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Mission Idea Sandbox.


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First Idea (Endless)


This mode would be like an exterminate, but endless. You would have a timer in which you'd have to go against and defeat the every enemy on the map before the time expires. You could have it set to where, if you complete it before time runs out, you can extract, or go again. Every new run increases the enemies level by 10, (or whatever you guys deem proper), but the timer would stay the same, as in you always have 10min to complete each wave as an example. Each "wave" or run could have continually better rewards. Providing everyone a challenge, and give people a chance to really push their gear. The timer would eventually put a cap on how far people can go as well. You could have this mode set up for one of each faction, considering how it feels more of an endgame thing than a widespread mode. (Could also do no powers mode, Melee only mode etc.) (Tile could be reloaded/rearranged with a loading screen for diversity each "wave" or run) Also could unlock cosmetic badges/sigil for landmarks like completing an enemy level of 25, 50, 100 etc.


2nd Idea (Archwing Mode)


You would assist a friendly freighter from point a to point b. The freighter would of course not just bee-line toward the objective, but move around asteroids, try to avoid enemy fighters etc, your goal would be to make sure it doesn't become destroyed from enemy troops. Could also implement one of the ships from Pursuit to be a sub-boss of sorts along the way. Freighter would be fairly large, and so it can't easily avoid being hit easily. Could provide a bonus if freighters health is above certain percentages. Like addiontal credits, extra core packs etc.


Final Idea (Non-Endless)

-Deception- (2.0)

Make your way deep into the enemy base, hack a panel or two to find the meeting place, and plant a bug for information in said meeting place. Basically must reach the "meeting place" and place a bug, just a simple "interact here" moment somewhere hidden, like high up on a wall or under something once you enter. And extract. Would prefer something be introduced like cameras that can see invisible tenno if they get close enough to avoid them being op. In sorties it could be set to 1 alarm means failure, high level planets would allow 1 alarm, mid planets allows two alarms, and easy planets allow 3. After alarm goes off you must hack a panel or you cant procede. Would also give the chance to add more depth in some tilesets with vents/crawlspaces, hidey holes, more ziplines etc. Many enemies could be set to aware but not alerted mode, to provide more suspense and would introduce more methodical gameplay. Could also make it less harsh but another stealth mode like spy is very welcome to me.

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I did a concept around the release of Invasions years ago. You can read the long version here if you please. I will however summarize it:


Invasion 2.0; AKA Bunker Run.

Tenno have to fight through 3 or more layers of heavily defended tileset in the middle of heavily contested area in order to take side in Invasions. In additional to the regular crossfire AI VS AI modifier, invasions missions will receive three tiles with stationary defense systems to stop enemies. With the attacking faction stumped, Tenno will have to trudge through the best defense the defending faction can muster. Clearing three Bunkers will count for a complete invasion, with a possibility for a fourth Bunker; harder by far, it will increase the pay-off reward. Bunkers increases in intensity throughout the mission, and players have the option to extract early at the first or second Bunker if they are completely unable to progress, giving a fighting chance to new players. 

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Can it be an Archwing mission? I'm going to go with that!


The goal of the mission is to intercept and engage in a dogfight with a elite squad of enemy pilots. Nothing too hard to understand. 

The idea is to have your Tenno cell fight few and hard enemies, around 4 or 5, using your wits and all the possible extent of your abilities to take out this elite squads that have seen deployment as of late to find and attack rebel colonies and tenno orbiters throught the system.



Another thing i'd like to see is something like "hardcore spy" were you can't be noticed at all at any moment. Lets see...


Tenno have gotten very proficient at stealing information from data vaults lately, so thr Grineer and Corpus have taken to move around information themselves, in person. 

The goal of the mission would be to stay out of sight at all times, and stay undetected, that includes avoiding unnecesary deaths (in a proper ninja like manner) so you can make your way to your target and listen in on what information they have. This mission would constantly reward the player with affinity for staying mobile, out of sight, and expertly avoiding detection. staying still too long would not benefit the player, so you can't just AFK farm affinity. kills would be possible if you manage to get rid of the body, but one corpse lying around for no reason should suffice for the alarms to go off and the objetive escaping.

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Counter Espionage


As a weaker third-party participating in a faction-based war, it's important to make sure no one opponent becomes too powerful. You've caught wind of an attack from one of your enemies toward another, with the aim of destroying a facility/ship. In order to stop one enemy from gaining a sweeping upper-hand, this needs to be stopped, for now.

Participating Factions

Corpus attack against Grineer facility
Grineer attack against Corpus facility
Infested attack against Grineer facility
Infested attack against Corpus facility


Both sides are against you. No one asked for your help and you're not supposed to be there. The mission will spawn lower level, but regular defending units (Corpus for a Corpus facility, Grineer for a Grineer facility) but higher level, elite attacking units (Hyenas/Manics/mini-Phorids?).

Even if an alarm goes off (as it likely will), no one will be actively looking for you. Both sides are busy attacking each other. Enemies will attack you if they see you, but only if a secondary alarm is raised will you be targeted. This can allow you to sneak around even in a volatile environment.

