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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.7


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1 hour ago, Flackenstien said:

Angel really should be mandatory for the event.

If DE did make it mandatory for the event then I guess they can remove it after the event is over, though I'm going to say no, I'm leaning heavily towards my if you want to farm the Angel do it on Zarimin, quicker as well, the Angel in the new Assassination is only good for the Event, after that it's useless IMO, unless you're doing it SP Solo and may as well do it on the way out as I do.

In regards to the Curses, I'm already at a Tier: Gold statue so unless there is anything else they're used for then the event is technically over for me.

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59 minutes ago, Orokin said:


If topaz shard was so obviously broken, why did DE release it in that state?


Are you saying DE does not understand their own game? 🤔

Sure it's broken and like opportunistic scavengers without a lick of foresight you all jumped on it and payed the price. Like you thought being unkillable barring toxin damage is something acceptable, delusional. DE Devs aren't gods, they're humans like us they make mistakes, it's up to us the players to do our due diligence.

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It is perfectly normal to criticize DE for the incompetence with which they've handled a lot of the shard bonuses. Some stuff is good, a lot of stuff is either poorly thought out (the shield regen on blast) or not at all tested (I'm looking at you, secondary crit). 

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So my incubator is still locked up. I sent a support ticket. Do I just have to wait for that to be handled or did I miss something? I can't select any organic companions still and the incubator closes immediately when I select it. Still shows nothing incubating. The app shows something there but nothing else about it. 

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that topaz shard was pretty much the only reason for me to come online again....

i know DE is pretty disconnected when it comes so respecting players time, but jesus christ, do they have any idea how much ressources the just burned again.....

such an L-hotfix.... for some ppl i wish internet hate would hurt as much as they pretend it would.....

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I hope they make it like when laetum + glaive equiped

only one weapon animation and nothing prevents you to operate secondary and melee.

dont needed more button

i think only laetum (from single-handed secondaries, which have alt-fire or incarnon mode) now works normally with glaive in equipment

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I wonder how many bug testers they have at the company. You'd think the person who developed these shards would have tested them on all known warframes and weapons that affect such bonuses. I'm talking about the topaz shards specifically. It's like they just test what's off the top of their head and do not have any information to reference. Not only this, but they implemented a confirmation prompt that says the coalescent fusion is irreversible after "fixing" the shards even though the shards' descriptions were unclear. Imagine having a player test to see what a shard does because the descriptions and performance of the shards can't be trusted. We don't know if the description was made to be wrong or specific interactions were bugged either. It's really disrespectful to not provide shard separation after this fiasco...even just a temporary window for separation.

I didn't invest into any of the topaz but I'm upset for those that did.

Edited by Ghastly-Ghoul
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So now that blast is back to useless and the topaz shards have only niche uses we really need a way to separate fused shards. Especially if you plan on randomly making other shards completely worthless

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12 hours ago, Megazawr said:

I bound melee to my scroll wheel and sometimes I get stuck meleeing with it. The issue is definitely not with holding the button.

You've created your own issue in that case, that's entirely on you. No dev is going to waste their limited available dev time adding entire system-level features to accommodate nonsensical keybindings like that that less than 0.1% of players use.

Edited by Hexerin
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19 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Alternatively, just don't hold the melee attack button. There you go, you have your "toggle". DE explained why they didn't (and won't) add a toggle, because it makes no sense to invest dev time into it when the player can simply... not hold the button down.

See, that's cool and all.
Until you realize that a single input (of which there are now THOUSANDS of one going on at once now, thanks Auto-Melee) will queue the next attack anyway.
More inputs = more attacks that I am now FORCED to cancel. Imprecision leads to tiny frustration and that frustration adds up.

I understand how irrelevant it may seem though, this game is dominated by players who you could decapitate and they would still somehow be able to play Warframe.
Because funnily enough, when you build a game so easy that you can press a single button and "do things" for 5+ minutes?
You don't need to use your head... or have one for that matter. My pet rock could play this game. It's called "On Call Crew".

