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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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Hey there Tenno! 

This megathread will be used to house any feedback about Star Chart 3.0. Please be constructive, and keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Your post must be on topic.
  • Use details, examples, and personal experiences in your feedback, as well as your counter arguments if you disagree with something in the game or with another's opinion. 
  • Leave all name calling, insults and antagonism (dev bashing) out of your post, no exceptions. It is not required or welcomed and does not fall under constructive feedback. 

If you have a bug report, please post it in the dedicated megathread:

Thanks guys! :community:


Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1



  • Adjusted the position of the Tenno in the background of the Star Chart.
  • Completed nodes will now connection lines to Solar System shortcuts.
  • Removed the Natah and The Jordas Percept quests from Junctions as these are given out through server rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with the Vor’s Prize Junction task not being properly completed if the player elected to skip it.
  • Fixed aspect ratio of credits icon in junction rewards.
  • Fixed a display issue that would cause the Star Chart to appear incorrectly when playing with a 21:9 resolution.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to load into Junctions after meeting the requirements but not having completed the previous node.


  • Fixed progression blocker due to ramp refusing to budge in Second Dream quest mission.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2

  • Potential fix for a couple of progression stoppers related to the Chroma quest:

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 4



- Void Fissure Junction challenges can now be completed on any planet. For example, before the a Junction could say request 3 Void Fissures be closed. This request was specific to the planet the Junction was on, which was not indicated in the UI. Now you can do the Void Fissure anywhere to count toward your Junction Challenge Tasks.
- Improved visibility on the new Star Chart for which nodes should be played next.
- Rebalanced the Rhino Specter in the Junction to be more manageable for new players.
- Updated the Earth (to Venus) challenge text to better indicate the challenge requirement to  "Apply 4 MODS to a single Warframe or Weapon", not just overall.
- Swapped the "Nightmare Mission" Junction Challenge with "Kill the Hyena Pack."
- Removed Arc Traps spawning in Vor's Prize.



- Fixed a progression stopper in 'The New Strange' quest if players had already completed one or more of the crafting stages before the Update.
- Fixed a progression stopper in 'The New Strange' where Elite Arid Lancers were required for scanning, now it just requires regular Arid Lancers.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Hidden Messages' Quest not rewarding proper Blueprints when playing the corresponding nodes.
- Fixed an issue with a Junction progression stopper task by replacing the crafting requirements of Vapor Specters.
- Fixed players seeing Trial nodes in the Star Chart despite not owning keys.


Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 5



- Rebalanced the Frost and Volt Junction Specters to be less hard on new players.
- Changed the Junction task of "complete Spy missions with 3 data extractions" being too strict and requiring that all 3 extractions are undetected.



- Fixed 'Crossfire' appearing as a mission type on non-Crossfire missions.
- Fixed Arid Lancer Synthesis not completing, preventing The New Strange from being completed.
- Fixed an issue with Spy and Fissure Junction tasks not properly tracking.


Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 6


- Fixed missing sounds for various Star Chart elements like Resource Extractors and node pulses.
- Fixed the Eris Junction on Pluto not functioning preventing progression.
- Fixed an issue with the reticle position on the Star Chart when using a controller.


Edited by [DE]Taylor
added hotfix info
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The mission auto counts down in solo mode, so if I click the wrong node by mistake, I have 5 seconds to cancel it before it starts and I have to wait for it to load, then abort it. Perhaps revert to the old system where we have to click 'Play Now' for it to launch?

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I would like to submit a suggestion to have extractors appear next to planets they are deployed to in the starchart overview. Makes it easier to find and redeploy them to the same planet.

I currently have to thumb through planet by planet to find them all. Grabbing all of them at once is fine, But it doesn't redeploy them and I generally send them back to the same planets, usually alternating between regular and prime extractors.

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So far, my only gripes are relatively minor.  I assume I'll get used to how it's laid out.

What Centuras said, I prefer to select a mission, fiddle with equipment and such, and be able to start the mission from anywhere rather than have to select it again.

