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[Time To Stop] Arcane Enhancements


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Okay, you have heard this arguement over and over again. About the application of arcane enhancements. 

For those of you who do not know, arcane enhancements are items you earn exclusively from raids. Each arcane enhancement provides a bonus, wether is be hp regen, increased armor, etc... Little things that push the envelope fro hard core min/maxer endgame player in warframe or even solve many of flaws of other frames. Hate that banshee is really squishy, add 20 trickeries to her and savage silence to your hearts content! Consistent invis!

Of course these arcanes are very hard to come by, there is a lot of them. In addition you can only roll for an arcane once a day. You also need 10 arcanes to max out the bonus capabilities. This of course equates to a lot of time spent on raids. And this does not bother me. In my opinion many of the arcanes provide an alternative spin on some playstyles that can be tinkered with. Hopefully this will be more relevant when DE removes that pesky serration but only time can tell.

What I am trying to say is that getting a set of the same arcane is very time consuming, let alone in some cases you have to get 20 of these (two sets) for some builds like Ash Bladestorm or Banshee SS Trickery or Chroma/Mesa Grace. These arcanes are not cheap either, trickery being considered a common one goes for a nifty 50p price point (each) and grace can sell from 200-300p depending on the seller.

So with all the farming and buying, you can tell by my absolute discontent that these arcanes can only be tied to a single cosmetic item. Basically, if I want to stack 2 sets of arcanes on a frame, I have to permanently keep one of them on that frame. If a new cosmetic comes out, im absolutely screwed because now its stuck on that item and I cant remove it. Oh but wait, DE has heard our cries. Finally we can swap in between cosmetics with arcane distillers! For the low, low price of 50k syndicate standing you can remove your arcanes from an item and place it on another one. In addition, theres no timer for it! Ain't it great?!?!?






There is in influx of cosmetics coming to warframe. From DE created items to tennogen people are getting more cosmetics faster and in bigger sets. We are advancing warframe and this is good. I like a game with more customization. But when my game is telling me not to change my look because I have my arcane stuck to me that is simply not good. 

Lets say you make this awesome 2x Guardian valkyr build. And You love it. Then wait the deluxe skin comes out! Tennogen items are flowing in! The amount of cosmetics I have Quadrupled and I want to use them, but I cant, because I already got those arcanes on my OG valkyr, but okay ill bite, distill my arcane and put it on my valk helm. But what about my syndana? And that is the problem. DE I bought alot of your scarves, I got the pyra prime, the misa prime, i got your pakal, I got the jattuk and all these other scarves from asa to motoros. Sometimes I want to change it up, but I cant because my Jattuk has grace. So all the frames that I want grace on HAS to have the jattuk on! And lets be honest here, do I seriously have to spend 50k standing every time i have to switch classes? Imagine having to pay a micro-transaction every time you switch load outs in call of duty. "Who would possibly do that?"

All this effort and money to get these things and they are so restrictive. Why do arcanes only tie into cosmetics? Why cant we integrate a system where I can switch out arcanes any time on any frame without having to put the exact same syndana on each frame that requires that certain arcane. Do it seriously have to get another set of arcanes for each frame?


Lets not beat up the bush. Imma solve this problem in seconds, and you are all going to love me for it.

You see that circle there


Thats wasted space, right there. 

And here


Why not add two slots to put my arcanes and switch them out whenever I please regardless of what I am wearing.

De Employee: "Wait Eureka, what about the Distillers?" 

Eureka: DE-Sama i gotchu dog.

You still need to upgrade these arcanes right? Well why not make it like a mod. (not a physical mod in game) but the same mechanics. You level up your arcane to 10 like normally. And it turns into a rank 4 Arcane Grace. Then lets say "well I want to sell it", that's where the distillers come in. That way people can seperate their..

Wait thats dumb, how about we just remove distillers? These items are hard enough to get, but you know whats harder than that? Bad oversight of this mechanic. Arcanes shoud be more versatile and free. The DEVS are very AWARE and made it EXTREMELY apparent that fasion frame is a thing. And it just boggles my mind, that I have to sacrifice my hard earned arcanes just to look good and vice versa.


Personally I think this is a huge oversight, that can be solved overnight. QoL changes like this will make the game so much better. Cool new weapon, nice. New boss awesome. QoL updates YES YES YES.  And personally with arcanes costing up to 3400 per set. I should be able to do this, hell I should be able to put these on my head or transform into a grace with two legs for how much you spend on this stuff. So DE pls, fix this system, its a pointless caveat that makes the game look so dumb.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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I too wish that arcanes weren't tied to cosmetecs or sigils as some have suggested because they are just as much a part of fashion frame for me any way.  Maybe DE could give us to option to to put arcanes on our operators some how that way it wouldn't matter what ur frame was wearing or which one u chose because ur operator is always with the frames anyway.  Idk just a suggestion.

Edited by Kdog777
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but the second image you provide was before the update of mod slots.

I saw there you put in a mod called "Molecular Prime" which is actually Nova's 4th ability now that does not need a space on the mod slot to be able to use.

Although, I got to agree with adding a space for arcane enhancement would be useful.

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tying Stats and Cosmetics is always a mistake. every single time.

a Character or piece of Equipment looking the way it looks is pretty normal, but optional items being intrinsically tied to stats is always a mistake.
so a way to use all stats without being required to deal with Cosmetics is the correct way to do things. doing otherwise is the incorrect way to do things.

it's just that simple.

