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The biggest turn off to new players I've talked to is the foundry timer. I believe it may be time to either reduce it or remove the timer.


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Personally I don't really mind the foundry timeras to build items but new players coming into the game have told me that this part of the foundry is rather annoying to them, since they want to play with a certain item but they need to wait between 1 to 3 days. Plus you now, somehow forma still takes 24 houra up to this day.

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It's annoying but it's just that. Annoying. Not problematic beyond that - they have the option to pay if they really have 0 patience (but in that case I don't recommend playing such game).

Furthermore, I suspect there are a lot more problems to new players than the duration of the crafts. It's just your anecdotal evidence based on a handful of interactions.

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The foundry has for me been one of the best things with WF. I came here from MMOs with manual crafting. I've wasted less time in WF over the course of 6 (going on 7) years than I did in WoW over the course of a month, or a day in ArchAge or Black Desert more or less. Here I just start things up and then I can go do whatever I want in the game, aswell as log of and do something completely unrelated to the game. 

It really only comes down to having to wait early on, since at that point you craft a multitude of things with few to play with as you wait. But after that point you will practically always have something read to use as other things are cooking.

Oh and I've spent less time in WF over these years than I did before I could even start playing my Doctor in Star Wars Galaxies.

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I've said this many times before, but DE should add an item that instantly rushes build timers and then give like 5+ to new accounts. Then just explain to those accounts that they are very rare and consumable items. That way people are more invested in the game and are eased in to the system so it's not such a sudden shock.

We already have something like this.


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It’s really not a problem I just build stuff while I sleep and go to work and if it’s something that needs rushed I just pay to rush it


very rarely though


usually I just wait and do other stuff or grind other stuff while I wait especially if it’s long 

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56 minutes ago, TapelessDawn said:

new players coming into the game have told me that this part of the foundry is rather annoying to them, since they want to play with a certain item but they need to wait between 1 to 3 days

As much as I'd like reduced timers, I don't think it's gonna happen - free to play game has to have a way to make money and incentivize people to pay plat to time skip if they'd like, or wait patiently. Tbh 3 days is not very long at all, and most new players don't have many inventory slots to be rushing equipment like that. It can just sit completed in the foundry until they have slots, which is what a lot of players use it for.

It might be nice for new players to have some sort of "one time free rush" or something tbf, but then I could totally see reports of people using it and going "oh I didn't know what this was, it scammed me" and bothering support to reverse it when they use it on something. So, not sure what could be done, but something to sort of get new players to try out things faster would be nice. The starting plat helps, but people often have to use it to buy slots immediately since they're so valuable, so maybe starting slots could increase for equipment?

I do think it's a discussion worth having, just that tweaking the existing timers probably isn't an option from DE's standpoint and they're unlikely to do that.

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19 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

I've said this many times before, but DE should add an item that instantly rushes build timers and then give like 5+ to new accounts. Then just explain to those accounts that they are very rare and consumable items. That way people are more invested in the game and are eased in to the system so it's not such a sudden shock.

We already have something like this.


Like ... :platinum: ?

Why add something else ?

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hace 14 minutos, Chewarette dijo:

Like ... :platinum: ?

Why add something else ?

Honestly it could appear as an alert item, similar to how orokin reactors and catalysts do.

An alternative to rush the making of items through in game activities, platinum can be adquured from teading but giving new players some form to use items theyvmay be crafting at that moment, could be good if timers were to not be adjusted.

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24 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Why add something else ?

Because it's a waste of plat. That initial 50 plat will always be better spent on slots.

Having a different resource lets players ease into the system without being punished with fewer slots (which again, you should never do).


And rush repair drones already exist.

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Though, they are using a FTP model they have cultivated for over a decade. Its likely in their business model that certain people and players will just naturally bounce off. As in thats expected and planned around. Hence, suggestions or ideas around dramatic changes always need to be considered carefully, as far as DE actually implementing them, or players with the best intentions, understanding or realising why our suggestion or idea may not be implemented. 

Not exactly the same, but imagine the thing you know the most about relative to the general publics ignorance. Now consider someone random who doesn't have your experience or knowledge or has their career and livelihood invested in it directly, coming in and making a radical suggestion that doesn't work with your established and consistent and proven approach. Could it be successful? Sure, sometimes its actually the fresh, random, new take that may find success... or, it goes wrong and the risks don't pay out and money, time and effort is wasted. 

Anecdotal, but most of the people I have spoken to, bounced off Warframe... because they don't like farming. So DE should obviously just have all the Warframes unlocked right at the beginning right? Well... eh, probably not worth the risk. Changes can and do happen, but usually with market research, analysed trends, careful consideration, yadda yadda. Games aren't necessarily looking for the widest market of potential players, but a certain large amount that are okay with certain systems, that can eventually end up turning engagement into money/profit. 

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2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

I've said this many times before, but DE should add an item that instantly rushes build timers and then give like 5+ to new accounts. Then just explain to those accounts that they are very rare and consumable items. That way people are more invested in the game and are eased in to the system so it's not such a sudden shock.

I don't think that would work. You're gonna have 2 kinds of players. There will be impatient ones that use all 5 within their first few days and are still frustrated, like the ones that use their starter 50 plat on cosmetics before they have any idea what they're doing. Then there will be ones that take the time to figure out what's going on (and maybe never use them). Like I sat on my starter plat for a couple of weeks before I spent them on slots.

