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Limbo Rework Discussion and Feedback


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10 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

"Limbo can enter and exit the rift at his choosing by rolling.  Instead of a regular dodge-roll, he does a small "warp" and toggles his presence between planes. He can do this for FREE, as many times as he wants."


Limbo's second skill rework: Stasis.

Since Rift Walk has become his passive, he needs a new second skill . 

Stasis instantly freezes ALL enemies and  enemy projectiles that are currently in the rift for a couple of seconds."

GG @Futurehero

I'm pretty excited as well, but Scott did say that the ability to enter the rift by rolling may or may not cost energy in the final build -- I don't want to get my hopes up too much on that point. 

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Considering what was shown...Pleasantly surprised. Though sorely, sorely need information on what the Pro/Con of the Rift is and making sure it's consistent. As I said earlier, having enemies being able to perform feats Limbo himself can't is obnoxious.

Still...Shall be interesting to see the tactical options that 'Stasis' and the new Rift Surge will offer.

I also wonder if it'd be possible to cast Cataclysm in front of an enemy barrage, cast stasis so the shots are locked into the bubble...then have some means pull them inside like say...Mag. If nothing else, it'd be cool to stop time only to kill them with their own moves.

If nothing else, the scenario reminds me of Ultimecia's ExBurst in Dissidia. Loads of Knight Arrow set up before well...Time resumes.

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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

I've been excited the entire day. Hoping the devstream will show us some good stuff.

Personally I love Limbo's design and idea. Hopefully the rework fixes his jankyness.

For some one that uses Limbo more than they should, it would seem rather interesting. I'm not too excited because of removing rolling (and honestly he doesn't need it) but it would be a nice improvement. It would make him harder to use for me because of my habit to roll everywhere but I don't really do that too much. Plus, it makes him more flexible with the Rift and I'm tired of casting Riftwalk over and over again so I can pick up stuff and kill stuff when my teammates aren't in need of revives.

Plus, the AoE Banish might kick Limbo off the spot of king of Rescue.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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4 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

Good question, that's probably why it's still in testing.

Although, I do want to say a humongous thanks to DE for actually finding a way to improve his powers without removing any of them. They've added to him, not taken away, and that's awesome.

They actually took offers from Future Hero. Remember his Limbo Rework to End All Reworks thread?

He had the freeze enemies and roll rift is in his post

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2 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

Considering what was shown...Pleasantly surprised. Though sorely, sorely need information on what the Pro/Con of the Rift is and making sure it's consistent. As I said earlier, having enemies being able to perform feats Limbo himself can't is obnoxious.

Still...Shall be interesting to see the tactical options that 'Stasis' and the new Rift Surge will offer.

I also wonder if it'd be possible to cast Cataclysm in front of an enemy barrage, cast stasis so the shots are locked into the bubble...then have some means pull them inside like say...Mag. If nothing else, it'd be cool to stop time only to kill them with their own moves.

If nothing else, the scenario reminds me of Ultimecia's ExBurst in Dissidia. Loads of Knight Arrow set up before well...Time resumes.

Cataclysm will already block their shots. Rebecca showed it is possible to stop projectiles reaching you if you have the freeze running and cast cataclysm or banish on the enemies.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

They actually took offers from Future Hero. Remember his Limbo Rework to End All Reworks thread?

He had the freeze enemies and roll rift is in his post

Now here's hope for our ideas ^^ I really would like to talk to somebody from DE one-on-one about Zephyr, brainstorm some things...

Also about the invulnerability for eximus units... I put a thread up in General, and that didn't really get a lot of attention...

1 minute ago, VentiGlondi said:

I hope I can freeze other people's simulor vortexes

I know, right? But then... imagine the nuke going off when you un-froze them... Wow... that would be incredible...

Edited by Thaylien
Extra comment.
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10 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I'm pretty excited as well, but Scott did say that the ability to enter the rift by rolling may or may not cost energy in the final build -- I don't want to get my hopes up too much on that point. 

well, the original rift walk didn't exactly cost much energy, not to mention it pretty much paid for itself if you don't toggle it off early

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9 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Cataclysm will already block their shots. Rebecca showed it is possible to stop projectiles reaching you if you have the freeze running and cast cataclysm or banish on the enemies.

Was a little difficult to see, colour wise. But fair.

Really comes down to breaking it down with actual use, see what new options come out of it all.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Stanicek3 said:

Pretty excited, besides the fact I'll have to spend Platinum to get him back.

It's your choice but... ...


Buying a Slot is like 20 plat.

