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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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[Are there any plans for a "Codex 2.0" in the works?]


With the changes to the UI, the Codex has started to feel dated. This highlights issues with the Codex that have been under-addressed for quite some time, while there are still inconsistencies with some of the Codex entries themselves. Some of those Codex entries have also become dated because they reflect the time when they were released, but newer players won't understand. In addition to that, some of the entries are comparative-- they say that the weapon has a "faster reload time" but don't say what the weapon is being compared to. I believe that many of these could be used instead to enhance the lore and provide newer players with an easier way to compare weapons available to them, especially those from the Market.


The "Quests" and "Events" tabs feel similarly dated, the latter especially. The last event that it showcases is the Cicero Crisis, but since then we've had mini-events as well as larger events (Tethra's Doom, Breeding Grounds, and Cryotic Front) that have gone unaddressed, leaving newer players in the dark. Quests, meanwhile, are a bit lackluster to navigate through, and could use a UI repolishing themselves. I'd hope that it makes them easier to interact with, and newer players won't be confused about what to do with the Codex.


Thanks, and  I want you to know that you guys have done an amazing job with the UI so far. I'm hoping that same talent can be used for the Codex, too!

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1. There are still a lot of mods in the game (like single stat status mods) that have been practically useless for a very long time. When are we going to see them get the changes they need?


2. Base damage mods: We all need them, we all use them. The game's scaling for players is tied to them, and to match enemy levels we must use them. Is there anything ever going to be done about this?


3. Build Variety. Because we must build damage to keep up with enemy leveling, it takes out a lot of the potential creativity that could be used for builds in general. When will we see builds being focused on playstyle and strategy rather than a madatory ingame mechanic?


The focus of Warframe:


1. Archwings look very cool and fun, but it begs the question about the current issues the game is having plus many systems that were talked about for a long time but never implemented. Are we going to see a ton of fixes and changes to the current game before Archwings comes out, or is the focus of warframe as a whole shifting in a different direction? Are we going to ignore the current problems of the current game before introducing new content?




1. Weapon Mastery system: We have weapons that require mastery to get, but none of them really follow a set progression pattern. If there are going to be some weapons that are stronger than others, then will we get a real tiering system?


2. We have a crazy amount of weapons in the game and 90% almost see no play outside of leveling on someone's back. New weapons come out very often, but it begs the question What is there going to be done about the 90% of existing weapons? A newly balanced weapon is basically a new weapon, so why not go back and fix old weapons?


3. Guns getting "stance" slots: Are guns ever going to get their own stance mods? It would be interesting to see guns having different behaviors besides fire and shoot.


4. Melee weapons behave identically outside of having different ranges and speeds. Are we going to see more interesting things you can do with melee weapons like the glaive throw?


5. Weapon polarities are extremely rigged in a lot of cases. Will we be seeing changes to this?


 OPvP (Dark Sector PvP):


1. It has been brought up that Clans will attack their own solar rail to prevent other people from attacking it. Is anything going to be done about this, like making clans wait a week or so before allowing them to attack the same solar rail again?


2. I noticed rage and quick thinking combo is disabled in OPvP. While this does prevent a very unfair combo, It begs the question would it be better to just balance it rather than disable it, so it's fair. At this rate you may as well disable 75% of the game in OPvP because it just simply isn't fair.


3. Why has no one noticed trinity + link in OPvP?


4. Weapon polarites are totally unfair. Some weapons can get massive damage a lot earlier than other weapons. Is there something going to be done about this?


5. I noticed tenno have their own damage resistances. While this is nice and interesting, it also rules out a lot of stuff in OPvP due to tenno resisting greatly. Are we going to see them normalized in OPvP so everything has a chance?


6. Are matches ever going to wait to be full before starting a match in OPvP?


7. Some people do not like OPvPing. Will dark sectors have a mode for OPvE lovers?




1. Some warframes lack a real focus, and or have too much in general. For example, Nova is a glass cannon warframe, and she does indeed fit that design. However, Molecular prime has a massive slow tacked on to it which also reduces damage enemies deal to her, giving her a super CC skill. On top of that Molecular prime does outrageous damage. Are we ever going to see things like this properly adjusted so one frame does not have everything?


