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I really like railjack


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i started playing warrfame again after a long time. and I found that railjack was fun. there are bugs... i experienced it in my first 2 runs recently but i liked it. The whole idea of it is cool.

just 2 things would make it soooo much better for me.

  1. less bugs. ie. the part where i don't know whats happening and we are in the some void and our mission doesn't end is really bad.
  2. if we could have a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...
    • I know this is a big ask and DE is expanding the user base by modding warframe to different platforms
    • maybe do a kick starter for it.
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I also like it a lot. The only issue is that joining any crew on one of the planets gets you into someone’s Orphix RJ mission, whose RJ, necramech and drifter are made of paper which always results in failure. Someone heard they could get good arcanes that way which is BS since in 3 years of playing those missions, not even 1 drop for me. This is on my MR 12 account, so my stuff isn’t great either, but no fails on any other mission. On this account, I can do orphix solo so it’s not a big deal when the others are not well equipped.

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You should have seen RJ when it first released.

Bugs for days, that one.



That said, I really like RJ. What I don't like however is the forced on-foot sections. I came here to fly my ship, so let me fly my damn ship. If I wanted a normal on-foot mission I would have played one.

That's why I always preferred that one node in Veil Proxima, because it had no on-foot section... until DE removed it because I guess fun isn't allowed.


I just wish it wasn't such a content island. I'm still waiting on that starchart integration, DE.


On a side note,

26 minutes ago, Lycansoul said:

pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...


There's a reason nobody plays conclave.

This game just isn't made for PvP. It never worked, and it never will.

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37 minutes ago, Lycansoul said:

if we could have a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...

  • I know this is a big ask and DE is expanding the user base by modding warframe to different platforms
  • maybe do a kick starter for it.


Warframe is not a PvP viable game.  DE would have to hand that kind of project over to a different team with a lot more PvP experience and I doubt they'll do that.

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42 minutes ago, Lycansoul said:

i started playing warrfame again after a long time. and I found that railjack was fun. there are bugs... i experienced it in my first 2 runs recently but i liked it. The whole idea of it is cool.

just 2 things would make it soooo much better for me.

  1. less bugs. ie. the part where i don't know whats happening and we are in the some void and our mission doesn't end is really bad.
  2. if we could have a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...
    • I know this is a big ask and DE is expanding the user base by modding warframe to different platforms
    • maybe do a kick starter for it.

Pvp opens up a huge can of worms. 

But it would be nice to see railjack made more relevant.

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27 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

This game just isn't made for PvP. It never worked, and it never will.

I totally disagree with this one. The only reason why PVP doesnt work in Warframe, is that the devs dont want it to work, they dont put any resources into it because nobody cares. And also one of the big reasons why nobody cares is that devs dont put resources into it. What Id like the devs to do is decide whether or not WF should have PVP (or make a community poll), and if the answer is yes, allocate resources, add anti-cheat, add more modes etc. If the answer is no, then remove conclave so it doesnt make people confused.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I totally disagree with this one. The only reason why PVP doesnt work in Warframe, is that the devs dont want it to work, they dont put any resources into it because nobody cares. And also one of the big reasons why nobody cares is that devs dont put resources into it. What Id like the devs to do is decide whether or not WF should have PVP (or make a community poll), and if the answer is yes, allocate resources, add anti-cheat, add more modes etc. If the answer is no, then remove conclave so it doesnt make people confused.

No way I want to join a Conclave with 10 other Saryn spamming Miasma with Gloom subsume while Rage mod is equip. Let's not forget how Shield Gating has made EVERY warframe immortal. So no a PvP mode with the main focus of killing other players won't work. try something else. Like Frame Fighter.

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3 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

You should have seen RJ when it first released.

Bugs for days, that one.



That said, I really like RJ. What I don't like however is the forced on-foot sections. I came here to fly my ship, so let me fly my damn ship. If I wanted a normal on-foot mission I would have played one.

That's why I always preferred that one node in Veil Proxima, because it had no on-foot section... until DE removed it because I guess fun isn't allowed.


I just wish it wasn't such a content island. I'm still waiting on that starchart integration, DE.


On a side note,


There's a reason nobody plays conclave.

