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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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My first wish is that the DE team have a peaceful, joyous holiday. I am not entirely unacquainted with programming, and it's not fun sometimes. Still, you all push through and deliver the most fun product I've seen since (and hate to admit it) WoW. I love the game, the community, and the passion the developers have.

My second wish is to see development of the storyline, but not blatantly. I mean like Dark Souls; the information is there, just no heavy hand on our shoulder saying "this is what happened". Unless, of course, its already there and I'm just not seeing it... (you sneaky devils, you...)

Thirdly, enrichment of the Archwing arsenal, and more access to archwing missions. Perhaps a goal of this open beta could be a rotating table of Archwing missions on the current nodes, with a timed event rewarding a very rare Archwing component of some kind.

Above all, I wish all my fellow Tenno Happy Holidays. May you find comfort and peace this season!

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My 3 things would be...


1. A "color picker" that you can choose a set of several colors to have it actively go through all the colors you set into it, I want to be able to have rainbow colored Molecular Prime explosions or for like on prisma armor parts / weapons...it'd probably cause epilepsy issues though, but the idea was cool at first.


2. Ak Prime weapons. AkLex and AkVasto when? I have a set just waiting to be built in my inventory waiting for them when the time comes. ;_;


3. The option to disable syndicate operatives from your mission via game settings under options so if you are host / playing solo they won't spawn at all.

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My wish list is only one item.

Allow solo play without depending on gimmicks or flavor of the month items. Solo play is already the hardest way to play the game. Here's a short list of how it's more difficult:

No shared affinity means you actually have to use your weapons to master them slowing progression to a fraction of group play (not to mention completely avoiding the "mastery" aspect of ranking weapons)

More enemies spawned than the per person total in a group

No chance of being pulled out of bleed out

No aura stacking

The enemies have one target so you are constantly under fire

Can't divide and conquer

There are other reasons but I think I've made my point.

I accept that certain mission types, while possible to solo, are not practical to do so. High level defense, mobile defense and interceptions being good examples. I don't mind having to put in extra effort to play missions simply because I'm anti-social. I don't like playing with other people very often or for very long. But I have a bunch of sidearms that I doubt will ever get leveled because they are completely useless to kill anything with. Couple primaries as well but the problem is much more pronounced in the sidearm category.

I don't have a solid suggestion on how to fix the overall issue of solo play being inherently more difficult; but you could at least help the mastery issue by giving any affinity earned by a player an equal amount split between the frame; weapons and kubrow/sentinel. It wouldn't apply to any affinity gained from shared affinity and wouldn't be factored into any focus or syndicate gains; but would allow the completion of some of these terribly weapons.

Clarification: by terrible weapons I am not talking about low dps weapons exclusively; it can be any weapon which a person hates using. Like I hate the kulstar with a passion. It has good stats but I find it almost completely unusable. For me it is mastery fodder; for someone else it could be their favorite weapon; the specific weapon is irrelevant to the point.

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My first wish is a Valkyr Prime! I love my Valkyr right now but I'd like to see what she'd look like with some golden ornaments.

Secondly more Orokin Catalyst alerts! They are too rare nowadays. And we don't need as much Reactors.

And lastly I'd like to see more cosmetics for your shoulders, legs, and chest, Syandanas are great n' all but the other accessories bring in more personality.

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1 syndicate melee

2 alternative helms for china frames

3 newer types of armour set gauntlets

4 moon being its own hub zone

5 nomore kubrow genetic degradation

and lastly 6

the ability to replay both the the current second dream questline and all future cinematic quests

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The only three things I would like to see in 2016 are:


(1): An explanation to what exactly the Warframes are, and what is inside of them, if anything.

(2): The ability to replay certain quests. (cough cough, Second Dream)

(3): The addition of a "Focus Scroll" system, to further upgrade/enhance Focus abilities. Sort of like the Mod System for Warframes, weapons, etc. (Power Range, Duration, and Strength Scrolls. There could also be augments. They don't have to be scrolls either... just a placeholder name :D)


Oh and one last thing. Sorry...

