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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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4 minutes ago, cxll said:

Instead of reworking Oberon's passive, add more wildlife! On all nodes!

Alien creatures! Alien wildlife! A bit more immersion is never a bad thing :D


•    Ash: Compliments his first and fourth abilities well, and can be used with many weapons. I think that's a great start of a list of passives.
•    Banshee: A pretty good passive, though it brings into question her third ability, as now it is purely a team focused ability. Nothing inherently wrong with this, but if a player opts for solo, one of Banshees abilities instantly becomes redundant, which is not a good thing. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of another ability in the game that cannot be utilized by the frame that casts it, in some way.
•    Hydroid: Pretty solid idea and feels like a 50/50 chance during my time using it. No complaints and no ideas for improvement.
•    Limbo: The reload speed comes in handy no doubt, but it's a bit weird that his passive requires an ability to be triggered. I would expect a passive ability to not require an ability be used. Considering Limbo regenerates energy while in the rift, it seems odd that his passive is also connected to that. Almost feels like he has two passives now.
•    Loki: Needs better clarification. Listing here says 10x, while in game says indefinitely. Tested in game and it did not last indefinitely.
•    Mag: Works very well. Coupling the attraction with a bullet jump allows one to traverse defense maps quickly, get the items, and get back to defend. My only suggestion would be to increase her natural vacuum range instead of requiring it to be on a bullet jump, but over all I don't think it would make a firm difference either way
•    Nekros: Good idea, works well with his theme. I haven't had much experience with it personally but as it appears to be Nekros doesn't have to be the one to kill the enemy, and just has to be near it definitely makes the 5 health per enemy more effective when you're with other players.
•    Nova: Haven't had the time to test this one proper. Unclear if this is in reference to being hit into a revive state or when an enemy shockwaves you down but I would say that both should be applicable. Good way to give you some breathing room if the latter, and your friends the breathing room if the former. In any case, it sounds like a good idea.
•    Nyx: It certainly feels good when used, and the percent seems to be fair, at least where chaos is concerned.
•    Oberon: Very much agreed with Cxll. It's pretty cool to have Kubrow both enemy and feral fighting along side you with no prompting. I'd love to see more levels have wildlife of some kind that can be utilized. Something I noticed is that the wildlife won't follow Oberon if no enemies are present. They just idle walk around  as normal. It would be great if once the passive triggers, they follow Oberon and behave in the same way as a Tennos Kubrow. It may help this fairly situational passive have a little more kick.
•    Trinity: The revive speed is noticeable and the range as well. My only thought would be allowing Trinity to revive all party members in her new range. I would trade the speed increase for multiple revives at once, though if it were to happen I would hope it would remain..
•    Vauban: As all his abilities are focused and work much better when close to allies, I feel this passive helps emphasize sticking with the team, which is a good thing to me.

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6 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Helpful tip, putting everything in bold emphasizes everything and therefore nothing, making it difficult to read, especially when the bold print collides from one sentence to the next, it just blends together.

M8... I left the parts of the quote with what passives do unbolded, and bolded my opinions. Everything is not bolded. Everything is not emphasized- just my opinions on each passive are...........

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Im very happy with the current limbo passive, it takes energy but the values are high enough to encourage the use of the rift, also, nyx passive takes energy too so dunno why people find this a problem.

Trinity passive is nearly nonexistent, it should have increased range (4-5 meters) and 2 second faster revive to be noticeable.

Oberon passive should also affect every flying unit from the corpus, mine osprey, those shield drones (im bad at names) etc and considering the durability of most affected enemies it should have infinite duration until the enemy dies.

Equinox should have a bigger percentage of health/energy conversion, at the very least 25%.

Also chroma needs a real passive, thats a gameplay mechanic not a passive.

Edited by Rhaenxys
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My 2 cents on this would be regarding Nekros. I think it should depend on the enemy health and not a straight flat number. Maybe 1% or 2% of the enemy health. In that manner it can scale with enemy lvl, and tougher enemies will heal you more, provided you're able to kill them.

As for the others, I think Ember and Oberon need a second look. The remaining passives are fine/acceptable.

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Just going to give my thoughts on each of them.

