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My thoughts on Helmint Charger.


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4 hours ago, Jobistober said:

"Content guys were tapped out"

DE didn't even officially release this "feature" and people are complaining of lazy modeling? Does anything make this community happy? Remember the early days of Warframe when ancients used the same model as corpus crewmen, just scaled up? Because I do.

DE then isn't DE now . They have a lot more money . There's no excuse for the laziness 

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

DE then isn't DE now . They have a lot more money . There's no excuse for the laziness 

if they wait no one will be happy, if they push out an update no one will be happy.


i've been with this game since about the start, and... to me its more the community now isn't the community from then. no one on this forum is ever happy, DE could remove all the grind and give everyone 10k platinum and people would still be upset. this is a issue with most everything today and not just in this game... but eh... probably just shouting into a empty room at this point.

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Well I maxed out Methface (couple of alerts, invasions and oceanum) and will wait with shoving it into stasis along with the other mastery junk until about a week after new years, in the hopes of seeing an updated model or at least hearing an official response beyond Steves tweets.

I mean, it does more damage at least, so I suppose when I level my next warframe I can bring it along on a couple of low level missions and have fun seeing it thrash and barrel over everything?

Since the companion system is still flawed (lol DNA stabilizers + no vacuum) it's practically just an extraordinarily ugly center piece that walks around my ship like a dog. I'd at least expected Ordis to make some disgusted comments about the thing.

As for some of the oldies complaining about complainers... Guys, we were held in suspense for seven days for a placeholder, not to mention the long wait from first seeing the infested door. There might be more to Helminth and this charger, but I'm beginning to think that it's a pet project (no pun intended) that won't go anywhere, besides being a bit of fluff.
On top of that, we now have these ugly cysts that we can't remove (besides waiting a week and then creating a new charger) or hide on every frame we frequently use, until they add that option.

You don't think there are any valid complaints to that? Really..?

That's not even mentioning the Glast Gambit index spam, the salvage grind and ridiculous hema requirements. I'm sorry, but this last update is one major screw up on top of this year being one long list of delays. Please don't give DE so much credit that they are infallible in your eyes.

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went all Spoiler for none pc player n all....



so, when you go to Drain the Helminth Cyst to make the new pet... if i wait longer do i get any thing out of it? kinda have a feeling if i did due to most things that drain, the more of X you have, the more u get


sorry for the super weird post layout lol. dont wana step on anyones toes with this as well... dont know how to make the spoiler window thing inchat

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2 minutes ago, Delta-Epsilon_Limit said:

idk man, I don't really like the idea of a grineer head just sticking out and staring at me (again, how the hell did a grineer get in my kubrow?!)

Assumptions: The blood of your enemies, specifically a grineer was absorbed by the virus on your neck and thus, when it was implanted into the kubrow egg... well it just happened.

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