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What's the point of the new way of getting Auras?


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2 hours ago, damnfish20 said:

If you find it that bad, just play earth missions with Helios equipped. Scan ALL tha plants.

last time I tried that it didn't scan any of the plants (already done the required codex amount) or they didn't register at the end of the level

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44 minutes ago, SaurusRex said:

Yeah man, I've been growing bored of warframe, but the chance to run around tilesets looking for plants to scan is just too exciting to pass up. My Warframe experience feels invigorated.

Tbh, scanning the Dusklight Sacerenna's and Lunar Pitchers lead me to many rooms on Ceres and Lua which I would've never found otherwise. Most people don't realize that tilesets actually have a lot of bits and bobs we usually miss as we speed run through it. 

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2 hours ago, Tricky5hift said:

At least now you can do the mission as many times as you like without having to wait god knows how long for an alert to show up.

Scanning plants isn't even that hard, I consider this a step in the right direction for acquiring certain mods.

I would consider it a step in the right direction if scanning the plants wasn't so tedious and grindy. And I say this as someone who had all the earth plants left over from the Cicero event, so the grind is even worse for new players.

And the auras aren't even that good.

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37 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

Well, you can melee while in the scanner.... so its no trouble at all. Or just run an exterminate on a low level asteroid with an Ember or any other frame with wide-range nuke abilities and, you don't have to do a thing except collect energy. So you can easily look for all the moss.

It literally took me... 10m? Max? to find all the moss. Probably a lot less.

Thanks, what map are you using? I'm only getting like 10 of them S#&$s at a time..

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Id rather try and catch a not so often alert, than waste the few hours I get to play scanning plants (that dont show up for me) and trying to balance warframes night/day with my own timezone and game times. It is tedious and not rewarding. All it rewards is people who have hours to waste.

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1 hour ago, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

Thanks, what map are you using? I'm only getting like 10 of them S#&$s at a time..

I was using M Prime and getting 10+ per run. 

It took less and less time each run because I began to learn where the moss would spawn

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8 hours ago, DeFragMe said:

well the auras partly to , but thats just my opinion.. i mean the most desired aura for me would be the 60% more charge atack damage..... but the -90% shield modifier gives me thinking.... why?!

I have news for u my friend Steel Chage gives 60% boost to all melee dmg not just charge attaks yea ind it has no negative effect

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well they can increase drop rates if they want people to keep doing that mission... for some reason... even if it's stupid... And increase them at least 3 times please.

Or yeah just change it to alert. Late in game there is almost nothing to farm in alerts anyway. So would be nice if they drop some items there

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On 23/08/2016 at 4:18 PM, DeFragMe said:

well the auras partly to , but thats just my opinion.. i mean the most desired aura for me would be the 60% more charge atack damage..... but the -90% shield modifier gives me thinking.... why?!

Oh, it's worse than that. It's the first aura that actively harms you - and since it's an aura, it harms your entire squad as well. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

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On 23-8-2016 at 6:29 PM, pauli133 said:

Plenty of us were in the habit of scanning plants long before Titania came along.

Ya, I already had 70+ Jade sun/moon plants when the new plants were added.  It was pretty obvious they were going to have a use again in the future. I never stopped scanning them every time I ran into them. I did notice however that their spawn rate has been increased. Before this, they were truly rare but now they are uncommon.  The sunlight and threshcones I got hundreds of those.


The thing about the plants if it annoys you, don't go farming missions only for the purpose of scanning plants. Just play the game like you do every time doing your thing. If you happen to be on a tile set that has the plants, scan them when you run into them. Memorize all their spawn locations and you're good to go. I already crafted 8 of each Apothic and it honestly didn't feel like a chore. Time went by quickly.

Get the moss on Mercury missions (Elion, capture) where the enemies are no threat. If you know all the fixed spawn locations, you will get 10-15 moss each mission with the Cross-Matrix Widget on Synthesis scanner. Knowing the spawn locations drastically reduces search time. I wouldn't even call it searching, you enter the tile set, you know where they are right away, you scan, you move on doing whatever you came there to do on that mission in the first place. This takes like 5 seconds per room.

Edited by MystMan
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On 8/23/2016 at 4:30 PM, pauli133 said:

The point is to give bored endgame players something new to do. If you don't like it, don't do it.

That's just it though, I don't like it, I'm not doing it.

If DE really want to give bored endgame players something to do (because more players = more money) they actually need to give us something that's interesting. If anyone says they find the plant scanning interesting then I'll laugh myself to death.

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On 8/23/2016 at 11:16 AM, Tricky5hift said:

At least now you can do the mission as many times as you like without having to wait god knows how long for an alert to show up.

Scanning plants isn't even that hard, I consider this a step in the right direction for acquiring certain mods.

I don't think this has hit consoles yet, but I've read a lot of these threads and don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about them being hard. It's boring, tedious, and just doesn't fit. "I love long walks on the beach, taking pictures of flowers, and slaughtering a planet's entire population".

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If you don't like it, don't do it. Wait for it to be tradeable and give platinum to those who aren't too busy complaining about having to scan plants.

As said before, many of us were in the habit of scanning plants as we did missions. Heck, when waiting on party members to finish up their part of a spy / fissure / etc. mission, I scan plants ... same for lulls in excavation early on. It takes a few seconds and is stupid easy.

If people consider it a grind, then they need to go actually compare it to the stuff many of us have done in past games (especially MMOs ... even more Korean MMOs). Heck, go look at modern games like Ark Survival and babysit a max level TRex (or one of the bigger dinos) while you tame it for hours ... and that's after all the time to get the materials to perform that tame. That is an actual grind. This is nothing in comparison.

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