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Coming Soon: Devstream #66!


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Questions: Have you planned to make PVP and maybe the global game in to dedicated servers?
What about the new star chart?

Can we expect new planets and new tilesets with U19?

Any ideas to change the actual focus system and it's farm?

Banshee Buff? :3

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Are any more mission reworks coming? I remember talk of Sabotage, Exterminate, and Deception reworks being talked about, and has anything come of those?

Also, would you consider more combination missions (part Mobile Defense and part Spy, for example)? On occasion we get some in quests or sorties, but how about as a common starchart occurrence?

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Question / Request

Would DE ever consider having a transmogrification feature?

the ability to keep the stats of one weapon and swap it with the appearance of another weapon of the same catagory

an item could be purchased for plat from the market and allow us to swap appearances with weapons of the same catagory (bow / bow skins only work on other bows)

I really love my rakta cernos, but I hate how it looks and would totally be willing to pay $$ to have an item that allows me to keep the stats of 1 weapon but use the look of another weapon in the same catagory

in this case I would swap my rakta cernos appearance with dread or abra paris skin if it could be applied.


I can see all kinds of funny situations with that. Someone swapping the Sancti Tigris skin for a Kraken skin xD


That'll troll everybody.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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Heya dev team HNY and welcome back!


1. Banshee deluxe skin when?

2. Banshee Prime =3?

3. Banshee doesn't need any major reworks or mechanics changes

4. Syndicate melees, namely the Rakta Dark Dagger =3?

5. Arcane helmet and being able to apply skins to them?

Edited by 7Lions
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Love the new parkour system, but any chance the old wall "running" will make it back? wall hopping really doesnt look cool on a space ninja ;).



This! Would especially love a  hybrid system: hold space for wall runs, periodic tapping of space for wall hops (right now wall hopping can be achieved using both methods).

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>>>>>> Yo!! Please fix the inverted text on the dojo banners! Make dojo's more than just a place to trade/research/dual and add more props, some better way of placing said props instead of walking around with a tenno trying to place everything symmetrical, its frustrating. Please bring t3 keys back to Lua (earth excavation) that map was fun but now its poop because... No t3 keys. Also one question, why archwing?? I know some people like it but pfffffff, it has potential but you geeza's could have focused on other stuff first. That said, i think your game is absolutely badass, easily my most played game. Please read this (if you even see it lol) and HAPPY NEW YEAR! hope to see some badass stuff in da near future. :+) <<<<<< AND PLEASE ADD MORE CLAN RANKS, i want to promote people but theres not enough space on the rank list. Also, >>>> BANSHEE PRIME OR SKIN <<<< and some kind of slash damage prime whip like the mighty atterax.

Edited by (PS4)StoninCat
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I just wanna know if there is gonna be a new cinematic quest or something that gives more depth to the Warframes themselves. We now know that the Tenno control them yet, they seem to be capable of controlling themselves in either short bursts of Operator protection or as a rampaging Rhino.



(Also Lotus noggle PLS.)

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I love how far this game has evolved since I joined a year ago. DE you are doing a marvelous job keeping this gem alive, But my thoughts will be simular to others here.


Some known bugs remain,yet new weapons are getting headlines. New frames are getting released where some frames need a helping hand to avoid power creep. Shotgun and Sniper rifles got a welcoming buff, but fighting with daggers feel more akin to dual butter knives. There's a lot to you game. I get it. Sometimes it can get jarring to maintain the past and keep the future of the game fresh and exciting. I thank you regardless of where you go.


Thank you for my space home.



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As of late, a greater amount of casual players are finding the recently placed grindwalls, such as Nehza's parts, Nitain, and the Focus system, to be a large deterrent to playing the game as a whole, because of the RNG for the Nehza parts/Nitain, and the massive time investment without dedicated grind sessions required for focus . Do you have any plans on easing the grind, and, if so, what suggestions do you have to give players a bigger choice in their rewards for time invested?

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Q1(Geoff): A long time ago, you presented idle and noble stances for melee weapons, but that never got implemented. Are weapon grip based idle stances off the table?


Q2(Scott): Are popularity statistics affecting which frames and weapons you focus on when it comes to rebalancing? Can severely underplayed gear *cough*Banshee/Zephyr*cough* "cut in line" in your personal queue?


Q3(Steve): Have you settled on a way to allow players access to the Void after the main rift has been destroyed by the Sentients? Will every location get a void portal tile that can be activated by us via keys or otherwise?


Q4(General): How is the Kavat development progressing? I just fused all my rank 10 Kubrow mods and hope I won't have to do that again for the feline companions.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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