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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.7


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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.7

Hello Tenno and Happy New Year! This Hotfix includes back-end fixes and improvements towards Cross Platform Save that are needed before we re-open the gates again this January. Dates to come - stay tuned! 

Cross Platform Save Fixes: 

  • Fixed rare instances where selecting an account that has not completed Vor’s Prize as your primary during the merging process would cause progression issues for the merged account.
  • Fixed rare case where merged PC and Console accounts that were in the same Clan would no longer be a member of it in the merged account.
    • If you have experienced this and would like assistance returning to your Clan, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com
  • Fixed rare case where TennoGen purchases made via the Steam Workshop would be incorrectly locked to a player’s Console account instead of their PC account (as intended) if the player was logged in on Console at the time of purchase.
    • We are working on a script to correct this for affected players. 
  • Fixed Companion Incubation not progressing after merging two accounts that both had a Companion active. Moving forward, new merges will automatically move those Companions into Stasis to avoid this issue. 
    • If you have experienced this issue and need assistance in regaining access to those Companions, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com


  • Changed the Violet Archon Shard embed bonus affecting Health/Energy pickups to function similarly to the Equilibrium Mod. Now, Health/Energy Orbs can be picked up if one is full, but the other is not to apply the bonus. 
  • Changed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus to no longer apply when Shield Gate is triggered. 
    • An unintended degree of invulnerability could be obtained using this effect while continuously triggering Shield Gate, so it was changed to function similarly to Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability, where the Shield recharge is disabled when Shield Gate is triggered and only resumes when the Shields begin to regenerate themselves. 
  • Changed the required amount of players needed to start the Effervo boss fight from all squad members to half. This addresses feedback that the boss fight could take a long time to start (and potentially result in Host migrations) if players were off collecting Voca, resources, etc, instead of moving to the boss zone. Players outside of the zone will now be teleported into the arena once activated. 
  • Changed Pangolin Prime’s Slam attack to match its base version:
    • Now applies a forced Slash Status Effect. 
    • Changed damage type from Impact to Puncture. 
  • Replaced the “Skip” button in the Circuit reward screen with a “Continue” option if multiple rewards are available. This aims to help prevent players from skipping them all, and instead, will now show the next reward. 
  • Arcanes offerings from Vendors are now displayed as unranked. 
    • Hovering over the Arcane will now display both its unranked and max rank stats. This is to help avoid players thinking they are buying a fully ranked Arcane.
  • Added a Default Mod Config for the Grimoire in Teshin’s Cave options. 
  • Mandonel’s orb will now spin faster during reload for some added flare!
  • Removed mention of Syndicate Sigils in the “Loyalty” Nightwave Act’s tip description, as they are no longer required with the Pledge system to gain Standing. 

Made small optimizations to server-side database performance. 

Albrecht’s Laboratories/Sanctum Anatomica Changes & Fixes: 

  • Improved spawn rates of The Anatomizer and The Severed Warden enemies in Alchemy Bounties. Particularly to address the issue of being unable to complete the “Kill X Flying Enemies” Bounty Challenge. 
  • Fixed individual Focus School Eidolon Lens Blueprints being rewarded in Rotation C of the Survival, Persto mission instead of the intended Eidolon Lens Blueprint. 
    • Each individual Lens Blueprint had a drop rate of 10% for each type, so we have adjusted the drop tables to compensate for this change by increasing the drop rate for the Eidolon Lens Blueprint and the Mandonel Barrel and Receiver. More details in the public drop tables. 
  • Fixed cases where Rogue Voidrigs would not spawn/be marked on the map.
    • With this fix, the “Kill 2 Rogue Voidrigs” Bounty Challenge has been re-enabled! It was disabled in Hotfix #2, as the above issue was preventing Bounties from being completed.
  • Fixed case where Rogue Voidrigs would suddenly teleport to a different location after being spawned by a Rogue Culverin. 
  • Fixed Rogue Culverins’ animations popping while spawning a Rogue Voidrig. 
  • Fixed the map search radius for Necramite Drones not appearing in Netracell missions (including the Whispers in the Walls Quest stage). 
    • The fix for this did not make it to the live build as originally thought! Apologies for the confusion - we are still investigating. 
  • Fixed reward containers in the Netracells having different Codex entries. 
  • Fixed breaking a Murmur Sarcophages counting as more than one towards the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Bounty challenge. 
  • Fixed hitches occurring after hacking a Necramech summon terminal. 
  • Fixed the maximum number of Vitreums that can be activated simultaneously in the Assassination, Effervo mission not scaling based on Squad size. 
  • Fixed damage type icons appearing next to the “Vitreum Seeking” UI in the Assassination, Effervo mission instead of “A, B, C…” to indicate which Vitreum is active and where. 
  • Fixed Murmur Eyes not despawning after its timer has run out in the Assassination, Effervo mission. 
  • Improved the accuracy of the direction in which broken furniture pieces will fly out when destroyed. We’re collectively keeping the Necramites employed with all this senseless furniture demolition. 
  • Fixed certain character color customizations (if you know you know) not appearing in their transmissions. 
  • Fixed loss of UI functionality in the certain character color customizations screen after saving. 
  • Fixed the Cavia rank up dioramas being obfuscated by Vendor UI if you interacted with them before it appeared. 
  • Fixed opening Operator Equipment in the Sanctum Anatomica in the “Back to the Future” stage of the Whispers in the Walls Quest causing functionality loss. 
  • Fixed minimap waypoint for the Grimoire page not disappearing after collecting it in the “Lost and Found” stage of Whispers in the Walls Quest. Also fixed the Lotus “mission complete” transmission playing on extraction. 

