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What are your favorite 3 Frames, Primaries, Secondaries, and Melees?


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Simple post, just wanting to see what other people like.

Mine are


  1. Protea
  2. Sevagoth
  3. Zephyr


  1. Opticor Vandal
  2. Baza Prime
  3. Kuva Kohm


  1. Dual Toxocyst (Incarnon)
  2. Lex Prime (Incarnon)
  3. Sporelacer


  1. Nikana Prime
  2. Glaive Prime
  3. Orthos Prime


I want to see what you guys enjoy the most, no matter what you are playing.


Edited by BlissfullyOwO
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1) Yareli

2) Ash

3) Grendel


1) Prisma Gorgon (Gorgon family really, I only use the Prisma variant because it has the best stats. Don't like everything else about it. Oh yeah, obviously with Incarnon Genesis)

2) Kuva Karak

3) Trumna


1) Atomos (with Incarnon Genesis)

2) Twin Grakatas (VARIANT PLEASE DE)

3) Kompressa


1) Kuva Shildeg. Big hammer.

2) Sun & Moon

3) Nami Solo. Fell in love with its looks while low MR. So glad it got an Incarnon Adapter. NAMI SOLO PRIME PLEASE DE

Edited by Skoomaseller
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10 minutes ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

Why no melee? I mean I could give this a go sure;


1. Excalibur Umbra

2. Ivara

3. Valkyr


1. Tenet cycron

2. Staltha

3. Euphona


1. Dual Ichor

2. Falcor

3. Any nikana(favourite nikana is the sepfahn) + azothane

I wanted to add melee, but I wasn't too sure if it was going to be too much.

Regardless, top 3 melees are an option.

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1)Mirage. Great powerhouse. Great for just killing stuff fast whether that'd be throughout the duration of the mission or in a general area. Really love how hall of mirrors gives you extra range on your AOE attacks.

2)Wukong. Every single aspect of his kit is really good. He is a tank of a beast that can dish out damage.

3)Nekros, bit of recency bais here but the extra loot provided is just providing to be too good for me especially since you can use that loot for other stuff including other abilities.



1)Kuva Bramma. Best option for AOE there is. Can't go wrong with it.

2)Cedo, spread statuses around kill them afterwards. Some recency bias here though.

3)(Prisma) Lenz, hard to pick a third here since I just move options too much but I'd say the Lenz since it is really funny with Mirage. And I have a godly riven to boot with FR and CC allowing for perma orange crits on it.



1)Sporelacer, I shouldn't even need to explain this. Go build a generic secondary sporelacer and see how much damage it deals even before putting on a potato. As a plus it is AOE too.

2)Akarius, secondary slots are pretty hard to find good weapons so I'd say this is my second favorite. Okay-ish weapon that doesn't really scale that well since it is status based.

3)Kuva Brakk, again, can't really pick a good option here. Putting this one here because the one I use has a funny lich name of Pen'ks. (My Bramma's Lich is called Tokk Tikk)



1)Telos Boltace, become parkour god, built-in CC. Really strong weapon class. Have 15 rivens for it because why not?

2)Praedos, take the Telos Boltace, remove stormpath and add more range that what you've got.

3)Glaive Prime. I just love this because it is smooth to use. You aren't mashing a singular key and the setup doesn't feel clunky to use.

Edited by Numerounius
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     1) Ivara

     2) Garuda

     3) Nezha


     1) Burston Prime (Incarnon)

     2) Perigale

     3) Strun Prime (Incarnon)


     1) Vasto Prime (Incarnon)

     2) Zakti Prime

     3) Dual Toxocyst (Incarnon)

Looking at it now, that's a lot more incarnon than I expected

Edited by AA003
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1. Chroma Prime

2. Voruna

3. Volt Prime


1. Latron(Incarnon)

2. Kuva Karak

3. Trumna


1. Atomos(Incarnon)

2. Epitaph

3. Lex Prime(Incarnon)


1. Gram Prime with Rending Crane

2. Nikanan Prime with Blind Justice

3. Hespar with Galeforce Dawn

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My fave 3 warframes are, interestingly, all "firsts" of some kind.