Buying a Warframe is usually MANY (5x or more) times more costly then that.


Why did you sell him Dx?

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My question is, how does his new Rift Surge work specifically.

They said it was "inspired by Molecular Prime", that you could "charge up" enemies with damage, that enemies who died in the Rift would explode, and that enemies who died outside the Rift create mini-Cataclysms.

How does this effect spread? Does it only debuff enemies inside the Rift? In a radius of Limbo?

What do they mean by "Charge Up"? Is it just a damage buff like now? Can you use Stasis to build up a swarm of projectiles, then end it to create a massive explosion?

Do the detonations affect everyone inside the Rift? Everyone in a radius of the target, regardless of Rift-state?

Do enemies have to have the debuff to create Cataclysms, or just be killed by an explosion?

Edited by Archwizard
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Sounds really awesome.

With the void dash, aoe Bannish and stasis Limbo will be able to exert way more control then currently possible. His niche was to "Control" the battlefied, but in practice it was to slow to excercise control, If you werent carefull enough with banishing you would end up getting gunned down and Cataclysm was nearly suicidal, both litterally and Socially. Now with the new AoE banish and void dash Limbo can excercise his control far more quickly and fluidly and Stasis will allow him to completely nullify threats and set up deadly kills.

Would also greatly increase Limbo's utility. Like being able to lock-down important points like a defense target or a interception node. no more being only used for Rescue, Sortie Defense and Spy (if you don't have ivara)

Also i like the new Visuals. I can barely see anything in the rift atm so the change to a less flaming easier to see visual is welcome.


Only downside: My dreams of a Temporal focused warframe is less likely to happen, but i will be happy enough with my top-hat wielding magician. :)

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19 minutes ago, achromos said:

It's your choice but... ...


Buying a Slot is like 20 plat.

Buying a Warframe is usually MANY (5x or more) times more costly then that.


Why did you sell him Dx?

Because it was when I made 20 platinum a month. I got my first prime and was too hyped to wait until I had space.

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After watching the rework update I have a few worries.

Personally I do not like the dodge to go into the rift, this can too easily screw you over by accidentally going into or out of the rift.
The problem with not being able to carry data masses and other objects while in the rift still isn't solved either, which still makes Limbo horrible at actually carrying those.

His Banish and Cataclysm skill are now too much alike, only difference between the two is that the Cataclysm stays in place for a while while the first is only a single cast and his Banish being AoE now also makes it hard to banish a single target unless you go for a really low range build which will likely make Cataclysm bad to use.

I do somewhat like the 2nd ability (pausing all projectiles and enemy AI) but my worry is that when I release the skill I instantly die to an instant lock-on by an enemy in the rift. (Especially if I'm using a projectile weapon and they are using a hit-scan weapon) But this ability now also requires setting up which isn't great in such a fast paced game as Warframe is. Also now when you toggle the ability off you're still just as likely to die instantly in the rift (which is currently one of the problems with using Limbo) and toggling this off is required to get kills.

With the changes on Banish and his 2nd ability, it sounds that for survival and killing enemies Banish is way better of an ability to use compared to Cataclysm in order to get kills and not die. This results into me not seeing a use for Cataclysm anymore as it's way too likely for you to die, unless your projectiles can still travel in the Cataclysm even with your 2nd ability active, but this is likely too strong.

I'm not sure yet what to think of the Rift Surge skill as we have no idea about the damage values and whether it spreads on death or so, also I believe a low range build was used so all Cataclysms were small, as such it's hard to say how good the skill is.. I do have to say I personally won't like loosing my damage boost while in the rift which this ability used to give.

I believe these changes also don't change the Limbo often being a hindrance to the other squad mates but I guess Limbo is more of a only think about yourself Warframe anyhow. The new 2nd ability makes the warframe even more capable of trolling players though, pausing their projectiles. 

Edited by Shadu
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Damn it @Evanescent, reading now the thread I finally understand. Must have been hell to hide the excitement :P

Looks really good and interesting, but it's going to take some more time than others to get to that sweet spot. I know for certain I will have some Simulacrum fun with it.

I wonder how people will be affected by the no change on loot pick up, but welp.

Also thanks for the AOE Banish. Played Limbo not too long ago and it was tedious to banish groups when you wanted to :P

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I would like it pretty much, if u can bind a seperate button for Limbos new rift entrence.

The roll+aim is the fastest way to parkour and I use it a lot. I use even the normal roll alot. It would confuse me if I play the whole day with Limbro and at the end I use a other frames.

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