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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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waiting for virtual kitties whist my real real ones are sitting there like...

'mummy? why am I being ignored...' 




I'm kidding if they want me I no longer retain access to the keyboard.  

long t4 survival? no petting now. must pet now. what do you mean your new bleeding out? I don't get it? must be petted. MUUMMMMMM


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4 minutes ago, Pogomonster said:

So, how will Kavats be obtained? As far as I know, there are no Kavat nests, like the ones the kubrows have, and they only spawn on the Derelict. Maybe there'll be a quest where you can obtain them.

The last we heard is they come from kubrow eggs, you gotta put a genetic twister in there.

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3 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

The last we heard is they come from kubrow eggs, you gotta put a genetic twister in there.

So, when mommy kubrow and a daddy kubrow really love eachother, there's a chance that a baby kavat comes, and then mommy kubrow and daddy kubrow end up killing the heck out of it?

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4 minutes ago, Pogomonster said:

So, when mommy kubrow and a daddy kubrow really love eachother, there's a chance that a baby kavat comes, and then mommy kubrow and daddy kubrow end up killing the heck out of it?


9 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

The last we heard is they come from kubrow eggs, you gotta put a genetic twister in there.

I'm pretty sure that ain't how genetics work, if that's the case then there should be traces of Kubrow DNA up in there.

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51 minutes ago, Pogomonster said:

So, when mommy kubrow and a daddy kubrow really love eachother, there's a chance that a baby kavat comes, and then mommy kubrow and daddy kubrow end up killing the heck out of it?

It's more like we take a Kubrow egg, destroy the Kubrow DNA and insert Kavat DNA. 

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9 hours ago, CoRRh said:

Yea, I'm a bit torn.

On one hand, I want a quality update. On the other, we were supposed to have multiple cinematic quests this year, but at their current pace, the next major update we get will be next February, which is ridiculous. The time between large updates is just getting longer and longer, and they're the only times we get these big content drops. I don't mean to be impatient, I just think it's a bit silly that we are told that we'd have plenty of Cinematic Quests this year and we don't even have one yet and we're past the half way point. DE seriously needs to figure out time management and such, considering major updates take vets maybe a couple of months to get tired of, and we only get them every 7 months. 

Sorry if I seem whiney, I just think that it's a little off that the ratio of development time to player completion time is so unbalanced. 

 After this year, i hope they turn their focus towards making more mission types, enemies, mods, balancing, etc. Just add more meat to the game.

Im fine with learning lore through snippets. I want CONTENT. Cinematic quest are neat and all, but you're left with nothing after you complete it. 

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So i thought the update was today but in Megan's post with the whole prime-time deal there showing us a Dev build of SOTH wich makes me think that the update is not today :(

pretty much i had a !@#$ey morning with going to jury duty + a 1hr 20 min ish walk back home hopeing for a update only to see this :'( feels bad man....

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7 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

"I know this has been asked many times, so let me ask again"...
Let's keep asking until we get the result we want or what's the logic here?

Look if you beat it hard enough, the dead horse will eventually squirt something out right? Just perform a Tombstone on it a couple of times, that'll get the juices flowing. 

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I doubt it's today, seeing as the recently posted Prime Time info says that Rebecca and Megan will "show off the Dev build and walk you through Kavat acquisition, Void Tears & Projections, and more!" Dev build meaning it's not ready yet, meaning tomorrow is the earliest we can hope for (but still a long shot IMHO). Even so, official post/tweet would be nice. 

Edited by tisdfogg
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1 minute ago, Drunkenbagel said:

Look if you beat it hard enough, the dead horse will eventually squirt something out right? Just perform a Tombstone on it a couple of times, that'll get the juices flowing. 

Who said you could stop hitting the horse too talk! Now keep whacking at it or nothing will happen.

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4 minutes ago, Drunkenbagel said:

Look if you beat it hard enough, the dead horse will eventually squirt something out right? Just perform a Tombstone on it a couple of times, that'll get the juices flowing. 

Huh. I've read about squirting horses before, but I always thought it was just a myth. Alright then, carry on.

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