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Why people hate Titania/Atlas?


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Why people hate those frames? Both can be build for insane dps with more than decent survivability (atlas is immortal when spamming 1 and Titanias is just dodging everthing, or enemies focus razorwings). 

Ive been playing Atlas a lot until i reached 800k crits when it got a bit boring. Now im playing Titania and wrecking sortie/kuva flood stuff with ease, dont even have half finished build.


I guess the only reason is the way they are obtained? Atlas AW is tiring and Titaias scanning flowers is just boring. 


What do you think about it guys?

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I personally never heard anyone hated those frames in my current time in warframe. Although the farming is a bit repetitive and slow, its nothing compared to the other stuff (i.e. kuva farming) DE has implemented so its kinda meh. I even liked Atlas because of the One punch man reference.

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Because they don't have much use end game wise is my guess. I completely hate Atlas's powers his first is the only thing I consider using if I do play him.

For Titania everyone I have talked to have all said shes a fun frame and I agree. Bur her second those buffs in my opinion are annoying to constantly keep casting for buffs that aren't great. Takes too much energy and time to get the buffs to max. Her third also doesnt seem worth it But again end game wise there isn't much support there other frames can do it better. That's my reasons for not using either of them, I don't hate Titainia but I barely ever play her these days :/

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People should stop writing "why do people hate X"...

titania and atlas are not bad frames, some people dislike them, some people love them.


What I think is that atlas could be way better if he didn't have 2 useless abilities, and titania could be incredible with some tweak (like shorter cast animation and some changes on her 3)

They're fun to play, but they won't survive at very high level (especially titania since atlas can spam 1)

Edited by Trichouette
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Mostly because of wonky mechanics, like titania skill where she turns enemy into a lamp and he flies to who knows where, not many players like archwing and it feels little bit slow (removes whole parkour side of game) Atlas is disliked for his petrify... kinda weak, slow that rock wall might have some use and his 4th is not worth it. Both of them can be outperformed by many other frames, not necessary in damage but in general value of the skills.

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They prolly got their opinions from Brozime.  Guy is great for actual information and how things work.  But his opinions are pretty awful and often misleading.

Though there are valid issues with both frames.


~her flying mode is often clunky feeling since if you boost around in it you're likely to hit a door before it opens.

~in her flying mode she gains no benefit from her companions or ally companions.

~her tribute ability feels off because it's enemy dependent.  creating less consistency gameplay wise.


~his ult really isn't good unless you run it's augment

~his wall serves really no purpose due to how the game plays.

~his stone gaze is too slow and feels awkward to use.

I personally love titania regardless.  I don't have atlas yet.  he's the only one I don't have yet.

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I love Titania, though I understand that she seems to be a more gimmick warframe than anything else. Flying around is cool but I don't see that being a solid strategy on a very high level mission. I hate atlas cause he seems to be linear and I hate his aesthetics. Valkyr is a superior tank and she is an amazing survivalist and she can fulfill the role of a support and revive people without taking damage. Where as atlas... he can.. punch. 

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I use Atlas' entire kit. Landslide is great in any mission. Tectonics with the Augment can protect Mobile Defense objectives and block choke points in Interception and Excavation. Petrify is one of the CC skills that works on Bursas (even from the front) and sets up a nice "fish in a barrel" setting for your teammates. Rumblers are really aggressive and do a good job occupying enemies (really helpful in Interception, as well as any other mission that involves defending something); upgrade their movement speed with Stretch and they get considerably more useful. And his passive? Easily one of the best in the game. Knockdown is annoying, and with Atlas it's no longer an issue. Stand there and laugh at Scorpions and Ancients who waste time trying to grapple you instead of your team. Atlas is one of my mains at this point, for anything up to and including Sortie 3 content. He's DPS, defense, CC, and minions all in one, so I often bring him when I can't decide what role is most important in a given mission, or if I'm going into a pug game and won't know the team composition. The Juggernaut farm to get him was an absolute pain, though, and I never wanna do that again.

Titania's kit I don't often use in its entirety. Spellbind and Lantern are pretty similar to each other (although both useful CC), and Tribute is a bit of a pain to keep going. Razorwing, though, is awesome. Titania can get around the map quickly and attack whatever she needs to from a safe distance. One of the few true anti-Nullifier powers. Decent passive, too. My only real beef with her other than some kit redundancy is that her max energy is too low for the kind of frame she is. I absolutely recommend Flow (or the Primed one if you have it). Unlike Atlas, though, I wouldn't be opposed to a Titania rework later on down the road after some older Frames who are more in need of one get theirs. As it stands, I bring her against Corpus and Corrupted for easy dispatching of Nullifiers, or any big maps where she can fly freely. I try to avoid bringing her against Grineer, though, since she's pretty squishy.

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Atlas is one of those hidden gems that requires a certain learning curve, people say he's not tanky but that's because they treat him like Valkyr, thinking he can absorb all the damage. you've still got to keep moving around as him, but using Landslide as much as possible helps because he's invincible while doing so. his 2nd is somewhat useful for defending objectives, but it's generally better to leave the defending to a Frost where possible. his 3rd is a good single target ability for dealing with heavy enemies, and his Ult takes a lot of aggro away from you. I personally build for Landslide and Rumblers and I usually do just fine.

Titania is also pretty fun, though I think her passive could use a buff. another problem is that when you turn an enemy into a floating lantern, on many Tilesets they eventually float too high and you lose the Crowd Control and damage from the Razorflies, essentially nulling your duration. range builds only counter it so well. her ult is fine though, since it runs on the older Archwing System and her weapons scale. I think she could use a little work, but other than those issues I play her as a full damage dealer and she does very well.

I like them both, not sure why anyone could actively hate them.

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As Atlas with aug 3 i often do better than Frost/Vauban in endless Hieracon. Walls totally (sometimes Ospreys manage to fly high enought to hit it) guard excavators while still 1punching everything past 150lv. 

Mb im unlucky but I often am asked to leave squad when i play Atlas. 


And Titanias Dps scales so well into endgame with high status, high firerate and multishot that I dont know why its not meta yet. 


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I didn't knew these frames hated but each have it's own flaws.

Titania could be a nice frame if she have gotten 150 power at beginning because as a caster frame her energy base is low the other stats are okay. Her ultimate could be nice but the drain is high relatively the damage scale is okay but could be better but my most argued thing on her ulti the clunkyness because that should be more mobile and easiy to use. Not so fun to stuck into objects and the movement feels clunky really.


Atlas is a nice frame but he needs more hp the armor is okay for him. The first ability is good and spammable and can deal an acceptable damage. His second ability could be better if there would be some augment which increase the durability or even make it longer. Making walls to stop enemies in certain missions fun but it could be the same as the frost globe and spam at least 4 of it. His third ability is totally not fit to him and I can imagine that for a real medusa frame as an ultimate which in a great angle stoning all attacker.

The golems is fun to use but they need to be stronger and maybe 3 golem instad of 2. Otherwise no see any problems with them.


In general all frames need to be up to date and be better than they currently are.

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titania's problem is that at the moment it's like the ultimate bug frame, when you cast abilities there's always a 25-30% chance of something getting stuck or not working correctly or smply not working, it's just that unreliable.

Atlas's problem is that it's got  3 abilities which are essentially a waste of time, to get any use out of his 2 you NEED the augment and the boulder is just about as useless as it gets, petrify it's spectral scream all over again and with the rumblers it's always a question of wherether they're actually doing something useful or playing tag and jumping into nullifier bubbles. 

That said they're just extremely unpopular not hated, tornado zephyr is hated, telos boltace/simulor mirage is hated not poor atlas and titania

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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