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Update 18.1.0 [Spoilers!]


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What's particularly disappointing about this update is that they neglect to mention the tedium involved in getting Nezha. Whilst he looks like a fun frame, would he really be worthwhile going into a sortie for a miniscule chance to get him?

I do like the rest of the update, but you get a sarcastic slow clap from me with how we have to get Nezha. Happy. Bloody. Holidays.

Sorties are nearly always worth doing so long as you have the guns, frames, mods, and player skills to handle high end content smartly.

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Sortie Changes


Sortie Season 2 is now live!  Keep an eye on the Sortie menu in the World State Window to observe changes made to the Sortie Reward Pool. We realize this is 2 days ahead of schedule, but we wanted to give everyone a chance to get Nezha starting today!


Except for that whole "people doing today's sortie earlier today don't get that opportunity" thing.

If you're going to switch up the reward pool, at least reset sortie progress for the day, so we actually do have this chance to get Nezha.

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Add the following important clarification to this Update's notes:


DE_Adam, on 16 Dec 2015 - 4:59 PM, said:snapback.png


Please Note: Nezha parts obtained from Sorties are tradeable.



Normally I am fine, Ivara was a pain, had to help other people get her four times, and coming up on five, but, she was obtainable, frames in the Tenno lab, are obtainable, Vauban is still obtainable, Mesa is obtainable, these frames require work, but, you can get them, with help, with effort with work, this is doable.


Putting a frame on an RNG based system, at which you get one shot at a day (Which I've already done) is unforgivable.  This is the single worse decision I have EVER seen DE pull, having no other way to obtain this warframe except a small window and blind luck?


Don't even start with the Tradable garbage, so what, people will probably charge more per piece it would be cheaper to buy with platinum, if Nezha was supplemented with Sortie, and made available on Alerts, or through Rescue or spy missions, if there was another way to get this through work, through effort, I would have no problem, but there is not, this is not fair, this is not a good idea and this is not a good move on DE's behalf.


Even if Nezha is a permanent rotation to the Sortie list it is still grossly unfair and I don't support this move, at all, it is to much reliance on RNG with a host of other possible rewards.  A player could go months doing daily sortie missions and never see a piece, a player could go months and see nothing but Nezha's helmet, this isn't a fair and balanced reward system, all frames should be obtainable through work and effort, or platinum, not through blind luck, tradable parts is not a good excuse, in fact it is a very flimsy one for justifying this move, all it is going to do is screw the warframe economy over for a few months before they are worthless as tissue paper. 


I am sorry for coming from under my rock and ranting, but this is not a good move, frames should not be rewards of any kind like this, it isn't a fair short or shake at Nezha Acquisition.

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LOL, what a scam update.


No fix, so that the whole team receives focus points?


Instead you put several "premium" features in this update, that can only be used with platinum?

After every update this game becomes more and more pay 2 win. A sham, as several months ago everything was still fine with you.

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Okay then... DE, I have a suggestion. Move Nezha's parts to the Hive Sabotage caches, and make the caches spawn during Alert/Syndicate/Sortie missions.


Make the systems A, chassis B, helmet C. Or something along those lines. 4-5% drops per part would be fine there. That's a place you can jam him. Hell, you could jam his parts across the Sabotage mission caches from the star chart--Earth, Uranus, and Eris.

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DE can you guys explane to me why did you thot its a good idea to put nezha parts in sortie mission rewards table ? along with all other stuff we can get from there, it can take up a year or severa years to get nezha parts. its only 3 out of 19 chances to get nezha parts at first, and if you have 2 parts its 1 out of 19. what are the ods you gonna get the part you want ?

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Im def not thankful for this update, cant get mana in iron skin? stupid as all hell man, Cant get mana while in Hysteria So stupid way to screw up the class and change the game play, totally screwing the point of both them class abilities. just like all the other games your updats only bring flaws to the game good going DE MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!....useless 

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You are absolutely right to feel this way. This is by far the worst way they have handed the distribution of a frame so far. I would rather it have taken 200 nitain to build because I'm not gonna get it from Sorties, I can guarantee it. I'll still be getting 100% Karak barrels and they aren't even in the table anymore.

Ha, You don't remember Banshee back in the day or what about my boy Vaubaun who is alert only. Sorties are hardly ideal but they are not the worst we have been subjected to.

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