Your objective is to find and disarm explosives (or destroy spore pods in or around ventilation units if Infested are involved). Once completed, enemies will no longer spawn and you'll receive a signal from the head of the attacking unit. At that point the elite units will now be hunting for you. In order to exit you'll have to defeat a mini-boss on the way to extraction (Zanuka Hunter/Manic Bombard/Juggernaut).

Rarely, with odds increasing as you complete more Counter Espionage missions while marked, you'll enter the facility and find everyone on both sides are already dead. Shortly after you'll receive a signal from Stalker indicating it was a trap, and will be attacked by a few Acolytes on your way to extraction. Stalker will be waiting at the end, but defeating him is not mandatory.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This can not be a re-architecture of our system (i.e open world base building!).

This is the exact problem with the current missions system. Missions are dull, repetitive. Every mission has the exact same approach.

  • Capture: Bullet-jump to the target, down him, bullet-jump to extraction.
  • Deception: Bullet-jump to the console, install the thing, bullet-jump to extraction.
  • Reactor Sabotage: Bullet-jump to the reactors, put the heat cell back in, hack the panel, bullet-jump to extraction.
  • Spy: Bullet-jump to the vaults, hack them, bullet-jump to extraction.

Despite having a wide variety of tools to choose from, our application of these tools always fall into the same exact pattern: every Exterminate plays the same, every Defense plays the same, every Capture plays the same. Restructuring how missions function is exactly what the game has needed for the past 3 years. Adding a new mission type, hell even adding 10 new mission types, will do nothing for the game. Those missions will be repeatedly run in the same manner over and over and over and the game will still be just as stale as it was before. Please don't waste your time or ours by tacking on bandaids to a system instead of fixing the underlying problems.

Edited by PublikDomain
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So I posted this on the subreddit a few months back, and I'm not really sure whether it'd be more of a 'Rescue 3.0' thing than a brand new gametype. At any rate, I hope it's okay for me to copy and paste the body of the text to here?

Also, just in case: pretty major Second Dream spoilers here, so read at your own discretion.

So at the climax of the Second Dream, we discover that we are not, in fact, badass space ninjas, but rather scarred and withered little kids who can't even stand on their own, let alone run and fight like ordinary human beings. This leads to a frankly awesome sequence in which our weakened Warframes are forced to carry us to the end of the mission, as the operator uses their full Tenno powers to blast anything we encounter out of the way.

It's a really great mechanic - a crippling reduction to mobility and an increase in vulnerability, in exchange for a big increase in outgoing power - but one which doesn't appear anywhere else.

So, my idea is this. Don't know whether it would be Moon-specific, or could somehow be explained for the other factions, but it's basically an ordinary Rescue mission, except at the end once you've gotten into the cells you have to retrieve an Operator, be it from a somatic link chair, a cryopod, or just a regular cell where they've been unceremoniously dumped by their captor faction awaiting execution, dissection, or some other suitably horrible fate.

Obviously, the Operator is too weak to be able to walk out on their own like a normal Rescue target, meaning that in order to safely evacuate them, one player needs to pick them up and carry them to the exit. There can be a brief transmission from the Lotus here to explain what happens - only one Operator can control a Warframe at a time, and physical contact overrides the somatic link, or whatever - but the outcome is that the Warframe goes back into the same 'crippled' state, needing to stagger to the end as the rescued Operator uses their powers to deal with enemies. This gives players a bit more control over the rescue target than just hoping their AI pathfinding doesn't bug out, and encourages players to move as a group rather than just take off at the highest speed possible.

Also helping encourage this is that, as soon as the Operator has been grabbed, the normal enemies in the level are replaced by Sentients, who spawn in slightly greater numbers than they do on the moon, and continue to do so until the end of the level. More importantly and unlike the Second Dream, during this time the Warframe is actually vulnerable to being downed, rather than their health just being reduced to 1: Warframes and dropped Operators can be revived as normal if this happens.

And as a reward? Because you're touching the mind of another Tenno directly, through shared contact with their Warframe, they impart a small amount of their memories, experience, and skills on you, translating directly into all players's Warframes receiving a reasonably large amount of Focus at the end of a mission, which is then filtered through its equipped lens into whichever school you prefer.

I think this could make for a really challenging but engaging gamemode, as it encourages close teamwork rather than splitting up, re-uses a unique mechanic from a great quest, makes use of high-level enemies, and actually offers a worthwhile reward in the form of Focus points.


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So I'd like to see a lot of what is in this thread, especially the assassination changes:

Also, some ideas of my own, forgive the more whimsical of the names.


Three separate targets in a military installation need to be eliminated, and carry valuable information. Track all three down, which run around and behave similar to capture targets with a few twists-after the first is killed and his data retrieved, the others are aware you are here, and immediately run towards a fortification, flanked by heavy units whose priority is the health of our target. If they do not make it to the fortification, congratulations, the mission is over.