As the Focus system progresses over the course of next year, I'd like to see a way to pull used lenses off of gear once you're done with them or want to move it to another weapon/Warframe. A Focus Lens Distiller, if you will. Which would work pretty much the same way that the Arcane Distiller does. It could be acquired from Syndicates, or from a completely new way.

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1. Armor Rework revisiting the exponential Health/Armor scaling.


2. An Armor nuke frame think of a Mag and shield polarize frame/ability


3. Focus Balance. Currently Focus is only really good for passives, the cooldown is too long and the abilities are underwhelming.


4. Focus exp rework. Fixed caps? Having to use lens on each piece of equipment? No shared focus?


5. Grindwalls Rework- same missions hundreds of times for a single part or mod isn't fun (nuff said)


6. Mod market. Why can't we have some tokens that we can trade for mods? Mods being behind obscene (hundreds of hours of gameplay farming a single enemy type) is not fun.


7. Hydroid Rework, tentacle swarm is pretty much the only reason to use this guy and it's not a very good ability.


8. More AoE weapons that don't damage yourself (like tonkors or Quantas) for secondaries


9. Primed Streamline


10. Primed Stretch


11. Primed Pressure Point


12. Multistrike Melee


13. Thrown Melee Attack speed rework (completely unuseable currently)


14. Nullifiers Rework, fixed bubble decrease and hard damage caps invalidate weapon types from them are NOT fun.


15. More sentients.


16. More end game missions options that aren't walled behind a once-a-day completion or an hour of warm-up.


17. Arcanes can be applied to armor pieces.

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DE is one of those rare companies who actually listen to their players. I remember at the end of 2014 (or was it at the start of 2015?), they said they would buff up/fix snipers and shotguns. Even if it took nearly a year, they did it. And gave us lots of other cool things like the Second Dream.


My only wish: Keep dreaming, and keep it coming.


Merry christmas. =)

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In no particular order:

1. Revisit Mesa, seems like I only use her 3 now, as her 1 is a bit clunky, 2 isn't entirely useful when teammates are one-shotting most mobs, and 4 is too slow for panic situations and not user friendly in the long run.

2. Rework drop tables in the void, the addition of cores, forma, orokin cells and credit caches is supremely annoying when most void missions I run are for argon drops and prime parts.

3. Continue to revisit, rework, polish, and refine past content to deliver a strong game with a solid foundation that stands great by itself, without the necessity of adding new content to keep players interested (but keep adding new content, updates 17 and 18 were amazing).

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oh wishs lets see


wish 1 alt genders of each frame yes this will never stop till its done ingame deal with it.


wish 2 focus having multiple forms ie unairu has an option to turn into a stone golem being the ultimate tank or the petrification beam and so on


wish 3 lore on if a tenno warframe gets destroyed does the tenno die die would love official DIRECT confirmation from de.


and a wish 4 syndicate outfits for our operator that is gained from syndicate rep. give us loyalist to a single syndicate something more to grind for. even if its just cosmetic tact.

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wish 1 alt genders of each frame yes this will never stop till its done ingame deal with it.

Technically, Warframes have no gender. All they have are certain traits that for humans seem to identify given sex.

It's just a bias, and if you want your Limbo to be female or Valkyr to be male with appendages, it's completely up to you. Especially after latest Nezha "controversy".


DE's just humans and they have their typical human biases, imagining something completely alien and not similar to what we know as of now is quite hard.

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In order of importance:

1) Something solid to calibrate my expectations by.

I'm not talking about content spoilers or predictions, I'm talking about systems.

'How is this intended to work', 'how is this frame/weapon intended to perform in '.

'This is the maximum power level we want players to be able to attain.'

'Where on the GearSkill scale is Warframe - or for that matter, any specific Warframe - supposed to sit?'

'How competitive is any approach other than 'murder as many things as possible as fast as possible' intended to be?'


