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A Suggestion to improve Equinox aquisition: Move her to Earth


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On my alt account, I farmed Hydroid in 1 day with a mix of Solo and Public Vay Hek runs. Easy peasy and no real frustration.

I am currently on day 4 of trying to get Equinox Night parts to drop. It is getting quite tedious.


I really don't understand the specific hate that Vay Hek is getting, and I suspect it's the same as the hate given to Conclave and Archwing: it's largely from players who gave up on those aspects of the game. For all the naysayers, I really would hope that you'd try both farming again. See how long it takes to get 1 full Equinox set from Tyl Regor, and then compare to how long it would take to get 2 Hydroid sets from Vay Hek. Who knows, maybe refresher runs would change your mind?


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1 hour ago, DaftMeat said:


I really don't understand the specific hate that Vay Hek is getting, and I suspect it's the same as the hate given to Conclave and Archwing: it's largely from players who gave up on those aspects of the game. For all the naysayers, I really would hope that you'd try both farming again. See how long it takes to get 1 full Equinox set from Tyl Regor, and then compare to how long it would take to get 2 Hydroid sets from Vay Hek. Who knows, maybe refresher runs would change your mind?


I wasn't lucky with Equinox drops on Tyl Regor when I farmed her, and I still would take him over Vay Hek any day.

It's not that Vay Hek is hard. He's just incredibly tedious...even more so if you're with randoms that don't know how he works because the tell for his tiny face being vulnerable really isn't easy to see. Tyl Regor has no mechanics like this - the hardest thing about him is not dying to the electrified water.

I would rather do archwing than Vay Hek, and archwing makes me motion sick. Yes, I loathe him that much, and anyone I know who has Hydroid hated every minute of farming him. I get the notion of reducing the grind for Equinox - it IS a grind - but forcing people to grind Vay Hek twice as much is not the way to go. At least not while he's in the state he's in.

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After farming Vay Hek for Hydroid and Dojo color pigments................ I will never ever fight this stupid boss again!

I had to farm 2 days for Equinox and I would farm for a whole week instead of fighting Vay Hek one more time.

The day/night stuff makes sense though and is a good idea

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Equinox is easy enough to farm. A lot more difficult than most, sure, mainly just because you require both the Day & Night aspect to build him/her/they. That's like making two Warframes.

You wanna talk about unreasonably difficult to Farm? Saryn. That's fudging insane, especially if you're soloing, and it'll be hard to find someone willing to help with a grind like that.

Speaking of the Arena, bit off topic, but can we get the story associated with that area back? Apparently it was introduced with a mission that ended, and it involved helping the Steel Meridian rescue would be defectors by participating on their behalf in a "Trial by combat" or something like that?

The Index has some introduction at least, with the Glast Gambit, but the Arena is kind of just there without any sort of back story.

Players who enter are left wondering "Why am I running around killing all these Jurors? What am I trying to accomplish?" and it's just very disorientating, you know. All the other modes have some sort of end goal- disrupt our enemies, retrieve intel, rescue hostages, etc. and I guess I just get bugged by a mode that just throws you into it without so much as a brief...well, briefing.

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58 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Then again Oberon no longer drops from Earth exclusively...

Makes me think: Why have Oberon drop from Eximi? Why not have him drop from animals (kubrows, kavats, desert skates, lanx)? Just think about it - if you got, say, Oberon Neuroptics from Feral Kavats only, people would have a reason to play derelicts outside of ODD.

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This is one of those issues that is clouded by people's experience with certain bosses. Some people have had terrible times with Vay Hek. Others had more trouble with Tyl Regor. While Vay Hek was much worse previously, you can actually skip his first two appearances entirely and run straight to the final fight.

That is really more for a conversation about the frustration of fighting those bosses.

Don't get me wrong. If you felt that this or that boss gave you far more trouble than is reasonable, that opinion is totally valid.

With so many different parts on Equinox however, being able to narrow that drop pool by hunting at certain times is an interesting angle. I personally had very little trouble with either frame, but I watched a close friend have a great deal of trouble getting that last part of Equinox's night form. And putting the water frame on the water planet, and the day/night frame on the day/night planet would be much more consistent thematically. It doesn't make a great deal of sense that they are backwards right now.

