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Thanks for watching Devstream #86!


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Never actually followed up directly with a forum post about the devstream, but can we ask questions about something covered during the stream here? Or is there a better place like the overview thread [DE] Taylor puts up? 

Either way, I'm a bit worried about the new syndicate system. The two friends I play with the most are in different syndicates entirely from me (no overlap), so that we can have full coverage of all the rewards available to the syndicates. Will I be unable to play this new content with them and get the rewards since they'll be targeting my allies? Will I be unable to do it ALL if the dojo is dedicated to hunting my allies? 

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So much stuff today, it was crazy.

Surprised to see Dark Sectors were that much advanced too. I hope for soon-ish than late-ish.

Mutagen Samples: I advocate they need some more droprates still. Nothing too crazy but an improvement is needed.

Also, that Bardframe is coming along nicely. Dem Danielle moves.

Edited by NightmareT12
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I'm not sure Steve was ready for the Mutagen Sample question, but his answer was interesting.  So Mutagen Samples are officially the Argon Scope of the Derelict.

The difference is that the Derelict is still key locked and does not have Alerts, Fissures, Nightmares, Sorties, or public games in general.  Once you have some corrupted mods, Mutagen Samples will be the only reason to ever go to the Derelict, and you will have to specifically organize parties to go there.  As a driver for organized clan activity that technically achieves its goal, I guess.  But it's pretty lame for one weapon, and I think the pigment research model does a better job of encouraging clan participation.

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4 minutes ago, Buff00n said:

I'm not sure Steve was ready for the Mutagen Sample question, but his answer was interesting.  So Mutagen Samples are officially the Argon Scope of the Derelict.

The difference is that the Derelict is still key locked and does not have Alerts, Fissures, Nightmares, Sorties, or public games in general.  Once you have some corrupted mods, Mutagen Samples will be the only reason to ever go to the Derelict, and you will have to specifically organize parties to go there.  As a driver for organized clan activity that technically achieves its goal, I guess.  But it's pretty lame for one weapon, and I think the pigment research model does a better job of encouraging clan participation.

I don't thin't we've seen the last of the derelicts yet. I think they're going to thigh it to more stuff just like the void. Plus I think they're going to introduce more quests and lore pertaining to the derelict. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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13 minutes ago, Buff00n said:

I'm not sure Steve was ready for the Mutagen Sample question, but his answer was interesting.  So Mutagen Samples are officially the Argon Scope of the Derelict.

The difference is that the Derelict is still key locked and does not have Alerts, Fissures, Nightmares, Sorties, or public games in general.  Once you have some corrupted mods, Mutagen Samples will be the only reason to ever go to the Derelict, and you will have to specifically organize parties to go there.  As a driver for organized clan activity that technically achieves its goal, I guess.  But it's pretty lame for one weapon, and I think the pigment research model does a better job of encouraging clan participation.

That takes me back to something I forgot to comment about too, which was the Kuva Fortress. I don't think the mods will be enough for us to return there permanently.

I try to play it sometimes but not much people in clan usually has an irk to go there. And I think we could link this to the whole Starchart in turn, which doesn't really promote going back to older tilesets besides Fissures or short term goals like Silver Grove had you scan stuff. Once you have it all, all you have left is fun, but fun is hard to be had slaying level 3 enemies in Earth Interception or Excavation once you're really ahead.

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Same. The point of a clan is to gather players together to have fun and do events and stuff. Research should be a back burner sorta thing not the whole point of making/being a part of a clan. Who cares if the research can be funded by one person.

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We are removing 2k endo from sorties! AND replacing them with Ayatan statues!

BUT DONT WORRY, we are removing the credit cost from Maroo! BUT we are also nerfing the hell out of Secura Lecta!

IN OTHER NEWS DELUXE SKINS AND TENNOGEN, Steve say something about Mutagen while I load this

"Uh......Mutagen? We are not changing anything, go do derelict, bring a few nekros" TENNOGEN GIVE US MONEY


Quite disaponting stream.

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No mutagen sample fix?


The issue is not going to go away and disappear just because you choose to pretend it doesn't exist.

So many graphs today, how about a graph showing what percentage of clans of every tier has completed Hema research? You know, sucked it up. Because I'm sure as hell not going to. 

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The mutagen scaling based on how many the average player has and some equal upcoming credit system is problematic.

