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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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I'd love more appearance tabs and frame/weapon upgrade tabs. A/b/c isn't enough any more considering how much cosmetic variety we have and how many mods we have. This change is long overdue.

Secondly, melee 3.0. We need to make the combos mean something. And channeling. Some weapon types need buffing and addressing too such as daggers, scythes and throwing weapons.

Thirdly, Frost deluxe model please (the one showcased by the author who has already created the others)... Especially as we clearly aren't getting a frost prime visual rework.

Edited by Naith
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Happy Christmas DE!

1. Syndicate melees (yes, I expect Telos Boltace, and am excited for it) Sechura Obex anyone?

2. More reasonable ways to hit focus cap. As someone who didn't cheese stealth focus, and merely meleed as I went through the level, I stopped farming focus when DE killed Ext. Hoping that changes soon.

3. Stream plat! (Never won D:)

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1.Latron wraith, maybe in TA. or Santa gift ^^

2.Quantum badge ^

3. Free space fly with my landing craft or orbiter or ship^^ Just flying for epic view that y create, don't need other players around and host migrations>_> Planet and space exploration, maybe for resources.

Edited by MrMysteriousTenno
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1. Improvement of the the new post-second-dream system. I know that DE has a prototype in mind and will get back on it in the New Year, but this is a pretty important mechanic that people have been waiting a while for. Also, when I say improvement, I also mean in its fundamentental mechanics, such as cooldowns and possibly further branching the existing trees in order to further encourage individual development into everyone's own playstyles.


2. Syndicates. Right now they are just item vendors, not much else to them. I'd really like to see the potential for lore and conflict in this system to finally go beyond the 2 sentence descriptions they have and reach their potential.


3. Corpus. I know the Twin Queens have been advertised, but I personally think the Corpus need some love (outside of Alad V),. This includes the rework of Nef, and it would be awesome to have more insight into Frohd Bek and the Corpus Board of Directors, as well as their implied fanaticism with the Orokin,

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1: Arcanes not being tied down to cosmetics.


2: More Syndicate goodies, Vaykor Jat Kittag? *wiggles brow*


3: Implementation of Focus getting shared to the group(I remember being mentioned). Playing with my Radiation Ignis and Trinity shouldn't feel like a let down when I could get triple or quadruple the focus being a totally offensive frame, I'd like to play what I like without spending a whole day getting focus. Especially when I could do it in 3-4 dedicated missions alone. Sharing is caring!


See you in 2016!

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Welp, since we can have 3 wishes:

1. Banshee rework+deluxe skin+banshee prime (I have a microorgasm every time I think about prime version). Really, it is so sad to know that your favorite frame is least played among all other.

2. Some new syndicate goodies, especially melee syndicate weapons. When syndicates was out I thought there will be something new there, like, every month, but I was badly wrong. Maybe, syndicatr quests would do? Since you have motion capture studio you can make amazing quests! Anf they shouldn't be long - just a cool quest to aquire something nice.

3. Some new powerful frame. I rrally dunno, what I want, but I just want new frame looks like someone powerful - you know, when Atlas kicks assas with his 1st (heh, now I get it fist-first ability) he felt like a powerful guy, but other abilities dont hit that spot

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(spoilers ahead)

Accelerant burns alloy plates?

As for wishlist:

1. More lore pls, Second Dream answered some questions but left others hanging.

Like who/ what is Stalker, how the Tenno defeated the Sentients (call me noob, but i haven't figured out how Mirage slaughters Sentients en masse as mentioned in her quest" and what exactly the Warframe s

2. Augments for China Warframe stuff i.e. augments for Wukong, Nezha etc

3. Multiple augments per ability i.e. Roar/ Shock/ etc has more than one augment

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Merry Christmas! I love Warframe and I think you guys do a tremendous job. My wish list is this.

1- Grenades!several different types of grenades/bombs with seperate mods to customize explosion size etc.

2- grenades

3- grenades :) i just think it would be amazing to throw a ball and see grineer go flying everywhere.

Thanks for everything!

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1. Optimize game little bit, because stuttering since U18 drop is insane

2. Add some basic physics laws meaning AOE from Napalm, Bombards etc, cant go through floors, walls, doors

3. Dont ruin mission type which are fine (recent exterminate fix)

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Although there's a lot that could be asked for, there's really only one thing that I'd want to see in 2016:


For you guys to buff, change, overhaul, or replace Trinity's Well of Life.


It slows down gameplay, it's almost useless compared to Blessing, it either makes enemies unkillable or they're killed too quickly, health isn't guaranteed to those who need it, and even its augment is underwhelming.


Now that she's got her own prime, I'd like to see the one lacking aspect in her toolkit looked at.

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1: Unique game modes for archwing, take advantage of the fact we are in space. The new defense was a nice first step, but we need more crazy ideas.


2: the problem with archwing compared to the regular game is that your cant really get your archwing to be strong, only tanky. We dont have enough mods to focus on power play, like the regular game has. so corrupted power mods to archwing pretty please? at the very least we need more mods in archwing to have choices. right now the only choice you have is more armour or more speed, no balance your tankyness and damage/utility to fit your playstyle


3: this:

A fix for the head snapping bug.

