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Opinion of Loyal Merulina, from a disgruntled Yareli main (with tl;dr summary)


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I think this is a good take and I sympathise. Personally, I am the kind of player who might be more inclined to use Yareli a bit more because of the upcoming augment, but I still think your issues and criticisms are well founded. Though as far as my own use... well. It might also be a tile set issue. 

I don't play much Warframe right now, since I am on a mini break. I log in once a week, to check out some of the weekly rotations, like Teshin, Iron Wake, maybe do Archons, maybe do some Netracells. A few weeks ago, I decided Yareli might be a fun choice for a solo Netracell. Her speed and mobility on Merulina would be handy for the large tile set and hacking, and then her CC and powers with Secondary Buffs would be good for the red circle phase. I actually had a lot of fun. The tile set was also large enough, that I didn't have that many issues with getting around on Merulina. With her Secondary buffs, also made quick work of the enemies. However... there were certain issues that popped up. Times when Secondary wouldn't fire/work, or no abilities would work, or just some other small bug/issue. Nothing super significant, but I nearly died a few times, because of it, and in a solo Netracell mission... So it is a bit of a shame that such issues persist and plague the character. Even if small or the type that can be overlooked, still a disservice for the players that stick by her and her identity/design, and a shame for those that might want to try her out, because of the fun potential. 

Augment still looks interesting and exciting for me as well. Just for convenience and reliability, especially on more tile sets. Though if it was possible to have both, as in the ability to jump on it or off it and have it trail, for missions where you want to zoom around, but areas that are issues can jump off. 

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1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:

Sorry to hear that. Sadly I cannot help because I don't know what exactly you don't understand.

i just don't know what point you were trying to make. not to insult you, please understand, but perhaps you could phrase what you trying to say a bit better? again very sorry.

Ok, so I've made 4 points.


9 hours ago, quxier said:
10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

You get the 90% DR and the damage redirection

It's assumption.

continued here

1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:

Ok, it's applies to Merulina. Does it applies to Yareli as well? Maybe. but you don't have any mod config. Maybe it's adaptation or something causing that *cough* 90% damage reduction *cough*. It's just rank 40 enemies, in the corridor, CCed by merulina (Sea snare).

The DR should apply to Yareli as well otherwise it wouldn't really make sense to run the augment at all. 

It hardly makes sense to run Merulina at all. 4th is not great. 3rd has lot of time and 1st you can spam easily with or without Merulina.

Merulina takes/ban/disallow most of things and give you JUST "better" 4th casting and 90% damage reduction. And, as I said, 4th is not great too. Damage reduction or similar things can be achieved other ways as well. So unless you like K-drive (nothing wrong with that) then there is no reason to run it. So her augment NOT applying DR make sense for me. However I'm not going to waste time disusing it as it can work either way.


Next point:

9 hours ago, quxier said:
10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

Now, Loyal Merulina seems like a "true" augment at first: it changes completely how the ability functions and opens up an alternative playstyle. However, what this augment also does is cover up the mess and jank that is Merulina. By eliminating the need to be on Merulina, the augment hides the bugs and glitches that come with it. 

In short, Loyal Merulina is a bandaid.

AFAIR, one that posted suggestion about this mentioned this as well.

I meant that user that suggested "Loyal Merulina" were aware that it's bandaid mod.


Next point

9 hours ago, quxier said:
10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

The radio silence that is already happening, is truly deafening. 

Let me give you Brug (bro hug). Welcome to the family. It happens a lot.

I meant that DE not answering happens 99% of the time. You post something and you don't know if it were:

- read

- ignored

- good suggestion

- bad suggestion

because there is no answer in that topic.

There are "answer" in some form in "update notes" and "Devstream" sometimes.


And the last point

9 hours ago, quxier said:
10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

tl;dr: I welcome more people finally playing Yareli (though a little sad it'll be without actually using Merulina as originally intended), even if it's through the augment's introduction, but the fact that the augment will be introduced at all tells me DE may have given up on trying to fix Merulina, which doesn't sit right with me. 

