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PSA: Hotfixing Paused for Upcoming February Interim Update


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Maybe I’m an outlier on this, but I really don’t see a problem with Netracells. Everything is a grind in WF, we have multiple ways to get Shards. Extra arcanes? Sell ‘em or grind them up. I wouldn’t mind an SP variant to Netracells with more streamlined rewards if that is what people want. 

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2 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:
  • Fixing Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance ability not benefitting from Tennokai. 

Can we have much more important bug fixed: Kullervo Teleport not being able to teleport in certain locations (e.g. through doors, when you are under some stairs like in Simulacrum)? You could, as fair I remember, crouch to teleport without problems.

And other teleport (Ash) works fine through doors etc.

And there is cooldown - could you remove it?



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26 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Did you watch the video?  It sounds like they're doing that and making improvements on what we've got.  

Of course I don't know how impactful those changes will be.

Sad Love You GIF by Muppet Wiki

lol, I'll accept the hug... It made me laugh hard lol. 

Just to make a point: a month and a half too 2 months solution doesn't solve the problem now :) I'm done complaining :p

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)APinho said:

Just to make a point: a month and a half too 2 months solution doesn't solve the problem now :) I'm done complaining :p

Actually I looked again at the devshort, and it's  ambiguous at best whether Reb was talking about improvements to Netracells or just recapping the new mode they teased in the stream last week.  So...hell if I know.

5 minutes ago, (XBOX)APinho said:

lol, I'll accept the hug... It made me laugh hard lol. 

Haha, nice. Best Friends GIF by PeacockTV


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Thanks for the heads up Sam. I just want to remind there's a rather annoying bug with certain specific cloth parts going on, hoping the upcoming February or March updates finally tackles it for those specific items:

To make a condensed list of what's in the thread:

  • Base:
    • Gauss
    • Volt
    • Wisp
  • Prime:
    • Banshee Prime
    • Nidus Prime
    • Volt Prime
  • Deluxe:
    • Excalibur Zato
    • Equinox Antonim
    • Valkyr Carnivex
    • Hydroid Rakkam
    • Harrow Reliquary
    • Revenant Mephisto
    • Zephyr Harrier
    • Nyx Pasithea
    • Nekros Irkalla
    • Ember Pyraxis

Thanks for your time as always.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Howdy, Tenno!

hi, I don't suppose there might be a fix for the Protosomid Shoulder guard being invisible on PlayStation? myself and a few others have encountered this, and there are multiple reports of it on the forums. apparently it's been like this a while too. 

thanks as always, looking forward to the February fixes!

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2 hours ago, quxier said:

Çok daha önemli bir hatayı düzeltebilir miyiz: Kullervo Teleport'un belirli konumlara ışınlanamaması (örneğin, Simulacrum'daki gibi bazı merdivenlerin altındayken kapılardan geçerek)? Hatırladığım kadarıyla çömelerek ışınlanma işlemini sorunsuz bir şekilde gerçekleştirebiliyordunuz.

Ve diğer ışınlanma (Ash) kapılardan vb. geçerek iyi çalışır.

Ve bekleme süresi var; bunu kaldırabilir misiniz? 

You need to mod for kulluvero, it works without any problems, if the cooldown is removed, you can always hit the same skill many times in a row, there are already mods that reduce the cooldown in Tonkai Exilus modes, so you should use range mods.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

This update serves to address issues that require code fixes and changes. Some heavy hitters from our “Known Issues” list that will be fixed . . .

Hey, the Sortie and Archon Hunt UI reward bug got acknowledged, but hasn't been added to Known Issues.  It'd be good to add it, given how many posts there've been about rewards not being received.

For reference:



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6 hours ago, Phi_Silva said:

Can’t wait for Star days. It’s a shame we’re approaching the final Void Corruption Alert, they were nice while they lasted!

Star days is up right now.

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DE, are you aware or planning to fix the problem with Mandonel's charge shot when using it with a Necramech?