Ash: Fine passive, straight up powercreep though. Ash's Bladestorm at it's max unmodded level will do 2000 finisher damage + 875 damage per tick with 10.5 ticks instead of 7. (Unsure if that's 100% correct, I occasionally make mistakes). That's 11,187.5 damage per enemy that bypasses armour and shields.

That's pretty OTT for an unmodded ability when other frames can only dream of hitting that amount, it didn't need the damage boost and I feel that a passive that doesn't just boost his abilities would be more interesting.

Banshee: Why give her a passive that removes almost all functionality from one of her abilities? You might as well just rename her #3 to minor headache, because that's all it does to enemies now. Either give her a new passive, or give her a new ability. 

Ember: Requiring a glass cannon to take damage from a few specific enemies in order to activate a passive that you will barely notice? Seems pretty silly imo. I'd love to see someone make use of the passive in a Sortie.

Hydroid: Hydroid doesn't have the survivability to make much use of melee. If you're trying to melee a target at high level with Hydroid, you're dead. Not forgetting that it's a chance to create the Tentacle, and that tentacles are not known to be the most helpful things in the game.

Limbo: I have no issue with this passive, despite the common complaint of ''it requires him to use an ability''. I like that Limbo has a bonus over his allies whilst in the rift, having it as his passive fits.

Loki: Laughable passive. I'd suggest something along the lines of a % chance on being hit to create a decoy in your spot for 5 seconds. Or reduced threat generation. Anything, just not wall cling.

Mag: Just meh, it's alright, but it's not fun either.

Nekros: If it were within the Tenno Affinity aura then sure, 10m is really rather too close for comfort.

Nova: I can't seem to understand this one. What relevance does Nova have to knocking enemies over? Something fun that primes her enemies via shooting them in the head maybe (spitballing), but I can't see how a small knockdown fits.

Nyx: Why? Nyx is not Loki, Loki is not Nyx. What's with the overlap? What if I don't want my friendly Bombard friend to lay down his OP rocket launcher and charge with a Sheev. As far as I'm concerned, this passive effectively lowers Nyx's potential.

Oberon: A passive should never be based around something that 'might' happen in the future. In the current game, at this current second it is effective in situational circumstances. Namely one faction, and the derelict. If you're planning on adding more wildlife, great! More power to you, but don't give a frame a passive based around something that hasn't happened yet.

Trinity: Fine and dandy, fits her role perfectly. Haven't seen it in practice so I don't know how helpful it is, but it's the right passive imo.

Vauban: Blergh? That's all I can really think, but since I like maths here you go, have some. Using unmodded stats regular Vauban goes from 50 armor/14%DR/349ehp to 62.5 armour/17%DR/361ehp. 12 extra health. Helpful.

Vauban Prime goes from 100 armour/25%DR/400ehp to 125 armour/29%DR/423ehp. 23 extra health. 

Like I said, blergh?

Volt: I like it, it fits.

As I said in my other post on the update notes. I'm disappointed. 

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1 hour ago, Buzkyl said:


Nyx's passive just turns her into Loki. A better alternative would be enemies have an accuracy nerf when targeting nyx when in X range. She is messing with their mind after all.


This is a great idea.

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Chroma, his element change needs to be able to be implemented outside of his ability, or it will be an active ability mechanic

Ember, probably needs damage reduction from heat procs.

Ivara, no projectile drop when using arrow? this will improve her performance and highlight her role as Archer

Nyx, well, no idea but her passive is not passive, it's active ability mechanic that just happens to be shared on all ability

Oberon, maybe incorporate his passive to his ability instead? probably change hallowed ground to cause animals to fight for him? Animals coming inside to hallowed ground will be buffed and fight for him. This will make his druid part more active. Then give him a new passive that can compliment his paladin part?

Wukong, needs a percentage bonus instead of flat 2s

Vauban, no idea but his passives needs to be more solo friendly

Volt, this passive is actually very apparent when you're using low fire rate/reload often weapons like Tigris or Vectis. It just needs increased charge rate

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Ash just got an outright buff in all slash procs. Invisibility when wall latching would make a lot more sense in his Ninja theme, and would give him more reason to be used in Spy missions. 


Hydroid, KING OF RNG. 

1st send water cannons randomly in a selected area.

4th has Tentacles come up randomly, and miss most of the time.

4th Augment is RNG based. 

And now a RNG passive. 

