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July 17Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I think it's fine if you're used to it, if it became faster then it might be too good so I say that is people complain about said speed maybe make it correlate to sprint speed where faster sprint speed gives faster weapon swap. But personally I think it's fine.


I think they need attention yes, but they may be one of the few foes that still provides challenge to some players, the only thing I think may need a change is possibly the damage their explosions do (they can 1 hit in t4, which is fine but very frustrating) and the tracking mechanics where the rocket follows you which is plain OP, especially with the damage and AOE the rockets do.


Now, I'm not eager to remove forma mainly because I need forma. I think you guys are going about it wrong though. For me the problem isn't making forma it is having to farm the same resources most days an the same missions to make forma and then the fact that I use forma quicker than I can make it. As a result I think the new plan for forma should be:

T1 drops no forma

T2 drops forma bp

T3 drops a forma batch bp for 3 or 5 forma (This be will take the same crafting components but will take shorter to build in foundry than building all seperately, maybe half the time.)

T4 drops fully built forma

(Final tier) 3 fully built forma

I think that if forma is to stay in the void then it needs to be better drops, now to explain why I put (next tier) I did that because any forma in rotation C is painful. So in t1 forma won't drop no matter what. In missions from t2 to t4 (and rotation A and B in endless missions) the listed forma reward will drop, for rotation C however the tier higher (so for t2 you would have t3 and t4 would have (next tier)) would have its reward drop, so rotation a and b on t3 survival could drop forma batch bps, but at rotation C it could drop a fully built forma from t4.

Obviously to go along side this the drop rate of forma would have to be reduced, this is Ideal for me and other players who need lots of forma but not the players who don't so the drop rate would have to be dropped considerably, especially in rotation c.


No opinion really, call me back when the foundry can build multiple of the same. Thing at once.

Edit: oh god the word wall (TL;DR Swap speed is ok but could tie in to sprint speed, bombards need tracking removed and possible damage nerf, forma should still drop but less often and better reward such as fully built forma(s) and batch bps.

Edited by (PS4)Matsypie
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Weapon swap is ok.


Bombard could use a rework.


Forma BPs being sold for ducats will raise the prices of prime content from Baro (Void Trader), inevitably raising the trade prices for platinum on those items. This will have an impact on the economy no matter what if they are tradeable for ducats.

The ability to trade Forma BPs, ducats, and credits for built forma would interest everyone greatly though. Maybe every other time he shows up, a forma trade appears. (Every 4 weeks)


Forma transmuting would be nice. Also, the ability to break down resources into other resources could be beneficial and cool. An uncrafting mechanic could be really nice instead of selling everything.

Buildable rare resources in the foundry...

Make them worthwhile to actually acquire and use and then we can talk.

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Homing on Bombards should have a limited amount of course correction, if at all. What the bombards -should- do is lead you a little and aim at your feet. (aka, fire better) rather than rely on homing mechanics and infinite punch through on explosions. That way, a player can avoid a rocket, as is, if you try to dodge or take cover, you still get hit and knocked down. Super fun.


Kind of neat idea for a bombard secondary ability, in addition to their ground slam, perhaps give them a short ranged charge ability where they just try to shoulder tackle you when you get near, so they'll pick one or the other as a defensive reaction sometimes. Knockdown from this would be negated by blocking or swinging a weapon with momentum?



Edited by Zagrax
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Transmuting in the Foundry

I just read the source threat of this topic and on one side I like the idea of turning the forma into Reactors/Catalysts and all of that, the problem is if it will be sold for plat most people wouldn't probably bother much waisting their money on a blueprint for that. It still not a bad idea though, the other problem might be due the fact of many players having too many formas (formae or however it's written in plural) and not know when or on what to use them.

But to me that doesn't matter at all, the problem that I usually don't like about warframe is the whole polarization thing, sure I can still polarizise a weapons or something else to make it much more powerful, I just don't like the fact that I have to polirize a weapon many times and relevel it up many times to get the final results that I've been study on Warframe Builder. I know, this was from a hot topic from some months before (if I recall correctly) but still I think I would be happy if there could instead be a much easier way to polarize a weapon than just using normal forma, like using one that could polarize a weapon 2 or more times in a row.