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I like this idea. Vay Hek is not the stupid, bad, horrible boss fight everyone is making it out to be. He's a tougher fight than other bosses; sure, but listen for the tells and don't get all butthurt when your spamulor isn't doing Massive Damage™ at every moment. Besides, some "boss"s don't even deserve the title. (Sergeant, phorid, Ambulas)

The only downfall to Vay Hek is that He's a Real Bossfight

Hydroid in the sea, being able to select hunting times for equinox parts; Very yes.

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45 minutes ago, RICK_BO said:

Besides, some "boss"s don't even deserve the title. (Sergeant, phorid, Ambulas)

Those are the last gen1 bosses who haven't been updated yet. Back then, every boss was just a beefier version of a standard unit with special abilities. Ambulas is currently getting its rework and Phorid will be next. And I guess the Sergeant will be demoted to a mini-boss (if not entirely removed) once they've decided how to do Nef Anyo.

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18 hours ago, Caelward said:

This is one of those issues that is clouded by people's experience with certain bosses. Some people have had terrible times with Vay Hek. Others had more trouble with Tyl Regor. While Vay Hek was much worse previously, you can actually skip his first two appearances entirely and run straight to the final fight.

That is really more for a conversation about the frustration of fighting those bosses.

Don't get me wrong. If you felt that this or that boss gave you far more trouble than is reasonable, that opinion is totally valid.

With so many different parts on Equinox however, being able to narrow that drop pool by hunting at certain times is an interesting angle. I personally had very little trouble with either frame, but I watched a close friend have a great deal of trouble getting that last part of Equinox's night form. And putting the water frame on the water planet, and the day/night frame on the day/night planet would be much more consistent thematically. It doesn't make a great deal of sense that they are backwards right now.

This guy gets it. :thumbup:

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If you want to go for a more intuitive approach and are moving frames anyway,

Hydroid should go to uranus from Tyl Regor, as mentioned it is the water planet.

Oberon should go to Earth, whether or not for Vey Hek (who needs a rework, as he is very counter intuitive fight), he is the defender of earth and more suited to eairly-mid level players.

Equinox can go to another planet with mostly out door mission and give that planet day/night cycles (after all, all the planets really should have the day/night cycle even if they do nothing but make the planet look pretty).  Even having her on eximus would make sense (more so than Oberon, though given how common eximus are, it seems strange to have a frame on them at all) given all the parts she has (though thematically the day/night would much better).

It could really be a stepping stone to reorganise all the bosses/frames to the more fitting 'planets' (frost can end up on an ice planet rather than the "red planet").  Especially now we have a clear planetary path.

Some of the planets could even get expanded to include their prominent moon with a few nodes on them as well (like Saturn having titan as more than just a grineer ship).

Edited by Loswaith
fixes and clarifications
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I feel like the only problem with this idea is Vay Hek is absolutely the worst boss fight in the game. One of the worst bosses I've fought in a game period, honestly.

Only his first phase, though. Second phase is just fine.

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On 4.03.2017 at 2:00 PM, RICK_BO said:

I like this idea. Vay Hek is not the stupid, bad, horrible boss fight everyone is making it out to be. He's a tougher fight than other bosses; sure, but listen for the tells and don't get all butthurt when your spamulor isn't doing Massive Damage™ at every moment. Besides, some "boss"s don't even deserve the title. (Sergeant, phorid, Ambulas)

The only downfall to Vay Hek is that He's a Real Bossfight

Hydroid in the sea, being able to select hunting times for equinox parts; Very yes.

I hate Vay Hek boss fight and yet I'm never using miramulor. Hek is in no way tough and definitely not "real boss fight", he's just extremely poorly designed. I even dare to say worst boss I ever had misfortune to fight. He has very small weak spot he rarely shows, spins like crazy making said spot even harder to hit, inflicts magnetic procs and on top of that can heal. He poses no bigger threat than any other boss, he's simply extremely frustrating.

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The idea is pretty awesome because of the day/night mechanic on Earth.

HOWEVER! Who in their right mind wants to listen to the most obnoxious annoying and suicide-driving enemy in the game? HE IS SOOOOOO FREAKING ANNOYING I WANT TO SHOVE A KNIFE IN MY EARS! Have you seen him?! He looks like a de-feathered turkey with tiny hands on his face that he keeps waving around. And he yells all the time and sounds sooooo stupid! If you're gonna put that kind of a super long farm on Earth, then move Vay Hek into the trashbin first.