This game just isn't made for PvP. It never worked, and it never will.

release railjack was like watching a horror-comedy movie honestly it was mesmerizing.

also is the "getting stuck in space without archwing" bug still present?

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PvP? nah, that concept is dead in the water. see: conclave, lunaro.

And I'd love if DE worked on railjack. BUT WITHOUT ON-FOOT OBJECTIVES. seriously I just wanna stay in the comfort of my pilot seat shooting at enemy fighters.

adding on to your suggestions, I'd also love it if:

1) we could access forward artillery from the pilot seat, without having to move to the bottom deck/FA seat to use it.

2) crewmates could also be programmed to use the forward artillery.

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5 hours ago, Lycansoul said:

less bugs. ie. the part where i don't know whats happening and we are in the some void and our mission doesn't end is really bad.

I haven't encountered this in a long time, but then generally I nearly always return to drydock after each run, it's just safer that way as you don't risk losing all your rewards to a glitch, and it barely takes a minute to drydock, then jump off and on the Railjack and start the mission again.

5 hours ago, Lycansoul said:

a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship

dear lord no. PvP just doesn't work in warframe, as Conclave and Lunaro have already proven, and considering the majority of players are either indifferent or actively against Railjack, it'd be totally DOA. 

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I'm honestly in favour of there being on foot stuff, provided that the Pilot AI got reworked. Oh, and it's not just 'Do a regular on-foot mission with a 5 minute mini RJ segment at the start'. Or the abomination that was RJ Scarlet Spear. I mean like. Actually integrating on foot and space combat, with reasons to board crewships and space stations, and ways for the Railjack to interact with the away teams and vice versa.

Railjack's gimmick is as much the fact that it's all of Warframe's mechanics in unison, as much as it is just the ship itself, so RJ really should have leaned into using that. More consistent boarding parties, making boarding vessels actually worthwhile. I say this a lot, but some kind of defense mode where you need to jump between defending the outside of the ship with the Railjack, and internal systems on foot (maybe repairing the objective with Revolite?) could have been great. Or imagine if, in some survival type mission, it was centered around a Shipkiller platform or something similar, and whilst the equivalent to life support modules exclusively dropped in the Railjack, the players also need to fight for control over the shipkiller platform - keeping it disabled, or perhaps even claiming temporary control over it to blast enemy ships. Or for the non-endless players, a sabotage mission, where one player (or an AI) is archwinging inside an objective whilst a player (Or AI) outside fends off hordes of enemies and uses the forward artillery to hit sensitive systems to blast open routes. Honestly? This is all just using systems as described. And you could even use the teleport system to allow more seamless travel between RJ segments and the Warframe/Archwing parts.

But no, the most we have is 'Railjack shoots a target on the outside of a goober twice.' And pilot AI can't even do that if you're solo.

Railjack offered perhaps the most possible variety and quality in content. It was mega-hyped for a reason, but it was let down by an extremely disappointing set of missions and a complete lack of proper bug testing - Especially for the multiplayer side of things, which was especially bad from what I remember, with launch matchmaking actively breaking, and things barely getting better from there. And this was compounded by the fact that Railjack was intended to be a multiplayer-targeted system.

Moreover, Railjack also followed up the Old Blood, which got its proper 'reveal' alongside the full reveal of Railjack, but it was revealed in what we must assume was a completely conceptual state, offering the Shadows of Mordor nemesis system - a system that, patent or no, is almost entirely incompatible with Warframe's core design system, and as advertised, would have been a complete pain to play (Consider how many people complain how long it takes to do a Lich. Now imagine if it took a month.), which resulted in disappointment. And this in turn, was on top of waiting for the New War, which had been teased the year before.

The late 2010's was not a great time to be a Tenno.

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9 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

The only reason why PVP doesnt work in Warframe, is that the devs dont want it to work

See, that's where you're wrong.


Warframe is primarily a PvE Co-OP hordeshooter, and it primarily attracts players who are interested in this kind of game. Nobody downloads warframe for the PvP - literally nobody. Not-a-one.

Some players might give PvP a try, sure - heck, I myself tried out conclave on several occasions - but it just doesn't fit. This game is fundamentally not suited for PvP.

The mechanics, the movement, the gunplay... none of it works for PvP in any decent manner.