On 2023-12-23 at 3:35 PM, 3.FMS.8 said:

I tried using the mandonel with the necramech in the sanctum anatomica missions, and sometimes instead of buffing the projectiles that go through the area of the charged shot it instead delets them, i tried using the archgun deployer with the warframe and it worked fine, not sure if something in particular needs to happen to trigger this bug, but it seems less common with the warframe archun deployer than with the necramech


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I don't know if this was addressed but alot of us are still having chat problems. "Failed to connect to chat server" Is this a warframe issue or a device issue? If anyone knows how to fix this please help.

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Netra-hell? I see nothing hellish there.

Just 15 minutes of solo running-jumping-shooting-strikes with some combination of debuffs. Tricky part is not so tricky, when you do this with correct frame+mods+arcanes build.

Any run it is chance to something special you can get only there. But it is still only chance=\ So, Netracell it is not "Gift from Lotus", but i can say this about all RNG-depending things in Warframe=)

But i can understand how it`ll may be to hard for many not so experienced or/and skilled players, and it usualy causing harder expectations from this mode.

As for me, golden & silver arcanes from Netracell, it is same sort of "try harder next time", as netracoil & entrati obols as rotation rewards in Alchemy, stela on Mirror def, trashy mods as rotation rewards in Extraction, Survival, Def etc.

Completely worthless and unwanted things we see as rewards everywhere in Warframe. So, it is not only Netracell problem, but it is problem of entire Warframe reward system.

I hope, all this trash will be removed from all drop tables one day. In any "common", "uncommon" and "rare" section of most game modes we can see usefull and worthless things.

So, my point is simple: worthless things must be erased from reward pools ever, cause nobody feels satisfacted by getting them by harder way than they usualy gets in fantasticly large ammounts while usual activities XD

Edited by DstroyR_Prime
Optimization of to large text.
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23 hours ago, Void2258 said:

So no fixes for Netracells and they remain horrible for at least a couple weeks then?

Bold of you to assume it’s going to get fixed after those “couple of weeks”

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"Hot-fixes paused", damn-- fog engine really took it's toll, huh?

So I assume when you're back from your vacation, you'll be right and fit to DO YOUR JOB, right?
... I'm kidding, in case it wasn't clear. You're welcome to prove my expectations wrong, but it's not very high to begin with.

On 2024-02-01 at 3:21 PM, Koldraxon-732 said:

DE'll have a clearer response on how they'd like to fix it in this month's Devstream.

Protip from someone who has been seeing DE's nonsense for the past 5 years:
Expecting them to have cohesive logic is like praying for a miracle.
It'll happen a handful of times, usually never when you actually need it.

I'm fully expecting them to have one of these solutions:
Though it is not limited to these ones.

  • "Oh, this fix is actually very difficult. We have to make an ENTIRE UPDATE just to fix this tiny issue."
    • The whole reason Melee got overhauled was Maiming Strike, by the way.
    • It became "super simplified" to use to encourage guns more because nobody was using them... because Atterax cleared entire ESO rooms on it's own.
    • Corpus Windows breaking and locking down the map? Yeah, rework the entire tileset. Obviously.
    • Etc, etc.
      • For this case? Expect a PROPER fix years down the line.
  • "Due to the (very small minority) saying this is completely fine/terrible, we took their advice and did the bare minimum of fixes/a fix everyone disliked."
    • Translated to them fixing the mode we wanted them to fix, but in no way actually addressing anything we were concerned with.
    • Mainly to avoid losing the fractionally small amount of people showering DE with compliments.
    • ... or it's cases like the Universal Medallions not being usable in Conclave. Despite literally needing THOUSANDS of a low-chance drop just to max it out. 
  • "Because [EMPLOYEE] asked veeeeery nicely, we're changing [WARFRAME/WEAPON/MECHANIC]."
    • See also: Revenant's Mesmer Skin.
    • Do I even need to elaborate on that?

For the sake of "Netracells of the Decayed Hells"? I'd bank on the second. It seems like the right time for that card.