Anyway, the whole idea of using blueprints to turn forma into a reactor or a catalyst, and vice-versa, could also be a good idea, if not making those plat worth plat I guess.

Edited by JackMcRain
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weapon swap speed - meh, its not an issue for me, so whatevs


bombards - their homing rockets are stupid, leave the homing to kela's custom model, bombard rockets should fire just like the regular ogris does : charge up then fire fast and straight [ie the 'chargeup' would include visual/audio cues to give tenno a means to potentially avoid the incoming rockets, unless of course the bombard fired from a long ways away, which in that case, pay attention tenno]


forma for ducats - sure why not, say 5 ducats for bp and 10 for built? still not really worth it but whatevs, they're completely worthless otherwise anyways


resource bps - only problem with these is having them replace the arcane reward on a NM trial, whoever thought this was cool is either truly cruel or completely out of touch =[

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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We should be able to switch weapon from time to time. eg. If we are blocking hitting the swap button should allow us to change the weapon as soon as we release the block button. Same can be done when quick melee to change in the middle of slashing. The speed is fine.


The bombards rocket size could increase to allow us to hit them and also we need ways to remove lock-on from the rocket. 

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Swap speed:


This is a space ninja game, not a space grandma game.

Bandaid aura mod for swap speed? DE please. Remove said mod, add it's value to all warframes.

(speaking of speeds, roll speed!! give mirage roll speed to all frames!)




Never really had an issue with them, but some people do. Nerf explosions?

Or maybe fix general scaling instead?



Forma BP for ducats:

Sure i'd like it to be sellable to baro, BUT NOT if it's an excuse for it to be spammed as rewards.

If I were to choose between remove forma from rot C and sell forma for ducats, I'd remove it from rot C.

Put it in rot A if you have to.






Not really a fan of the 100p blueprints (they cost too much and offer too little), but forma to potato sounds interesting.

What i'd like more though is SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE DAMN DETONITE AMPULES (Fieldron and Mutagen too)

They drop like crazy, aren't worth crafting into the big parts (ampules -> injector etc) because it costs too much and you can get it from invasions.

Besides, you only need it for a handful of weapons, after that they're useless.

So, let me either sell them or build them into something else.

Edited by Shifted
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-Bombards homing missile should be toned down. Explosion shouldnt go through cover, am i the only one to think that the rocket is way to slow? Is not like real rocket..

-Forma is needed to make lots of dojo stuff, selling it for ducats is not necessary, what is important is to increase forma crafting speed, 12 or 10 hours instead of 24 hours is good enough. Even better if somewhat we can convert it to potato, say 3 forma blueprints for 1 potato. Removal from rotation C in T3-T4 is also important.

-Resource Blueprint : please remove them from RAID reward....please....

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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bombard movement needs to be slowed down a bit, they also need to look like they can tank an entire soma clip(bulkier armor with bigger hitbox) and their weapon needs to have more impact and noticeability to it-big firey explosion when fired with a larger, faster, sexier, warhead that's easier to target(ever tried firing one out of the sky that's coming directly at you with a latron? bloody impossible...)

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Weapon switch speed :

It's fine the way it is, i'm used to weapon switch time in shooters. Do we really need an instant-switch when most of the enemies are close to harmless ?



They add some difficulty in void missions along with ancient healers and nullifiers. They shouldn't be nerfed, however their explosions go through walls, frost bubble and volt shield and I think it should be fixed.

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I will like to add my thoughts on two of these topics in a concise and quick manner.


     First, the weapons switching is in fact quite slow. It is also interrupted by certain kinds of parkour and actions. But the most frustrating thing is a lack of response time particularly when there is lag. Sometimes as the player you are UNAWARE if the command of "switching" the weapon has been accepted, especially when the Warframe does not react. So more than likely you are going to press the button again. This can lead to the Warframe accepting the command twice as much, so they switch the weapon, then switch again. This frustration is amplified when one is trying to switch to Melee mode in laggy situations, which then the Warframe switches between all three Weapons several times and the Player is stuck trying to 'catch' the right weapon as if it is a spinning roulette wheel under gunfire.