If not, they seal themselves up behind a massive, suitably impressive-looking door, leaving you to blow your way through. The capture targets frantically try to build up a defense, and a countdown initiates. Retrieving explosives from special armory rooms marked on the map, you pile up what becomes a defense target at the door. You have the option to carry extra amounts of explosives, at a cost to movement speed and agility, and loss of bullet jump and aim glide. Kill everyone who tries to prematurely detonate your pile. As soon as you gain enough explosive material, retreat, and the pile explodes, opening the door. If your pile of explosives detonates before the countdown hits zero, you break in, and kill the capture targets.

If the countdown hits zero, then the capture target(s) become (a) heavily armored unit(s), and the fight turns into an assassination-style battle (with appropriate details from Assassination 2.0 in the above thread). Because the door is open, so to speak, progressively more powerful enemies enter the chamber as the fight goes on. When the targets are finally destroyed, extraction becomes available.


You are in a very, very large civilian settlement. Your job is to listen in on a conversation between high level enemies as they walk through the settlement, by staying within an aura within which the frame can perceive noise. Avoid missing any parts of the conversation. Avoid detection by civilian and military units. Avoid at all cost killing civilians, which constitutes a war crime, which is mission failure. As the conversation progresses, the location of several VIPs within the settlement become known, which can be traveled to and killed, again without civilian detection. You have to kill at least one for extraction to become available, but the more you kill, the more rewards. You can find the enemies again, and listen to more of their conversations, to reveal more enemy locations.


Your ship is under assault. The enemies enter performing their versions of defense, spy, sabotage, and/or more mission types that are traditionally ours. Our job is to destroy the defense target, prevent sabotage, prevent data theft, and/or eliminate the fast, aggressive and powerful units (that are the other factions' versions of warframes) that accompany the normal units.

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Apologies in advance if someone had already suggested this, but I think it would be fun to have a 'boss rush' or 'multiboss' node, where you would fight simulations of random bosses (allows for a larger boss pool without disturbing plot). The mission type could have potential for endless where the bosses start to scale in both stats and quantity as the players choose to progress.

For example, start with 1 random boss, scale the next boss, 2 bosses without scaling, etc. Depending on the bosses in the pool, certain bosses may require a rework for this mode specifically (removing certain aspects of phases in some cases i.e. Tyl Regor's room destruction). Feel free to elaborate on this idea.

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We could do a Ship assault.

The mission could begin with Archwing dynamic entry and battling outside defenses to insert the team and begin submissions based on map spawn. Could be a mix of spy, vip capture, rescue hostages, and sabotage. Once sub-objectives are complete, the team could move to forcing open a cargo bay or airlock for extraction under fire from enemies trying to also escape or prevent Tenno forces from doing so. Rewards could be based on squad performance.

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"Endless Hunt"

Similar to the typical endless missions, except it will be "an" assassination. You will hunt down targets in an endless mission, and will be given the option to extract every five minutes or so. Enemies will scale after five minutes (even if you have yet to find your targets), making it harder for you to continue your hunt. This will draw out the random "mini-bosses" every ten minutes (minimum), but will mostly consist of high level (possibly annoying) enemies.


This could possibly work better as a quest, or maybe as an event mission. An example of this would be Grineer leaders (bosses) meeting in an open area (but deep in a map) that is designed to look like a war room. Should you attempt to fight them immediately, you will have to fight the bosses (I'm thinking at least three) that are in the room, plus (at least) five Nightwatch Grineer soldiers, or guards of some sort. The Nightwatch soldiers will be resistant towards: abilities, melee attacks, and elemental procs. The soldiers will also draw the attention of any powers you use (as an Ash player, I know this would probably be an interesting element to the mission).

Now, the way it "should" be played is by killing (at least) three bosses on their respective planets, and finding a (hidden) item somewhere on the map. You will then go to the location where the meeting is being held, and sneak around the (heavily guarded) base to deposit the items into terminals. This, in turn, will lead to disorder among the Grineer soldiers, and essentially have the same effect as all of them being hit with a radiation proc (minus the radiation damage, of course). The bosses and soldiers will then begin to traverse the compound, stopping the fighting (mainly by slaying the troops). At this point, you would have to head to the war room, try to avoid any soldiers that have stayed behind (should they activate the alarms, you will fail the mission). If you avoid being seen, you will be able to extract data from a center console in the room, and take it to a heavily guarded part of the compound. By activating it, you will cause all Grineer troops ("reinforcements" included) to be hostile towards the bosses. You will then use this chaos to kill the bosses (while the Nightwatch soldiers are distracted), and extract upon killing the last boss (who will gain an attack and defense boost).

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Warframe Gun Game:

A rare mutation of the infestation or unique void sentry tower has managed to infest/corrupt our weaponry,  we have to battle new difficult enemies (either infested or corrupted versions of bosses or warframe specters or alltogether new enemies) in a rathuum type arena but also with normal enemy spawns for our ammo/energy supply rather than crates on the ground like in rathuum. The KICKER here is that the infestation/sentry tower can corrupt our WEAPONRY, so we have to swap out with enemy weapons or maybe ordis finds a way to drop supply crates for us after every boss kill or possibly on a timer.  The weapons we get will be randomized from a pool of weapons we own, making the combat varied and new every match in a really fun way.

