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Thoughts on lotus eaters

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I thought it was an interesting quest that explains why the lotus was MIA after the New War.  My favorite part was where we chose dialogue options for both the operator and the drifter and not one or the other. I hope to see a dynamic like that in other quests so that we get more of both characters instead of having to chose one or the other to participate. 


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As for the update: Good to see we finally reached CoD Warzone levels of updates where its just 2 different cosmetic packs. Prime and tennogen. Amazing DE, absolutely worth the wait.

As for the quest: It was interesting and nice to see they haven't forgotten about drifter. But it was so short that it honestly makes me wonder.. what was even the point of making it a seperate prologue quest?

Edited by German
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I liked that we got some actual confirmation regarding what happened to the drifter or the operator after our choice in TNW. Prior to this it seemed as if one simply stopped exsisting in reality, as the Drifter kinda implies in the quest before we make the choice. It's also good that they confirmed more or less that we will use the Drifter in 1999, which makes the whole "romance" thing less cringe and FBI-alert worthy.

There is also now a known difference between the purpose of the Operator and the Drifter, since according to Lotus, Wally is after the Operator. Which part of Wally is after thim though, should alarm bells start ringing for the coated, bearded man in a baseball cap, or are we just looking at some forced BFFing from the tweeny version?


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My favorite part was where we chose dialogue options for both the operator and the drifter

I liked that too, I expected I had to choose one of the 6 so it was interesting from that perspective but ....


I always thought we were choosing which paradox was "real", if the implication is that both of my choices existing at the same time, that while I am operator the drifter is out t here completing missions is kinda silly to me, I always dislike when sci-fi shows did things like that.


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I thought it was disappointing , 

The selection of dialogues between drifter and operator actually caught me off guard , i thought only one of the six would actually be used. The fact that they pulled a fallout 4 and the dialogue turned out to be a lot more "elaborate and passionate" also was not expected (not really a complaint , just not expected) 

The music I can't even remember what it was , so I am not sure if it was good or bad.

Kalymos going though the mall could have been more impactful if we heard echoes of the characters while we were there ,

And Loid giving a monologue , through an inbox message .... after the quest ends .... And giving a decoration as a reward , made me think why did they even bother.

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2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

I always dislike when sci-fi shows did things like that.

I'm right there with you. 

Feels like a cop-out. Like there are no consequences, no weight, nothing matters. 

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Best part was the Second Dream musical motif. I didn't mind it was short, like the other prologues. It also made sense with the incoming major update.

And we all don't need rewards every turn in the story mode, that's just silly for the sake of gratification.

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8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:
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I liked that we got some actual confirmation regarding what happened to the drifter or the operator after our choice in TNW. Prior to this it seemed as if one simply stopped exsisting in reality, as the Drifter kinda implies in the quest before we make the choice. It's also good that they confirmed more or less that we will use the Drifter in 1999, which makes the whole "romance" thing less cringe and FBI-alert worthy.

There is also now a known difference between the purpose of the Operator and the Drifter, since according to Lotus, Wally is after the Operator. Which part of Wally is after thim though, should alarm bells start ringing for the coated, bearded man in a baseball cap, or are we just looking at some forced BFFing from the tweeny version?


I don't have any quote, so take it with grain of salt, but I thought it was about Drifter & Operator existing at the same "time".

6 hours ago, __Shadox__ said:

i thought this was supposed to explain how we get to 1999? cus if it did i missed it

My guess is that we can travel through phone. It seems that the phone is way to pull Lotus & others to 1999. Wally probably made or modified it. We probably don't have YET fully functional "Big girls/guys" to time travel.

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7 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Kalymos going though the mall could have been more impactful if we heard echoes of the characters while we were there ,

There were actually echoes if you didn't stay by Kalymos. It is mostly infested roars, but also the whispery Lotus "Tenno" that appeared in an earlier quest.

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12 hours ago, Neo3602 said:
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I thought it was an interesting quest that explains why the lotus was MIA after the New War.  My favorite part was where we chose dialogue options for both the operator and the drifter and not one or the other. I hope to see a dynamic like that in other quests so that we get more of both characters instead of having to chose one or the other to participate. 


She's not MIA after TNW. she shows up in Archon Hunts and is clearly pretty invested in trying to get Erra back.

12 hours ago, _Anise_ said:
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My favorite part was where we chose dialogue options for both the operator and the drifter

I liked that too, I expected I had to choose one of the 6 so it was interesting from that perspective but ....

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I always thought we were choosing which paradox was "real", if the implication is that both of my choices existing at the same time, that while I am operator the drifter is out t here completing missions is kinda silly to me, I always dislike when sci-fi shows did things like that.


Operator and Drifter switch out between dialogue lines in the closing segment of TNW, which suggested they were more of a tag-team than a permanent choice.

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13 hours ago, quxier said:

I don't have any quote, so take it with grain of salt, but I thought it was about Drifter & Operator existing at the same "time".

Well yes. But reality is "time" since the Void itself is timeless. So earlier it seemed as if whomever we dont choose gets either stuck in the Void or just gets absorbed by the other. Now they exsist at the same time in reality for sure. Though I'm not quite sure why they dont just waste the Tenno to remove the liablity of it ever getting captured by Wally. Sure impaling it with Paracesis didnt really work, so lets not lame around and fail like Ballas, do it properly and just split it in half from top to bottom or bottom to top (Bone Tomahawk style). Then maybe run it through a meat processor and spread it all in plastic bags in random freezers across Sol.

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11 hours ago, powerofvoid said:

She's not MIA after TNW. she shows up in Archon Hunts and is clearly pretty invested in trying to get Erra back.

Operator and Drifter switch out between dialogue lines in the closing segment of TNW, which suggested they were more of a tag-team than a permanent choice.

True, I guess I should have said MIA from the Void related stuff, except the start of Angles of Zariman, which is something I think she should be pretty hands on with.

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