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Oh, NYX, Why Did I Ever Forsake Thee?

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When I first got Nyx I leveled her to 30. My impressions than were, "Meh". But now? Now after using her in end game she... she is freaking AMAZING! Nyx for sure has some of the best CC abilities in this game. She is like Frost with Snow Globe. Frost just stands still and Snow Globes the objective, enemies, or himself. Nyx just stands still, waits for mobs, than CHAOS! 

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The issue with WF is that CC based frames don't come into their own until the very late game.
So newer players tend to level CC frames and think they are "unfun".

Exceptions will be Nova and Mirage, since they can power up far earlier.
Especially Mirage with Hall of Shadows.

Edited by fatpig84
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Cos Nyx is a fail in terms of CC compared to some other frames. I have been using Nyx as my main since I joined, it's fun in trashy low levels, but once you hit the endgame you dump it for better CC frames.


And don't compare Nyx and Frost: Frost can solo 100 waves of T4D.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Praise the Nyx booty.

She is still one of my favorite frames and I do have to admit, I didn't liked her that much when I leveled her first time to 30, but once you realize how to mod for CC and have the said mods she is really good to play with ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Every frame is bad if it is in hands of player who doesn't know how to use the frame. Hence the reason why I always prefer to level up frame in places that are not like Draco. Using abilities and experimenting the different ways to utilize them.

Nyx is really powerful frame and most useful warframe when player knows what this is doing. Timing and positioning are two extremely vital things when using Nyx.

Edited by Revel72
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I feel like Nyx is largely superceded by Irradiating Loki, because a.) the disarm and radiation more reliably presses the reset button on their AI and forces them to attack something that isn't you and b.) even when they decide to attack you, now they don't have a ranged weapon.  In "late game" warframe you can't survive enemy firepower, so, taking their firepower away is big.

Which isn't to say that Nyx is not fun, because she definitely is.

1.) Mind Control is absolutely huge if you snag yourself an ancient healer, and casting it on any heavy unit makes a great distraction for the enemy's rear rank.

2.) Psychic Bolts is garbage, but if you add the Pacifying Bolts augment it becomes pretty decent as a quick way to shut down some enemies in front of you.

3.) Chaos is great for obvious reasons.

4.) I rarely Absorb for long periods of time. I use it for 2 things: One to give my shields a chance to recharge, and two, when you release Absorb all enemies in the radius are knocked down. It's very cheap and effective crowd control if you "blink" it on and off.

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25 minutes ago, Momaw said:

I feel like Nyx is largely superceded by Irradiating Loki, because a.) the disarm and radiation more reliably presses the reset button on their AI and forces them to attack something that isn't you 

You actually have that backwards. Chaos raises the enemy threat level towards each other while radiation procs does not at all.

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9 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

You actually have that backwards. Chaos raises the enemy threat level towards each other while radiation procs does not at all.

But they keep shooting everywhere. I can't count amount of times when I got killed after Nyx did her "CC" job, and quite often it happens BECOUSE of it. Radial disarm shuts enemies down for good, turning off their shockwaves and crap.

Loki is better Nyx ever since we got augments. Only reason she is considered good is becouse back in the day we didn't have crapton of CC frames to begin with.

Edited by Serafim_94
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Nyx is pretty much the ultimate in CC. She just has a toolbox that can cover almost any situation you run into.

She isn't necessary in the early game since you can pretty much shrug off incoming fire because of low damage, shield regen, and the fact that enemies die to a harsh word. Later on when you can't really afford to take hits, well, enemies beating on each other is a good thing. Also, you have MC for excimus targets (which can raise all sorts of hell when controlled) or heavy units, and absorb for covering revives or just the old get-out-jail-free card.

The downsides are middle of the pack stats and the fact that she's very reliant on her guns for offense.

She's (well, NyxP) one of my most frequently used 'frames since she can carry the non-copable and still get the job done. She's not dependent on team makeup and is certainly capable of going it alone if need be. On top of all that, she's just fun to play. There isn't a question you can ask in Warframe where "Nyx" is a bad answer.

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High duration still isn't necessary. She doesn't really benefit from it outside of MC--and you shouldn't be relying on that to keep your chestnuts out of the fire. Enemy AI is still janky when MC is involved, so making her a pet class is contra-indicated.

The only real benefit from spammable chaos is you can now use full constitution for knockdown mitigation and not have to worry about recast time. The chaos aug pretty much is a non-starter. It doesn't really do anything for a well-handled Nyx. An answer in search of a question.

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IMO, her CC is inconsistent and the garbage AI on this game is holding her back.


I get it, making good AI is hard alright, but my Mind Control target won't even shoot. They just run for cover and duck down forever. It doesn't matter if I have 200% duration and MC augment, in the end it does absolutely nothing. 

Chaos is pretty good but sometimes the enemy just don't care. Cast Chaos, enemies grab their little heads for a bit and start shooting at me. Cast Chaos while a lancer is taking a control point, lancer grabs his head and then start hacking the terminal again. And I hate the sound effect.

Absorb is still good and Physic Bolts + augment is still garbage.

Don't get me wrong, I still like using her. It's just that she's overshadowed by the existence of Irradiating Disarm and other better CC options.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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Sorry fellas I can't hear you.






Nyx is very good at containing the enemy at a reasonable threat, but she is too situational. And she literally cause chaos and most of time ends up breaking the A.I. (remember please).


Edited by Harloq
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5 hours ago, (PS4)HaterReplicator said:

When I first got Nyx I leveled her to 30. My impressions than were, "Meh". But now? Now after using her in end game she... she is freaking AMAZING! Nyx for sure has some of the best CC abilities in this game. She is like Frost with Snow Globe. Frost just stands still and Snow Globes the objective, enemies, or himself. Nyx just stands still, waits for mobs, than CHAOS! 

yep , now the hard part

figuring ways to convert other frames to cc......

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Nyx suffers from being an older frame, and therefore has a kit that is more cool on paper than actually good ingame. 

She has mostly been supplanted as a cc queen by stuff like Irradating Loki who has the added benefit of spam, as well as invis, decoy and switch tele to work with. 

Half of Nyxs kit is "stop shooting at me" which is lovely when your ultimate requires the enemy to shoot at you.

Psychic bolts is just garbage, and it's augment does the same thing as the rest of her kit.

Add some synergy to her kit and suddenly she becomes much more interesting. 

Have it so that casting bolts while mind control or chaos is active causes the controlled enemies to focus the target of the bolts. Additionally have every enemy under the effect of chaos shoot at you when you pop absorb. Stuff like that could help her feel like she has a more cohesive kit. 

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