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Sabotage Dash

The (Corpus/Grineer) have come up with a prototype ship design that makes it less vulnerable to single-point sabotage by distributing smaller power sources throughout the ship and no longer relying on a centralized reactor. What's more, is that any compromised ship sections begin to seal themselves off. The Tenno need to infiltrate the ship and rush through as they destroy some minimum percentage of power modules to fully compromise the ship while surviving both enemies and changing ship environment.

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Warframe Defense

While defending cryopods can be tedious and babysitting Operatives isn't much fun either, there could be a way to remedy this situation.


  • Goal: Defend a Warframe for any number of waves.
  • Type: Endless
  • Premise: A Warframe supercharged with Void energy has been located in the area: the Grineer and Corpus want to capture it for research, while the Infested want to tear it apart. Although the frame is extremely weak at the beginning, the Void energy slowly strengthens it until it matches and eventually surpasses the players in stats and power.
  • While this is like the regular Defense missions, there's a key twist: instead of defending a cryopod or an Operative, players would be defending a Warframe instead. These Warframes would have the Junction Specter AI (making sure that the frame has an understanding of how its abilities work) and would scale based on how many waves are being completed, gradually getting stronger over time.
    • The Warframe should scale damage, health, armor, and shields the same way enemies do (albeit at a slightly slower pace). This would make sure that the defense target can actually contribute to battle by allowing power to take the place of player strategies usually used for the frame.
      • If, for balance reasons, the Warframe defense objective can't infinitely scale with enemies, the target should at least have stats 1.5x the amount of the highest stats in the squad (i.e, Frost has the highest armor in the party with 200 and Excalibur has the highest health in the party with 500, the defense frame should have 300 armor and 750 health).
  • The Warframe being defended would still be unarmed unless players give it their secondary.
    • Examples of Lotus dialogue:

      Mission Start

      Grineer: Tenno, I am detecting a Void-charged Warframe in the area, and the Grineer are closing in on it. Losing this Warframe would immensely boost the Grineer's power. We cannot allow it to fall into the wrong hands.

      Corpus: Tenno, the Corpus are approaching a Void-charged Warframe nearby. If they capture it, Corpus firepower would immensely increase. We cannot allow this to happen.

      Infested: Tenno, I am detecting a Void-charged Warframe surrounded by Infested. If the Infested destroy it, they will be immensely empowered by residual Void energy. We cannot let them do that- protect it at all costs.

      Approaching the Defense Target

      This Warframe has been corrupted by Void Energy. While it is extremely weak in its current state, energy from your Warframes will help it recover power. Protect it from enemy forces.

      Defense Started

      The Warframe will attempt to help you in your mission. Protect it for long enough, and it will become an invaluable asset to your squad.



  • Goal: To survive a room lockdown with enemies pouring in, with players given the option to extract after every wave.
  • Type: Endless
  • Premise: The Lotus has received data that shows a vital enemy target is inside an area. Once the squad gets to the room with a decoy target, the room locks down (either normal lockdown with Corpus and Grineer or Infested sealing the doors shut). The Lotus tries to send an extraction squad to help, but they have other enemies to take care of. Players must kill wave after wave of enemies in a small/medium-sized room to survive until the extraction squad reaches them.
    • If the squad kills an entire wave, the Lotus will say that the extraction squad has arrived, and that it may be the players' only chance to extract before enemy forces push the extraction squad back again (giving an excuse for the squad not to be able to extract at any time).
  • Players are locked in an inescapable room while enemies pour in from the ceiling or locked doors. This would be a mix of Survival and Defense: players must kill a certain number of enemies while staying alive until the wave's end. This game mode would provide an intense gameplay experience of hack-and-slashing their way to victory while utilizing their abilities to stay alive.
    • This mission is designed to concentrate as many enemies in a room as possible. While this will result in a difficult gameplay experience, the amount of rewards dropped will make this gamemode a high-risk, high-reward scenario.
  • After a certain number of benchmark waves, the faction sends in one mini-boss to fight, progressively getting harder after each benchmark passed. This wave would have the faction's miniboss accompanied by smaller, weaker enemies to provide players supplies in order to make it through the wave.
    • Corpus could send in a Lynx or a Bursa.
    • Grineer could send in a Maniac.
    • Infested could send in a Juggernaut. (By extension, this would mean that Juggernauts will not spawn naturally in this mode.)
  • While this mission seems utterly chaotic and frantic, the sheer amount of enemies in an enclosed space will provide a difficult challenge for even the toughest of players. Due to the high concentration of enemies in an area, this mission type would also create a high-risk, high-reward gamemode for everyone to enjoy.
    • Examples of Lotus dialogue:
    • Spoiler

      Mission Start

      Tenno, we have recieved reports of powerful enemy technology in the area. We cannot allow the enemy to keep such a vital piece of equipment. Find the equipment and destroy it.