2. Warframe ability mods are hindering some pretty creative warframe builds. Are we ever going to see them removed and have abilities scale with the warframe's level? A person should not have the choice to gimp themselves (in most cases as a few abilities are not worth slotting) in order to exercise their creativity. This would also free up a crazy amount of space in the drop table for more, actually interesting mods.


3. Why is Rhino Prime's codpiece not gold? Is it because we cant handle the golden radiance?

Edited by Racercowboy
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While the recent revamp to Oberon has given a substantial boost to his utility, the low effectiveness of Radiation on the zombie-like Infested (in spite of the potential to “treat” their tumors) still prevents him from truly being called a Paladin. Any plans to address that?


What exactly dictates whether a weapon can receive a Wraith or Vandal variant? Lato and Braton have long challenged the idea that Vandal is reserved for Corpus weapons, while Latron Wraith is definitely not a Grineer weapon.


The RNG element of Desecrate often requires many casts to loot one corpse, which leaves a Nekros aggressively spamming 3 for most of a given mission (a similar issue was previously addressed with Frost). Not only do Desecrate and its builds conflict with the scattering and durational nature of his other skills, but most players will choose it over the rest of his arsenal solely on the basis that it rerolls loot tables (which players usually agree, highlights an issue with RNG in grinds). How do you plan to address this?


Any word on old announcements still in waiting, such as: ragdoll physics for Trinity, Volt and Frost’s skirts; universal mods; hubs?


Any hints for the next original frame? Next Prime?

Edited by Archwizard
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Will we ever see an Excal variant that's available to everyone?

If you're suggesting Excalibur Prime, he will not return. If he would, us Founders could...no. We would sue DE and even win. They legally cannot bring it back because of the limited time availability. 

Also, Primed Warframes are the only variants to vanilla ones so far. So, no, we won't, in the foreseeable future, unless they bring Vandal or Wraith frames.

Edited by Soulswipe
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Question 1:



Will there be some degree of combat underwater? If so, will some guns work better underwater? (would make sense for Bolto, for example, to work well underwater)






Question 2:


Whatever happened to those Universal Mods that you guys described (and asked the Design Council for ideas regarding)?

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Glaive damge buff? Glaive unending noise bug been around since melee 2.0 launch? Glaive - additional stance mods??


Will archwing be able take upgrades and mods like warframes and weapons?


Will be able to don our archwings freely or will they only be available on specific missions? Still 4-tenno squads even with archwings in space?


Kronen wall attack seems to be broken. The animation happens without moving the characters off the wall. Fix??


Will Kubrows ever receive weapon harnesses/attachments? Back mounted rockets FTW?

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1. Tactical Alerts: The first alert focused on conclave restrictions for all the players and for me the restriction was easily met by simply removing my primary/secondary and going sword alone (krestel with Gleaming talon on Trinity). It was certainly fun but what other restrictions are there going to be? I assume stealth would be one but will there be others like, no warframe powers, marksman (hit targets FAR far away while protecting a prisoner) etc

2. Heavy weapons: melee weapons like the galatine, fragor and schindo are all lack luster due to low damage and the removal of charge attacks. Stances do help but don't provide substantial benefits. Channeling does not help these weapons (channeling doesn't help many if not all the weapons) since all weapons have the same base channeling increase. So, will these weapons get buffs to their damage to put them on solid terms or will they get channeling damage boosts to make them different from regular raw damage weapons.

3. Channeling in general is lack luster itself. Many players would rather save energy to use their powers, damage on a properly modded weapon makes channeling meaningless, and most of the channeling mods provide miniscule bonuses (Lower than their non-channeling counterparts even) for an incredible cost of energy with the exception of life strike. Will there be a balance pass on this? Or Maybe tie in channeling into the combos on stances? (Channeling on the third attack of the combo will allow it to chain into another combo that is only usable through channeling)

4. WIll my 6 forma Braton prime ever feel like it  belongs in the Prime club? It has the obtaining difficulty of the primes with the damage of a market weapon.

5. Will prime weapons get substantial Mastery rank locks? Having a rank 2 player with a bolter prime is very broken progression wise.