On 2024-02-01 at 3:30 PM, Void2258 said:

They can't even give us a visible kill zone in the mission so people stop killing outside of it.

See, that would imply INFORMING players is anything worth doing.
When you raise players to have thick skulls so they can break down walls, you have to expect them to have the brain capacity of a bludgeoning stick.

To fix players being dumb? You gotta make 'em a Tutorial.
It won't be a foolproof solution, but it GREATLY improves the experience for both dev and play alike in the long run.
... it's really that simple. I've told DE this 5 years ago, this has not changed.

No, Vor's Prize is not a tutorial. The Tips need to be more than "These functions sure do exist!"

On 2024-02-01 at 4:19 PM, (XBOX)APinho said:

I don't think you guys get it and it is sad. Do you see all the comments about netra-hell? Players are upset with reason that we are getting bad rewards for a hard mode mission.

I mean, it's more that- regardless of the difficulty- the rewards are pretty damn deplorable as is.

But hey, this is the same company that said "Don't like Auto-Melee? Just don't melee lmao" from the top-dogs themselves.
Honestly, I should file "Most Tone-deaf Humans" in the world record departments. It probably wouldn't go through, but god damn do I feel like it would. 

On 2024-02-01 at 4:51 PM, Mythryth said:

Maybe I’m an outlier on this, but I really don’t see a problem with Netracells.

It's the same reason as Endo/Credits, albeit turned up to a vastly higher degree.

"Why would I run this mode for specifically an item that I'm not prone to getting? All the other rewards drop from locations at a much easier pace."
Combine with the fact that most players in teams don't understand "KILL IN DESIGNATED AREA"? (because they're a bunch of morons who think raw strength is the only thing that matters.)
... and the notion that it's not very fun to begin with?

Yeah, it's a recipe for disaster. Who would've seen that coming?
Of course, we as an audience know full well that DE will not actively fix this.
So we take to the forums to "persuade" them... as much as one possibly can with a company using such draconian logic that is.

On 2024-02-01 at 5:14 PM, Tiltskillet said:

Actually I looked again at the devshort, and it's  ambiguous at best whether Reb was talking about improvements to Netracells or just recapping the new mode they teased in the stream last week.

It's DE, they're notorious for only fixing things if it's relevant to the latest update.
God help you if there's something you need from- for instance- Kahl, Zariman, Duviri, Fortuna or even the Kuva Fortress to name a few.
If you're lucky, they may fix something minor at best from those areas.

I understand this is common knowledge to older players, but there is sadly no good way to put it for newer players.
So, it falls to people making enough of a stink to get things done PROPERLY.
Seriously, why was their solution to "Auto-Melee" the most redundant and useless answer to exist? I'll tell ya why, it's not relevant to their team's hyperfixations. It'll get shafted until it makes enough bugs to BE fixed... and even in THAT case...

21 hours ago, --F--NerevarCM said:

You mean that gigantic bright yellow circle on the map?

The red circle once you actually input the correct key into the Netracell.
The yellow one is an approximate range of the Netracell to find it.
That's why we have the terminals which shrink that range.

Some of you need a better minimap and it shows.

14 hours ago, DstroyR_Prime said:

Please use line breaks.
I don't got a problem reading that myself-- but it helps for others.

True, garbage rewards aren't exclusive to Netracells.
It's just that it's especially apparent here for very little reason.

Personally, I'd love to see ALL the Endo/Credits stripped from anything above Level 30, barring modes which specifically reward those.
"Why would I want 15k Credits from spending 20 minutes in a Survival when the Index rewards 250k in a less than half the time?!"
That shouldn't be a question anyone still has to ask.

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Are you also going to fix Kullervo's Overshield not showing up in Steel Path circuit? It would also be great if you could fix Overshields disappearing and incarnon weapons losing  incarnon mode whenever the host leaves a mission early causing a host migration. I assume this is being caused due to some incompatibility in cross-platform data formats so it seems this should be possible to fix now using the new cross-platform save data format right?