2) As per my feedback: Make your story make sense.

It doesn't have to be brilliant. It doesn't have to be perfect. (Though it'd be nice if it was, obviously.)

But please, make sure it makes sense.

3) I'm torn on 3.

I want to say 'streamline the game's controlling. (more! \o/) Mechanical QoL improvements.' like Limbo being made less clunky to control, functional and cosmetic loadouts easier to manage, a return of the 'automantle' toggle (so I can turn the damn thing off :P ) and I could probably go on, but that ought to give you the idea.

On the other hand, I want to say meta QoL improvements.

'Endgame' appears to (still) be 'collect all the things' (where 'things' may include gear, dogs, cosmetics, mods, etc. depending on the person).

But there's very little clear progress that can be made towards those goals.

Either a Forma BP/Prime/Ivara/Landing Craft part you want dropped, or it didn't.

Either (1 of) the rare resource you need (7 of) dropped, or it didn't.

Either the mod you're looking for dropped, or it didn't.

The closest thing to 'progress' you have to show for these if they didn't is time and/or keys (which == time) wasted.

At best can you get ~1/8th-1/11th of a new Baro offering in ducats.

At middling you get around half that.

At worst you get ~1/50th of it.

At 'tearing your hair out', you get keys (or Forma BP, depending on who you are).

At 'flip your table and throw your screen out of the window', you get Orokin Cells.

Case in point: personal anecdote.

Between Ash P Systems, Vectis Reciever and Trinity Systems, I ran a total of upward of 300 void runs.

It completely burned me out on farming any item ever again, and left me rather apathetic of anything outside the star chart.

I rarely do Void missions if I'm not actively looking for Argon. I don't do Void Endless missions at all.

It'll come when it comes, or it won't. MR? Who cares. Prime Access? Not unless it's a package I simply can't refuse.

Now, between time, effort and social connections - I'm rather invested in this game. As such, I find other ways to amuse myself and when I've had enough, I put the game down and do something else. But sooner or later, I pick it back up.

Were I not as invested, I can't say I'd do the same.

Because it is so very disheartening to play for whatever time you can spare and - in the end - not even have a good mood to show for it.


Okay, wow, so that turned a little bit ranty.

I hope it's at all coherent. I'm rather underslept atm.

Anyway! Happy holidays and a good new year to y'all out there. :)

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 I imagine most of my suggestions have already been mentioned but here they are:


(1) Make leveling up gear(warframes, weapons, companions, focus, etc.) mean something more personal to the player.


How would you do they do this? I think they talked about this in a dev stream but give options to players as they level up their gear in terms of weapons it could be the damage types available or the scaling of certain damages types when applied through mods.


Example weapon: Leveling a weapon to level 10 gives you the option of increase base status chance, increase base one of the 3 physical damage types, increase base crit chance or damage or increase the amount of elemental damage your weapon gains from mods.


Example Warframe: Give players back the option of maxing your ulti at early levels (makes putting a forma on easier). Leveling a Warframe to level 10 gives you the option of increasing base power strength, efficiency, range, duration, hp, armor, shields, shield recharge delay/rate, etc. For this to work they would have to change what the base values are, though I'm not sure how they would go about this but I'd like to have some meaningful choices when leveling up a warframe than just being another Frost with a slightly altered build.


(2) Make focus something we want to build into.


I say this mainly because I chose Unairu the description made me seem like some unstoppable force, a mountain that couldn't be moved, the unkillable tank instead I got to stare people down and become Atlas for 10 seconds. Tanking needs to involve health and shields not just armor, give reduced shield recharge delay give me someway to replenish my own missing hp. Most of all give us different focus skills for the trees we chose, I'd like my focus to affect more than just my armor and enemy armor as the second the enemy has no armor 2 of my passives become useless.


I know you seem against it right now but I feel that focus should empower my Warframe especially the Unairu tree make enemies focus me give damage reduction hell even reduce my damage dealt or movement speed for the time it is active. Make me the center of the void and draw enemies to me that's how I envision being a tank in this game but allow me to die I want near invulnerability but if I bite off more than I can chew make sure I get punished.