      Tenno, we have recieved reports of an important enemy target in the area. Capturing it will bring us crucial information to help our cause. Find the target, and bring it back to base.

      Room Locked

      What? The data we received was false! Hold on, Tenno, I'll try to send an extraction squad.

      1st Wave Started

      The extraction squad will have to fight their way to you, Tenno. Hold out until they arrive.

      Wave Complete

      The squad has arrived. This may be your only chance for extraction.

      The extraction squad has arrived, but they may not be here for much longer.

      Benchmark Wave Incoming

      Grineer: The Grineer are sending in a Maniac to stop you in your tracks. Hold on, Tenno- this will be difficult.

      Corpus: The Corpus are sending in a Bursa. Get ready, Tenno.

      The Corpus are sending a Lynx to your location. Lock and load.

      Infested: A Juggernaut is approaching. Get ready.


Gauntlet of Knowledge

  • Goal: To defeat as many Codex-completed enemies as possible in Simaris' Sanctuary.
  • Type: Endless
  • Premise: Cephalon Simaris has gathered much synthesis data due to the player, and now wants to see just how Tenno fight their enemies. In the pursuit of knowledge, Simaris invites the player to bring a squad of other Tenno to help him gather data.
  • The Gauntlet of Knowledge would be located in the back of Simaris' Sanctuary, utilizing a Simulacrum-like module to access.
    • Depending on developer preference, access to the Gauntlet would be restricted by a few different things:
      • Players may have to complete a certain number of Codex entries to access the Gauntlet.
      • Players may have to complete The New Strange quest to access the Gauntlet.
      • Players could buy a key blueprint from Simaris utilizing standing. Once crafted, the key would be usable only once, but the blueprint would be reusable.
      • Players could buy a key from Simaris utilizing standing. This key would be usable only once, making players stock up on keys.
      • Players could buy a key blueprint from Simaris utilizing standing. Once crafted, the key could be used again and again.
      • Players could buy a key from Simaris utilizing standing. This key would be reusable.
  • The gamemode would consist of a central pad with the Simaris symbol in the center of it in the middle of a large room from a random tileset. Here, Simaris spawns a wave of enemies. Once the wave is complete, the players return to the Simaris pad, where they can choose either to extract or to continue the gauntlet. Once the timer is up, players teleport into another room from another tileset.
    • Enemies would get progressively harder, with waves consisting of harder enemies (like Bombards, Bursas, the Stalker, or Zanuka Hunter) occurring every 5 rounds, and waves with Assassination targets (like Sargas Ruk, the Raptor, and Vay Hek's Terra Frame) occurring every 10.
    • Enemy waves would consist of either a single faction or multiple, in order to satiate Simaris' hunger for knowledge. This would mean that Corpus Crewmen may fight alongside Infested Chargers or Grineer Heavy Gunners.
      • Sentients would not appear in this game mode.
  • After each wave, the player would receive a Defense rotation reward as well as some extra Simaris standing.
    • The amount of standing after a successful wave would increase depending on the amount of waves completed.
    • If the player successfully clears a certain number of waves, they could receive a Gauntlet-exclusive reward pulled from a prize pool of mods, Glyphs, Sigils, Badges, or even Liset decorations.
  • As Cephalon Simaris gets more curious about the player's battle strategies, he spawns progressively harder enemies.
    • Whereas Wave 6 might have Crewmen and Troopers, Wave 43 might be full of Heavy Gunners, Napalms, and Bursas.
  • The concept of the Gauntlet of Knowledge has a little something for every player: the casual player may only complete 15 waves or so, while an advanced squad could make it up to 50 waves. This would allow for wide appeal to the playerbase, while also allowing players to see how much stronger they've gotten between Gauntlet runs.
    • If a player successfully completes wave 100, they receive a random common Arcane. Likewise, waves 200 and 300 will drop a random uncommon and rare arcane. These can only be acquired once every daily reset.
    • Examples of Simaris dialogue:

      Interacting with Gauntlet Module for the First Time

      Tenno, you have done well in your hunting. You have synthesized many specimens for me, immortalized them in oceans of data. Now, there is another task I need you to accomplish. I have acquired much information on the specimens of the solar system, but I have little on their tactics and behavior during a fight. I must achieve a complete set of data. Tenno, will you help me? Help the Sanctuary by going into the Gauntlet of Knowledge, and I will make it worth your while.

      Starting the Gauntlet

      Tenno, I will start the Gauntlet simulation now. Are you ready?

      Tenno, are you ready to help me acquire more data?

      Finishing a Wave

      Have you had enough, or are you willing to help the Sanctuary even more?

      Will you go on in aiding the Sanctuary, or will you stop?

      Reaching Benchmark Rewards

      You have helped me gather much data, Tenno. Take this as a token of my appreciation.

      Tenno, you have earned this. Take it as a reminder that you have helped the Sanctuary immensely.