6. The new excavation game mode is GREAT. the only problem is on the the large tile sets where is a 2 minute coptor flight from one end to the other. Then enemies do not spawn evenly spaced enough leaving long waits for power cells and risky hunts for cells for solo players. Can there be more spawn instances or at least spawns that are closer to extractors?

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Lots of questions which I will try to make as short and concise as possible:


1) Will you EVER fix the Neurode and Neural Sensors confusion? Neurodes have a name which sounds organic and look organic, yet they have a description of being Grineer tech + they are heavily used in Grineer weapon creations, while Neural Sensors sound synthetic and look mechanical, yet they have a description of being Infested tissue + they are used in various non-Grineer stuff, mostly Tenno and Infested related (such as the Mire).


2) Will all melee weapons be able to use the wallattack as a mobility? Some weapons (such as Silva & Aegis and Kronen) have no momentum whatsoever, and some weapons (like the Hammers) pulls you instantly to the ground instead of launching you forward.


3) Ever considered making coptering more of a "real thing" than just a silly looking oversight? Such as, doing something like this (which would also make it equal for ALL melee weapons)


4) Will Stamina in general be overhauled into a more fun combat resource, such as only being used for melee CHANNELING and all the defensive maneuvers and parkour (which means to remove Stamina costs from regular melee swings and sprinting, they are just annoying with those functions).


5) Will Parkour (actually, animations in general) become more fluid at some point, or is there an engine limitation that causes most things to feel so very rigid and stiff?


6) Will the melee channeling mods ever be buffed from being not so utterly horrible and useless? I mean they aren't even corrupted mods (Bar Corrupt Charge of course), yet they have penalties on them?


7) Will the Helios ever have its weird cooldown between its attacks fixed? No matter the weapon it uses, it takes half a decade to swap between new targets.


8) Will Vacuum and Investigator become universal Sentiel mods (obviously with replacement abilities for Carrier and Helios, focused on COMBAT please)? And will Investigator ever become useful? It still takes too long to scan, half of the time it doesn't even register to scan unscanned targets, it STILL loves to scan stuff not even in the codex etc.


9) Will you ever think about the consistency of your stuff in general? Quick examples: Lato deals more damage than AkLato, AkBronco Prime deals less damage than Bronco Prime, a lot of dual pistols have higher crit and status than their single counterparts, Dual Cestra only has 100 in magsize which is certainly not double of the single Cestra's 60 magsize. Cestra is a market weapon, Dual Cestra is a research weapon, etc etc etc etc etc

The list of these kind of inconsistences is veeeery long, so long that I stopped updating the thread I had dedicated to show you guys the inconsistencies you have done...


10) Will there ever be a complete rebalancing of weapons and their mods (ie nerfing the damage increasing mods so they don't scale so absurdly much higher than Warframe powers)?


11) Will all Warframe abilities ever get a THOROUGH check (instead of "slap all kinds of random stuff on them" in a cluttered fashion a la Oberon)? Pretty much EVERYTHING still needs a lot of numbers and mechanics fixed. Half of the abilities in this game are STILL useless / overly niched, even after various changes. Some even got WORSE than ever (Like Renewal and Absorb)!


12) Melee finishers, all of them (Stealth, Ground, Counter), can we please get the option to execute them with a different button than the melee one, like the actionbutton (Default: X). That would be tremendous QoL change! Speaking of finishers, more inconsistensies with those:

* Counter Finishers - You are invulnerable meanwhile, knocks the target down on the ground, well, most weapons at least (be consistent please! all or nothing!) These are great reasons to use them, but...

* Stealth Finishers - Neither makes you invulnerable nor does it knock the target down (which looks supersilly with some weapons, like Venka, which is THROWING THE TARGET DOWN IN THE GROUND, yet they stand up immediately after if they survive lol!)

* Ground Finishers - Well, the target is already down on the ground, but you are not invulnerable during this finisher either.

* The Mod Finishing Touch - Only boosts Ground Finishers... emmm, what?! You know you have 3 different kinds of finishers in this game, right?


In short:

Can you please polish the stuff you have already + be consistent when doing so??


I have tons of other questions ... but I think you obviously have enough to handle with those already.