Oberons is okay, but he should have got that, AND some self healing/healing in sunlight. If others can have mutlile passives (Exal, multiple swords, Mesa, multiple guns and melee health) then why not your neglected Fairy King? 

Also, Wukong is considered the most bland Warframe to date, and while his boring abilities (And bugged 4th) are a debate for another day, giving him Excals swordmanship for Staves and Polearms would make him a bit more interesting. 


Oh and Chroma, it would be awesome to have a smal resistance to the element he is using, and please, please, will we ever hear anyword on a 4th config colouring slot for him? :(

Edited by oceano4
<3 For Chroma
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Overall I think this is not the best approach to how passives should be implemented. What you're doing is the equivalent of giving all warframes a free permanently equipped utility mod. It overlaps with what the Exilus Mod Slots allow us to do and I think that's a big waste.

The way I see it, passives should focus primarily on adding personality to each warframe. Some of your selection of passives actually do that to some extent. However, I think there's just too much emphasis on stats and not enough on character.

Please do not confuse this with me saying passives should be essentially cosmetics. Passives do need to affect gameplay in some way. But they need to do something more interesting then just adding raw stats. We can already mess with stats by equipping mods. So basically I think we don't need even more raw stats on top of the raw stats our mods already give us.

There's enough room in the game to implement passives that affect the gameplay of each warframe in a significant way. For a few simple examples, you can make heavy frames feel heavy by changing how they interact with enemies as they run through them. You can make agile frames feel agile by allowing them access to some exclusive parkour maneuvers. You can make elemental frames feel like they have an actual elemental affinity by giving them resistances, vulnerabilities, short range auras and a lot more.

It would cost you a lot of time, yes. But it's more worth it then quickly adding passives that will get old after a few days.

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•    Ash: This one's fine, works well with his other abilities.
•    Banshee: This passive is alright but sort of makes the effects of her 3rd ability redundant, if passive stays changes are required to her 3rd ability or even simpler the passive itself.
•    Ember: Low survivability, only way to get the heat effect in most cases is to either run into the fire on the ships (which isn't always there) or risk dying. Not a very good one if you ask me.
•    Hydroid: This one would be fine if the targeting on the tentacle was fine but considering it's not really the greatest at targeting it requires a bit of work.
•    Limbo: This one's fine imo really.
•    Loki: Why... Just why... There's rarely ever any uses for this other than drinking coffee while on a wall or roleplaying as spider-man.
•    Mag: It's alright, but being a carrier user myself I'm not a fan, but that's just me.
•    Nekros: Should be bigger range, 10m is a bit too close for a nekros.
•    Nova: Doesn't make much sense if you ask me and rarely will it ever be of any use.
•    Nyx: Loki... I don't think i need to say much more, she needs something more unique not copying another frame.
•    Oberon: Sort of useless atm or rather highly situational, there's not enough wildlife in the game at this point for it to be viable.
•    Trinity: As much as it fits trinity i personally am not a fan of this one. But considering it really fits i guess it's alright.
•    Vauban: Not enough armor for it to be overly viable. But the idea is nice, just armor is not the best thing for Vauban.
•    Volt: This one's cool.

Now... Chroma that's a Warframe mechanic rather than a passive. There's so many passives you can add to that frame and you picked a mechanic to be his passive... All i can say is i disagree strongly with the idea.

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Well, what I have to say about Trinity's passive is ONE METER farther and ONE SECOND faster.

That is one helluva trade for what Trinity had to get.

Fitting of theme: sure.
Solo play usefulness: useless, unless you have a dog (and upcoming cat)
Team play: eh, nobody is praising me for scraping them off the floor. (although I do appreciate the "thx" or "ty", along with the occasional "Trinity is trash after her nerf" and "EV only please" comments)
Running Vazarian: Hey! New Moon, Instant revives! and that troll Polluted Waters power? (it's actually quite good at max rank.... really it is!)

Can this get some "scaling", for example: 1 tenno down (+1 metre and -1 second), 2 tenno down (+3 metres / -3 seconds), everyone down and dogs bleeding all over the place (+6 metre and -6 seconds). or something along those lines.

Well to lighten everyone's mood we can see the positives that came with this, her passive!


Here we can see a welcoming ONE METER increase in revive range, and as for speed you revive ONE SECOND (or roughly one second + or - 0.5 seconds error) faster!