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So glad such threads are popping more often! If it's bad for me, i can only imagine for you guys with all the Tenno gen stuff you get.

It's utter nonsense tying our hard earned arcanes to hard earned cosmetics, most of which are bought with cash only, why limit our customization? What is the reason? Me and many others have stopped caring about new cosmetics since we won't be able to enjoy them, not without renouncing our arcane sets, which range from 400p to 3k p a set. 

So, yeah, the true end game, arcanes and fashion frame, limiting one of the aspects wf nailed from day 1, looks.


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After Focus Lens were introduced I knew. DE can be lazy like always and just reskin a focus Lena with an arcane symbol on it and shove it on your warframe. And have 2 Slots so you can have 2 arcanes per warframe.

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I'm ok with arcanes being tied to cosmetics. Just hoard some distillers.

But I do see how for people that are obsessed with fashion frame, it could be a problem.

I'm just glad they gave us an arcane interface. Thanks DE that was awesome. Because if you remember there was a time when we weren't able to manage our and most ppl didnt even know what they do.

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I was horrified at first that you were saying you wanted arcades gone. I climbed over the wall of text, swimming through a river of words and jumping over pitfalls of paragraphs, to see if this was the case. But I am glad I made it through, there was a prize at true end : a really good idea.

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Thank you, this is a huge issue for me. I am huge fan of collecting arcanes and currently have 22 full arcane sets and the constant need to move these things around is annoying, it's also killing in my fashion frame not to mention I want to buy more tennogen but then I have to spend so much rep distilling..... I feel like this is just the same problem as to why we got rid of the old arcane helmets to begin with.




edit: what is truly disheartening is that Rebecca brought up having slots instead of it being tied to cosmetics on one of the devstream and Steve just brushed it off. So disappointed. :c

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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I really hate the way the Arcanes work right now. They should have a slot, just like mods, period. Simple, clean, easy. Tying them to cosmetics is a horrible idea, and the worst part is, the devs made the exact same mistake with the Arcane helmets before. Thought they'd learn the lesson from that one, but nope, they persisted. They tend to be very stubborn when it comes to some very... questionable mechanics...

Edited by Marthrym
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I'm all for having dedicated arcane slots of each frames... That said, if the devs are feeling lasy, just increase the price of the distiller to 125k Standing and make it reusable... That way everyone can swap their arcanes whenever they feel like it. Easy, simple fix for a problem that should not exist in the first place.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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5 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

edit: what is truly disheartening is that Rebecca brought up having slots instead of it being tied to cosmetics on one of the devstream and Steve just brushed it off. So disappointed. :c

What you see as, "brushing off," is likely Steve covering himself by not speaking out of his rear end when answering a question that could have actual consequences for the team, should he say something he can't follow through with. Arcanes are only used by the highest of the high end players, right now, and it's likely not at the top of their priorities, is all.

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I've seen this thread many times before.  I've agreed with then then, and I'll agree with you now.  


I'll take it a step further and say another use of distillers is to remove the old arcane effects from class specific helmets.  This would allow you to move those arcane effects to any helmet within that warframe class (i.e. old loki arcane helm when distilled could only be used on loki other loki helmets; but not on a banshee helm) to this new "mod-like" slot system.  


That's all we need, a slot for helms and sydannas that is attached to the frame and not cosmetic.  



DE is actually telling us not to buy new cosmetics.  Keep using your highly superior arcane helms (the old ones are vastly superior for most classes than new raid arcanes) and whatever sydannas you've purchased; we don't want you to buy anything else or pay us to change your look.  Don't try to tell me 15% range, efficiency, power, grace healing, trickery, strike, guardian, barrier, etc. are barely noticeable effects. 


Truly this would be huge for fashion frame.  I guarantee I would buy more cosmetics.  However, I've got what I want for min/max purposes, can't get myself to go through the trouble of distilling / reinstalling constantly (and rep is not a problem, I'm always maxed buying key packets daily).  


So, would it be over powered and would DE lose profits (they are corpus and need to eat to live)?  These are the only reasons i can think DE will not do it.


1. Now you would be able to install arcanes on a per mission basis.  


2. Now that same arcane trickery helm on ash can be used on banshee as well without needing 2 sets.


1. I say this is not overpowered.  There is nothing stopping you from distilling for same affect and none of the old arcane helms would be allowed to be used on different classes. This removes an inconvenience and allows players to try alternate builds.  A big plus to min/max players and fashion frame alike.  Let's face the facts, that is a huge draw to Warframe.  I admit it, I enjoy making new builds and looking cool while I do it.  Why inconvenience this playstyle and punish new purchases?


2.  Any money they lose from guys that will actually buy multiple sets for each frame (unlikely grind out 20+ sets), they most certainly would gain in cosmetic sales.  

Personally, I'd buy more cosmetics but I'd never buy 2 sets.  I'd use one of my distillers and swap before I spent a few hundred (or thousand on rare sets) Plat on extra set.  For example, I love the look of a certain sydannas on necros but to bad, I've already placed my grace set on another sydanna that looks good on nova.


Guys that have bought mutiple sets can still turn around and sell there extras, or use two sets on same frame for greater effect.  



DE, if you do this now, we won't ask for a birthday present!



Edited by Educated_Beast
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