Volt was my starter frame. and to this day still one of my favorites.
Frost was my first prime, and stuck at the top of my most played list for years.
Equinox was the first and probably only frame I ever considered a "main" and I still find her extremely enjoyable to play. Even if I don't play her much anymore. She would be my most played frame if my play time wasn't split 50/50 between her prime and non prime versions. I kinda wish the most played frame statistics didn't count primes and default frames separately.

Primaries are probably Arca Plasmor, Bubonico, and Opticor. With Cedo in a very close 4th. I haven't tried Cinta yet outside of one Duviri run I rolled it on. But it's a contender, I would really like to have a bow on this list.
sadly I've barely even used Opticor because of just how horrendously under powered it is. The vandal variant should've been a straight upgrade instead of having some negatives compared to the base one, and on top of that we should also have gotten a more powerful Tenet variant with some cool gimmick to compliment the huge punch of the weapon. Sadly, it's a C tier weapon at best despite it's feel and design being extremely unique and awesome.

I don't like most secondaries. a lot of them feel really lackluster in terms of fun and creativity. Only 2 really come to mind
Cyanax, and Staticor.
Cyanax is mostly just a status spreader which is not my favorite play style. You can more than double it's damage potential with Cascadia Empowered but it's still pretty weak. Still, Automatic homing explosive shotgun pistol is hard to beat for fun and originality.
Staticor certainly beats it in originality. Nobody ever mentions this but Staticor is actually a thrown secondary. They're basically gauntlets that generate throwable energy balls. Used to be an S-tier weapon but Aoe changes and nerfs, and general power creep have not been kind to it. Another weapon that could really use a Tenet-style glow up. Even with a pretty beefy riven I can't get much power out of this thing anymore.
I will give an honorable mention to Epitaph. Definitely also qualifies for originality, I just don't find it very fun. It's basically a reverse Staticor where quick fire is aoe and charge is single target. Which feels really clunky and unintuitive. and the Aoe is purely a status spread fire mode instead of dealing any significant damage.
Hopefully the upcoming spell tome weapon expands my list of enjoyable secondaries.

Meles... Meles were the reason I got into the game at all, but now I kindof just hate them. DE's nefed everything I enjoyed about them and utterly failed to keep them up with powercreep so far. I really want to like Tenet Grigori but it's special gimmick is a heavy attack and the whole heavy attack system infuriates me. And the tenet attache mele's trait of maintaining combo while the weapons is holstered breaks pseudo exalted abilities because DE can't be bothered to fix that trash system ether. And that's all the weapon has going for it.
I love Arca Titron but it was already outdated when I joined the game and now it might as well be made of foam, yet another weapon that desperately needs a tenet variant.
Right now the only mele I really enjoy using at all is Incarnon Dual Ichor. Only because it can hit max combo in just a few hits which bypasses everything I hate about the combo system by effectively removing it as a factor all together. And even without using combo related mechanics it actually feels like it deals enough damage to be worth using over guns in close combat.
If heavy attack efficiency and Naramon's skill that makes combo slowly decay instead of blink out of existence in an instant were both inherent properties of mele, instead of requiring a modslot and a focus school receptively, maybe I wouldn't be so frustrated with mele right now.
I don't think whatever changes are coming to them with whispers of the wall are going to be nearly enough.

Edited by PollexMessier
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I like threads like these. 

Warframes: Hard, but if I had to choose, probably 1. Nidus 2. Mag 3. Gauss. I really like clumping abilities, and Mag and Nidus are two of the best at turning enemies into big round cluster balls, which you can then shoot or melee into. Very satisfying. Nidus if I want to feel tanky, Mag if I want to feel more like a glass canon. Gauss, I think his kit just flows very well together and he just feels fun. All three have great audio design and sound effects as well, and some of the best skins in the game. 