So hey! I know this sounds like a REALLY big thing to ask but...
Why not use that 5+ minutes of clearly-not-testing-basic-mechanics and make a toggle for the rest of us with intact visual receptors. (eyes)


Though, I guess "who cares" is adequate response when I keep hearing of the "lighting" of the game.
Seriously... this is like, what? The 5th revision in a row or something?
I didn't care for the Duviri Skybox, I didn't care for the Fortuna blizzards, I didn't care for the blue smoke seen in literally ONE TILE that causes Corrosive status.
... and I don't care for the Fog in Albrecht's labs.
(Of which I genuinely haven't noticed yet, by the way. Was there even a change there? My graphics have only gotten worse past the update, so it's not a streamlining thing...)

Y'know, for the "devs not having enough time"-- they sure do add a lot of stuff that just seem like padding.
That or they do something silly like Netracells. I don't care how pretty the game is, if my mood is soured by the gameplay-- it's a bad time altogether.

So once again, I'll say for DE:

It shouldn't take this long for such a tiny change!
At least a mechanical balance change would need consideration, this should have been obvious-- and still is!

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7 hours ago, haseo669 said:

Sure it's broken and like opportunistic scavengers without a lick of foresight you all jumped on it and payed the price. Like you thought being unkillable barring toxin damage is something acceptable, delusional. DE Devs aren't gods, they're humans like us they make mistakes, it's up to us the players to do our due diligence.

Honestly I jumped on it thinking that it's broken but probably going to get nerfed to not proc from companions or ablities and actually require a blast status effect rather than damage. The way they've actually nerfed it is just brutal... and still exploitable. With 3 mods we can get a shield recharge delay 1/3 of a second shorter than the shield gate duration with a tiny enough shield pool that you can still infinite shield gate with the damn things. It just takes some mod investment now. 

Net result, making a lot of people upset by a ham fisted nerf with zero effect on people who want to abuse the mechanic.

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3 hours ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

I wonder how many bug testers they have at the company.

I've been around for 5 years, I've seen many portions of the community shift their tone depending on who they're listening to.
Be it DE themselves, some big-name Social Media user... or the rare schmuck to get the unfortunate spotlight.

I believe a big mocking point some few years back prior to crossplay was "DE doesn't test their game, that's what PC is for." since we got all the updates first.
... and to this day? Yeah, that still rings true. Except now it's everyone.

You'd think things like "Jackal's big laser grid going through walls of the Undercroft wouldn't not only been obvious in hindsight...
... but also a great reason at to why it was A STUPID IDEA to add it at all!
Did nobody on the team say "Well, we have a whole bunch of bosses to use. Let's list them all out" or "This seems too unstable, we should pick something more suitable."
I doubt they even got heard, which is saddening.

Say what DE will- and they only will via action when it's something against them- with decision-making like that?
The idea of them using "blind darts" to make the next few update plans is as good as an explanation as any.
If anybody disagrees, can you think of a better way that explains it? I sure can't that isn't either "They're not human" or "They're not doing their job"!
It wasn't due to a lack of trying, I'll say that much. Though I do believe the "They're not human" part is a little on the far-fetched side, but I've seen weirder happen.

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On 2024-01-09 at 2:15 PM, Agall said:

Was hoping we'd see something like this since y'all really feel the need to keep breaking my builds:

  • Added an Archon Shard de-combination feature so players don't have to wait 10 years to get another base Tau shard when DE nerfs them.

But then they'd actually be making sensible decisions instead of purposely bugging extremely hard to attain items so they can "fix" them and cause you play more than twice as much depending on your luck trying to regain your wasted shards. Don't get me started on the absolute genius who came up with the netracel loot pool that you can only play 5 times a week just to get 5 silver arcanes that you can go buy/farm as many times as you want whenever you want. They seem to "understand" balancing shards (orange is objectively the worst out of the 3) but have a really hard time grasping how the netracel loot pool is unbalanced and not worth it.

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On 2024-01-09 at 7:36 PM, Tiltskillet said:

I'm not adverse to it being thrown in the trash, but I think the accuracy debuff would be fine as a secondary effect.  It does make a small difference in the Simulacrum when I'm looking for it and nothing else.  The problem is it's very subtle, and there are a lot of attacks it seems to do nothing on.  (And the sad truth is, a lot of enemies have incredibly pathetic aim anyway.)

If it got something else on top, something impactful and more easy to detect, then I think it could be  fine.   A disarm, a status debuff, a stun, or a combination shield/health vulnerability that was additive to and smaller than magnetic/viral could all be cool. 

That makes sense though.  Stack 1: 30%.  Stack 10: 75%.  9 * 5 = 45.