Honestly, DE, could you just add these values in the description... why do I have to test this and find out....

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I'm a Nyx player, she is the Warframe I play all the time, with over 70% playtime on her and the Prime version combined. She's my favorite Warframe and I'm unhappy about this passive. 

I see only a few people praising this passive in which I go into constructive debates with them about the cons of this passive. All Nyx players seem to be unhappy about this passive and let me tell you why. 

Let me first by saying the benefits of this passive, so we see both sides. First, disarming enemies allows for more safety, however even in high end-game missions, if they hit you, you're dead as a Nyx player. Second, Disarming is great CC, no one can deny it, it keeps the group safe, so with Psychic Bolts and Absorb it helps those two abilities. Third, it can help end-game missions, but a Loki could as well and do it even better. 

Let's now move on to the cons of this passive. First, it's too random, the chance of it disarming seems to be 1/6, so 1 in every 6 enemies gets disarmed. It's too low to be helpful and at the same time it happens so much that it becomes an inconvenience with her abilities. Second, it drastically lowers the synergy with her abilities. For example, Absorb is a great ability to knock down enemies, making it drastically easier to Mind Control them; however, they become disarmed so often now that it becomes a hindrance. Another example would be if I hit another enemy with Psychic Bolts, Chaos, or Absorb, and it disarms them when I wanted to Mind Control them. Third, it lowers the POTENTIAL of killing enemies with Chaos. Chaos was great in the sense that it ALLOWED enemies the potential to kill each other faster compared to Irridiating Disarm. With Disarm CC, it can't do that, even though it seems to only disarm a handful of enemies, it still happens enough to where it hurts that potential killing spree. Now, you can argue that the team is safer with Disarm, in which case fine, but if I wanted my team to be safe I'd play Loki to disarm ALL enemies. Nyx still offered great safety to her team and the objective, I Absorbed so many times around like a Defense objective or a down player so another player can revive them or I used Chaos which stuns them for a good second and everyone can run away from the enemies. If I wanted to Disarm enemies I'd play as Loki, I can't stress the importance of that. An argument that I keep seeing is that Chaos never allowed enemies to kill each other in the first place in high game missions, which I argue against because it still Chaosed those Bombards or other Heavy units to where it was quite noticeable. When I was testing this new passive, the amount of times that a Heavy unit would drop their weapons when I didn't want them to so they could kill all lesser enemies around them is unbearable. Fourth, her Chaos has become too much like Irridiating Disarm, yes there's still a slight difference with Nyx's only being a chance, but that chance happens enough where it feels like I'm playing Loki. You can argue that, oh you're comparing her to that augment, that's not the main Warframe ability, in which case you're right, but why should two Abilities (even if it's an Augment), two Warframes become so similar that it's hard to tell the difference. Even when Irridiating Disarm came out, most Nyx players didn't care because we still saw the difference in Chaos and the augment because Chaos didn't disarm enemies, but now it does sometimes. Abilities have similarities all the time, but there's still enough differences to make them the Warframe's own ability, such as Loki's Invisibility compared to Ivara's Prowl or Ash's Smokescreen. Those abilities are similar, but they still have mechanical differences (like Ivara being slowed and being able to pickpocket) that they are still the Warframe's own ability. Loki's Irridiating Disarm, which is an augment that MANY players use, compared to Nyx's Chaos, what's the difference now with the new passive? There are no mechanical differences other than Nyx only causing a chance, but that chance still happens enough to where it's too similar. Fifth, this passive hurts Mind Control on so many levels. Although the passive activates AFTER Mind Control has ended, I still may want to Mind Control that enemy again, but now it's lost its weapon (and trust me, I Mind Control enemies I've already Mind Controlled so many times along with many other players). It's like a pet almost, keeping it with you for as long as possible, lol. Also, like I said earlier, what if I just hit an enemy with Nyx's other abilities that I wanted to Mind Control, but now it's disarmed? Yes, you can still Mind Control a disarmed enemy, but it hurts Nyx because that enemy can get many kills with it's weapon especially with the Mind Control augment. Sixth, the passive hurts Nyx in so many situations, but should a passive hurt a Warframe in any situation? Go on to the next paragraph where we read what passives should do or should not do.