(3) Give enemy level more meaning other than increased hp, damage and XP when killed.


This would include changing a bunch of the AI and honestly it a bit far fetched but hear me out. I would like enemies to gain new abilities as they increase in level or in this case difficulty and for factions to have more defining AI. This is mostly ripped of Killing Floor 2 as when you tier up the difficulty settings the Zeds will have more abilities such as being able to dodge roll, suicide explosion, jump around a lot to make them harder to head shot, etc.


In Warframe this can fit the factions pretty well for example:


Grineer  - could move as wall of units fanning out over a large area and will make the melee units, Shield Lancers and Lancers become basically meat shields you could even have lancers sacrificing themselves to protect a Ballista. Give the Grineer the feeling of fighting an army, one with specialists not just the same guy with a different gun and more armor. The Grineer Commander could play a defining role in how skirmishes take place you could also vs a commander that changes up tactics or makes dummy commander but killing an enemy commander should leave basic Grineer scratching their heads. As you advance through enemy levels you can notice more strategies being used by the Grineer which you might be able to tell which one by seeing what type of commander they have. 


Corpus - MOAs should stop at nothing to protect the humanoid Corpus and the humanoid Corpus should never try to get near a Tenno unless they are of the Comba unit. The Corpus should feel like a private military, advanced, cold, calculating they should never try and be in the line of fire they value their own lives and should always care about profit. More robots are needed and rework the sapping drone so its actually sapping like a tether  to a Tenno or something. I hope to see some of this in a Corpus update one day.


As you advance through the ranks the robots get improved subroutines such as focusing the weaker less shielded/hp of the Tenno. The crewman get better tech to deal with nasty Tenno (not just power block please), give them a wall that only laser weapons can go through allowing counter play (an actual square wall not an impenetrable cube or dome). Give Ospreys some bombing run ability like you could have a Mine Osprey and a Scavenger drone work together to deliver bombs straight to the Tenno.


Infested - If there are other factions corpses in the map such as the Grineer or the Corpus allow the infested to manifest in them and take control. The infested are a hive mind the should just follow one path to me and have all the leapers line up for a diving competition. They should surround me and try and overcome me with shear numbers alone. Have infested climb along walls and being threatening and terrifying like Alien and not just a space zombie. As you advance through the levels infested become more and more consuming instead of spawning ancients or any other infested heavy unit have a bunch of infested consume and mold together to create horrifying manifestations in front of the player just gives it some damage reduction and weak points and you are good to go when the infested is cooking of course. Have Leapers actually leap around and even ride Chargers into battle.


(4) I know it said 3 but come on gives snipers a reason to be taken


Make them have a specialty for getting rid of special units and nullifying enemy powers or allow them to strip enemy armor and shields. Then maybe people will take them over just being more master fodder.