You might be thinking of Gas.  That description in the wiki (Copied from what we were told, I think in a Dev Workshop.) says "...to all enemies within a 3-meter radius; subsequent procs increase the radius by 0.3 meters up to 6 meters in total after 10 stacks."  That one either starts at 3.3m, caps at 5.7m, or scales at 0.33m.

There is Puncture's weakness debuff, explained in game as reducing damage up to 90%, but is definitely only 80%.  Which is almost certainly the intended amount. 

That subtlety only being noticeable in the Sim already screams useless to me. Yeah, years of Bramma and Ogris have taught us that Viral and Slash, and NNapalm, make them work well, meanwhile blast was just side-lined. Barely noticeable, barely accounted for, and doesn't even work on most of the weps that have it innately when modding for Gapt or Ghot since they don't even work on them to begin with (Galva Apt / Shot). It just feels like a filler element that tries to show something, but it's like the kid in the school project who wrote their name on the title of it, and barely contributed to the whole thing (Yeah, enemy aim is already silly as is). No one in the right mind mods on Blast willingly with 60/60 mods or otherwise. 

I swear to god, when I was eyeing the wiki for that specific stat, it read 80% for the total proc stack bonus. Some nut must have messed with it, and someone realized it and altered it back to the 75% like it should be. 

Overall, Blast needs a glow-up honestly, something minor, but to make it join the club it was outcasted from with the fused elements. 

Still mind-bogglingly upset DE chose the SCORCHED EARTH path of dealing with the "Resonator" issue by nerfing the shard as a whole...

Instead of actually fixing the goddamn thing, which is supposed to proc on BLAST STATUS, NOT DAMAGE, THE  S  T  A  T  U  S

Resonator doesn't even force-proc Blast... Ugh.

Edited by Halo
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16 hours ago, haseo669 said:

Sure it's broken and like opportunistic scavengers without a lick of foresight you all jumped on it and payed the price. Like you thought being unkillable barring toxin damage is something acceptable, delusional. DE Devs aren't gods, they're humans like us they make mistakes, it's up to us the players to do our due diligence.

You act like its ridiculously broken yet if it was actually fixed to be blast status proc it would be even more niche than it was and requires a lot of catering towards to work instead of average brief respite shenanigans, also that all methods of shield gating are obsolete compared to having a revenant with mesmer shield in party so to see blast gating be a pretty damn good option for survival when something like that exists its understandable to see that players wouldnt expect it to be nerfed into the ground while also still not fixing the actual unintended part of the shard based on its description. Also, players shouldnt be so hard punished for playing and testing out this new content then enjoying it and making builds, calling people dumb for doing so is also dumb of you. DE we all beg give us an unfuse option which could be very easily implemented since its the most fair thing to have in a game about making build where people want to experiment and test things out, making such a late game and weekly gated material be a permanent fusion when theyll always be subject to change is very harsh

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Still waiting for the fix to dual-wielding glaives and secondaries. When you dual wield (on PC, not sure about console controls) you have to double-click the scroll wheel in order for the glaive to detonate, and as for secondaries with alt-fires (like the Pandero/Prime, Tenet Plinx or the Azima just to name a few) the alt-fires won't trigger at all when pressing the scroll wheel button. This bug has been around since the Whispers in the Wall update has launched.

Edited by AbyssalSerpent
Typed in a wrong weapon by mistake
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2 minutes ago, AbyssalSerpent said:

Still waiting for the fix to dual-wielding glaives and secondaries. When you dual wield (on PC, not sure about console controls) you have to double-click the scroll wheel in order for the glaive to detonate, and as for secondaries with alt-fires (like the Pandero/Prime, Tenet Plinx or the Athodai just to name a few) the alt-fires won't trigger at all when pressing the scroll wheel button. This bug has been around since the Whispers in the Wall update has launched.


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Hi not sure if anyone could explain it to me simply, but my partners been playing Warframe on the switch since it pretty much came out on that platform. and now they have a gaming pc, and when able want to be able to have the switch progress on pc (steam) do they need to make an account in Warframe on steam first and then link the switch to the steam acc? or what's the go how do i make sure they dont lose their switch progress and its linked correctly for the steam account to have the switch accounts progress when the time comes to do this properly?  thanks again a slightly Confused Tenno.