We might not be able to control lag, but  AT LEAST if the weapon switching was quicker and more responsive, it can reduce these frustrations.


     Second, quite simply, Bombards are too good at what they do. They spawn in high numbers, they have a high rate of fire with their rockets, their rockets are entirely silent and the Player is 9/10 times UNAWARE OF INCOMING MISSILES, the rockets have a very low chance of being destroyed in mid-air, their homing/tracking effect IS TOO ACUTE AND PRECISE! The blast effect transcends barriers so players are knocked back under cover, inside Snow Globes, behind walls, inside Shadow Nullifier Bubbles, etc. Their close-quarter Knockdown effect animation is TOO AGGRESSIVE, it overrides any Warframe ability and stunning effect such as Radial Blind or Banish, and it even interrupts their own attacks or animations to knockdown the Player. This knockdown effect should be interruptible with certain Warframe abilities so well timed skilled Players can feel rewarded for stopping such an annoying move.


     I must apologize for being so bold, but this topic of Overpowered Bombards I feel quite strongly about. Like I stated before with the initial release of the Riot Moas, or Bursa Moas, is that each enemy type should do ONE thing very well, and have good FLAWS to balance it out. If a character, Player controlled or not, naturally does TOO MANY GOOD THINGS without sufficient FLAWS to counteract, they are overpowered. This is the review of the Riot Moa - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/452302-a-concise-review-of-the-false-profits-event-and-riot-moa-a-letter-of-concern-by-volkovyi/#entry5031162


     The fix for Bombards can be designed in many variations. If the rockets keep their power and damage, lower the Bombard's rate of fire and give the Player a graphic visual warning of "Incoming Missiles." Lighten the tracking system by all costs. I have tried countless times to dodge the missiles only to have them turn on a dime and follow me, follow me up stairs and up walls!! That's ridiculous, how come my Ogris can't do that huh? We won't ever get a weapon like that, so why do they get to keep it?

     Or if you want to keep the rate of fire, and have NO WARNING, then lower their damage, remove transcending blast effects, and make it easy to shoot or cut the rockets out of the air.


This topic of Bombards can be addressed in many ways, but regardless Bombards should be reworked very much so.

Thank you for reading.

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Forma should be removed completely from T3/4 missions and from all C rotation in T1/2. This is my suggestion that I'd be happy with.

As fas as I know forma has a chance of dropping at nearly every void mission. Its really in overabundance despite the usefulness.

Please for the love of Lotus remove and/or nerf forma from a lot of void missions. A LOT of void missions.

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Swap Speed:

Honestly, I think that weapon swap speed it okay, as is.  It's certainly not the fastest, but it actually makes sense, as the character is physically holstering their gun, and not just throwing it at the ground, to have it magically snap to their back/hip, like it is in most games with guns.  That said, I think that this could be an avenue for a bit more complexity to be added to the game.  How does a holster/draw speed sound, as a stat determined by the weapon in question?  Not only would this make things more complex and interesting, but it might even give way to some of the more underused weapons in the game, if they drew faster than some of the heavier hitters.


I realize what I'm suggesting here, and that it's not likely to be implemented, due to the work involved, and how it would impact the already debatable balance of the game.  But, it's something to consider, perhaps.  As a blanket solution, though, I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to faster swapping between primary and secondary weapons.



I don't think that Bombards necessarily need a nerf, in terms of damage, health, etc.  But, they do need some work, to not feel like a cheap enemy.  For starters, they are way too sneaky, for the big, heavy weapon toting units that they are.  Often times, when in the middle of a mission, while surrounded by no less than 30 enemies, all firing, shouting, and whatnot, I don't realize that there's a Bombard around, until I've already eaten a rocket or two.


I don't have this problem with something like a Heavy Gunner.  Heavy Gunner has a unique vocal patter, shared only with Ballista.  So, yes, I actually start looking for Heavy Gunners, often to find that it's just a Ballista hiding behind a rock.  On top of that, the sound of the Gorgon winding up is iconic, and cuts through the rest of the noise in combat.