Everything is just too tiny for my pitiful little eyes and itty-bitty resolution.  I can't tell what most of the symbols are, I can barely read some of the mission names, and actually clicking on the teeny-tiny missions themselves is far more work that it really should be.  For all the issues with the previous chart, I could tell what was happening on a given node (Invasion, Nighmare, Alert) with barely a glance because they were so big.  If there's an option to change this, I couldn't find it.

Edited by Vox_Preliator
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Why are these requirement in junctions? really.. why? for a veteran who has the majority of stuff this update is a kick in the nuts, build a weapon.. really? if i unlocked every missiosn already i should have access to the junction specter no? if you guys did it for quests then why not the rest?

Why the hell do i need a boltor blueprint now? see what i mean its utter bs if you ask me, that could have been useful a couple of years ago, so why make us do it again for these rewards?


Edited by RMSGM
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To me the new starchart is a complete dissapointment. It's not 3.0, it's 1.5, because it's the same starchart we had before, now with extra junctions.

I remember many things announced about upcoming starchart. Dynamic missions, ability to set up your own missions, harsher environment modifiers "that there may even be a need to mod for them" (it's a direct quote), visible syndicate territories, ability to move your dojo and place it in different sectors... where is all that?

Why did you even bother?


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The Starmap: ( This looks cool as hell but, it's lacking in terms of functionality)

- My biggest gripe with this is how the zoom works. The point at which the screen zooms is anchored at the center of the screen, which means that you have to carefully position the planet you want to zoom in at to the center of the screen. This feels very unintuitive and I feel it would be more natural if it zoomed in on where your mouse pointer is pointing.

- Another problem I've found with this is that, while zoomed out, I have accidentally activated nodes on planets when I can't even physically see them. I would think clicking on a planet when zoomed out would allow me to quickly zoom in on that planet but, instead, it selects a node I can't even see. I would rather have quick access to a planet on click instead of it selecting a node I can't see. I have found that this only happens when half zoomed in on a planet.

Junction starmap functionality:

- The new Junction objectives should have their own menu tab on the navigation screen, akin to the alerts, invasions, syndicate, etc tabs. This would give easier access and help keep track of each planet and their junction objectives.

- Some notification regarding completed junction tasks on the end of mission summary menu would also go a long way. Having to constantly mouse over each node scattered accross the starmap to check this stuff is very unintuitive.

- EDIT: I'd also like to echo what RMSGM said earlier in here:


Why are these requirement in junctions? really.. why? for a veteran who has the majority of stuff this update is a kick in the nuts, build a weapon.. really? if i unlocked every mission already i should have access to the junction specter no? if you guys did it for quests then why not the rest?


That's all I have for now, thanks for reading.


Edited by xhris
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1 hour ago, VisionAndVoice said:

To me the new starchart is a complete dissapointment. It's not 3.0, it's 1.5, because it's the same starchart we had before, now with extra junctions.

I remember many things announced about upcoming starchart. Dynamic missions, ability to set up your own missions, harsher environment modifiers "that there may even be a need to mod for them" (it's a direct quote), visible syndicate territories, ability to move your dojo and place it in different sectors... where is all that?

I feel very much the same as this user.


Edited by xhris
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New star chart has removed the old functionality that allowed us to ignore an alert on a node to do the regular mission at that node. For those trying to do stuff like rescue a prisoner on Linea only to be obstructed by an interception alert, it's a little annoying. Need that old functionality back to let us select if we want the alert or regular mission.

Edit: Apparently, completing the alert ALSO counted? Maybe change text from "Rescue 1 prisoner on Linea" to "Complete the mission on the Linea node"

Edited by Cradicias
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I would agree with everything here, and would like to add that the transparency is making things very, very hard to read. It's almost headache-inducing, and the ability to change contrast would be appreciated.