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Baro Ki'Teer: "Tenno, I have heard of treasures found outside of the Void. This is unheard of and my curiousity is killing me. Tenno, would you kindly seek out these treasures for me?"


The Awaken Quest introduces Wilderness Bosses in Earth, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Neptune. Similar to Assassination Missions, these Bosses are known as Titans which are gigantic in size, allowing players to climb on them to reach weak points and to trigger Finishers. Only upon successfully defeating the Titans will it drop a Treasure (for the incoming Endo System).

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Inverted survival:


Instead of providing the distraction for somebody, you and your team have to go and collect the items while avoiding enemy detection. If the enemies have reason to suspect you are there and sound the alarm, you have to quickly return to your ship before the mission fails as well.

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Emergency Rescue Mission (Second Dream Spoilers):


Lore Wise: An Emergency beacon is going off. It's a Tenno that need rescuing. Get there before the Sentients do.

The player will enter the mission and rush to the Tenno before the timer hits zero. The Player(s) will be attacked by a set amount of Sentients. When reached, a player can pick up the Tenno and rush to extraction zone while being attacked by Sentients.


- They're would be a timer, if it goes zero; mission failure.

- A handful of Sentients will try to stop or slow the player(s) down.

- When the player(s) get there. They can be only one person who can carry the Operator.

- The player that is carrying the Operator will move at a normal pace but cannot do parkour.

- The Operator will have a health bar. If the bar hits zero he can be revived a set amount of times.

- The Operator can attack with Void beam thingy but it's a lot more reserved.


Colony Rescue:


Lore Wise: A Colony in this Sector is in danger. Get to them before the enemy does. Then get them to the landing zone where the Operatives in their ships will be waiting. Do it quickly.


Step 1) The Player(s) enter normally.

Step 2) There would be a number (showing how many are still alive).

Step 3) When the player(s) reach the Colony, the colonist will be grouping up.

Step 4) The Colonist will move slowly forward whilst the player(s) protect them from incoming enemies.

Step 5) When Colonist is at the Landing Zone. The people will get on, one at a time. Which becomes a defence mission, fight against hordes of enemies.

Step 6) When everyone is on board, the ship takes off.

Step 7) Then the player must get to Extraction Zone.

Edited by Ibro156
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Endless Mode - Power Up

This mode utilises 100% assets that are already in the game, including some that are not currently used

It also encourages a new teamplay pattern that isn't seen elsewhere in the game, where Tenno fight separately but still interact, gather up, and then disperse again


The mission takes place in an abandoned facility, relevant tilesets have the lights off just as sometimes happens in Infested missions

The objective is to restore power to critical systems, and then to retrieve data from the facilities computer system

As usual, the enemies are onto the Lotus' plan, and have their own ideas about rendering the facility inoperable

Game Flow

The mode has 3 phases that must be performed in a loop as enemies get harder and harder

Phase 1 - Hunt a Power Carrier

After the Tenno kill a certain number of enemies a Power Carrier will spawn somewhere on the map (location random)

The power carrier has an objective (depending on where they spawned), and if they reach it then something bad will happen i.e. the introduction of an environmental effect (Fire, Coolant Leak, Radiation Clouds etc)

These effects should stack and are permanent, so failing this phase will make the mission a lot harder

A Tenno must acquire the Power Cell and deposit it at a different waypointed location in order to proceed to Phase 2

Phase 2 - Get into the Computer System

The facilities computer system becomes powered, but only temporarily, the faster Tenno can complete Phase 2, the longer they will have for Phase 3

This time, I will henceforth refer to as the "Scoring Window"

Tilesets still have the terminals from the old version of Spy missions, one of these on the map will become powered and must be hacked

That terminal will produce a Data Mass, which must be taken to the computer system (same tile that was Deception objective)

Phase 3 - Defend the Computer System

Tenno must defend the computer system for the remainder of the Scoring Window

Try to make it clear that it is the Data Mass itself that is being targeted

It should have much much less effective hit points than a standard defence objective

When the Data Mass is destroyed, or the Scoring Window ends, reset to Phase 1


Tenno's score will go up for each second spent in Phase 3, with rewards offered at specific milestones

As the Scoring Window is a fixed length, this means that a faster Phase 2 completion will yield a higher score for that rotation


In solo, make sure the power carrier always spawns somewhere near the player, and that the activated terminal to get the Data Mass isn't too far away

As the number of players increases, more potential Power Carrier and Data Mass spawn areas will open up, meaning that more of the map needs to be patrolled


In order to score effectively, the team has a lot to do

It is essential that they can clear enemies to defend the data mass/computer system and get power carriers to spawn

They need to be able to move fast to pick up and deposit Data Masses in order to get longer to spawn

During Phase 1, Tenno are incentivised to split up and cover as much of the map as possible

Once a Tenno has picked up a Power Cell, their allies each need to move to their nearest Data Mass Terminal in case theirs is the one that activates

When a Terminal Activates and a Data Mass is Acquired then players need to form up at the Computer System for the Defence

Once the Defence is over, they'll need to once again disperse to look for Power Carriers

I think this is cool, because although the team is separated much of the time, events in one Tenno's zone still impacts what the other Tenno want to do

Another factor to this is that it really rewards a knowledge of how to traverse tile-sets effectively. The better you can parkour, the higher your potential score for each rotation

It also encourages Tenno to think about Warframe balance in a new way. Frost may make the defence part easy, but he sure is bad at running the Data Mass


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3 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:


Goal: The goal of this mission is to explore the entire map.

