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Coming Soon: Devstream #80!


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Can't wait for this one! although I'll probably miss it because of work.

So here are my questions for this round:


Question 1:

Could we see a feature to have extractors automatically send themselves out to different planets?


Question 2:

Would it be possible to allow cosmetic customization to Noggles? I would really like to have my own personalized noggle :)

Question 3:

Is the option to replay quests still being worked on? I would live to refresh my memory by replaying the old quests!

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1) I see alot of people are asking questions relating to "endgame" content but i'd like to point out that not all of us are able to pour into the game as many hours as others who may or may not refer to themselves as "veterans" of the game. And as such while these people may say that warframe's end game content has already been burnt through and that more is needed, it should be remembered that there are still alot of folks who have not experienced things such as raids up to this point in time. I totally agree that sorties (current endgame content?) is a bit under par but at the same time I think the problem with sorties is a bit two fold. One is that it should never have been an expectation of sorties to satisfy the need for end game content to any substantial point. the way those missions are designed, they cannot be expected to do that. The other is that even with it being endgame content among the millions of people who play it, we have all obviously found our loadouts and set ups that make sorties much easier that they were originally planned. with that being said I dont believe that new "endgame" content should focus on just making things harder. Sorties did that. Now sorties are boring. Stronger enemies, more powerful mobs, higher spawns, etc should not be the sole focus of endgame content. ( While I say this, endgame is endgame and new players should not be rushing to endgame and then complaining about it being too hard.)

So with that said, how does DE view endgame in a game like warframe? How do you all think you should view it?

2) Recently I thought about those large updates that we've gotten over the years. I thought about all that data we downloaded that is just sitting in our hard drives and doing nothing. the content exists but we do nothing with it DE. Are you all going to look at ways of re-implementing the past quests? Like i said, the content is already there but we cant go back to those quests. Perhaps these quests should be re-introduced in a manner similar to sorties such as lower-level sortie-like missions with their own rewards.

3) Why did cinematic quests become such a priority for DE? Especially with the length of time people have been asking for more in-game content in terms of what they can play. Like my previous point, this cinematic quest is gonna come and we're gonna play it once and not see it again. So why was it a priority which then escalated into a resource-devouring task? In the past warframe lore was introduced in a much simpler way without the use of cinematics. What things are also included in this update that is going to simultaneously supplement the gameplay aspect of the game (as opposed to simply introducing more cutscenes and lore.)

4) Can we have more hammers in game please?

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- Thoughts on reworking the affinity values of enemies, so that they give a reasonable amount of experience outside of mind-numbing camp farms (Ex-Draco, Berehynia etc)? Perhaps having the values affected by how an enemy was killed, much like conclave kills (Extra affinity on headshot, slide kill etc) to encourage players to make more use out of the mobility system we have.

- High mobility enemy units? (No, not manics.) I believe this idea was looked at with the release of scorpion units a long time ago, where there was a whole thing about the grineer training their units in parkour and the like, it seems like the whole idea was completely scrapped shortly after, even the parkour oriented tiles were removed after some time, and never added back in since.

- Parkour oriented/friendly tilesets (or just tiles even)? I recall DE making some mention about making current tilesets more parkour friendly shortly before the release of Tombs of the Sentient (U17) but that never happened either. 

- Interesting/unique enemies? When modular corpus units were mentioned (Now known as comba/scrambus units), it was quite exciting for me as I thought we might finally get some nice variations of enemies with different weapons loadouts and all, but the end result in my opinion was incredibly disappointing and completely missed the mark, considering "modular enemies" being mentioned.

- AI improvements? I feel like this has been long overdue, a lot of the strategies enemies use (or rather, lack thereof) and their tendency to run towards their inevitable death gets a bit tiresome after a while.




- Enemy affinity values need to be looked at, perhaps rewarding various amounts of extra affinity for different styles of kills, much like conclave


- High mobility units being looked at again, after being seemingly scrapped


- Parkour oriented/friendly tilesets


- Addition of interesting/unique enemies IE. actual modular enemies and not comba/scrambus


- AI improvements. Speaks for itself.


- We should get more use out of our mobility system in PvE 

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Quick question, but when will Dark Sectors return? Clans used to be competitive, but now the only reasons to make/join a clan is to either make friends or get ClanTech weapons/frames/etc.



