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So, is EV going to get the 'Miasma' treatment? (Lasts for X, static pulse interval every Y)


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Why was Miasma changed? It did all of its pulses in the span of its duration, making a negative duration build a potent nuke.
How was Miasma changed? The interval between the pulses no longer changes. If your Miasma runs out before the next pulse? Too bad.

Seems a very direct parallel, I think.

I can't decide if I feel that EV should keep its 'death-burst' mechanic if this happens, though.

Losing it encourages keeping a minimum duration EV build, so you can spam it at a pulse a pop.
Keeping it means you can ramp up your energy generation (assuming you can kill your target fast enough)... but you're still limited by enemy density. On the one hand, that can be an issue in non-horde game modes... on the other, how many non-horde modes are there? I can only think of Exterm.

Your thoughts?

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I really wish we could have more of a balanced frame for trinity.

I want to provide sufficient energy for raids, but I also want to provide a decent bless duration.

In other words, I don't want to be held back by a build.


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7 minutes ago, Magnulast said:

I really wish we could have more of a balanced frame for trinity.

I want to provide sufficient energy for raids, but I also want to provide a decent bless duration.

In other words, I don't want to be held back by a build.


You don't have to. Take a balanced build or an Abating Link build.

They work perfect for everything. over 200 duration and range and positive str.

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Why even put this thought out there lol?

But seriously...I hope they don't change it because it's a viable build for her that sacrifices other things in order to provide power quickly: I run my EV with 12% duration which means my power ticks are hella fast, but my Link, DR from Blessing, and Well of Life are all useless.  I think it's a good tradeoff tbh.  If I need to give the team DR, or if I need the survivability of Link, my loadout has a lot more duration, which makes EV tick a lot slower.

TL:DR - Trinity's EV is fine as-is because negative duration builds limit her other abilities.

Edited by tizodd
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33 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

You don't have to. Take a balanced build or an Abating Link build.

They work perfect for everything. over 200 duration and range and positive str.

Ahh, that might work....but I don't want to rely on killing everything, since the battery requires 50 energy per 2 seconds, where as I would need atleast 10 enimies to be safe to EV.

Hence it's kinda...a mess for the LoR.

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if you want to use high duration and still can give energy, just kill the enemy right after apply the Energy Vampire

the remaining energy from the ability comes in burst, without delay


the low duration only allow trinity to use more times on the same target without interruptions, like "shooting the target"

Edited by Zeyez
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The main issue with the fast tick EV is that it enables, "Press 4 to win!" gameplay. 

An Ash with an EV trin can never be hit once as he quickly darts into bladestorm over and over again without fear of running out of energy for example.

In my opinion, Trinity stands as an enabler to some pretty easy toxic gameplay. She almost can build a dependency on her being in the squad. My main issue with her is that she creates infinite energy pools and completely eliminates efficiency as being a problem while she exists in the squad.

Honestly, I hate trinity, and that may lead to some bias, but don't think I hate support frames or their role in Warframe. (I prefer to play the supporting role.)

I feel that her EV is incredibly strong, and it even is part of one of the most powerful single target nukes in the game.

Now, in order to offset this strength, make the damage a flat damage instead of a percent, because that nuke is just plain overpowered.

And instead of removing the burst ticks, make EV not effect trinity. If she doesn't benefit from the energy bursts, she won't bathe in endless energy, and makes her a little more conservative of what she can use to help the team. (And before someone comes in shouting just drop a pad, I have no legitimate response because I don't have any idea to balance gear like that our yet.)

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I've been arguing for making Energy Vampire give energy at fixed intervals until I got sick of posting it.


1 hour ago, CaptainMinty said:

And instead of removing the burst ticks, make EV not effect trinity. If she doesn't benefit from the energy bursts, she won't bathe in endless energy, and makes her a little more conservative of what she can use to help the team. (And before someone comes in shouting just drop a pad, I have no legitimate response because I don't have any idea to balance gear like that our yet.)

And cripple solo Trinity?

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2 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

It used to be like that... and it sucked so DE changed it to its current form. It's pretty much the only buff that Trinity has ever gotten in her entire lifetime.

I don't ever recall it being like that. The change i remember was that killing the enemy released all bursts of energy at once, instead of it being wasted due to your teammates.

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3 hours ago, DeFragMe said:

to tell you the truth.. iam waiting since the change that EV gets the same treatment of a static pulse time value...

I can't quote the picture, but you're going to need 100% Resistance for saying that.