The most people that wanted to play Yareli would already play her. You can already use 1, 3, 4 and passive. Some Sea snares won't change it too much - you have it already on 1. Damage reduction that require mod? Just slap adaptation and/or rolling guard.

If it was some sort of tap/hold functionality that you can change midsession then they could at leas allow helminht in automatic proces (you need to press/hold just one key - You are on Merulina > you try to cast Helminth > Yareli changes into "pet mode" & cast helminth > turn on Merulina again).

is that the new augment won't change number of Yareli players TOO MUCH.

1 hour ago, SpiritTeA said:

Yareli problem is not K-Drive, Yareli problem is some completely ****** farming. Probably among the worst. I finished quest just to find out I need to do something else (God knows what without wiki) to get her parts. Well nope. No way. Just f@ck it. It’s good I had platinum from prime access and bought whole Yareli bundle, otherwise I’d still won’t have her.

That’s why this augment won’t fix anything

While game doesn't fully explain everything abadoning quest because you don't like to read is laughable. Now you have even less tasks. How hard is to understand "kill 5 enemies with secondary while riding k-drive"?

1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:
2 hours ago, SpiritTeA said:

Yareli problem is not K-Drive, Yareli problem is some completely ****** farming. Probably among the worst. I finished quest just to find out I need to do something else (God knows what without wiki) to get her parts. Well nope. No way. Just f@ck it. It’s good I had platinum from prime access and bought whole Yareli bundle, otherwise I’d still won’t have her.

That’s why this augment won’t fix anything. 

waverider isn't too hard.

The waverider CAN be hard. On my old, weak pc I couldn't finish it. Game just blatantly didn't care about tricks for few seconds. I could:

- do a trick

- land

- no trick score

On the new PC it's better but I still don't understand what I've done to finish some parts.

1 hour ago, SpiritTeA said:
1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:

no her problem is definitely the k-drive, waverider isn't too hard.

Yes Wavedriver isn’t hard, I did it very fast when I get into K-Drive. But you completely ignored my statement. WAVEDRIVER DOES NOT GIVE YOU MERULINA. Unlike Khora which can be farmed in Sanctuary Onslaught with ridiculous droprates(and you can actually realize it when you start getting her blueprints in SO), I have 0 clues where to farm Yareli. Game doesn’t tell me where to farm her, her parts aren’t even brought from Ventkids. I still have no clue where and how to farm her.

*Meanwhile game*:


Blueprint for the Yareli Warframe can be earned by completing The waverider Quest. Component blueprint can be researched in the Ventkids' Bash Lab Dojo room.

You can ask:

- how do I start Waverider quest

- Ventkids' Bash Lab Dojo room

which is fine - game is not perfect. However saying that game doesn't tell you where to farm here is a lie.

1 hour ago, MutoManiac said:

The new augment is just weird that makes you not use merulina. What’s the point in using her then? The reason I like her is that she has a different way to move around tilesets just like Titania and Wukong which makes her fun.

I've used her for cheesing "Rap tap tap" man farm in Kuva survival. Take Yareli, put lot of strength, put Roar on her 2nd (remove Merulina), activate Aquablades. Proc viral/heat. Profit.

30 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:
11 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

the fact that the augment will be introduced at all tells me DE may have given up on trying to fix Merulina, which doesn't sit right with me. 

DE painted themselves into a corner by constantly making new frames, while the rate of reworks and fixes for frames was almost nothing in comparison. most fixes are done to the newest frame to ensure it still sells (Xaku and Kullervo come to mind) but once the community "accepts" it,

The problem is not that they release too many new frames. The problem is that the state of those frames. If the frame on release (except Xaku that were Work in progress kind of thing) is either bad, have some issues but are "good enough" (not breaking game) then those problem stacks.