1 minute ago, TheDandyLion said:

Since we have map markers for almost everything else, can we get map markers for syndicate medallions?


I am tired of waging genocide on the boxes.

Ever try running a Syndicate mission with loot radar (i.e.: Thief's Wit or Animal Instinct)? They already show up on the minimap with loot radar.

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I have a few questions I hope y'all can answer.

1. Will there be anything new for the clan dojos as far as customization goes? Besides adding new items in labs every now and then, the clan dojo seems to be short on customizing. It would be awesome to see more decorations, rooms and even mini-games, such as shooting galleries, etc, in dojos.

2. Are there any plans for adding different standing animations for melee weapons that intertwine with a frames noble/agile animations? Having all melee standing animations be the exact same for each weapon type, no matter what frame animation is equipped, is not very eye-catching, imo.

3. Are there any plans for a "Beast-type" Warframe? I love all the various types of frames made so far and I'm sure I would instantly fall in love with a frame that has beast-like trait, such as running at high speeds on all 4 limbs, tearing apart enemies with massive jaws and claws, possibly running on walls and ceilings to avoid enemy contact or perform stealth-kills, etc. Just thinking about using a frame with some of these abilities, or something like them, just gives me goosebumps.

I would love to hear your opinions on these and thanks for the great game and constantly working on it.

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A long time ago in a Devstream you guys said that you were going to let us to freely move around the UI elements while in-mission. I bring this up because cause certain missions like Inception have a lot stuff on screen all the time and all these pop ups make it almost impossible a certain points to know what is going on.

So the question is.....is this something that can happen? The margins moving and size adjustments is not enough.


Another thing that is also mega old that i want to bring up is letting us forma each config differently

With Sorties, Raids, all these rank 10 mods, the game becomes smaller when it comes down to variety of builds because you have limited slots.

This ends up with certain frames being locked into certain styles because once you forma to a high degree of forma other builds are not really possible.

So, how about letting us forma each of the 3 configs differently? This way you can really got wild on weapons and frames.



edit- Alright we reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally need an attack/passive mode for animal pets. I was just ranking up some stuff and went to the jackal with my kavat and totally forgot about his stomp. Because of the Kavat that encounter just turned into a Gregory Hines routine.

And before you say, "just stay away." I happen to have equipped beam weaponry for main and secondary.

Seriously, this need to be added.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Hi DE!

I wanted to ask about Operators, memory, and perspectives.


Specifically, we now find ourselves in the interesting position of playing as characters whose in-game knowledge is greater than our own knowledge as players. For a very long time, we were playing as amnesiac space ninjas, rediscovering the Sol system and finding clues that we might have been the terrible force which caused everything to come crashing down. That was super cool. Now, after Second Dream, it's clear that the Operators who embody each player account are beginning to remember, and I am desperately curious about what the extent of their memories might be. They make comments about remembering the Grineer and the Infested before the Collapse, hinting that they might know more than we as players ever get to see.


Please note that I am not asking for spoilers! I am most interested in knowing whether or not you guys have the intention of exploring Operator memories, and having a really good look at how much of their lives as Tenno they remember. Give a dude a hint?


(Yes, I asked a similar question in the last thread, about how you guys as players and developers conceptualise the Operators, whether in your minds they are children who barely remember, or whether there are Operators who remember with crystal clarity entire lifetimes spent in Warframe bodies.)




Edited by BornWithTeeth
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I would like to offer a few suggestion and questions.

-Fragment reward(s) possibility when collecting all.

People wanted a bobble head type cephalon fragment for their ship but I'd like a display that looks like a fragment shape.

Since unlocking all fragments get you the picture that can be used in your ship on the displays. It would give us a chance to see what the displays can do and might entice people to buy them or the pack.

- Sentinels revives

Regen it does work but the problem is it revives so fast after its death its almost unnoticeable.

The mod could be changed to one of the following or a combination of them:

  • You could have it revive by time based
  • You could have it revive on command when you need it on out of harms way.
  • You could have it revive by a life counter like we do.

You could also add the following to the game if you do not like the idea of changing the mod.

  • You could have it revive by Ordis in gear. And he could say a catch phrase that is fix or something?
  • You could revive it by a ship that will bring back pets and sentinels by a timer like health supply/turret/alarms/bombing runs

-Character customization

Can the eye-guard be worn on the left eye too? Or is it purely only for the right eye? Can all character customization be swappable left and right side.