Also, the Junction missions are...somewhat confusing. For example, on Earth, I already have 4+mods on multiple weapons and Warframes. What am I supposed to do to clear that junction?

Edited by ArcaneSnowdrop
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The new star chart is absolutely gorgeous eye candy, BUT it suffers from some usability problems.

  1. The text identifying the missions is too small. Perhaps it should enlarge when hovered over, or at least the text should enlarge when you zoom way in to the planet.
  2. The area to click on selecting a mission is again too small. Perhaps it should enlarge when hovered near.
  3. Single-clicking on a mission should not start the play countdown immediately.
  4. If there are multiple mission types active on a node, you can't select between them right now. I imagine there are plenty of people who are blocked on planet progression because a sortie/nightmare/alert/whatever is overlaid on top of the mission they want to do in order to move on.
  5. If you select a planet, then zoom out without pressing 'Escape', then click on another planet, you likely will click on a mission node accidentally. Only the selected planet's mission nodes should be clickable. Clicking a junction should make the next planet active and then only its mission nodes are clickable. Zooming out and clicking on another planet should make it 'active' and only its nodes are clickable.
  6. Nightmare missions and dark sector missions aren't visible enough. The mission nodes need larger icons so that they can be identified at a glance - the special icons (e.g. assassinate, syndicate nodes, etc) are universally way too small.
  7. We desperately need a search field. If I want to play on a certain mission that I know the name of, having to find it in an irregular layout which differs from planet to planet is tedious. Search field which zooms to the selection would be mind-bogglingly good.

At the end of the day, if I want to run a mission on e.g. Mimas, I shouldn't have to spend a bunch of time hunting through the star chart, reading tiny text, and clicking on tiny areas, only to mis-click and start some other mission by mistake.

I think that the design intent has strayed here - it's great eye candy, but the navigation interface isn't the game, it shouldn't be the time-consuming part of the process

Edited by flickerstreak
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Here is all I have to say so far...


  • It can be quite hard to see the text on certain planets, visibility and contrast needs to be improved
  • The lines between nodes can become overwhelming on certain planets especially when mixed with lots of nodes with big titles (see Earth), I suggest decreasing their opacity unless you hover over specific nodes
  • There seems to be a drag when moving around the solar system, ideally it should be fast and snappy
  • When opening the map it shouldn't zoom in as much, it becomes obnoxious when you're repeating missions
  • Different mission types should be more clear from icon (AW-Assassinate-Alliance owned rail missions etc.)
  • It seems that I can select nodes even if they are not visible
  • Extractor deployment is still an issue if you do it often and have quite a few of them

I did find it quite hard to figure out what to do but new players only have one planet or so to worry about I guess.

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Hello, (relatively) new player here; I started playing a couple months back, and I'd say I'd made some rather swift progress for a new player. I'd been meaning to post my impressions on the game (to give a "Fresh insight" from someone who HADN'T been a years-long backer. Unfortunately, I kinda wish I could've been prompted to post my insight on more positive terms; I'll admit, it already has me considering leaving about as quickly as I'd started.

This change was a doozy... I mean, yeah, there's been some nice things, but overall, I'm questioning it What I saw that's good so far:

  • The visuals are nice... Though I DO feel they remind me a bit too much of "Destiny." (such as the font) If I wanted to play Destiny, I'd go play that. I don't think DE should be trying to chase a game that is arguably inferior.
  • Some of the level-arrangements make more sense, both in terms of theming (further from the sun = higher level) and gameplay. (Rathuum is now endgame like it should've been, rather than an arbitrary gate to much of the game's most critical content)

And now, unfortunately, the bad parts. A lot of them have to do with... The visuals, really. Also, how counter-intuitive it is.