33 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

it's easy to say "Caliban is never used", without asking "why is Caliban never used?"

and next person will ask "what is Caliban?". :D

34 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

we now have so many frames that it's pretty much impossible now for there to be consistent reworks, and yeah, it grinds my gears a lot. Yareli is unfortunately just one of several frames that are on the pile of "effective enough but could be much better" along with Chroma, Equinox, Loki, etc. 

Yeah "effective enough but has some problems". Same for Dagath or Xaku. Yareli's Merulina is at least "pretty bad" so it's visible. When talking about Xaku people says it's good but they play only 1 style. Yet any problem with other styles are disregarded BECAUSE 1 STYLE IS GOOD.

39 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:
1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:

it's just completely stupid to create a new room, JUST for her parts, and the ghoulsaw parts when it could've all just been in the tenno lab (for yareli) and the grineer lab (for the ghoulsaw). like why even go through the effort to create something so meaningless lmfao

it also means those damn kids are forever in my dojo now.. touching all my decorations with their grubby little hands... pests, the lot of them!

That's why you have made a room and here is scene


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39 minutes ago, MutoManiac said:

I know, but you can do that with any frame so it’s just a weird thing they are doing. The players who like Yareli won’t use it and others will not see a reason to use her since her other abilities are nothing special. Hopefully they’ll eventually rethink it and just incorporate the “companion” merulina as a toggle so we don’t need an augment.

I'm not sure about the sample size but I've seen quite a few people interested in picking her up once the augment drops, on here, reddit, twitter and region chat. It probably isn't enough to boost her popularity, but you never know... 

There's more to love about Yareli than just her main gimmick, and I suppose DE wants to do something about that (just did it in a way I don't agree with, but I digress).

I'll make a build with the augment, but yeah like you said I'll probably stick to Merulina Guardian. 

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It’s almost as if they released this augment knowing they wouldn’t be able to fix all the bugs of Merulina…

On the bright side, cheers for opening up a new playstyle, but I prefer my buggy k-drive. 

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I think even if the bugs/issues with Merulina were fixed, there would still be players who prefer being able to play as the cute Warframe without a K-drive, and so that makes me happy about this mod.

That said, I do hope that this mod doesn't eclipse the need to address those aforementioned issues.

Edited by UnstarPrime
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20 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

What the introduction of Loyal Merulina tells me, is that at best, DE is still holding off on fixing and improving Yareli, and at worst they've given up. 

As someone who mains the Randomizer button, I have to ask:

What fixes and improvements?

I have no issues with Yareli that are unique to Yareli (keep that phrasing in mind). The bubbles, the spinning blades, the tornado are all fun to use and do great things. They're easy and intuitive to understand with some extra uses on top of the basic stuff. And even riding your Merluna or however you spell that is a decent buff on paper that is effective and interesting on paper

The real problem here is that K-drives are f*cking terrible! and nobody wants to use them

We simultaneously learned and didn't learn this lesson with the previous iteration of Archwing, and that lesson is "DE has absolutely no idea how to program momentum, we are universally better off when they just give up and let us stop on a dime." Fast and precise maneuvering is one of your workaday skills in this game, we don't want drifting and we don't want periods of deceleration. Old Archwing had tons of drifting and it took literally SIX SECONDS to stop moving (the momentum was so absurdly broken it was the least realistic thing in a game about magic space ninjas) so they gave up on the idea and just let us maneuver like we do on the ground, and it's universally better and more fun for everyone.

And that's what DE's giving up on this time. They're not giving up on Yareli, they love Yareli and IIRC they have some deluxe skins planned for her. They're giving up on trying to make K-drive desirable and just letting us maneuver how we like to maneuver

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5 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

What fixes and improvements?

Try reading the OP, where there is an obvious link to the thread Skooma keeps updated with an insane list of bugs ranging from minor to absolutely gamebreaking.

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I'll probably start playing her more after the Augment drops.

I've been wanting a female frame with a straight up health based DR ability like warding halo or Iron Skin. 

Having to K-Drive for it wasn't a complete deal breaker but I was maining Nezha before and the difficulty and restrictions just weren't worth it. 