Details: As you progress through the tileset and reveal the entire minimap, a percentage bar will fill and  denote your progress. Upon revealing 50% you can extract, but you are awarded extra bonuses at 75% and 100% completion. The tileset may be somewhat trickier than normal to navigate, with more locked doors and secret passageways. There may also be caches hidden in the stage for extra incentive.

Many of us have discovered secret areas while playing - even in a tileset we've run literally hundreds of times. I think it would be a great idea to introduce a mission type that encourages exploration and will instill a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of these tilesets.

This is gold !

Bunny delivers once again... :) (we really need to let alternate playstyles develop ingame : some people can't stand 40 minutes long endless missons anymore)

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Elevator Mission... (not an actual elevator, but it kind of plays like one)


  • You spawn in a room with a bunch of doors (four-ish?), one door opens and you step into a hallway.
  • Once everyone is in the hallway the door you walked through closes and the door at the other end opens to another room.
  • The rooms themselves would scale from close quarters to large tiles (existing tiles).
  • Trials consist of having a certain amount of enemies spawn with varying Sortie (and maybe some other new modifiers) modifiers.
  • Once all enemies are killed you go back into the starting room.
  • After everyone gets into the starting room the door closes, you get a reward and the opportunity to extract or keep going.
  • Enemy level and amount of spawns scales up.
  • Every fourth (Rotation C) "trial" a boss or mini-boss spawns


Would it make lore sense? No not really, but if Warframe has taught me one thing it is that the rule of cool/fun trumps all.

Edited by DrBorris
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Ok ,I had this idea about new mission type some time ago ,but the thread got buried. Let me reintroduce it again here:

What have always bugged me in Warframe is that all the missions types feel very static. You drop in ,kill stuff ,drop out. Nothing ever happens mid mission that would require us to change our play style or strategy ,nor are there any mission types which change up things a little . On top of that the tile sets themselves have barely any moving objects or animated scenery ,which makes the world of Warframe feel  a little lifeless.


New Mission Type: TRAIN RAID! So ,general premise of this mission type would be like this:


You drop onto a MOVING train. You start at the last wagon and your goal is to stop the train/ hijack the cargo. You need to fight your way until the locomotive ,where you would access a terminal  to stop the train. During hacking the terminal would have to be defended. Or ,the goal would be to reach and destroy the engine ,which would be heavily fortified and defended by the enemy.


What makes this mission type so cool ,in my opinion , is that it’s so highly modable and could be easily updated/upgraded/changed in the future. Because of the mission structure plethora of crazy ideas could be implemented and mixed together. Here is why:


Each wagon is a separate tile. Because we are talking about Warframe here, the wagons would be of gigantic proportions, so we would have enough space/room to move about.


Each wagon could have different type of hazards and would pose new surprises and challenges for the players. For example: we could have Open Deck sections ,where it would be difficult to move forward, but moving backwards would make us go with the wind and ,if not careful, players could be even blown away from the train! Toxic cargo wagons, which would slowly drain Tenno health, so players would likely want to leave such compartments as fast as possible. ...And this is just from the top of my head, the possibilities here are endless!


To make things more interesting after clearing the first wagon , enemy reinforcements would start arriving, delivered by a drop ship. The mobs could spawn from all directions: they could jump down from the roof, jump inside through the windows etc. At some point the players could fight (and need to destroy) the drop ship itself!


At higher levels difficulty could also be easily added. A timer could be implemented: you need to stop the engine before the timer runs out. Or the longer you stay inside the train the higher level mobs will spawn etc.


The drop onto the train could be a halo jump, which would create a mini game at the start of the mission. While falling down we would have to aim for the train, avoiding AA fire at the same time. If a player misses the train... SPLAT! .. mission fail ..haha


Well, to me this mission type in Warframe would feel  like a wet dream. What do you guys think? Thumbs up if you like and/or support the idea. =D

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Prison Break (aka, Rescue 3.0):

Mission Briefing: Corpus and Grineer prison facilities have beefed up their security.

  • -Prisoners are housed in blind cells (prevents hacking, access of prisoner data).
  • -If an intruder is spotted, during any stealth entry, a lockdown triggers.
  • -Triggering a lockdown starts all execution timers on all prisoners.
  • -Breaking in through the ceiling tiles (the old fashioned way) triggers lockdown and executions. 
  • -Breaking in the old fashioned way is not possible in these select facilities. 

Tenno adopt a new strategy: walk in through the front door, and break out from the inside.