  • In short, it's very hard to see anything. Text is TINY, and the lines are a bit thin. A good interface lets a player take ONE glance and know everything they need to know; the old system let a player easily see what nodes there were, how they were connected, and easily deduce what were available. This new one makes it worse.
  • It's slow and clunky compared to the old one. It loads up notably slower; the whole "zoom in" takes like an extra 2-3 seconds over the FRACTION the old system did, which is more than a little irksome. Similarly, other "jumps" seem slower.
  • The shift in scale is handled poorly. It works passably if you only click on worlds and then right-click to cut out to max zoom-out... But the NATURAL way most people will approach it is to try scrolling the mouse wheel... And any "in-between" is a "worst of both worlds" experience.
  • The above is compounded by the fact that if you're fully zoomed out, you CAN'T view any lines between worlds... So there's zero way to get a quick grasp of what worlds lead to what; you kind of have to zoom in a BIT and then scroll all over. But even THEN, all the text is semi-transparent.
  • As I saw mentioned above, it seems that alerts now HIDE the base mission... So if you didn't want to bother with that alert but wanted the mission beneath, you have to wait it out? Not good.
  • Lastly, whoever thought that the "auto-start mission on clicking the node once" was a good idea? That part was perhaps the most frustrating; I accidentally managed to start a mission I didn't want to without realizing it. Likewise, the fact that if there's open parties and you're set to public? You won't even have those 5 seconds to realize your mistake. This is NOT good, and there's no way it can be spun otherwise.

I mean, sure, it all looks nice... But I'm not playing Warframe because I wanted to look at a pretty map. I'm FRUSTRATED dealing with it, so it's actually not an improvement, but a downgrade.

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to keep it short: it is confusing and unintuitive. Compared to the old startchart it is a big step backwards regarding usability.

many points have been already mentioned, all i can add is that i cant really see which missions i have already done and which ones i still have to do.


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Background music is playing even with BGM volume turned to zero. It's really cumbersome to use because your mouse movement does not reflect the movement of the map, and the map movement has momentum, so it doesnt stop turning the moment you let go of the mouse button. You cannot switch to the ESC menu or look at other players loadouts while hovering on their avatars anymore.
Also the map is a network now which makes it hard to read which mission is connected to which. Starchart 1.0 was a linear path with a few branches which was much easier to read.

Edited by SFTT.Lightning
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  1. Nodes need to be larger and more brightly colored based on if there is an alert/invasion/syndicate/nightmare/fissure/etc on the node. Right now it's difficult to see what is going on with the node because of how small and pale everything is.
  2. Not being able to pick the base mission on the node seems like a step back. I remember that was how it was in Starchart 1.0, and understand it's to make sure more people are playing together, but I guess I've kinda gotten used to not having to do nightmare mode on a node if I didn't want to.
  3. Instantly starting countdowns/hotjoin on a node is a terrible idea. I understand it was to take away a step, but it is an important step, especially when you want to click on an event node from the alert menus to zoom to without actually starting or a junction to see all you get from completing it.
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While I agree with many of the difficulties expressed before, I'm absolutely loving the new Starchart! I don't think it's a step back in any way - as an interface, it is beautiful and sleek.

1. The order of things is new and refreshing. Loving it. I'm so pleased with Phobos finally being a speck of rock. Thank you for that!

2. Very satisfied by the level of missions, and liking the fact that the Void now is its own accessible place.

3. About the Junction fight: do the enemy level in the junction scale at all? I entered the first fight today and I finished it in one single shot - which was very satisfying, yet a tad anticlimatic.

Overall, I think that the interface is very intuitive - I haven't had any problem finding out what I had to do.

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About the new starchart: I would like there to be a transition when activating the navigation console, like the camera turning around to face the warframe, or the room darkening, or SOMETHING more than the jarring, ugly fade to black that we have now.

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Like the others I feel that the new star chart is mostly nice to look at but horrific to use. The new chart seems to have some good ideas and a lot of bad or unfinished ones.