Primary: 1. Exergis 2. Cedo 3. Trumna. Though, I could write so many runner ups. I generally just like shotguns, so just picked two of my favourites. Cedo is so interesting, not just for Warframe, but any game. It has great synergy with itself as well. Trumna visual and sound design is great, and the alt fire? With hindsight, it also almost feels like a prototype for Incarnons. Build a meter with kills (headshots), that lets you launch a more powerful, but limited attack that is devastating but you can't necessarily spam everywhere. This list would change a lot for me though, since there are so many good shotguns in the game. Boar getting an Incarnon has me remembering how much I use to like it, I really want Tigris to get an Incarnon, but regardless a classic and iconic weapon. Arca Plasma and Tenet Arca? I also love weapons like Opticor and Phantasma too. Oh and jeez, bows are like my second fav to shotguns. Ideally I could list three fav shotguns, three fav bows and then three fav other Primary. Alas. 

Secondary: 1. Epitaph. 2. Knell. 3. Tenet Plinx. Epitaph is just very very unique and fun. Again, not just as far as Warframe, but weapons i have used in games in general. Its own synergy with charge and fast fire modes, is fun. Its its own primer, it had cool ideas with some of its various forced proccs and what you could then do with that, its visually interesting and sounds great. Knell, I just really like the gimmick. The Plinx? Well, I didn't love or hate the original, but the Tenet version really grew on me, feels fun getting headshots and the alt fire can one shot Acolytes, and crowds in Steel Path. Fun weapons. 

Melee: 1. Stropha. 2. Pennant. 3. Glaive Prime. Redeemer may have created my love for Gunblades but Stropha refined and honed it. Partially related to my favourite Warframes, as Mag and Nidus with the Stropha is a great great time, but its heavy attack is just great in general. It looks so rad as well. Pennant eh I have some issues with the stance, but I love this thing for its look, and heavy attacks. Similar Glaive Prime, its just so stupidly OP as well, I am surprised it hasn't been nerfed harder, but also glad of that too. Its just fun bleeding out a room full of Steel Path Grineer, with one well timed explosion. 

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   Zephyr, Xaku, Mag


   Miter incarnon, Boar Prime incarnon, Proboscis Cernos


   Dual Toxocyst incarnon, Furis incarnon, Kompressa


Dual Ichor incarnon, Glaive Prime, Dokrahm


Honourable mentions: Saryn, Kuva Zarr, Lex Prime incarnon, Venka Prime.

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In no particular order

Frames: Wisp, Mag, Xaku

Primary: Proboscis Cernos, Kuva Kohm, Nataruk

Secondary: Epitaph, Kuva Nukor, Cyanex

Melee: Dual swords and tonfa have my favorite stances and I like daggers with argonak. There are like 7-10 melee in there that feel great to use.

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I'll go by "most fun in recent months" instead of "most played":

Frames: Atlas, Baruuk, Kullervo - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. Cover the screen with red numbers!

Primaries: Kuva Tonkor - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. Immensely satisfying with infinite primary ammo fissure reward and/or Energized Munitions.
Probocis Cernos - I usually dislike DoT/DPS in ARPGs and dislike most grouping abilities and grouping weapons by themselves. But Probocis' passive grouping effect gives it a life of its own and replaces boredom with a satisfying sense of inevitability.
Miter Incarnon - I dislike nullifiers and enjoy dispensing Neutralizing Justice with every Incarnon bounce. As with Probocis, the homing behavior gives Miter a life of its own.

Secondaries: Lex Prime Incarnon, Aegrit - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. I usually discount hallway/punch thru weapons as "not real aoe" but Catchmoon Prime is an exception due to sheer coverage. It feels genuinely enhanced (rather than propped up) by grouping effects like Nautilus' Cordon. Aegrit feels bad vs Steel Path Grineer/Corrupted, but breathes life into Silence frame leveling and "kill enemies while sliding" riven challenges.
Knell Prime - I usually dislike single target, scoped, and automatic Warframe weapons by themselves. But as with Probocis, the combination of basic features felt refreshing. Death Knell feels like I'm constantly riding a wave and getting away with more than I should.