-Token system

What has happened to the token system?


Was it scrapped when you implemented the "Check system" Will Maroo sever any purpose in the future?

-Codex missing mods

  • Meteor Crash
  • Nebula Bore
  • Astral Slash
  • Comet Blast
  • Quasar Drill
  • Zodiac Shred

-Opened relic reward screen

When we finish the void fissure it would be nice if we had the ducat value attached with the item or rarity.

-Archwing focus orbs

On 2016-08-04 at 11:43 PM, JacquesTheBitter said:

I've noticed that we can apply a focus lens on archwing or archwing weapons. But I couldn't find any focus orbs during a mission which makes it almost useless to place a lens on archwings.

Is there any plan to make the focus orb available for archwing mission? If not I'd like to kindly request the developers to make it possible to get as much focus as the ground missions on archwing ones. 

And focus ability available for archwing missions maybe?

focus orbs available for archwing missions?

-Sliver grove ending missing

On 2016-08-20 at 9:09 PM, TrueHawkEye said:

I got nothing to show but if you look at mutiple youtube videos the ending of the silver grove is missing Ordis starts talking and out of no where the inbox opens and auto plays the transmission and I would like to know what Ordis said. I know I can't redo the quest but is it possible to have the text transcript for what he said?

not my footage, see the videos for what i am talking about





-Sentinels for new players quest


· Reviewing the new player experience we realized that Sentinels are incredibly useful, but there's no real tutorial that teaches players how to use them.

· We're implementing a quest that will also introduce a new Sentinel for players to get to know.

· The new Sentinel is more defensive in nature.

Quote pulled from https://warframe.com/news/devstream-71-overview

Edited by TrueHawkEye
added more suggestions as promisted
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Any chance for the sentinel weapons to become less confusing to mod?

Right now they use the same mods as the weapons of the warframes, which is really perplexing and upsetting when it comes to changing my loadout and I suddenly have to face situations like I cannot use "this" weapon, because it uses the same mod as the "currently equipped sentinel weapon" etc.

Why can't they have completely different mods? For instance: Warframes have Redirection, sentinels have Calculated Redirection. Using the same logic: Rifles have Serration, why can't the sentinel rifles have "a different kind of" Serration?

The modding of sentinel weapons would engage more Tenno that way, in my opinion.

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Will we ever see some operator based emotes. When u revealed lunaro you showed pictures of operator and Warframe. Will we see emotes similar to these pictures where we activate emote the operator shows up sits on warframe shoulder and activate again to cancel like meditate. It would be a great way to show off operators. Also what happened to the one operator outfit with big hood i wants it.

 Why the dark dagger for red veil instead of heat dagger. Heat dagger is shown in red veil relay room and it makes sense for spreading the flame. Also will we see more weapon syndicate mods like a red veil mod for the ignis or atomos. For example +100 fire +1 blight 

Finally any word on limbo rework

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10 minutes ago, AgentNexusZ said:

Q: Will we ever see a diffrence between the orbiter and liset (Landing craft)? Ever since we got multiple landing crafts the ship has remained the same.

To my knowledge, the Landing Craft docks with the Orbiter itself, which acts more like a mobile home which is towed by said Landing Craft (despite us having no idea how it looks or functions, apart from it's insides). Effectively speaking, the Orbiter is the 'house' where the Operator lives, and the Landing Craft is the car where he/she puts the Warframe to send it off to work (as an extension of the Operator's will) in Relays, within the Solar System.

I hope we Tenno someday see Tau, and how far the Sentients got with their terraforming objective, before the Orokin messed it all up.

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22 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

To my knowledge, the Landing Craft docks with the Orbiter itself, which acts more like a mobile home which is towed by said Landing Craft (despite us having no idea how it looks or functions, apart from it's insides). Effectively speaking, the Orbiter is the 'house' where the Operator lives, and the Landing Craft is the car where he/she puts the Warframe to send it off to work (as an extension of the Operator's will) in Relays, within the Solar System.

I hope we Tenno someday see Tau, and how far the Sentients got with their terraforming objective, before the Orokin messed it all up.

Uh, not quite? I think you have the scale a bit off. The Orbiter is huge. Massive. Enormous. It is a full blown naval carrier, and we know what it looks like.



That little kinda heart shape outlined in turquoise, right on the nose of the ship? That's the landing craft, docked.

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