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2 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

I can't quote the picture, but you're going to need 100% Resistance for saying that.

Sadly i found no primed version. But belive me , the few hundreds i have in spare will protect me D:

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Pretty sure eventually that'll happen. Maybe not tomorrow, but I'd say the next time they have an opportunity to bundle some frame buffs or reworks with nerfs I'm certain we'll see EV as it is now die. Gotta make sure that the energy isn't all released when the enemy dies like it does now, though, otherwise you'd have just made the cheese marginally less convenient. Same as with limiting gear slots to something not completely unreasonably like 200.


Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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54 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

I don't ever recall it being like that. The change i remember was that killing the enemy released all bursts of energy at once, instead of it being wasted due to your teammates.

Yeah, I remembered that part wrong - it always gave out 4 pulses, and as a consequence suffered horribly from longer duration.

And no, Trinity does not need any more beating with the nerfhammer prime. She's been battered enough already.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/3/2016 at 2:26 PM, Inarticulate said:

I've been arguing for making Energy Vampire give energy at fixed intervals until I got sick of posting it.


And cripple solo Trinity?

Yes cripple solo trinity. Shes a support warframe. She shouldn't be a powerful solo frame. Trinity should be powerful due to the fact that she makes the others in the squad more powerful, not herself.

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EV just needs to be duration based, unifying the EV and bless builds(It would arguably be a buff as trin could both give her 75% DR and give energy easily). Something like 8 energy per second for 8 seconds at base would be just fine, and making it so that killing the target does not give energy and giving the target 10x health to prevent greifing. It would still be able to do its job for 99.99% of situations, it just nerfs its insane bursts of energy (200+ energy in one second is a bit on the OP side), preventing things like channeled abilities being able to channel right back into things with 2 or three casts in less than 5 seconds, and it would (oh no!) make draco RJ slightly harder to use (The horror!). Once modded for this new EV would be able to do ~16 e/s for 12 or so seconds(probably won't need/want narrow minded as bless is recastable), so I'd say this change both makes EV a bit more sane, while still keeping its superiority.

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I like how she is right now and ev helps out when I am in a mission with multiple exmuis parasitic units that love to drain my energy especially the infested ones while her abilities can help her last for a very long time though she can not last as long as in a four man cell. I think she performs her role as a powerful support in a team superb, but I do think the energy gain from killing an ev target should be capped around 150 or 200.

Bottom line for me is that I like where she is at right now, her ev ability should only be tweaked minutely to where I can still gain the +100 energy while get a +50 energy, since each cast of ev cost me around 45 or 50 I think, in the burst death when  already have strength mods on.

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31 minutes ago, torint_man said:

EV just needs to be duration based, unifying the EV and bless builds(It would arguably be a buff as trin could both give her 75% DR and give energy easily). Something like 8 energy per second for 8 seconds at base would be just fine, and making it so that killing the target does not give energy and giving the target 10x health to prevent greifing. It would still be able to do its job for 99.99% of situations, it just nerfs its insane bursts of energy (200+ energy in one second is a bit on the OP side), preventing things like channeled abilities being able to channel right back into things with 2 or three casts in less than 5 seconds, and it would (oh no!) make draco RJ slightly harder to use (The horror!). Once modded for this new EV would be able to do ~16 e/s for 12 or so seconds(probably won't need/want narrow minded as bless is recastable), so I'd say this change both makes EV a bit more sane, while still keeping its superiority.


And how do you suggest vampire leech to work? Wait eternity until you get some shields? What about enemies being able to attack under EV?

So you want her to heal and to give damage reduction sometimes and that's all? Because if you run mixed or duration build you sacrifice range and it's just stupid to run around mob for getting how much? For 8*8=64 energy per 8 sec? It probably would be affected by strength so you can get maybe even 120 energy/8 sec. I'd better use consumables.

Just.. no. She needs EV for casting her rest of skills, to be useful.

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Frankly, the negative effects of the corrupt mods shouldn't be positive effects with some powers. Trinity's EV shouldn't become BETTER with less duration. Likewise, Valkyr's Hysteria's area (which is a drawback) shouldn't get smaller with reduced power range. Negative modifiers should affect drawbacks negatively,

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Since they said that they're looking into abilities that trivialize content, EV should be on their list so i expect changes.

But EV rework should be part of a larger energy rework.  EV,  eximus energy leech, efficiency and how we gain energy. 


Edited by Gilmaesh
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