First of the planetary connections should always be visible. I mean it's nice to know how they are connected especially as a new player who has not opened everything yet. Still I would like to see which of the connections are active and available to me and which are not. Now they are all of the same color offer no information. Instead they manage to add frustration towards the new UI as the ones that are not open just do not work without any indications as to why they do not work. Generally it is considered bad usability to change the logic of how thing work and especially bad to change them without any indicators. To fix this the connections should always be active allowing to jump around planets easily and color coded or otherwise clearly indicated that which of the connections are already opened and which are not. On jumping between planets I also rather see the annoying slow zoom out and zoom to the planet effect either removed or made optional. It is not cool and only takes up time.

It would also be nice to still be able to see the completion levels for a system easily and also what resources are available from each planet, as I for one can't remember them. The collector icon on the bottom is really horrible way to achieve this as when looking at multiple planets it's not really clear for which planet it is. Also the lost ergonomics due to the added amount of movement is, if not straining, a lot slower and annoying than before. This could be fixed by moving the planet naming somewhat and adding the collector deployment option to that context along with information about completion statistics and available resources. The Planetary information could also scale so that when viewing up close the names of the resource would be written and when viewing from a far they would just be icons.

Secondly they scale of the UI and navigation including selection of missions is horrible. Everything is so tiny and requires all too accurate positioning to trigger the hover effect. If by accident you go and click something to hold on to it then the missions starts right a way adding to the annoyance. It seem outright odd that after making the look up of missions a lot tardier the starting of missions is made quicker thus managing to break both parts that previously worked. It is particularly annoying that while looking at the map at somewhat zoomed you can trigger a mission while trying to drag the map even though you cannot see any of the planetary connections yet nor the the actual zones. This can also happen accidentally when in windowed mode clicking on the game window to restore it back to active while it already was active.

To stop accidental missions starting, I'd rather see the old prompt back. Also the hover detection areas should be increase so that it would trigger from generic vicinity of a node. It could also highlight the node which the hover has been triggered. After this you could click to select the node without fear of launching the missions and possibly choose between normal, nightmare or alerts versions.

Also the navigation and mission selection via arrow keys has been broken, which is also an annoyance. It should also be possible to navigate via the arrow keys from node to node by possibly highlighting an indicator for each path that shows which key triggers it.

As to the current planet text fonts and icons, the seem to be design on the scale that the planet is barely visible. Proper scaling with clear icons for whether the node is accessible or not and if there are any alerts, nightmare mods are syndicate missions available on the node. I mean the tiny icons are really no more easier to read than the small text. Not to mention that the scarce differentiation between small black diamond with while edges versus the small cyan diamond with black edges is really not noticeable making really hard to read which nodes are open and which are not. The inaccessible nodes should use a different shape with different coloring to add readability to the map.


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The previous star chart was a lot easier and simpler to use compared to this new system. We were able to look at all the nodes and see what type of mission it was and what level it was. it was also much easier to navigate and to get from planet to planet. You also didn't need to look around the whole map to find the node you wanted to do. I don't understand the point of the junctions and why they're needed to access other planets. All the previous one had you do was complete the nodes up to the assassination mission and complete that and boom you have a new planet. I have no idea why making the navigation much more complicated was a good idea. There's no tutorial, a lot of unnecessary filler to make it look visually appealing, you can't see how many Judgement points you own anymore, nodes that were very useful were removed, and it's a pain to the read the node text.

As a new player that got highly addicted to warframe, I am not liking this navigation at all and wish it was the previous layout. Like other people have stated in this thread, this navigation is a step back and makes things a lot more confusing than the previous easy-to-see and understand star chart.

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- Mostly, I love the rework. I think the pathing will be much easier for people to understand. That being said, here are some changes I think would improve it.


- Node icons are a little small, they could be a little bigger so you can better see the various alert/syndicate/assasination/invasion symbols on them. Text is also a little small.

- Have resource drops always display, like it used to. One of the most common questions in region is always "where to farm X resource" - now with it being hidden under the extractor button people will be even less likely to realize this information is presented on the starchart. Showing this info on mouse-over for planets would also be nice to bring back.


And really, thats about all I saw as of right now. Good job!

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