Melee: Stropha, Corufell, Wolf Sledge - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. I enjoy the "coup de grace"/"gunslinger" animation of gunblade heavy attacks. Before getting the Zariman incarnons, I used Stropha in Index. The slow and telegraphed attacks perversely created a feeling of being faster on the draw than the brokers. Corufell feels like a fevered dream version of Tigris Prime. Wolf Sledges' explosion looks like Contagion but actually throwing a giant hammer feels more visceral.

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29 minutes ago, Foeglas said:

I'll go by "most fun in recent months" instead of "most played":

Frames: Atlas, Baruuk, Kullervo - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. Cover the screen with red numbers!

Primaries: Kuva Tonkor - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. Immensely satisfying with infinite primary ammo fissure reward and/or Energized Munitions.
Probocis Cernos - I usually dislike DoT/DPS in ARPGs and dislike most grouping abilities and grouping weapons by themselves. But Probocis' passive grouping effect gives it a life of its own and replaces boredom with a satisfying sense of inevitability.
Miter Incarnon - I dislike nullifiers and enjoy dispensing Neutralizing Justice with every Incarnon bounce. As with Probocis, the homing behavior gives Miter a life of its own.

Secondaries: Lex Prime Incarnon, Aegrit - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. I usually discount hallway/punch thru weapons as "not real aoe" but Catchmoon Prime is an exception due to sheer coverage. It feels genuinely enhanced (rather than propped up) by grouping effects like Nautilus' Cordon. Aegrit feels bad vs Steel Path Grineer/Corrupted, but breathes life into Silence frame leveling and "kill enemies while sliding" riven challenges.
Knell Prime - I usually dislike single target, scoped, and automatic Warframe weapons by themselves. But as with Probocis, the combination of basic features felt refreshing. Death Knell feels like I'm constantly riding a wave and getting away with more than I should.

Melee: Stropha, Corufell, Wolf Sledge - Big Bonk Timmy Gaming. I enjoy the "coup de grace"/"gunslinger" animation of gunblade heavy attacks. Before getting the Zariman incarnons, I used Stropha in Index. The slow and telegraphed attacks perversely created a feeling of being faster on the draw than the brokers. Corufell feels like a fevered dream version of Tigris Prime. Wolf Sledges' explosion looks like Contagion but actually throwing a giant hammer feels more visceral.

I have wanted to ask this to someone who uses it more often than me, but why take the Kuva Tonkor over the Tenet Envoy, or the Kuva Zarr?

Purely for personal reasons, I have a Kuva Tonkor myself along with the Tenet Envoy, but find I use the Envoy a lot more. I have been trying to find a reason to use the Kuva Tonkor again.

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I don’t care for the incarnons nor do I use many AOE guns but apart from that I don’t really have any clear preferences, as my greatest enjoyment comes from always trying out new things. Regardless, I will try:


1. Garuda.

2. Hydroid.

3. Nidus.



1. Exergis.

2. Kuva Quartakk.

3. Opticor Vandal.



2. Aksiomati.

3. Acbronco.

3. Kuva Brakk.



1. Redeemer.

2. Sarpa.

3. Xoris.

Edited by (XBOX)Killahead
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Just now, (XBOX)Killahead said:

I don’t care for the incarnons nor do I use many AOE guns but apart from that I don’t really have any clear preferences, as my greatest enjoyment comes from always trying out new things. Regardless, I will try:


1. Garuda.

2. Hydroid.

3. Nidus.



1. Exergis

2. Kuva Quartakk

3. Opticor Vandal.



2. Aksiomati.

3. Acbronco.

3. Kuva Brakk.



1. Redeemer.

2. Sarpia.

3. Xoris.

I can respect that. 

AOE Weapons are incarnons are kinda taking over at this point.

I am just glad incarnons are giving older weapons new life.

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30 minutes ago, BlissfullyOwO said:

I can respect that. 

AOE Weapons are incarnons are kinda taking over at this point.

I am just glad incarnons are giving older weapons new life.

For sure, I just think they made them too strong.

I play the game the way I think it should be designed: I use weapons without nuking capabilities so that my frames actually have a purpose for keeping me alive or for crowd control. I could play AOE and have my frame only be there to make clearing the enemies even faster, but that doesn’t really make the individual frames’ capabilities very meaningful imo. But I digress.

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