It feels like a lot of players have a lifetime supply of credits or orokin cells or mutagen mass or whatever, usually from some exploit that was available for a short time. I think chroma was a credit farmer for a while, the Secura Lecta and stuff now, the point is that those of us who don't farm run a high risk of being unfairly punished.

Either you have 100 mil credits and you never have to worry, or you have 1mil and risk being severely hit whenever the system comes that is intended to take away the 50 million credits that these players have on average.

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So... No Ember Deluxe skin after that story with outsource concept designer leaving? That wasn't unnoticed that you, guys, told about lots of deluxe skins mentioned before and not about Ember which you showed previously. Lots of people have waited it and it's concept was absolutely awesome. So it would be really sad to lost it forever.

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Ok, Listen DE...

Not all the solutions I collected imply to increase the drop rate of mutagen samples or to decrease the research price of hema...

I would like to direct your attention to two solutions in particular:

- Make Derrelict interesting for other reasons

The thing is, while it requires keys to go there, and in particular without alerts or similar... people won't be getting mutagen samples during regular play. And going there just to farm mutagen samples makes it a chore, in particular being locked to that single tileset it quickly becomes boring. If we only go there to farm for hema then without dedicated farming there will be no hema. Perhaps this is the intention?

A Derrelict rework has to happen eventually. When that happens (and I'm wishing it happens soon), consider:

- Reworking the reward tables
- Making the tileset bigger, and adding more variation to it
- Adding more nodes, perhaps more mission types

- Allow incentive plans

You say you want to make the dojo great again. Yet, you seem to tend to the idea of adding more content to the dojo (more tiles, more decoration). And sure, I like the idea of the missions... [1]

But what I want to see is tools. More things the warlords can do to make the dojo interesting and unique (and I don't mean decoration) to the clan members.

Regarding the research, if the warlord could put some form of extra reward as incentive for those who make contributions, that would be great. Of course, you could just provide the long requested contribution log and let us figure out how to use it.

[1]: Regarding those missions... will there be an official syndicate of the clan? How much control will the warlords have on the matter, and how will it affect members that have different syndicates? I'm not totally sold on the idea of syndicate based clan missions, yet in general terms I in favor of anything that resambles clan quests.


Talking about the dojo

There are other ideas and suggestions I have made. And some that other has made that I hope you take into consideration.

Let's make the dojo great again!

PS: that sounds a bit like "Let's bring the orokin style dojo back"

Edited by theraot
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secura lecta.... really you intend to nerf it because SOME (veterans) people have lots of credits... WHY?  Credits are the one thing that is ALWAYS needed while levelling, pretty much every item in foundry needs credits, you need credits if you play index.  I literally have 100k credits....veterans on the other hand may have lots of credits because they don't have anything to spend it on...

If credits weren't so low in normal gameplay we wouldn't need to rely on a weapon that is purely designed to be a credit booster so maybe you should increase credits at the base level... I doubt that will happen though because clearly grinding for essentials is the future direction of this game...especially with mutagen comments.

Oh and the nerf is not going to be compensated by the reduced cost on ayatan statues, I get on average 1 statue a week (none of which I've converted due to cost) so even in worse case scenario that's 60k cost to maroo I'd be 'gaining'.... yeah that's not a lot.

Archwing sorties... yay even more reason for me to avoid sorties, that statue and rng riven mods is not enough of a reason to make me want to do sorties

Mutagen samples... how stupid can dev's be (I'm sorry but its got to be stupidity), I haven't see ANY comments saying how it's brought clans together, I've seen feedback saying it's cost plat to join clans, I've seen clans reducing in size and kicking players that can't contribute to the requirements and I've seen 100's of comments saying that not all clans are fully active, include new players or best of all are not full so the mutagen requirements are increased.  Then there's things like timezones which don't always match in a clan.

So what does DE want us to do... farm one location (gee got to love the reduction in grind that the dev's are bringing into the game...) that has no public groups AND requires a key to access (costs credits... and resources each time) ..... and to top it off intend to follow on with future items with stupidly high requirements...oh wait who am I kidding they want us to buy them with plat...

If the dev's want to force us to farm derelict for mutagen can you suggest to the dev's that the derelict gets a change so it's easier to get groups together in there.  The requirement of keys AND no public group can prevent people from just 'casually' playing the level and gaining mutagen samples at the 'considerably higher rate' mentioned in the dev stream so can you maybe get them to add public groups to the derelict and maybe convert the keys to an 'unlock node' rather than needing a key every time we want to go to the level.

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