Bombards?  You get the same vocal pattern that's used for Lancers, Troopers, Butchers, any basic Grineer unit.  And the only other sound that might give them away is the firing of their Ogris, which is nothing more than a dull pneumatic hiss, followed by an explosion that you didn't know was coming.  I have absolutely no problem dealing with a Bombard or two, or three, when I know they're there, even if they're level 150.  It's when I don't know that they're there, that they ruin my day.


I would suggest maybe giving them a different vocal pattern, for starters.  Maybe pitch the current one they use down a bit.  This would make them sound bigger, and more menacing, and also make them distinguishable from fodder units.  Also consider a louder, more noticeable sound for the rocket launcher firing.


Other than that...  The whole rapid-fire rocket thing that happens with Corrupted Bombards?  That needs to not happen.


Forma Drops:

I honestly do agree with the concept of taking Forma Blueprint drops out of C-Rotation void rewards, but only for T3 and T4.  I don't get them all that often, myself, but when I do, it's a slap in the face.  T3 and T4 keys aren't very easy to come by, and the chance that you're going to get the mission type, that drops the part you're looking for, is even less common.  I'm not saying that you should remove Forma from those missions completely.  But reserve them for A and B rewards.  If you leave them as C rewards, make them fully built Forma.


Truth is, Forma are actually a rather important resource.  They're essential for getting the most out of any piece of equipment, and are even needed to expand Dojo functions.  But the fact that they take 24 hours to build really makes getting just a Blueprint out of a high level mission that you just spent 20 minutes, 40 minutes, or an hour going through?  That really does just feel like the game giving you the biggest middle finger.  However, if it were a fully built Forma, that you could spend right away, well, then at least you might be able to re-level one of your weapons, while you go farming for more keys.


I'll say this as someone who is MR19, and has 30'd out every single frame and weapon in the game, thus far, aside from event weapons that happened before I started playing.  (Also Despair, because Stalker won't come and fight me like a man!)  I have, currently, 54 Forma Blueprints, and I have been building them, one a day, for the past 2 months.  Ever since I got bored, and decided to rebuild old weapons I remembered liking, and started tossing Forma on them.  Problem is, I can power-level a weapon from 0-30 in about an hour or two, solo.  And aside from logging on to claim a Forma, and start building another, that's about my play time on Warframe, most days.  I would like to play more, but there simply isn't anything for me to do anymore, except sit and wait for the next Forma to be finished.  Sometimes, there's a neat alert for something cool, or an invasion handing out a potato, but those are pretty rare, and don't usually last long either.


Now, I remember mention, a couple Devstreams ago, that the foundry was being looked at for a possible overhaul.  The question was brought up, specifically:  "Why can I only make one Forma at a time?"  And the response that it got was:  "Well, that's Foundry 1.0."  That would be fantastic, for many players, to just be able to pump out stacks of five, ten, fifteen Forma at a time, if they have the resources.


Still, that would only serve to fend off the loot-lust for a little while, I think.  Even then, when Forma are less of a chore, getting them from T3/T4 endless missions, when you can get them just as easily from non-endless, or even T1/T2, just feels like a wasted key to most players.  I understand that there's a reason for poor RNG, and how it might fit into the business model, and I, personally am okay with all that.  But, I know that many players are most certainly not.


Foundry Transmuting:

I love this idea.  I really do.  Even if, whatever you throw in, the result is random, I fully support this.  Especially if it's a way to get potatoes without having to buy them, or wait until they show up in an alert/invasion.  I would even like to see this go for keys.  It would be fantastic, if I could toss five of my T1/T2 keys, of which I have an overabundance, into the foundry, and maybe get a T3/T4 key.


As it is, I'm already addicted to transmuting mods.  I have so many Power Throws, and Steady Hands, and Stabilizers, that I might as well smash them together, and see if it comes out as a Crimson Dervish.  I have, admittedly, spent millions of credits doing this.  I think I may have a problem...

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Weapon swap speed is terribley slow and depends on the weapon animation aswell. They defiantly need to be faster

Bombards should be much slower than normal enemies die to there large size and heavy weapon but it's basically the weapon they carry that needs an update as it does to much damage on the hit with a high chance of blast proc while that still being high damage and even follows you everywhere but the most annoying is the aoe it gives with no visual effect and goes through walls.