So Nezha it is. But I still have want for the Female DR frame.

the real question is will the aqua blade augment and loyal Merulina work together?

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On 2024-02-26 at 1:00 AM, Skoomaseller said:

And not everything on that list has been fixed.

they introduced more bugs, try pick up the new item on the eye seeking mission while on kdrive and it will land on the roof of the map way out of reach !

On 2024-02-26 at 1:00 AM, Skoomaseller said:

though a little sad it'll be without actually using Merulina as originally intended

  DE chose to put kdrive in openworld, just as they chose to add it to Yareli for indoor use and chose to make this augment to remove that restriction.

original intentions don't matter if they did she wouldn't' have k-drive at all.

what you said basically sounds like "I welcome you to play kdrive indoors, but I am a little sad you aren't able to use kdrive only in openworld as it was originally intended " it's not an argument that is going to hold up.

On 2024-02-26 at 12:17 PM, quxier said:

1st you can spam easily with or without Merulina.

right but the point is you don't have to spam it and with this augment? you can overwrite her #1 so you get to have your cake and eat it!

before you suggest maybe overwriting it will stop meruline casting this ability, if I subsume xata over #1 will Merulina spam xata ? no augment specifically says she casts snares at people there is no stipulation snares has to be part of the kit.

On 2024-02-26 at 12:17 PM, quxier said:

is that the new augment won't change number of Yareli players TOO MUCH.

it might bring her usage to over 1% at least, maybe even towards 2% that would be over doubling her playrate ! I had long given up on her but plan to play her a bunch now!



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42 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:
11 hours ago, quxier said:

1st you can spam easily with or without Merulina.

right but the point is you don't have to spam it and with this augment? you can overwrite her #1 so you get to have your cake and eat it!

Depending how often it cast it, it can be good.

44 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

before you suggest maybe overwriting it will stop meruline casting this ability, if I subsume xata over #1 will Merulina spam xata ? no augment specifically says she casts snares at people there is no stipulation snares has to be part of the kit.

That won't happen. I'm 99% sure. I bet it's one of 2:

- stop casting it

- cast some copy of it

Look at Xaku. Xaku won't stop timers for Helminth abilities.

46 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:
11 hours ago, quxier said:

is that the new augment won't change number of Yareli players TOO MUCH.

it might bring her usage to over 1% at least, maybe even towards 2% that would be over doubling her playrate ! I had long given up on her but plan to play her a bunch now!

from ~0.5 to 1%?! Even 2%?! You must be dreamer... hmmm... you heard Nora too much. Near 2% is for strong/good frame. Doubling (to 1%) won't happen either. It's too smal chance for folks like us that don't like her to begin with.

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I won't claim to know every detail about Yareli.

I started playing her again recently when the Grimoire dropped and found her quite fun. Even abusing her jank in Disruption missions to have my Operator teleport back to Yareli, instead of having Yareli teleport to my Operator. (I think this should be a standard feature in Warframe. Let us choose to take the frame with us, or to go back to our frame)

I find her passive a bit annoying to work with, since moving on Merulina makes it hard to aim, and I personally wished her Passive worked more like the Damage Bonus Decree in Duviri that you get for moving, where it builds up and drains overtime, instead of all at once.

My biggest issue though, is while I love using Merulina. I honestly kinda hate how Merulina "drifts" which makes it much harder to navigate and parkour with.

If Merulina was able to be modded, I'd like to have a K-Drive mod that turns off K-Drive drifting when out of "Sprint" mode.


Also someone else mentioned it earlier in the thread but it'd be great if you could choose to ride Merulina with the Augment enabled and have the passive sea snares being cast automatically.

P.S. I'm hoping for Ika Musume based Tennogen for Yareli

Edited by Zahnny
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Dream scenario;
kdrive mods fixed
exalted merulina
yareli abilties now modified by merulina mods and ability strength and range increases temporarily with trick score.
above all else :we get a surfer skin to replace the silly maid costume she has

Edited by RyllusPurple
spelling addition
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2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

I honestly kinda hate how Merulina "drifts" which makes it much harder to navigate and parkour with.

i honestly like it, i know for some it reminds people of the time when archwing momentum was really wack but I really don't mind it.