So let's say they completely rebuild the game from scratch just for PvP. Different movement, different mechanics, you name it. Now we got a decent PvP game, great. But where's the "Warframe" we know in that? Gone.


Look, I'm not gonna pretend that PvP is absolutely, 200% impossible to pull off. But in order to make it work, they'd basically have to make a whole different game inside the game. And for what? The 200 people who actually care about it? Out of millions?

Edited by o0Despair0o
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Railjack is great. Corpus railjack is awful tho.
Love doing multiple timed side-objectives that each individually take as long as a normal mission, away from my railjack while it sits there and takes damage. Just to get to the actual, non-railjack mission I'm there to do..... It's astonishingly bad. It would be slightly better on a team where 2 players actually go out and do the side objectives at the same time... just slightly.
Skirmish is fantastic tho. and is a hell of a lot more fun, and quick, if you can actually get a squad that knows what they're doing. 2 players that go out and each do an away objective while one pilots and another mans the Tunguska cannon and engineers.
I've only gotten a squad this in-sync one time but it was glorious.

They could do so much more with it.

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2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

See, that's where you're wrong.


Warframe is primarily a PvE Co-OP hordeshooter, and it primarily attracts players who are interested in this kind of game. Nobody downloads warframe for the PvP - literally nobody. Not-a-one.

Some players might give PvP a try, sure - heck, I myself tried out conclave on several occasions - but it just doesn't fit. This game is fundamentally not suited for PvP.

The mechanics, the movement, the gunplay... none of it works for PvP in any decent manner.


So let's say they completely rebuild the game from scratch just for PvP. Different movement, different mechanics, you name it. Now we got a decent PvP game, great. But where's the "Warframe" we know in that? Gone.


Look, I'm not gonna pretend that PvP is absolutely, 200% impossible to pull off. But in order to make it work, they'd basically have to make a whole different game inside the game. And for what? The 200 people who actually care about it? Out of millions?

I dont know why ur still only working with players we already have. PVP lovers are NOT in warframe right now, and if there was PVP they would come and join. Secondly, you can very easily have PVE and PVP in the same game, theres literally no problem doing that. The only thing is whether the devs want to do it or not, and Im sure they dont.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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17 hours ago, Lycansoul said:

I really like railjack

So do I.

I've been playing it since it first dropped and even back then with all the bugs I still found it fun, it's even better now, more so for newer players because DE turned on easy mode with Railjack, I still enjoy a good Solo skirmish in the Veil.


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Railjack has been a really cool experience with friends. None of us had played it before and we jumped into the first mission together as complete newbies. It's been fun, I like it.

I'd try out a Railjack PvP mode, could be fun honestly. There are co-op focused MMOs and looter shooters that still have decent PvP scenes. Guild Wars 2, Destiny 2, etc have a lot more lively PvP scenes than WF.

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18 hours ago, Lycansoul said:

i started playing warrfame again after a long time. and I found that railjack was fun. there are bugs... i experienced it in my first 2 runs recently but i liked it. The whole idea of it is cool.

just 2 things would make it soooo much better for me.

  1. less bugs. ie. the part where i don't know whats happening and we are in the some void and our mission doesn't end is really bad.
  2. if we could have a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...
    • I know this is a big ask and DE is expanding the user base by modding warframe to different platforms
    • maybe do a kick starter for it.

Maybe not boarding, but I can see PVP between two railjacks 

Imagine this, two Tenno crews fighting outer space in railjacks, destroying the railjack will bringing it to 2 health as usual, and it will need to be repaired. The other team, after completing this feat, can go to their “big cannon” (you know what I mean) to aim at a certain weak spot at the now slow, railjack. The weak spot will disappear if the other team can repair it in time. 

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13 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I nearly always return to drydock after each run, it's just safer that way as you don't risk losing all your rewards to a glitch, and it barely takes a minute to drydock, then jump off and on the Railjack and start the mission again

Sure but you lose your incarnon status, resource accumulation etc. Not a big deal to regain but still annoying. I haven't had complete RJ fails. It's more little stuff that happens. RJ is more stable than ever.these days but could still use some attention for sure.

1 hour ago, Slayer-. said:

, it's even better now, more so for newer players because DE turned on easy mode with Railjack

Easy mode?


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