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I get the day/night thing but nothing, absolutely nothing is worth trading the Tyl Regor fight for the Vay Hek fight. Farming Hydroids for friends only needing 3 pieces is a hate-filled exercise in pulling teeth. The Tyl Regor fight is much more enjoyable. If we're going to have to farm EIGHT pieces then putting that ridiculous grind into one of the most unfun encounters in the game would be a total killjoy. I had poor luck with my last Equinox part and did the Tyl Regor fight somewhere in the region of 30-40 times. If I'd had to do that with Vay Hek... well I wouldn't have an Equinox. End of.

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On 2/28/2017 at 6:26 PM, DaftMeat said:

On my alt account, I farmed Hydroid in 1 day with a mix of Solo and Public Vay Hek runs. Easy peasy and no real frustration.

I am currently on day 4 of trying to get Equinox Night parts to drop. It is getting quite tedious.

Here's the problem with your idea though:
If you can't play during a transition time of night to day, or long enough to go through a transition you are being forced to wait until you can play when Earth is in the cycle that you are missing parts from.

Depending on your play time that could take up to a week if you're unlucky of when you can get to play.

So instead of going at a boss and going "Ok, I'm going to farm this boss and get the parts." it becomes "Ok, is Earth in the right Day/Night cycle?  Nope?  And it has 3 hours left until it transitions?  Better try again tomorrow....there's absolutely no way I can get the parts I need today."  meanwhile if it is in the right cycle you had better put everything else on hold to try to blitz farm what you need because you might not get another chance for a few more days.
Or even more annoying: "Its the right cycle...and has 15 minutes left.  Looks like I get one chance at a part I need for the entire day and hope I can get another tomorrow...."

That would quickly become much more annoying and aggravating than farming equinox currently.  At least right now you are not being forced to try to work your schedule around the game to get her.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Here's the problem with your idea though:
If you can't play during a transition time of night to day, or long enough to go through a transition you are being forced to wait until you can play when Earth is in the cycle that you are missing parts from.

Depending on your play time that could take up to a week if you're unlucky of when you can get to play.

As someone who just spent over a week farming Equinox via her current acquisition method, I would be eager to try something new. 

A typical boss only has 3 Warframe parts which can usually be farmed in a day. Changing Equinox from an 8 item drop table to two separate 4 item drop tables would easily improve farming chances.

In regards to your argument about players who have limited playtime, how long will it take them to farm Equinox if they don't make nightly attempts for a week straight the way I just did? Splitting her drops at least gives you the option to schedule attempts and prioritize. 

Agree to disagree. 

Edited by DaftMeat
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10 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

In regards to your argument about players who have limited playtime, how long will it take them to farm Equinox if they don't make nightly attempts for a week straight the way I just did? Splitting her drops at least gives you the option to schedule attempts and prioritize. 

At least with things as they are they can at least attempt to get equinox.  Your idea basically goes to them and says "If you can't work your schedule around the day/night cycle of Earth you simply can't even attempt to get the full Equinox!"
It doesn't matter if you can play an hour or two a day, if that hour or two is at the wrong time you can't even work towards Equinox no matter how much you want to.

Meanwhile as it stands with that same hour or two a day anyone can work towards Equinox without having to try to work their entire play schedule around the day/night cycle in game, and actually get Equinox eventually.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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5 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

As someone who just spent over a week farming Equinox via her current acquisition method, I would be eager to try something new. 

A typical boss only has 3 Warframe parts which can usually be farmed in a day. Changing Equinox from an 8 item drop table to two separate 4 item drop tables would easily improve farming chances.

In regards to your argument about players who have limited playtime, how long will it take them to farm Equinox if they don't make nightly attempts for a week straight the way I just did? Splitting her drops at least gives you the option to schedule attempts and prioritize. 

Agree to disagree. 

As someone who managed to farm equinox in barely 3 hours ( Call it luck, I agree ), I'd find it more tedious to be forced to wait for Day/Night time only to face VayHek once for the next 20 minutes because he doesn't open his god damn mask protection. His flying mode is highly loud and annoying, not only that but he also gets glitched in the most stupid spots, face against the wall as he speaks, how do I fight that?

Compared to that, Manics/Bombard takes 5 seconds to kill with correct loadouts, this makes Tyl Regor way easier to farm.

Don't get me wrong, the idea that you have makes a lot of sense. However I wouldn't dare waste my time waiting for the cycle to change only to get psychologically murdered by VayHek.

If your luck is as terrible as you say it is, then you'll probably end up with the same 2 parts over and over again until the cycle change and forces you out of your farming stance.

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