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14 hours ago, Binket_ said:

I've been around for 5 years, I've seen many portions of the community shift their tone depending on who they're listening to.
Be it DE themselves, some big-name Social Media user... or the rare schmuck to get the unfortunate spotlight.

I believe a big mocking point some few years back prior to crossplay was "DE doesn't test their game, that's what PC is for." since we got all the updates first.
... and to this day? Yeah, that still rings true. Except now it's everyone.

You'd think things like "Jackal's big laser grid going through walls of the Undercroft wouldn't not only been obvious in hindsight...
... but also a great reason at to why it was A STUPID IDEA to add it at all!
Did nobody on the team say "Well, we have a whole bunch of bosses to use. Let's list them all out" or "This seems too unstable, we should pick something more suitable."
I doubt they even got heard, which is saddening.

Say what DE will- and they only will via action when it's something against them- with decision-making like that?
The idea of them using "blind darts" to make the next few update plans is as good as an explanation as any.
If anybody disagrees, can you think of a better way that explains it? I sure can't that isn't either "They're not human" or "They're not doing their job"!
It wasn't due to a lack of trying, I'll say that much. Though I do believe the "They're not human" part is a little on the far-fetched side, but I've seen weirder happen.


You are...on the right track.  Do be cautious though, occasionally DE construes this as developer bashing instead of frustration with the poor state of testing.


On the other side here, PC being "the alpha beta testers" was a thing.  It was also a thing that PC was 4-6 hotfixes ahead of consoles, because they could push an update without any thought.  Instead of hearing "our next update will address this" the PC community got a fix same day.  You're welcome to argue whether that's better or worse, because it meant more buggy released more often, with more patches.  Is it better to have a thousand fixes, or is it better to have more stability with less updates?  Personally, I think that DE was never held to account to release good, and the general industry practices went to utter crap so now the "industry standard" matches such a "beta forever" mindset.



Regarding the updates...I think you're wrong.  It's not a dart on a board.  It's a segment of "rule of cool."  DE chooses what they think is cool to pursue...without a lot of planning.  The Jackal, but in the open, is basically the same as Lephantis on the Plains (Plague Star).  If you can see the pattern, it becomes inescapable that they have no plans....only execution and poor execution.

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15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

nonsensical keybindings like that that less than 0.1% of players use.

actually it made sense and was used by many people before they added an automelee button, because scrolling is faster and easier than mashing the E button. Also it is possible that automelee lock may be caused by the same reason in both cases, and blaming holding the button(like you did) may be wrong.

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Can someone explain this part to me because if it refers to solo-players receiving the same amount of Vitreums in the second and third room then it seems it still has not been fixed. At least for me I noticed that I have not been receiving 3 Vitreums at the second and third eye-room while playing Effervo solo (I tried the options: invite only, friends only and solo) but rather 2 (whereas teams of 4 receive 3 Vitreums at the second and third room each). I played a few runs post-hotfix and I never got a 3 Vitreum eye-room  so far. Maybe I misunderstood this note so thanks already for correcting me :).

  • Fixed the maximum number of Vitreums that can be activated simultaneously in the Assassination, Effervo mission not scaling based on Squad size. 


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The way the blast-shield shards worked before the hotfix was unintended, broken and needed to be fixed. Call it nerfed if you want.

What is NOT okay though, is to completely obliterate the shard's functionality and wasting a lot of players' time because they can't even un-fuse the shards they invested in.

Proposing following changes:
- shield regen is to be triggered only by applying a blast status effect from a warframe ability OR equipped weapon.
- so it's not "op" like it was before: has a chance to be triggered, say 10% per blast status effect applied.

This makes the player having to play more specific loadouts (citrince + high status weapon, for example), or having to apply multiple shards, to get the desired survivability boost.

Meanwhile, negative combo duration being infinite with the rauta, and saryn's influence cheese still exist, I can't believe you went for the blast shards...

Don't just make super random, thoughtless nerfs and call it a day. I beg you, DE. (Also give us a way to de-fuse shards again, thanks.)

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Strange, that they dont fix topaz blast procs from sentinel's verglas

i understand that this feature for 0,000000....0001% of players (cuz noone want to stand in real mission for shield charging), but it think that YOU need to deal damage with YOUR weapon

not your companion

but verglas with 33,6 fire rate and 1,8 multishot and two shards can charge two channeled abilities



but i dont check other status proc chance, so i can be wrong about companions

Edited by JezzailPrime
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