General Fixes: 

  • Fixes towards DirectX 12 AMD graphics card crashes. 
    • DirectX 12 was disabled in Hotfix 35.0.4 as a temporary solution while we worked on a fix (PSA here). We have re-enabled DirectX 12 for AMD Graphics Cards in this Hotfix now that we have made some progress - but we encourage you to continue to share your findings here if the issues persist. 
  • Fixed Topaz Archon Shard embed bonuses not triggering from enemies that were killed by the required conditions.  
    • For example, if you killed an enemy with Electricity Damage, it would not trigger the embed bonus of gaining Ability Damage on enemies affected by Electricity Status. With this fix, if the killing blow was going to apply the required condition, it will count towards the embed bonus. 
  • Fixed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus removing Overshields when triggered. 
  • Fixed a Wares option appearing at Mother when interacting with her immediately after arriving into the Necralisk. 
  • Fixed being unable to complete the Enigma in Kullervo’s Hold due to the final target door not opening.  
  • Fixed the Ammo Pool for Primary Weapons increasing beyond its max intended amount after transforming the Angstrum to its Incarnon Form and picking up ammo while Primary is out.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Animation Sets missing a custom animation while running with the Grimoire. The floor is always lava challenge is officially back on!
  • Fixed Clients not seeing some of Mandonel’s animations. 
  • Fixed dual wielding with the Cirriped Epitaph Skin equipped causing the Epitaph to have offset issues. 
  • Fixed player Voidrig’s arm not moving when aiming down sights while standing still. 
  • Fixed Grimoire’s projectile explosion sound FX at times cutting off. 
  • Fixed projectile explosion sound FX missing for the Morgha and Kuva Ayanga ground Archguns. 
  • Fixed flat lighting issues in the Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed the “Last Words” Ground Finisher missing a Blast Damage icon in the High Noon and Bullet Dance Stance Mod screen. 
  • Fixed the Stahlta Shock Rifle Skin missing controller vibration support. 
  • Fixed icon missing in the HUD for Burston Incarnon’s “Fortress Salvo” buff.
  • Fixed incorrect icons being used in the HUD for the Zylok and Kunai Incarnon evolution buffs. 
Edited by [DE]Danielle
Fix note clarification
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Here's another reminder about some old bugs:

  • unable to see each other in dojo thus not being able to trade
  • mag, mirage, mesa (and now ash) locking their abilities (and sometimes weapons),
  • ash's 4 showing wrong numbers,
  • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing,
  • waypoints(not just in duviri), codex/simulacrum scans,
  • yareli bugs,
  • exalts being unmodded in duviri(and even if that's not a bug, that's a very bad feature that isn't explained anywhere).
  • kahl getting stuck in a rampart on a "Junk run mission"
  • not enough enemies spawning in railjack skirmish missions
  • "More than MAX_REMOTE_OBJECT_ID replicated entities, out of IDs"  crash
  • Moonwalk after transference (yes, it still happens)
Edited by Megazawr
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Please fix the Entrati dialogue at Rank 5 reverting to Rank 1, I beg of you :< 

Also, Operator outfits are still glitching and acting as if only one set exists and overrides any changes and all other gear sets for Operators, this happened after I did cross-save. :( 

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9 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Arcanes offerings from Vendors are now displayed as unranked. 

