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Limbo Prime Release Date


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So if I understand it correctly limbos thing makes weapon damage zero but abilities still work?

If that's the case he would work well with frames that can regulate from a central point. Banshee ash Excalibur volt mirage ember

His graphic effects could be toned down Imo

His prime needs a hat like wizards from square rpgs

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I have all warframes...except Limbo :|

I threw him after maxed him


His ability is overshadowed by other warframes,have some rift limitation especially about items,hard to kill using his ability and really depends on arsenal,don't forget he has low armor as well

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  • 2 months later...

Limbo needs some work, yes, but he's not a bad frame (aside from when in the hands of trolls). He's definitely not an AOE frame, but he's an amazing assassin frame. Like Ash, his job is to take out the biggest mofo's on the map and leave the trash mobs to frames like Ember. He selectively chooses which targets he wants to duel with and does increased damage to them while they are phased out. 


My normal play: Phase out > Find Ancient / Heavy Gunner > Activate Rift Surge >Draw back Dread > Phase out target > Release Dread > Win.

He also works nicely with Mobile Defense objectives By phasing out the area. Cataclysm actually makes a noise when enemies enter it's area...use it like a spider web to tell when your enemies are within your power and destroy them. After a few enemies enter and die others often stand outside the barrier making it a nice safe zone. Then repeat steps above and phase them out selectively and destroy them. Turn on Cataclysm in between lulls to let people pick up items then start it back up. 


I won't say that they shouldn't change the item pickup issue, and I won't turn down a rework if they decide to because those have always been amazing, but it doesn't make him a trash frame just because you don't know how to actually play him or he's not your play style. There's plenty of frames I consider trash because they literally get by doing nothing but using just one power and I don't like playing them but I don't mind having them on the team with me if others play them.

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Most frames dont jump out the box working as intended.

Banshee's 3 did absolutely nothing for the longest time.

How long was Ember the worst frame in the game?

Excal had an ability solely committed to jumping high?

Nekros is still to this day Santa Claus in wolf clothing.

Mag's 1 is(or was) better then everything else in her arsenal by leaps and bounds.

Volt was laughable back in the day(high damage frame lel)

The list continues. It just ain't Limbo.


Yea... But limbo is still the worst of all those frames mentioned.

And except for rare occasions he just annoys everybody instead of being useful

His 1 and 2 do basically the same thing... They should be merged into the same ability (holding down the ability banishes limbo and nearby allies... just pressing it banishes target)


being radiated with void energy should do more damage

rift surge should unbanish all enemies and make them explode in the normal world dealing high damage to the target and aoe damage ( damage boost becomes a passive for any tenno in the rift)

cataclysm needs a rework

he needs a new ability entirely



You all can hate the frame. I firmly believe the trollish frames are the best frames DE ever made(Loki,Trollban,Limbo)...I just wanna know if the frame had a chance to be released before 2017 ends.


Though... You probably use him to mess with your team...

Which makes everyone hate him more

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Honestly I dont know why some of you think Banshee would be before Valkyr when Valkyr is much more popular.

Valkyr should most likely be next after the next male rotation.


Because Banshee is an older frame, DE is trying to get the primes out in chronological order (yes I know Nova prime kinda shat on that) but after Saryn is primed, we would have the original 8 primed and the few recent additions after those.

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that and trolls who constantly banish you....


last night im trying to rank up my new scindo prime, rnk 8 with limbo banished me 90% of the game in coba DSD


but i found out on valkyr the rip line can kill still even when banished ....


so used that thing like crazy xD and got like 600 kills 

Uhm, I'm guessing you don't know that you can just roll to get out of Banish.


And yes all powers affect enemies just fine while cata is up. Volt's shield will also allow all gun damage to work with cata to.


Problem most have is they don't know how Limbo works, and a group really does need to know how Limbo's abilities function to be able to play with him.


As for Prime, I would really love for them to Prime him, he's tied with Vauban for 2nd fave frame. Unfortunately as many have said, he probably won't be getting that for somewhere around 2 years.

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Honestly, I don't find Limbo to be bad.... I just think that other frames should get primed first. I would love a valkyr prime despite them having to pull some crazy lore nonsense to explain how she has the same powers as her experimented on self.

Edited by (PS4)vamp6x6x6x
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Honestly, I don't find Limbo to be bad.... I just think that other frames should get primed first. I would love a valkyr prime despite them having to pull some crazy lore nonsense to explain how she has the same powers as her experimented on self.

Or better yet, release her Prime using her  "Original" power set. Could be interesting way to give her different powers for that version that players haven't already experienced.

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Just to be clear.


I'd imagine DE will still follow the MMFF prime pattern, the order of primes should be...



Nekros (although Vauban is older)












Atlas, Wukong, Ivara, and Nezha is when the pattern begins to fall apart since...3 male frames and 1 female frame.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Just to be clear.

I'd imagine DE will still follow the MMFF prime pattern, the order of primes should be...


Nekros (although Vauban is older)












Atlas, Wukong, Ivara, and Nezha is when the pattern begins to fall apart since...3 male frames and 1 female frame.

take out the China frames and it still works
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Priming limbo would be the worst mistake ever,no one will buy a silly looking frame in gold and no one will farm it.Not to mention how useless he is compared to every other frame.

Well, the silly looking thing is not an argument. Cause vanilla Nova is still the ugliest frame in the game by far (imo).

And limbo actually isn't that bad. He just needs some serious rework.

1) let him or the very least his allies pickup drops and hack consoles.

2) totally rework his 3. That should be a passive. Maybe give him the ability to shoot through (in and out of) the rift.

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Limbo thread? Limbo thread.


Limbo has more problems than just being too advanced for the p4tw crowd. Rift is unreliable at times. Sometimes you can hack a console, sometimes not. Some auras can't touch you, others do. Banishing teammates slows/regens power consumption, sometimes doesn't. Hitting an enemy with banish knocks them down, sometimes doesn't (really screws you over when trying to take out a lvl 100 bombard). And minor complaint the banish on teammates is barely noticeable visually. And the whole loot denial in a loot game. Pubs hate him and only viable in teams with mics making him even more exclusive.


Though I found he really exceeds in sniper duty. Set up a perch somewhere all by yourself, cast cataclysm with rift torrent active and just rain down fire on anything that runs in. But again in a public game your teammates will rarely allow you to do this, get themselves downed, then blame you for not guarding the objective while trying to revive their stupid &#!. Like clockwork.


If I were to rework Limbo, rift surge needs to be a passive, defense needs a boost while banished (being made of glass in and outside rift really sucks), and rift surge replace it with something like a synergy with cataclysm where enemies you banish are teleported into the cataclysm bubble. Would increase it's utility in my opinion.

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Cataclysm just needs to not shrink as well... Among a number of other things to make it actually worth the '4' slot. Honestly, though he's fun to play, his kit is more of 'fun had in spite of it's mechanics' than 'fun had because of it's mechanics' and that makes me kinda sad.

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Why hate someone that makes you invincible for 40+secs and regens your energy?

His main downside is not having a damaging power that scales to difficulty, he can keep guys alive, revive and protect - but relying on weapons to do damage sucks, when rift prevents shooting in and out of cataclysm unless you use rift walk from the outside.

I think he is a great teammate to have for power based frames or melee frames.

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