2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

P.S. I'm hoping for Ika Musume based Tennogen for Yareli


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On 2024-02-25 at 7:00 PM, Skoomaseller said:

In short, Loyal Merulina is a bandaid.

You just described 90% if not 95% of all Augments. 

Loyal Merulina should be a Toggle to the power, not an Augment. Period. 

But instead, DE programmed a fix...or in other words...they FIXED one of Yareli's biggest issues, but rather than patch it/update Yareli...they made it an Augment. 

So you can penalize yourself by sacrificing a mod slot so that a large chunk of Yareli's issue vanish...or you can stick with the bug ridden, hot mess that is Yareli. 

Over the years I have grown to resent the Augment Mods due to this. 

It's like DE said: "Hey, we're sorry we released [Name] in a bad/broken state. Here's the fix...but there's a catch. You gotta shoot yourself in the foot with this shotgun. Then we'll give you the fix."

Crap like this is why so many people want an Augment Slot or the ability to permanently upgrade an ability with the Augment. 

The game's almost 11yrs old. The Augment system needs an overhaul. Starting with making Bandaids actual updates.


I want the ability to swap Yareli out for Vulgran. Or a Skin that lets us play as Vulgran....

You know, the Corpus badass who beat down Yareli so bad that the Vent kids saved themselves. 

A Corpus Taskmaster...defeated a WARFRAME, with just a whip. Think about that people.

I wanna see his kit in action.

Edited by Aerikx
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For me to enjoy kdrive, and by extension Merulina, a couple things would need to happen. First, they would need a system where driving diagonally into a wall surface would do a little wall grind instead of just crashing. That would give a little forgiveness in tight corridors and in general make the experience more fluid. Second, the rider, Yareli in this case, would need a hitbox larger than their head's collision box where they could go into a more aggressive ducking motion to prevent getting clotheslined. Apart from all that, I wish I could mod Merulina.

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23 hours ago, Aruquae said:

It’s almost as if they released this augment knowing they wouldn’t be able to fix all the bugs of Merulina…

Pretty much this.

After all, it's not like they have a bunch of other things to put more focus and resources on like new content and--oh wait...

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13 hours ago, quxier said:

Depending how often it cast it, it can be good.

every 2 seconds, the gameplay clip is a must watch, they have her run upto a bunch of enemies and it casts on the enemy she directly approached a few times.

though if you are nuking rooms with meta weapons its not going to be doing much! but in that case you probably wont need it anyway but if it snags an enemy ? bonus damage

13 hours ago, quxier said:

Look at Xaku. Xaku won't stop timers for Helminth abilities.

on the tooltip (wiki page) dosn't mention it stopping the timers but the wiki description states "and completely pauses the duration timers of Xaku's other abilities. " it could be argued that a helminth ability isn't technically one of Xaku's abilities, though its more likely they didn't want to (or think about) adjusting abilities in helminth to pause timers?

edit:or it could be for balance issues, imagine being able to pause a dispensor

The augment specifically says "Meurlina casts sea snares" so it should be adding that ability to Meurlina regardless, not casting it from yareli but you never know because bugframe

13 hours ago, quxier said:

from ~0.5 to 1%?! Even 2%?! You must be dreamer.

haha xD yeah heading towards 2% maybe a bit optimistic, idk what i was thinking, she has been played less than hydroid every year that has stats for her ...

but I think it could get her moving towards 1% at least? I honestly feel like her surviviability being tied to her kdrive leads people to play her on kdrive and go "that's not for me" and drop her like a hot potato, you can do other stuff like with shieldgate, armor stacking and adaption or even overwrite kdrive with something but I feel like it's not common for people to want to do that ? they want an ok survivable base that they can build on top of !

tldr I think people that give up on her might come back for the mod, there isn't a lot of cross over between masochists that will force kdrive and players that like cutesy stuff so I think given the theme it could push her towards 1% but I might be wrong ^^

Edited by _Anise_
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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

DE gives up on old mechanics faster than people give up on new year resolutions (you know what you did).