  • Hovering over the Arcane will now display both its unranked and max rank stats. This is to help avoid players thinking they are buying a fully ranked Arcane.


We need to be able to see IN THE SHOPS the number AND LEVEL of the arcanes we have, not a raw count where every arcane counts as one regardless of level. Without this we can;t shop without constantly going to the arcanes screen to figure out what to buy.

Edited by Void2258
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Thanks for the hotfix!! Especially that Grimoire one, since spawning into Duviri without seeing a base config was actually funny. 

I'm still an upset controller user, and the game still not liking look swapping when in the arsenal

Not Addressed: 

Specific bug trigger at 33 mark in the video.

Not addressed: 

Error Codes revolving around this for DE usage: 
Error: WAR-3884795
Error: WAR-3888855

Edited by Halo
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12 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

  • Changed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus to no longer apply when Shield Gate is triggered. 
    • An unintended degree of invulnerability could be obtained using this effect while continuously triggering Shield Gate, so it was changed to function similarly to Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability, where the Shield recharge is disabled when Shield Gate is triggered and only resumes when the Shields begin to regenerate themselves. 


  • Fixed Topaz Archon Shard embed bonuses not triggering from enemies that were killed by the required conditions.  
    • For example, if you killed an enemy with Electricity Damage, it would not trigger the embed bonus of gaining Ability Damage on enemies affected by Electricity Status. With this fix, if the killing blow was going to apply the required condition, it will count towards the embed bonus. 
  • Fixed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus removing Overshields when triggered. 

Was hoping we'd see something like this since y'all really feel the need to keep breaking my builds:

  • Added an Archon Shard de-combination feature so players don't have to wait 10 years to get another base Tau shard when DE nerfs them.
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The individual eidolon lens blueprints cannot be built in the foundry.  You choose the greater lens to feed it, confirm you want to build, then "Unknown error" pops up.  Any chance of running a script to change those individual blueprints to generic eidolon lens blueprints?

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1 minute ago, Agall said:

Was hoping we'd see something like this since y'all really feel the need to keep breaking my builds:

  • Added an Archon Shard de-combination feature so players don't have to wait 10 years to get another base Tau shard when DE nerfs them.

I mean, you had to know that was a prime target for a nerf. :P  (Although I wouldn't be surprised if it's still very exploitable.)

But it doesn't matter, as you are completely right: this is one of the reasons breaking down shards needs to be a thing.

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30 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Changed the required amount of players needed to start the Effervo boss fight from all squad members to half. This addresses feedback that the boss fight could take a long time to start (and potentially result in Host migrations) if players were off collecting Voca, resources, etc, instead of moving to the boss zone. Players outside of the zone will now be teleported into the arena once activated. 

Great now fix Alchemy extraction! How is that not using endless extraction? Despite clearly being labelled as an endless gamemode. I'd also like the squad scaling mechanic taken off of it, ruins my desire to continue playing in that mode on top of the extraction issue.

30 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed reward containers in the Netracells having different Codex entries. 

RIP that bug, saw that coming a mile away. But still, can't people abuse the fact that it is constant to force another same game instance via host migration to check the reward before redeeming it on another account?


Also, Cavia bounty drop tables anytime soon please?

Edited by Numerounius
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1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

I mean, you had to know that was a prime target for a nerf. :P  (Although I wouldn't be surprised if it's still very exploitable.)

But it doesn't matter, as you are completely right: this is one of the reasons breaking down shards needs to be a thing.

Well all I'll say is that it probably won't be worth running topaz blast shards now since where this helped was content where shield gating is viable. Blast verglas no longer viable if I have a period of health vulnerability. I'll have to test it to see if it broke my current setup.

Still waiting for Tau Crimson shards to drop at any point, since I seem to only get Tau rolls at +60% compared to the blue ones that I've gotten from Netracells and almost every week Tau...

If not, if I could convert those blue tau into red tau, that'd be great. Maybe make it so I have to take a tau blue and normal red to make a tau red.

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