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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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4 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Not necessarily coming with Specters of the Rail, but there is definitely a new tileset coming with War Within. For quite awhile now the Devs have been reworking older things that are in need of updates, tilesets and bosses being the most common.

as long as we get a new one it sounds good to me 

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Specters is up in the air, but for sure we'll be getting a new tileset for the Queens.

queens is for sure going to be good..that meteor one looked fun ...

 we know that specters has a tileset based on what was shown in dev stream.. though if that tile type will expand to others is anyone's guess

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On 14.06.2016 at 9:32 PM, duhadventure said:


I'm now worried after seeing this.

I really hope they programmed tear mission spawning in the way that you won't be cut off from the tear you need to proceed on the starchart (e.g. you need to close T2 tears to unlock Uranus and RNG makes them spawn on Uranus or even further, so you're stuck).

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4 minutes ago, Arrjo said:

I'm now worried after seeing this.

I really hope they programmed tear mission spawning in the way that you won't be cut off from the tear you need to proceed on the starchart (e.g. you need to close T2 tears to unlock Uranus and RNG makes them spawn on Uranus or even further, so you're stuck).

Vor and Kril on Mars.... o.O are they getting moved there?

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5 minutes ago, Arrjo said:

I'm now worried after seeing this.

I really hope they programmed tear mission spawning in the way that you won't be cut off from the tear you need to proceed on the starchart (e.g. you need to close T2 tears to unlock Uranus and RNG makes them spawn on Uranus or even further, so you're stuck).

Moons will be "part" of their associated planets now, but retain their individual tilesets. So, when it says "Vor and Kril on Mars" it means "Phobos, which happens to be a moon on Mars".

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Starchart definitely looks interesting. Can't wait to play through it again! It's been so long since I've had that experience now.

Only thing I'm worried about is the void changes being potentially controversial, spawning dozens of flamewars, saltfests, cursewordstorms, and toxic spreading, despite the changes as a whole being completely fair and justified, like many other things people always complain about.

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20 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Starchart definitely looks interesting. Can't wait to play through it again! It's been so long since I've had that experience now.

Only thing I'm worried about is the void changes being potentially controversial, spawning dozens of flamewars, saltfests, cursewordstorms, and toxic spreading, despite the changes as a whole being completely fair and justified, like many other things people always complain about.

CR, of course this will happen. In the first few weeks, people will complain and bring a saltfest to the forums saying that everything is ruined, that the RNG got worse, that they cant get things now, you name it!

It will be that way untill people take their heads out of their rears and start figuring things out. When DMG 2.0 came, it happened, when Melee 2.0 removed charge attacks, it happened, when a Warframe got a reword/change, it HAPPENED.

No one can stop the flames that will come, they wont stop untill people start thinking.

I bet the first salt thread will come the minute it lands.

I was wrong....


It already begun.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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One thing I'm unsure about with the Projections: "Every time you do this there is a greater chance to manifest a Rare item."

Every time you do what? Close a tear? How does that work? Can you close a tear several times with the same Projection before claiming the reward? Or do you need to repeat the whole process with the same kind of Projections, and permanently get a greater chance of a rare reward from that kind of Projection?

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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1 hour ago, duhadventure said:

Vor and Kril on Mars.... o.O are they getting moved there?


1 hour ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Moons will be "part" of their associated planets now, but retain their individual tilesets. So, when it says "Vor and Kril on Mars" it means "Phobos, which happens to be a moon on Mars".

Maybe, but that's only applicable if War is being moved from Mars to Phobos. It's very specific about where the fight is.

Beyond that, I *really* hope this means they're going to fix Lech Kril's broken mechanics. It's not fair to subject new players to that garbage.

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A rare positive thread ( not really, these are everywhere :P)

I definitely am. Been waiting a long time for this, and I have nothing but high hopes. Kind of messed myself up with Draco, so it would be nice to finally put that behind me.

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Anybody else notice that the Saturn Junction tasks included "defeat Vor and Kril at War, Mars?"

Does this mean DE is *finally* getting rid of The Sergeant? 

And maybe replacing him with Nef Anyo? I mean, probably not...

Or Derf! Devs were talking about adding him, right? I mean, he was on the "Upcoming Features" wiki page...

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