This makes me happy I haven’t given up on my  New Year’s resolution. Just until April 25th… 

It’s almost as if DE releasing untested, unpolished, content… then forgets it for the new content.

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2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:
15 hours ago, quxier said:

Depending how often it cast it, it can be good.

every 2 seconds, the gameplay clip is a must watch, they have her run upto a bunch of enemies and it casts on the enemy she directly approached a few times.

Yeah, 2 seconds "cooldown" might be enough. There might be some issues but we need to see it in action (aka play it).

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

though if you are nuking rooms with meta weapons its not going to be doing much! but in that case you probably wont need it anyway but if it snags an enemy ? bonus damage

If you are not exactly nuking then it might help with stronger units (e.g. eximus) as you still get some buff for them. It depends if Sea snares prorities such targets.

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:
15 hours ago, quxier said:

Look at Xaku. Xaku won't stop timers for Helminth abilities.

on the tooltip (wiki page) dosn't mention it stopping the timers but the wiki description states "and completely pauses the duration timers of Xaku's other abilities. " it could be argued that a helminth ability isn't technically one of Xaku's abilities, though its more likely they didn't want to (or think about) adjusting abilities in helminth to pause timers?

Such "it's not techincally Xaku's abilities" is such bad argument. Is player has to know every details? When player see "X freezes time of abilities" it should just work. Player should have to ask themselves is Xaku's ability that I'm using not really Xaku ability?

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

edit:or it could be for balance issues, imagine being able to pause a dispensor

Yeah or just for not having to fine tune some abilities. They could make it like this:

But no one seems to care.

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

The augment specifically says "Meurlina casts sea snares" so it should be adding that ability to Meurlina regardless, not casting it from yareli but you never know because bugframe

Sure, I would say that good assumption that it should cast Sea snares whenever or not you have Sea snares. However we can see that some frames can be broken or not very usable when removing one ability. For example Grendel (pre rework) could not use "shoot bodies" ability, and maybe Pulverize (I don't remember details) if you remove Feast (eating) ability.

So yeah, as you said "bug frame".

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

but I think it could get her moving towards 1% at least? I honestly feel like her surviviability being tied to her kdrive leads people to play her on kdrive and go "that's not for me" and drop her like a hot potato, you can do other stuff like with shieldgate, armor stacking and adaption or even overwrite kdrive with something but I feel like it's not common for people to want to do that ? they want an ok survivable base that they can build on top of !

You could play on Adaptation, Rolling guard & such AND use Roar + Aquablade to kill. That's pretty good combo for survival (whenever you don't kill fast enough get stopped via Adaptation, and Rolling + Rolling guard). I've changed Merulina for Roar because Merulina were bad for me. Now with this augment I may change that build to "remove 4th" as with this augment 4th ability might be worse.

However Aquablades plays is not so common... I think. You need to buff it (e.g. Roar) to be good. I've tried subsuming Aquablades into other frame and it's "meh".

2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:


tldr I think people that give up on her might come back for the mod, there isn't a lot of cross over between masochists that will force kdrive and players that like cutesy stuff so I think given the theme it could push her towards 1% but I might be wrong ^^

OH, I remember that "no, Yareli doesn't fit into WF's themes" topics. So much hate. But yeah, how frames looks may play some role.

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

"remove 4th" as with this augment 4th ability might be worse.

her 4 can be really fun if you stack a lot of range, I planned to replace snares allowing Muerlina to cast them instead (if it works) and its an expensive ability baseline to cast

try dual ichor incanon with her 4th and it will make a mushroom cloud of toxic


those "were" level 165 (steel path) corrupted heavy gunner

Edited by _Anise_
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