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I just wanna leave this out here as returning to active player after a long time, so i wanna max my builds but for 2 mounths straight i cant get tau forged shards (all the ones i need) and not to talk about the netracell it makes 0 sense with the drops from all weeks done i only got 3 normal shards it is a disaster, lucky i find other ways to play and enjoy but cant get my dream builds yet but of course DE doesnt even care about the netracells.

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On 2024-02-01 at 11:50 PM, Olphus said:

You mean the red circle that's visible on the map? That visible kill zone?

not everyone is playing on the minimap, some people actually look at the game world. also the visibility even on the map seems confusing at best, case in point this guy who tried to do an epic put down similar to yours, but really just put his foot in his mouth.

On 2024-02-02 at 12:58 AM, --F--NerevarCM said:

You mean that gigantic bright yellow circle on the map?

and thanks for providing reasons why this issue needs to be addressed, when even the people who are so smug they think there is no issue get it so hilariously wrong. 

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4 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

not everyone is playing on the minimap, some people actually look at the game world. also the visibility even on the map seems confusing at best, case in point this guy who tried to do an epic put down similar to yours, but really just put his foot in his mouth.

and thanks for providing reasons why this issue needs to be addressed, when even the people who are so smug they think there is no issue get it so hilariously wrong. 

It's entirely on the player if they ignore information given by the game. Don't even try to spin it and/or gaslight people, my dude.

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On 2024-02-01 at 11:58 PM, --F--NerevarCM said:

You mean that gigantic bright yellow circle on the map?

How come your cicle is yellow? my os red. can you change colors?


On 2024-02-02 at 7:34 AM, DstroyR_Prime said:

Netra-hell? I see nothing hellish there.


I do it solo now so I don't have to deal with people that keep killing outside the red zone. I can solo in 11min.

I really do it for the shards and getting stuff like the regular arcanes and stuff that I can get with standings is just a wast of my time. 


On 2024-02-02 at 9:49 PM, Binket_ said:

"Hot-fixes paused", damn-- fog engine really took it's toll, huh?


You hit the nail in the head mate. I wanted to quote everything you wrote. If you being complaining for 5 years I imagine I will be complaining for 5 more years lol. guess is time to stop investing in this game like I did with eso.

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8 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

not everyone is playing on the minimap, some people actually look at the game world. also the visibility even on the map seems confusing at best, case in point this guy who tried to do an epic put down similar to yours, but really just put his foot in his mouth.

So you're telling me the killzone is visible, but you're choosing to ignore it? I don't know what's confusing about a red circle you glance at while killing enemies, do you ignore enemy radar as well? Takes very little effort to read the minimap and go back to "the game world".

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1 час назад, (XBOX)APinho сказал:

I do it solo now so I don't have to deal with people that keep killing outside the red zone. I can solo in 11min.

Well, 15 minutes at max, with worst conditions such as to widespread of terminals locations and spawn of the drones to far from killing zone. So, "10-15 minutes", if be completely correct.


2 часа назад, (XBOX)APinho сказал:

I really do it for the shards and getting stuff like the regular arcanes and stuff that I can get with standings is just a wast of my time.

Honestly, all what we do in Warframe we do mostly for something else, instead what we usualy get. "RNG is true enemy" (С)(TM). But we not so care about unfortunately runs if we can try again. Only our free time question, at least (and having of required relics, for example). But Netracell... Well, only real "hellist" thing there, it is limit of 5 tryes per week, as for me.

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11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

It's entirely on the player if they ignore information given by the game. Don't even try to spin it and/or gaslight people, my dude.

no, not really. when the information is either hidden to the side of where the game happens, or overlaps where the game happens, it is just bad design and the complaints people have about this are valid. we know for a fact the game can do these kind of indicators within the game world, so not doing it in such an awkward game mode feels... intentional. best case is it's just incompetence. 


7 hours ago, Olphus said:

So you're telling me the killzone is visible, but you're choosing to ignore it?

show me where I said that. 

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