The RJ repair drones come much later once people have played the game for quite a while. And as others have stated, platinum is the universal rush item, even though people really should just either wait or buy stuff outright.

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12 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

There will be impatient ones that use all 5 within their first few days and are still frustrated

WF was never going to keep players like this in the first place.

12 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

Then there will be ones that take the time to figure out what's going on

Then they'll be able to keep them for something important later on, that's fine.

But there are players in between that this item would benefit their experience IMO. And it's not like it'd hurt to try.

12 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

And as others have stated, platinum is the universal rush item

But it's a non-choice in reality, especially for new players. My suggestion gives the best of both worlds.

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3 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

Then they'll be able to keep them for something important later on, that's fine.

But there are players in between that this item would benefit their experience IMO. And it's not like it'd hurt to try.

It still feels like a trap to me that's going to cause more frustration. More stuff to pile on the things they need to learn when starting the game that could feel like a bait and switch for buying platinum after those 5 are used up. Lots of new players feel this with the 50 starter plat as is, asking how to get more in chat. Yes some of the impatient ones were never going to click anyway, but seems lit it turns a mild stumble into being purposefully tripped.

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1 hour ago, Hobie-wan said:

More stuff to pile on the things they need to learn when starting the game that could feel like a bait and switch for buying platinum after those 5 are used up.

But at least you get the bait. Currently (in the eyes of new players) all you get is the "switch".

And people are much more likely to stick with something once they're invested.

1 hour ago, Hobie-wan said:

Lots of new players feel this with the 50 starter plat as is, asking how to get more in chat.

And then you just tell them you can trade for it. If you don't find a way to make players like this invested in the first place (starter plat), they're the type that will never stick with the game (on their own) in the first place. My aim is to just help draw them in before they give up (plat is a non-option from a logic standpoint). 

You can only do so much in a F2P game, and WF has the best model by far. But it can be a decent shock coming from something like linear FPS $60 games, but it's only "shocking" in the beginning.

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If new players are put off by crafting times then they won't last long in Warframe anyways with all the time gates the game has.

If it's not crafting times it'll be mastery tests, standing caps, daily/weekly caps, weekly rotations, event rotations, and/or open world cycles. Crafting times are the most lenient system here since it starts the moment you put something in and ends without you needing to do anything while almost everything else is out of the player's control depending on their schedule/investment. So if the foundry is a roadblock for them then they're in for a very bumpy ride for the rest of the game.

Also the game literally requires time gates to function. Otherwise most players would be left with nothing to do having finished content/updates even faster and new players could catch up and be finished far faster. And while it's usually just a meme one does have to worry about the monkey paw curling when trying to get anything tied to a game's monetization changed; if DE did reduce/remove crafting timers there'd no longer be rush costs and who knows what DE might replace them with.

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Warframe is one of the few communities that don't want something to benefit them such as reducing timers. It's really weird, it's like people enjoy punishment, which makes sense since they continue grinding even after DE over inflated the grind to the point where it can take weeks to get a single item. Like why would you defend a timer when you can just get the item as soon as you finished grinding for the resources?

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12 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

Warframe is one of the few communities that don't want something to benefit them such as reducing timers. It's really weird [...] Like why would you defend a timer when you can just get the item as soon as you finished grinding for the resources?

... Because people understand that DE needs (multiple) ways to monetize what is honestly probably the best F2P game on the market. Like seriously, go play a gatcha or Destiny and you'll be begging for stuff like foundry timers.

You start giving away too much for free and there is no game to complain about/wait on in the first place.

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33 minutes ago, _Eclips3_ said:

Warframe is one of the few communities that don't want something to benefit them such as reducing timers. It's really weird, it's like people enjoy punishment, which makes sense since they continue grinding even after DE over inflated the grind to the point where it can take weeks to get a single item. Like why would you defend a timer when you can just get the item as soon as you finished grinding for the resources?

It's the result of having some understanding as to how the world, gamedev, and players work. Padding exists due to development times and player behaviors while monetization exists to keep the game/dev running. Affect one and the devs will need to ensure both are maintained well enough for their goals. And WF being a live service owned by a major company means those goals are growth (monetization and player counts) and player retention (return incentives).

Now sure DE could nuke crafting times and change nothing else but that's an incredibly unlikely outcome. Plus if they did that then players would be pointing at it as the reason next time DE monetizes something some players take issue with, resulting in another wave of community drama.

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7 hours ago, TapelessDawn said:

t new players coming into the game have told me that this part of the foundry is rather annoying to them, since they want to play with a certain item but they need to wait between 1 to 3 days.

then you need to tell these players to get used to it, because that's how these kinds of games work; timegates, standing caps and other tactics to pad out gameplay length. it is what it is.

1 hour ago, _Eclips3_ said:

Like why would you defend a timer when you can just get the item as soon as you finished grinding for the resources?

I hope you're not under the naïve assumption that if they scrapped the foundry system, they wouldn't replace it with something else... because they would, probably something even worse. ain't no way we're getting instant craft times because the game has to be consistently monetized somehow: Prime packs and updates bring in cash but if they only relied on that there'd be down-time between updates where there'd be very little money coming in, and that could affect the quality of future releases.

people need to realise there are much worse things in life than having to wait for stuff. 

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You mean remove the business model?

Not only no, hell no. This game has one of the most fair monetization schemes in gaming, and is actually fully free.

I'd prefer it stay that way.

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