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I am very excited about Archwing, but what I really wonder about is swimming.


How will we move in the water? Will the physics be similar to how we move in space, possibly with Archwing?

Will all, or some, abilities be disabled underwater? Maybe the ones that cannot be used in air?

Will there be underwater enemies? Will there, perhaps, be an underwater battle against a certain mysterious creature lurking in the water tanks of the Derelicts, far into the future?

Lastly, how will we enter and leave "swimming mode" in a tileset that's under water?

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What is your goal for Warframe?


That's a pretty broad question, but I needed something to catch your attention.  Allow me to explain.  Innumerable times I have discussed changes that would benefit the game across many different subforums.  Many people are in agreement, and some are not.  When I ask them what their problem with the proposal is, the discussion always seems to get to one point:  DE wants their game to be like this, not like that.


But of course both myself and the other party are speaking based on assumptions, and subjective definitions of "fun."  But Warframe is your game, not ours.  You will do what you think is right for the game.  It's your job as devs.  However, we don't know what you think is right.  So many times, discussions are held all over the forums on what would benefit the game, when the parties holding these discussions don't really know either way, because they don't know what kind of game you want to make.  It's wasted feedback if someone gives you a way to improve something you don't want to improve in that way, or at all.  If someone gives you a suggestion you want to use, it was basically a shot in the dark; the person giving feedback just got lucky.


So that's the real point of this question.  If you give us something to work with, some goal to reach, we as beta testers can give you more productive feedback which you're more likely to do something with, because it will directly concern your intentions for the game.  Obviously answering the entirety of the question in one devstream would leech a lot of your time away from other questions, but really any kind of acknowledgement to this idea coupled with some insight, even if it's very general, would be greatly appreciated.


And if you read through all of this Rebecca, thanks.  As you can see I tend to be a little long-winded...


 ^ First off, this...


 Can you guys update us on the focus system? What exactly will it do? How will it affect our ability to do high level content? How will it affect weapons as compared to warframes?


 Also after U14.5 I've noticed the extreme lack of defensive/tactical mods are there any plans to introduce more of these? Plus could we be updated on any of the unreleased aura/sentinel mods that could be obtained through the transmutation bug?

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What kind of quests are being looked at for addition to the current pool?


Quests such as story-based linear narratives, optional side-objectives, or quests meant for further upgrades to features such as mods, Kubrows, ships, or perhaps future combat involving Archwing, perhaps?

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Question: When will Melee actually get a focus again in terms of its core mechanics?


Related topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/262020-melee-24-read-two-point-far-or-how-to-decapitate-grineer-from-a-distance/


Each time there's melee updates, just like the TennoLive Devstream, it's always about:

- New combos

- New animations/replacement animations

- New weapons.


While these are awesome and eventually needed, it's never about some things that are much more pressing in my opinion, such as:

- New/Improved mechanics on current ones

-- Diversity appeal (channeling powers, charge attacks, etc., all depending on weapon type)

- Balancing between weapon type (why are most fast weapons pretty much superior to heavy weapons in every single way?)


And again, this concerns me a lot because there's not a single new WIP about things concerning mechanics, all of which have been things suggested and NEEDED to a certain point (regular jump attacks especially). Even the Operation Avalanche Offensive shows that: it's almost impossible to go melee effectively against the Eximus unless you're one of the god-mode Warframes, or if you're using the Glaive/Kestrel. Going melee against them is almost like buying two tickets to paradise.


Melee doesn't have to work in every single situations effectively, sure, but you'll never have such a problem with firearms since they pretty much work in all situations, almost in a braindead way. Melee, on the other hand, keeps on getting handicapped by a stick in its wheels due to lack of certain useful mechanics, along with questionable balancing (Dragon Nikana), which makes some people think that Melee would be too OP if it was buffed. However, it won't be OP if the mechanics were polished and brought up the right way with proper balancing. It only will be if the current stats on some weapons aren't changed.

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1) Where is that illusive new faction we mentioned a while back? Still in the works?

2) What new sub-factions/faction variants should we expect (example: Forest Frontier Grineer, Desert Frontier Grineer)

3) Where is this little guy? -> vuFdUdO.png you've been rather quiet about this bird

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