Thanks for reading


- Okeefe

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Happy holidays DE
Wish list
1 Rework arcanes(create 2 or 3 slots for them like trinkets no cosmetics) and reintrudoce the old ones i hate too have too use old helmets too mantein my builds when new stuff coming in(tennogen)
2 Remove mod abilitys from kubrows and sentinels make them passives if u dont want ur sentinel too fire the gun unequip it and create new percepts like u did too diriga
3 Syndicats quests/lore more augments exclusive armor parts(we already have the sindanas)
4 Add tier 2 sorties mobs lvl 100-200 weelky not daily with only 5 of the most rare rewards
5 add a exclusive type off mission too the tier of the void EX: T4 interception T1 rescue T2 spy T3 hijack
6 Archwing needes more content like corpus ship is atacked by a formoria bailor and we leave the ship and strike back and return back in ship
7 Archwing new type of missions and tilesets EX: protect convoy   
deception(plant a bombe and fly the fastest u can before it blows with nice tunnels xd)
8 More Npcs in realys and more speech also quests from this npcs with lore about them and civilians of this places(we learn what is a tenno but we dont know nothing about this universe)
9 Rework the way we win focus points and make the lenses just buffers for that gain
10 "Problems with drops dilution" T5 void missions will fix the problem it could come with the new star chart
11 Rework the Dam mobile defences we have too "wait for 9 mins too get a item that probably is not what we want is anoying like..."
12 "AI" i realise how dumb is the AI playing with ivara but when i mean AI i mean rework both enemys and specters and kubrows
13 Sindicates i talked about them before im my 3rd wish but simaris need some love in the list of things he have and the things e have for us too do we need more quests about this entity 
14 god how are u guys making money if u guys dont realese cosmetics  valkir and necros have acessori slots create the same dam thing for the others we love kiling stuff while looking cool
15 he comes the spoilers and talking about cosmetics we need more suits hairs and cosmetics for our little tenno even if we have too buy them with palt
16 and last one slow down a little with warframe realeses and rework other warframes in bad spot hydro oberon limbo volt and Zephir

this 16 wish are for 2016 i hope some of them will become true if not we will be here in 2017 too see

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My wishes:

1. Give us a chance to get the stuff (warframes, weapons, mods and accessories) that we could have gotten if we knew the game back then. (for example: Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime and the event mods like Primed Chamber or Pummel...)

Not saying every day but every year or two we could buy or farm it out in a short period of time.


2. Get rid of that trading chat we have now and give us something better to sell our items.


3. Rethink the mods polarity and/or forming warframe beacuse if you want to build a slow Nova you format it like 4 times but if you want to use it as a fast one you can't fit all the mods you want and you have to get an other one and also format that too in a different way.

(Also note that you could not decide during equipment which is which)

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1:  Regular Events, its a bit ridiculous that its been 7 months since we've had one (as of this post), events don't have to introduce new features they can use existing assets and still be fun.  And more quests, they don't all need to be fancy and cinematic like second dream, just more quests in general, and make all quests replayable.  I put both requests as one because I see them as an overarching theme... more story. 


2:  Aggressive expansion/improvement of archwing. 


3:  Something I found in another persons post that I agree with...



1) Sort out arcanes. Take the stats off of cosmetics already, just give us a seperate stat slot! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to wear what we want, without having to worry about how it affects our builds? This applies to both old and new arcanes.


I really would love to use some of the newer cosmetic helmets, but I just can't justify not using some of my old arcane helmets because of the stats.  I also don't want to put any of the arcanes from trials on anything because they get locked into that item alone, heavily restricting customization. 



Edit: had to add one more...

Dedicated augment slot(s),  This is something the community has been asking for for a long time now. 

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Thank you DE for bringing us another year of Warframe. I have seen your efforts in answering the feedbacks of the people, your patience for both haters and supporters, and your genuine joy in all that is Warframe.


My wish is that all of you guys at DE will continue to have fun.

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A "Cancel Build" option on the Foundry. Many have wasted precious hard-earned materials from accidentally selecting "Build" on the wrong item in the Foundry. There are several who have posted about this before, and I myself have made this mistake and it is extremely frustrating. It doesn't many any sense not to have a cancel option in the Foundry.

Please add this.

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Mine is super simple...

1). More sword and board weapons :-) perhaps a Silva & Aegis prime!

2). Excalibur's Swordsman passive should honestly work on pretty much all melee weapons, I don't see why this isn't a thing... To get the buff you gotta go in as the sword alone anyway, so I don't think its OP.

3). You guys get some well deserved rest and come back refreshed in 2016... 2015 was a great year and you, DE, killed it, so you deserve the holiday break! Come back in 2016 ready to kick &#!!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all


1- option to see a Plat statement to show what we have spent it on.

2- option to move active quests to pending, to stop the continuious repeating reminders

3- more mod slots or default options to increase health and shields as these are the 2 that every frame gets by default.

only thread Ive seen to put suggestions forward that could get read by DE. great idea big thank you for this

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