was always kept a secret by the community (which I loved), they’ll experience the same problem. The big reveal of the story doesn’t work if it’s thrown into someone’s face at the start, but without some kind of linear reason to get to the big reveal in the first place (and because this game’s so non-linear with its fundamental “Build non-linearly from the modless start, jump into missions in a non-linear fashion”, linear power chasing is a less-than-ideal reason), the game kind of needs… some other kind of hook. Something to get the player invested without giving them the wrong impression

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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  • 1 month later...

I think something that may or may not have been lost within all the discourse here... is just how CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT the ability to replay a quest happens to actually be, not just for story enjoyment but ALSO for perhaps archival purposes / etc.

For those who are not aware, 2024 has begun to rear its ugly head -- and yes, I'm going to call 2024's head ugly so far, just like I did with 2023 at its worst points... call me a pessimistic 💩 or whatever you will for doing so but I genuinely feel it has already more or less started off on the wrong foot -- by potentially endangering the Internet Archive and without getting too deep into the nitty gritty of the surrounding details and their potential future consequences for the preservation of art / information / etc. it nonetheless gave me pause to reflect on something...

Over the course of my time in Warframe -- which now has come to total over 5000+ hours -- I had made efforts to record my gameplay of important cinematic quests... only to then have to deal with YouTube uploading / encoding / etc. shenanigans, only to then find out that I ran out of drive space... only to then find that my playthrough of certain quests is GONE FOREVER and because of no option to replay through a quest yet, well you get how frustrating that can be (hopefully)

While Warframe in my view has at least NOT reached the level of BS that Destiny 2 has WITH HOW THAT GAME HAS REMOVED ENTIRE STORYLINES OF ITS OWN, on the other hand it truly does feel bad that the only recourse in other situations such as described in the paragraph above is to start over entirely on a new account and hope the same problem does not happen again, which also entirely defeats the point(s) of Cross-Save & such

I do understand that DE to my knowledge has taken a particular approach with deciding not to do "story skip" options and such for the time-being, however to me personally it is MORE IMPORTANT that replayability for at the very least all main scenario quests be included as a core feature of that quest, if not at launch then at least some point after it

Do "story skip" options or don't, that specifically doesn't matter to me, but I WILL again reiterate that replayability for important quests (arguably all of them, but I will say the 'main scenario' variety should take precedence) should absolutely be included, both for future quests and retroactively for current existing ones, and that such should be among the primary goals of the story / feature / etc. team (or however they are described in the studio) going forward

Thank you, I will also say that U34 & U35 have both been wonderful updates! Cheers, and looking forward to 1999 along with Devstream 176 whenever they arrive, no pressure / rush / etc. because I know how detrimental that can be to positive outcomes

Edited by DeeDeeLyla
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  • 4 weeks later...

feedback: how much would new players actually understand of the current events?

Perhaps a certain amount could/ should be unlocked, a "checkpoint" or "accelerated path", but boosting them straight to the latest release without context might also turn them away, feeling like noobs in high level zones without a clue as to what's really going on.

if it were up to me, i'd go with, an immersive "lotus/ teshin teach you what you missed while you were sleeping" style virtual space, to catch up on things.

Very solid suggestions by mikhael222 and faeji, i approve of those ideas too

edit: want to say how much I've been enjoying the whispers update and melee gameplay in general, finally managed to make my Excalibur competitive with violet archon shards, Tennokai and wrathful advance :D


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I think the skip should be in the form of unlocking a mission. For example, a “mission key” purchasable for an amount of platinum would allow the player to play a new mission and skip mission requirements.

The only caveats would be other in-game necessities for the mission. For instance, if the mission requires a Railjack then the mission should prompt the player to purchase the cheapest version of the Railjack in the market, prior to redeeming the “mission key”. That way, certain missions have a higher barrier to entry and it encourages playing the normal way. 

That being said, there should be a New Player deal/bundle, so the new player isn’t given a bad taste by a huge upfront cost to play a single mission.

Make the New Player bundle $60, give them all the essential gear for the different game modes. Some base starter mods, mission keys, platinum, credits and endo. 

Maybe exclude platinum and the bundle can be refundable on Steam within the 2 hour window.

Edited by Zor292
Added $60 option
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-10-27 at 5:23 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hi Tenno!

We mentioned on Devstream #174 that we are considering doing something for newer players that want to play the latest Quest in our next Update on Day 1: A Story-Skip Pack. You can see the conversation in all its rawness in the link! 

We are at a point with this idea that we wanted to bring it up on the Devstream to get a conversation started about what this pack could be / shouldn’t be, which brings us to this thread. 

Where we are right now:
- Whispers in the Walls has a prerequisite of The New War to access it for narrative  & story reasons.
- While we remove grind and barriers with every Update to make the story more streamlined (and will continue this), players interested in accessing this new content day 1 must first complete 10 years of Warframe before they can dive in. This is a barrier to many people that we’re trying to provide options around. 

Our goals:
- Allow players to use Platinum to buy a pack that unlocks & completes the replayable Quests required to access Whispers in the Walls -- either purchasing it themselves or receiving it as a gift from a friend so they can play together.
- Require Vor’s Prize to be complete so there’s a baseline of game understanding. 
- Provide value in this pack by giving gear that would be earned in the course of play so they are ‘ready’ for content at a given level range (i.e Include Endo & Mods in the pack). 
- Continue to improve the gameplay path to The New War, as seen in changes with Abyss of Dagath and in future updates (unrelated to Story Skip but important to the conversation overall). 

Why are we even exploring this?
- Warframe has a decade of content to explore - this is a strength AND a weakness. 
- We treat this as a strength because we are prioritizing story content & quests that comes ‘after’ The New War. 
-This is a weakness because it can be a time investment that turns people away. A core ‘you can use Platinum to save time’ element is preserved in this approach.

There are many opinions on this idea, and we want to be transparent with our community before we consider shipping any iteration of this system. Please use this thread for constructive feedback, so we can read and understand your concerns. 

Thank you!

Really? your solution to a glaring game issue is to sell a workaround? you guys keep this philosophy and you'll be EA levels of hated in 3 years, it happened to blizzard and it will happen to you.

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6 hours ago, xLaNn said:

Really? your solution to a glaring game issue is to sell a workaround? you guys keep this philosophy and you'll be EA levels of hated in 3 years, it happened to blizzard and it will happen to you.

They aborted this idea last November.  It's unfortunate there isn't a note to that effect in the OP or thread title.

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LET US REMOVE LENSES. PERIOD. To have every tree maxed out, and still be annoyed by the focus is ready noise, is very annoying. And why are we stuck without a remove lens option? Please fix this extremely easy to remedy oversight. Thank you kindly.

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On 2024-02-22 at 6:41 AM, Herbgopher said:

LET US REMOVE LENSES. PERIOD. To have every tree maxed out, and still be annoyed by the focus is ready noise, is very annoying. And why are we stuck without a remove lens option? Please fix this extremely easy to remedy oversight. Thank you kindly.

I agree with this, there should be an option to remove a focus lens from a weapon or warframe you don't want any focus lenses on, ie if you accidently put one on etc, would be a simple fix and I'm surprised the dev's haven't implemented such a system yet. 

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