Passives in Warframes are helpful, little traits each individual to a Warframe. If you look at all the passives, none hurt the Warframe in any situation they are in, besides Nyx. Oberon's new passive helps him in those specific tilesets, while if he's not in a tileset with wildlife, it doesn't hurt him, but it doesn't help him either. Ash's helps him and doesn't hurt him. Frost's helps him when a melee unit strikes him, other than that it doesn't hurt him. Loki's helps him if you want to Wall Latch, if you don't it's not useful, but it doesn't hurt you. Sure, some of the passives could be better, like Loki's or Oberon's to where it helps you and isn't useless to you in some cases. Nyx's, however, hurts her and there's no denying that. Yes, there are benefits to this passive, but as I stated above there are many situations where that passive can hurt Nyx, and you can agree or disagree with me on some of them, but you can't deny many of them. A passive shouldn't hurt a Warframe in ANY playstyle you wish to play them as, instead it should help you in certain situations instead of hindering you on many of them. Yes, there will be playstyles that will benefit more from this passive, but it still shouldn't hurt another player who wishes to play in his or her's playstyle. You can build your build for the passive to be more effective, but should that hurt other builds who don't really need the passive? No, I'm sorry, I can't tell you how many times someone told me, "Oh, well you should just stop playing Nyx or just change your build." I'm sorry, but telling me to stop playing my favorite Warframe just angers me. Plus, like I've said, a passive shouldn't require me to change my build. If DE changed Nyx's abilities or reworked her, then yes, I'll change her build, but a passive shouldn't hurt any playstyle you wish to play her as. Look at all the others passives and tell me which ones hurt a Warframe in a situation. Don't give me the passives that are not useful in many situations, like Oberon's or Loki's, because I'm talking about passives that hurts the Warframe in situations. Ember's CAN hurt her, but that's because you're on fire so you're probably dying, in which case does it hurt her in any other situation? Sure, it hurts not having that 35% power strength or energy restoration, but that's because the passive is not useful unless you're on fire. I don't want to hear passives that are useless in situations when people respond to me, I want passives that actually HURT the Warframe's playstyle, because I honestly can't find any others besides Nyx.

Now, let's talk about what passives should or should not be. According to the Wiki, " Passives are special traits possessed by Warframes that provide them unique abilities or bonuses without requiring energy" Although this passive itself doesn't require energy, the abilities in order for the passive to be activated cost energy, which is enough for it to go against that definition, so to those who are saying, "Oh, it's a passive, stop complaining." Is it though? Is it?  Plus, it's not unique, I'm sorry but Disarming belongs to Loki or a Chesa Kubrow, as a Nyx player I don't want it because it hurts her abilities. There are so many other passives out there that can help Nyx, that are unique to her, and that fit her theme as a Warframe. 

So please DE, please change the passive to be beneficial to ALL Nyx players instead of only helping a handful. Like I said before, a passive shouldn't hurt a Warframe in any playstyle you play, it may help those more in other playstyles, but that shouldn't hurt the other ones. 

Thank you DE. 

Edited by TheMortemShadow
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For the static discharge passive, I think you should be able to store lots of  damage and unleash a portion of the stored amount to your next attack.  so you do not have to keep charging the passive for your next attack, that and increase the amount gained to 100per m. Also change the icon to a lightning bolt, looks just like bladed rounds. Aside that, can we give all the passives names??? 

Edited by Wolfnrun
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Ember's Passive is borderline useless.

Ember is a squishy frame so running into enemy fire hoping for a proc to trigger is suicidal.

Since it's a passive I suppose the intent isn't going out of your way to activate it but even so only so many enemies can inflict a burn status (Pretty sure of those only the Grineer have any that isn't an eximus).

You're basically forcing ember to play against a faction she isn't good for (IE not Infested) in the hopes that a burn proc might happen that doesn't end up killing her.

As a suggestion to change this I'd say "X" Enemies burning within "Y" Radius of Ember gives her "Z" Buff that would increase with the number of enemies burning

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Just now, -Amaterasu- said:

Since it's a passive I suppose the intent isn't going out of your way to activate it but even so only so many enemies can inflict a burn status (Pretty sure of those only the Grineer have any that isn't an eximus).

Fusion Moa/Corrupted Moa will also set you on fire FYI.

