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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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I haven't problem with this frame but if they have enough fan concept and a whole community accept that designs then they just enough to copy and paste it into the 3d version. I don't really care if they use their imagination because they are the devs but i also don't like if they ruin a nice concept which good by itself.


"yes I am talking about you Zephyr"

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Quit blaming DE for your expectations, people


It's funny that this is the same community who complained about Limbo's design because he was 'too themed' and looked like a magician; now there's complaints because the new frame doesn't fit a theme enough. Instead, it looks like a scifi suit made for battle with a slight theme on the side instead of a theme that completely overrides the functional design.

I know, how dare we think de's art team is capable!


On another note, I don't know about the rest but I just think the design is ugly. Has nothing to do with how themed it is, not quite sure how I feel just yet about that. 

Edited by Cubewano
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I feel like I'm one of the few that I actually like Chroma's look.


No, I'm not kidding. I really like how Chroma looks. It's got this animalistic berserker kind of feel to it. It reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion (and Rebuild of Evangelion especially) when the EVAs go berserk (and when they go to the next level in Rebuild). It's bloody awesome.

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I haven't problem with this frame but if they have enough fan concept and a whole community accept that designs then they just enough to copy and paste it into the 3d version. I don't really care if they use their imagination because they are the devs but i also don't like if they ruin a nice concept which good by itself.


"yes I am talking about you Zephyr"

Zephyr is good looking it fits her theme

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I got a question for everyone. Can Godzilla fly? 


No? Ok. Does he have spines? Does he spit fire? Is he extremely large armored and scaly? Is he of the lizard variety? Sounds like a dragon to me. 


Yet he doesn't fly and he's not traditionally designed as a dragon. 

The only thing that makes Chroma a Dragon is that he Breaths Fire, that's the only Dragon motif on him!. He has no scales, Looks like a infested sea pony, no bone Horns or Spines, Lizard LOL where?

By your logic a human working in Circus that do they trick of Fire Breath should be called Dragon.

Edited by DraccoDoom
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Oh well I think chroma helm is ugly but it can be changed .... maybe even for less ugly one:)

I dont like the flatened chest because shouders pronate a lil too much. And because of that whole corpus looks .... strange. The lower part of legs (foots and shin are too thin and thats why the bulky torco seems to be unstable...


Those are my thoughts. Those may change when i see animaton, skills, recolors and when we add some attachement.


I must admit I was a great fan of Endrian's creation....

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to be honesy in my opinion it's ugly as sin, that's why i'm going to get it asap when it's released, i don't know why but in warframe the uglier the standard helmet is the more usefull is the frame (valkyr, vauban and trinity are prime esemples of that) and usually alt helmets are pretty good.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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You got it wrong again. Scott said that he was researching many dragons and that the eastern/oriental dragon theme is something he gravitated towards for the GAMEPLAY aspect of his design.. not his looks. He literally didn't say anything regarding the design for his looks. 


And you say Panzer Dragoon Orta's design sucks but that's PURELY subjective as a LOT of people's opinions differ. 

And that's fine but it's gotten to the point where people are literally asking for redesigns.. like yo come on..

Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When these guys are your "customers" and a grand majority of them don't like it, then even if it's just "art", it needs a shift to cater to the majority if you wish to sell it.

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There are two types of People...


Why can't there be three (or more types)? My favorite dragon? This guy:




You've given us two options: Lockwood's Red Dragon glued on a Warframe or a Rhino reskin.


LOL at all teh butthurt n00bs that got a hard on for DnD dragons and then got S#&$ on by DE when they released this glorious frame


H8rs gonna h8




^This guy knows what's what.



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The more i look at it the more it makes me think, just take a good look at it and take a look at all the designs of the current infested enemies, they are all grosser, danglier, drippy versions of their non infested counter parts. Chroma is exactly how i imagine tenno would look like if they got infested. DE man... DE is up to something...

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Scout said they will make default colors be more than enough to change the elements for Chroma

And clearly you didn't read the thread. It's not about whether that one column of Classic is enough, but that you have to change your appearance if you want to achieve a certain effect. So we're back to Arcane Helmets and all the trouble they caused.

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Personally I really like its look. I think that the head could probably do with a bit of changes (it does look a tad silly), but overall I like the biological look of the frame. 


It's funny though, people complained about the recent frames "Too many clothes/armor and not enough 'biological armor' stuff!" and now people are complaining "Too much 'biological armor' stuff and not enough clothes/armor!"

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Hmm very conflicted. Not thematic like Mesa. Not smooth alien first gen like Loki.

Here is what I think.

This is a LORE FRAME. The reveal of the Sentients and the new Lore Cephalon that will apparantly involve this warframe, and the fact that the whole back of the warframe looks nothing if not INFESTED, we have a clear theory.

The Chroma will bridge the Lore gap from Rhino Prime Codex, and tie into the creation of Excalibur and the infestation and Gholems.

When further connecting to the new reworked Gholem and the Mios, infested weapon, I take all this as evidence that we will get alot more knowledge as to what a Tenno and a warframes REALLY is.

But still, it looks like it predates Excalibur and is a Proto-frame. If this is its Lore, I will be thrilled.

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Honestly, Chroma's "ugliness" is mainly coming from the pose of the picture everyone keeps posting and making parodies of. As someone once said in a previous post, I think the actual head is what's below the supposed anteater extension. If you think of it like that, it's like Chroma's wearing a Dragon Headdress, and he starts to look pretty good.

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