Basically, the player's head snaps to a specific angle (different for different mission types) when the warframe is facing a certain range of angles. It's been a problem since the face orientation according to camera direction was introduced, and it's my biggest wish of all to have it fixed.

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Happy holidays! For everyone <3


Wish list :

1. A heavy support weapon! Something like a Gatling / Minigun

text comes from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/536034-can-we-get-a-gatling/


I think that a lot of Tenno dreams about having a multiple barrel firearm.


Will it be a minigun, chain gun or gatling... The main concept and mechanics are nearly the same - wind-up and rotating barrels... I chose to use the name " Gatling " for the topic because of Richard Gatling is the father inventor of those death bringers.


But the name of the WF weapon itself Let it be " Vulcan " (i know, it is commonly used in games)...


Deadly at short range - highly inaccurate at longer ( like shotguns but more fun to use ) - most suitable for "cover fire".

big ammo pool, heavy dmg per shot, gigantic fire rate and no mag are the main features of the weapon.


Main difference between Gorgon/Supra and this weapon is it need to be fully wind-up to shot. 

Additionally because of stability purposes The frame will not be able to sprint while using it (with a light reduction to bullet-jumping and gliding). You may say it is for balance purposes but i think it will give a flavor for this gun. This feature can be cut by using syndicate mod if devs allow it.

Another flavor for this gun is that it don't have a mag- since it don't have a mag it won't have any reload time.


But to not lose all ammo in one go, Vulcan should have a " overheat " feature - it need to cooldown after firing a certain amount of bullets (let say 0.5 of max ammo) in one short succession. It kinda forces you to fire short series to maintain the heat / replace the mag. But in most cases your enemies (that are stupid enough to get close to you) will be dead before you hit the max heat- not to mention that mods will also alter the heat threshold if not cut it whole.


My heart wants to give the weapon some ammo regeneration ability... I think it's worth it.


And while not making it being a big chunk of dakka on our backs - the Vulcan could fold itself like opticor.



Reasoning  behind the project



If you ask me Why i created the Vulcan i can give you a silly and a serious answer.


Silly one:


"Its a freaking minigun! And we need it for the hek of it."


But that one isn't heartwarming, constrictive and encouraging.



Serious one:


While looking on all types of weapons, How they work and how you handle them. Each of them while use nearly the same "stance", on most cases they don't have any drawbacks and advantages while using them (excluding dmg output, ammo pool/efficiency). In a way they are plain and similar to each other ,which the exception to a few " special/ strange " weapons. 
Each of them can be used freely every time. I wanted to make a mess with that concept with my Vulcan as the weapons lacked more advanced mechanics.


I wanted to create something that will not copy the same schematics. That will come with disadvantages that creates a path to new tactics.

It came to me that we lack real heavy weapons.


Original dark sector had one



As much as i think about it and how much I like to play with a Gorgon prisma. I debated with a friend what HMG we wish to see.

We came up with the idea of a Tenno minigun (or rather a minigun for the Tenno). As stated in some posts - a plain minigun would be boring / plain.


The main flavor of Vulcan would be decent dmg per bullet, very high fire speed (6k rpm of M134 obliges) and no mag/clip. While i wanted to not give the Vulcan high recoil, I would compensate the initial features with poor accuracy. But that still not it. its still simple.


At some point i was heavily comparing Vulcan and Soma. in both DPS and Reliability department.

To make the weapon more fun and give it more tactical approach. I added three really needed features:

1) to shoot you need to fully wind-up the weapon (as it befits a real minigun)

2) (as it came to be the most controversial feature) It will hinder movement when using

3) (questionable) cooling after long continuous shooting


While I'm the person who wish to break the whole "meta" in the game. I wish to take my Vulcan anywhere i please. Because of the disadvantage of the weapon. We are forced on depending on our secondary and melee weapon more than we are used to. And we have a huge arsenal that should fill the gaps, the drawback in each weapons. I think that currently its not executed correctly...


Even counting the upcoming mandatory mod changes. Each of us will mod their weapon differently and each of us will use Vulcan in their own way. I wished that Vulcan can be used on big group of enemies. To clear the paths. To make it fun to use. To force people to not bash buttons. To make them more team mates rather than only mates on a mission.

I have even used a picture that don't have " hip grip" but a modified standard one (right hand close to the shoulder, while left is up straight ).


If Vulcan was a legitimate for the game as it is now it would not have any movement hindrances. In my mind that wouldn't be as much fun the core concept.


To sum up the reason for the Vulcan:

- Its fun

- force a more tactical approach on the missions

- you are more dependent on secondary / melee weapons and sometimes on warframe abilities to compensate the movement hindrance/ ammo efficiency 

- its not a straight upgrade of any existing weapon

- its is something fresh



2. More Special encounters that are tied to the missions (in similar to Juggernaut and in a way to assassinations targets) and not RNG (like death squads) that will bring additional " special " drop for killing them.

Warframe "treasure goblin" !?


3. Special dedicated and frame exclusive weapons !


Have a great Holidays !!


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My wishlist:


1) Mag deluxe skin

2) Mag buff against grineer and infested

3) More passive buffs (can be minescule) for the focus system.


       Examples of those buffs would be: More headshot damage, armor reduction on body shots, deal more damage at the center of an explosion from        ogris and the rest, etc.

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