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1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

Fusion Moa/Corrupted Moa will also set you on fire FYI.

Well then I guess there's that but the point is Ember's strength is Infested and this pits her against enemies with Shields/Armor rather than reiterating her strength and it's still largely useless

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I feel like the elemental Warframes (Ember-Heat, Volt-Electricity, Saryn-Toxin*, Frost-Cold, Mag-Magnetic) should have either/both some passive damage resistance to their own element (makes complete and total sense), or/and immunity/resistance to procs of said element (also makes complete and total sense).

On an aside, I'm interested in seeing a completed elemental Warframe spectrum, as we're still missing frames for Corrosive, Radiation1, Explosive, Gas*, and Viral*.

*One could argue that Saryn is a frame for both Gas and Viral as well as Toxin, but she's advertised as a Toxin specialist, so that's what I have her down as

1Likewise one might argue that Nyx is the Radiation Warframe, simply because she can confuse enemies, but I'm against that proposal, given that the other elemental frames proc the elements and damage type, not merely the effect(s) thereof

Edited by Meta_Nexus
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I submit the following reflexions for Nyx, Oberon and Vauban:

  • Nyx: It bothers me that her passive is associated to her abilities. How does one cleave the line between "an effect of the abilities" and "a character's passive"? This is without mentioning how it competes with Radial Disarm or her second augment.
  • Oberon: I do not think the Wildlifes are enough of a tide turner to warrant a timer; just let their health bar work as their timer. Additionally, it seems the conversion process is unreliable, I do not know if it's because a dice is rolled or something in the game's inner working.
  • Vauban: His passive depends on teammates, which is problematic because it makes him depend on the goodwill of pubbies or the teamwork or premades to get any effect at all.


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Please... rework banshee's silence ability. Since her passive it is simply useless. Atleast increase the stun duration or replace it by something more useful.

Also, i would like to see some elemental resistance for Frost, Ember, Saryn and Volt. It just makes sense and would be useful. 

Excal could have something like +dmg for swords.  

Edited by Stoner74
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Haven't seen a lot of mention of Nova, so I figured I'd chime in since I did some testing with hers. Her passive is not bad in theory: she's a low-survivability frame, making her highly vulnerable to knockdowns, so a passive that keeps enemies from taking advantage of her prone status (at close range at least) by knocking them down is an appropriate idea. Many enemies of many different factions have knockdown powers, so it's fairly widely usable.

Here's the main problem I've noticed: most enemy knockdown abilities, especially the most common ones--Grineer heavies' radial slam, scorpion/ancient harpoons, etc.--lock them into their cast animation until it's finished. What this means is that most times, the enemy who actually knocked you down isn't affected by Nova's passive, because they're animation locked already. It can still be of use sometimes, since it knocks down other nearby enemies (provided they're not animation locked as well), but in many cases it triggers without doing anything because of how casting animations work in Warframe--which I understand is an issue that extends well beyond Nova and her passive. Nevertheless, this is probably the main obstacle to her passive being useful right now.

Some other thoughts: I noticed after testing it for a while that it will only trigger off of successful knockdowns, so knockdowns that are blocked (either by melee weapons or mods like Sure Footed, Fortitude, or Power Drift) won't trigger the burst. This isn't really a deal breaker for me, but it might be worth extending the passive to blocked knockdown attempts as well, for the sake of promoting skillful melee play (and melee Nova play in general) and to open up more interesting build choices. Something to think about.

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Banshee's is really uninspired and basically doesn't exist unless you play solo. Similarly its also highlights just how bad of a silence her actual silence skill is.

The passives, regardless of how statistically powerful, should make playing as the frame feel different and probably not literally be an effect gain-able with a low drain mod. Banshee's fails to do that. Some other frame's passive fail in some aspect of this as well, such as Vauban, who gains an invisible stat boost based on whether you're playing Solo mode or not.

Couldn't you tie more passives into mobility aspects? like additional parkour effects? For example; Vauban could drop a grenade when dodge rolling. That would have a lot more player impact than an invisible stat boost. Banshee could leave behind little sonic booms as she bullet jumps or something similar, knocking down enemies in a wider range with a nice visual. Passives should make playing the frame feel like a unique experience, not feel like you've slapped on an extra mod.


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