Bombards weapons should have a visual effect of the fire hazard aoe and should not go through walls and the damage/fire should not go round blocked areas or cover. If just that was changed would make a big difference

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Only issue i have with bombards is that they have what seems like max fire rate on their ogris.  Getting shot by 4 rockets at once guarantees getting stun-locked or death.  Quite frustrating.  Besides that their life pool and damage is fine to me.  I want them to stay threatening but they shouldn't outclass most enemies. I'd like to see some of the others be equally threatening but balanced.  More clairvoyance to their presence would be nice as well.  It doesnt make much sense that the rocket is dead silent.

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Weapon swap speed increase would be a nice change to fit the fast paced gameplay.


Bombards are fine, except for how ridiculous the tracking ability of the rockets can be sometimes. It should not be able to make such sharp turns or turn around and go the other way. If you dodge the rocket, it should be dodged and crash somewhere behind you.


I'd be happy seeing Formas just changed to a rare resource drop in the Void similar to Argon Crystals. Orokin Cells, Control Modules, Forma, and Argon should be the 4 Void resources. 


The blueprints to build resources already in the game are counter productive I find. Especially the credit cost and build time. I'd rather just do a boss run on a node and make money/resources much faster. I've not bothered buying any resource blueprints. 

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I think the current rare resource blueprints are pretty useless. If you need a rare resource, it's a lot quicker to farm one than wait 1hr for the foundry. And you get other stuff while you're doing it instead of throwing away a load of resources.

I would probably never convert forma to potatos either. I have everything I want potatoed potatoed and a bunch spare lying around.


However adding a foundry recipe doesn't seem like something that would take a lot of dev time. It doesn't need any new features coded or new models/art or anything. Most of the time would probably be deciding on what the recipe should be and whether it's balanced? So I guess I support having more options, even if I'll never use them. More options is always good.

Actually I would like if the opposite way to the one suggested was available as well: being able to convert a potato into a few forma. Maybe then I wouldn't see that a potato alert was a survival/defence and think that it wasn't worth the effort to do (it's not a gift if you make me work for it, Lotus).



In a similar vein while I currently use all the Forma I get, that probably won't last forever and I would support the option to do something else with it like sell it for ducats. People who do Void more often and get more blueprints than they can build (1/day), I can see the problem there. For them the Forma BP is completely worthless and it must be really annoying to keep getting them.

Edited by Azure.M
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Weapon Swap Speed


It definitely can be faster. Holstering speed aura is a joke, really.




The worst thing about bombards are their homing rockets and crazy AOE range.

I think homing must be removed entirely.

There is no reliable way of dodging the rockets no matter how you move, cause they can turn at insane 90 and 180 deg. angles.

AOE range should be lessened as well.

They also mustn't be able to spawn as ice eximus, cause of balance reasons.


Forma For Ducats


I'd love to make some use out of this trash, cause i get A LOT of them from the void. The drop chance is insanely high and not being able to do anything with forma blueprints has been infuriating for a while now.

But still, T3 and T4 missions should not drop forma. People come here for prime parts. That's how it is.


Rare resource blueprint


I'm currently very skeptical about the whole concept of it. When the starmap 3.0 comes, it very well may become a necessity to own a couple of those. If players hate raids, they're most likely going to be screwed over. Rare resources must always have a traditional and reliable sources of getting them.

Edited by Ryuji-kun
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A rework of these hulking fellows couldnt hurt.  lets tune the weapon seeking, add some fun varients (area denial explosion effects, multiple projectiles, projectile arcs (mortars!) etc), and make the weapon projectile more visible and/or capable of being shot down.

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Swap Speed

I'm alright with how it is for most weapons, but some just feel odd, Tonkor, Gorgon and a few other big guns are a little fast while some such as daggers, pistols and other compact weapons are too slow, I think swap speed should be based on the weapons by type, size, and features so swapping doesn't look out of place.



I hate Heavies, I find them extremely unbalance, high damage, high tank, high CC, high accuracy, they have too much going for them most of the time.  On the topic of Bombards from their rockets tracking abilities  and there high rate of fire, either reduce the tracking precision of the rockets or reduce Bombard's rate of fire.

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