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Coming Soon: Devstream #66!


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Warframe has certainly come a long way and I'm sure you still have plenty more ideas to add and improve throughout the year, but this question is one that we should never fully ignore or forget...


Any plans / timetable for when the game will finish its "Beta" phase?


2015 may have been the "year of quality" but if the game gets stuck in a cycle of new additions, new issues to handle, more thin polishing, and then new additions again, we might never see a truly completed product.


We know that you plan to support the game as you have long past its full release, but it'd be nice to know that such a release - and with it a promise for stability and cohesiveness - is still on the table.

Edited by Feam
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I tweeted Steve around December of last year about a Zephyr rework. He replied
" I believe so, but it may be after break when we tackle it"
Now that it is after break, what are you planning to change in Zephyr's rework.

(Side question, will it be a full out rework like Excalibur or Saryn, or a Quality of life like Valkyr?)

Here's the tweet Btw-



Edited by Kirafreedom45
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I like looking like a tough guy in my hack n' slash games. Excalibur, Ash, and Rhino do this well for me, but many other frames look goofy, strange, disproportionate and inhuman. So...


Q: Will there be any skin variants for warframes that give them a drastically different look akin to how MOBAs handle their heroes? I'll gladly pay to have a male Ember or a better looking Limbo, Equinox, or Wukong; I don't get why we can't make frames thematic and cool looking at the same time.


I guess I just don't like having clothes being represented in the warframe itself as baggy pants, hats, animal elements, etc. (e.g. Wukong, Limbo, Hydroid, Chroma's pointy beer gut). It also seems inconsistent as syndanas and such aren't metalized and welded to our frames.

Edited by Ditronus
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Dear Dang Diddly DE Developers.


My wish for the year is:

Archwing content on par with the normal game.

More Archwings, more weapons, more mods, more tilesets, more mission types, more enemies, more bosses, MORE!

I've always enjoyed Archwing, but it's still pretty much the empty shell it was in Update 15. The changes and content Update 17.5 brought were much appreciated, but Archwing still needs SOOO much more love!


Thanks for the read, and like always,

stay awesome, guys.

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With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old mechanics like paid inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an arbitrary restriction.


Also, can we please get a new Archwing someday? It's been approximately two years now since the Itzal was released, and Archwing selection feels extremely limited with only three to choose from.

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Welcome back from your vacation! I hope you had a good time.


I have just a few questions, one a more technical question and the other a more artistic or thought-provoking question.


Two technical questions:


1. In the way Arcanes are equipped on Warframes currently, would you consider changing it to allow players to enchant ANY cosmetic they like BUT have a limit of how many Arcanes are equipped as a net gain on the Warframe at once? I.E. Instead of limiting Arcanes to just helmets and syndanas, which any Warframe can equip only 2 of at once, have a limit of 3 Arcanes on a Warframe at once and let players enchant armors, auxillaries, chest plates, anything they like?


2. For TennoGen creators, would you please consider adding all the default helmets of approved Warframes so that Skin creators can make matching packs just like the Primsa Excalibur Skin pack which comes with a matching Prisma default helmet, Avalon Helmet, and Pendragon helmet?


And for a more thought-provoking question:_


1. Now that all consoles have had access to u18 The Second Dream quest, I would like to ask the team from a creative, and artistic design standpoint, What is the reasoning or inspiration behind revealing the Tenno to be what they are, children? I do not mean this in a malicious or displeased sense, but rather from pure curiosity and willingness to understand your decision as a whole for this choice of story-telling? For example; was the team inspired by certain mecha anime mediums, was the team trying to make something really shocking and out of the ordinary? Etc?

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Is there any chance the observation deck tile in the Dojo will ever have the functionality of the navigation segment? It would make playing with clanmates way more efficient. Setting up parties in the Dojo and such.

Also, please give an option to turn the Tenno dialog off.

Edited by Faceguy
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Another year good to be a 'framer!


I was wondering.

Any chance you will be adding a melee throwing weapon with 25% crit rate?


Also we got a frame for so many elements (ember,frost,Saryn...) Will we be seeing more standard elements to complete the collection? (like Wood and Metal)


And about Archwing.

Any thought about expanding the archwing frames and making more team based missions to mimic ground teams abit more? (less raw mayham and more challenging that way (and proberly also more played. For me atleast))


But other then that keep up the splendid work!



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Are there more interesting Sortie effects in the works? The dense fog was good, but what about heavy gravity, light gravity, 1/5 friction and 5x slide, all Manic attack, all Prodman levels, an all boss run, being stuck in archwing for normal missions, everyone is super tiny (or the level is super huge), etc?

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Diablo 3's dev. team got rid of player trading and the Auction House because they felt it short-circuited the loot-driven game, made an unrewarding atmosphere, and made character power/progression more about shopping for legendary items rather than killing demonic hordes for them.


Q: With Warframe allowing players to trade the best mods and prime parts in the game for a rather low amount of platinum, wouldn't this lead to same problems Blizzard discovered and eliminated in the fundamentaly similar game, Diablo 3? Why keep such a system in place, or do you feel differently than they do?

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Are there plans to streamline to main story quests and are you going to do any major lore codex or quest?


I'm new to warframe been playing about a week and I put it off for a long time, but I'm here now and I just want more. The lore you have, scarce as it is, is awsome. I love it.

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Will you be updating the PvP Arsenal Menu to reflect ability and 'Frame changes? For general convenience for PvP players, so we don't have to check the Wiki for the info to possibly be there.

This year, which faction do you believe you'll be focusing on the most?

Will you be making Sentient Weaponry to where your weapon can adapt to the weakness of enemies and do the damage(s) they are vulnerable to?

This year, do you believe we'll find out what the Warframe's truly are or do you believe that question will have to wait awhile before you work on that?

Thank you for all the hard work, [DE]! <3

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Hi there. From the perspective of a founder who has been around since Update 7 and just recently returned after eight months or so away, I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with all the new content and additions to the game (especially, of course, the latest quest) and that I'm really proud of DE for meeting and exceeding some of the hopes I had for the game when I first began playing. I hope the game only continues to grow and flourish.


There is already a lot to read through in this thread so I'll pose a few brief questions, mostly related to sound.


1. I like that the Lotus has many more lines in missions now than she used to. Will she be getting more dialogue soon, whether in missions, quests, relays/hubs, or even a new physical location?


2. Along the same lines, I love hearing the Operator (Owl has a vulnerable, old soul quality), but I wish he/she had more to say (and perhaps do). Are there plans to add more Operator dialogue to missions, or perhaps converse with Ordis back and forth?


3. Would it be possible to add an independent slider for effects sounds that are ambient/environmental like water or the ringing of special containers, separate from the effects volume slider controlling things like Warframe abilities? I would love to hear background noises more distinctly but a lot of powers and actions (e.g. breaking crates) are very loud when you turn up that slider.


Thanks and I'm looking forward to the stream.

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