Possible methods:

  • -After a short, initial skirmish, allowing themselves to be captured and transported to the prisons. 
  • -Being smuggled in by Tenno sympathizers and allies. 
  • -Or using whatever logic is needed. Idea is to recreate the impregnable fortress (from the outside) concept we've seen and enjoyed across various entertainment mediums.

Mission Start: 

  • Spoiler


    • -Tenno spawn inside cells housed on the same block.
    • -Their weapons have been taken (as in the Zakuna defeat and capture missions), they only have hands and feet melee.
    • -Energy pools are at 0. (Energy and health will drop as normal through the mission.)
    • -Gear window is empty. (This one sounds like it could be a true pain to reequip.)
    • -Could throw in Power Dampening/Jamming Arrays (for the stealth portion of the mission)



Mission Objectives: 



  • A) Escape their cells (this could present a new puzzle, or the Lotus could just hack their cells since she knows where Tenno are at all times/Space Mom magic)
  • B) Evade guards and wardens roaming the prison (stealth or bust: being seen triggers lockdown and executions).
  • C) Reach the Power Dampening/Jamming Array and hack or sabotage it.
  • D) Reach the prison's control center and unlock all cells, no exceptions.
  • E) Battle your way through the prison riot (containing all factions, even the prison's own faction, but unarmed or melee armed) while trying to find the Tenno Operative.
  • F) Locate, secure and keep the Operative alive.
  • G) Reach the armory (regain your pre-mission loadout, and gear window items) and fight your way through the remaining guards, with the Operative in tow.
  • H) Collect any data that was taken from the Operative that's helpful to their allies, or the Tenno cause.

Some of the objectives could be completed in arbitrary orders, while others would have a mandatory completion order. 



New Mechanics: 

  • Spoiler


    • A 1) 1-v-1 PvP duels with designated prisoners, PvP Duel Challengers. Takes place within the mode's riot stage. Duel accessible by pressing interact on any unkillable, Designated Prisoner NPC. One fight per run, per squad member. 
    • A 2) PvP Duel Challengers example: In a Corpus prison, you'd face a Grineer Bombard dual-wielding a new dagger set.
    • B) During the riot stage, Tenno can only use melee weapons in the environment, retrieved from other prisoners or guards (melee only). Guards will still have primaries and secondaries. 
    • C) Melee weapons would be from within the game's arsenal, and specific to the faction and/or tileset. Could be granted life bars (like classic beat-em ups and things like Grineer Rampart guns).
    • C 2) To un-equip a picked up weapon, press F as normal. (You will be able to toggle between normal melee and acquired melee.)
    • D) Warframe mods could affect channeling power into hand and feet melee attacks.



New Enemies: 

  • Spoiler

    -PvP Duel Challengers


Mission Rewards:

  • Spoiler

    -Standard rewards


New Weapon Part Drops: (either guaranteed or by drop chance)

  • Spoiler


    • -New weapons from wardens
    • -New weapons PvP Duel Challengers



Thanks for the opportunity!

About this suggestion:



It's an idea that pre-dates Rathuum (a mode I really enjoyed but don't play often enough!), but is modeled on PvP mechanics and escapes after being defeated by Zakuna/captured and incorporates Rescue mission mechanics.

The link to the old thread is here, but it's lore and rationale for the prison capture and break is outdated. The weapons and most of the mechanics remain basically the same as the old thread. The idea  was originally a Tactical Alert.

This updated version could work well as a standard mode, and be recreated later as a Sortie mission, Nightmare mission, Tactical Alert, etc.



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Infested Containment:


Infestation previously held by the enemy for research purposes have managed to break free and are creating hives on the planet's surface. A dense, toxic miasma is being produced by the infested which nullifies air surveillance. To contain the spread a ground team must deploy and locate the hive coordinates to call in an airstrike, however the miasma minimizes visibility and is lethal when inhaled. Oxygen tanks have been deployed alongside tenno as a counter measure, but will eventually deplete, forcing tenno to fight surviving corpus/grineer held positions which are equipped with shields to block the miasma. Positions will be marked by a beacon that can be seen through the miasma, here tenno can recharge their oxygen tanks and press forward to locate the hives. With minimal visibility to locate the hives, the threat of oxygen depletion, a continuous onslaught of infested, and the necessity of sieging fortified corpus/grineer held positions, the tenno cell must utilize teamwork to survive and complete the objective in this chaotic game mode. Phobos, Neptune, and Earth tile sets seem like they would accommodate this game mode well, the mission should not be linear. There should be four hives to locate scatterd across the map.

Edited by VivaLaBursa
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Moon/Asteroid/Europa Sabotage

The Corpus/Grineer are close to making an important discovery. In order to prevent this, bury their Mining Machines and tunnels in a cave-in.

How do you cause this cave in? Tritium Batteries at strategic weakpoints. This will introduce an element of raids in normal play, as the Devs have stated they want to do.

After the cave in, kill everyone inside and extract, destroying your exit behind you with one last tritium battery.

Edited by Clem2-TheClemening
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