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Ok, who else is done with kuva?


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6 minutes ago, Ominer2012 said:

Honestly, you don't need Riven Mods to be successfull at high level missions.

You don't. I think it was an endgame system for vets to sink their time, endo, credits, plat into. In that respect it was very effective. It's an endless system for vets that want to refine and enhance their guns passed the normal means for no purpose other then to do it.

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I am sick and tired of it, I am usually calm and collected but the S#&$ that almost made me throw my controller at my screen was when I used, literally, 50,000 kuva and didn't get one f***ng decent roll. Sorry but that S#&$ is unacceptable, do you know how much time that is in farming kuva? Thinking about it makes me sick. Tired of these random rolls. My Kohm mod needed 52 rerolls to get something good. My Daikyu is nearing 40 rolls. This is too much man.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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It's simple reasoning. If the reward is worth the effort, do the mission. If the reward is not worth the mission, don't do the mission. Farming any resource in any game, it's very easy to burn out. Rivens are never required anyway. There are chunks of the game we can just ignore if we want. I have plenty of Forma, so I'll ignore Forma alerts. It's like that.

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kuva atm is mostly needed for rivens, even best rivens cannot salvage trash tier from being trash tier...so the hunt is long for a riven for a decent weapon making kuva farming something not worth engaging in.

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I gave up a long while ago, the reward isn't enough for the 7+ layers of RNG. I've done sittings of spending over 100k kuva on a single riven without a half decent one more than once. Now I have resorted to trying to buy the rivens I would like since I cannot roll them, and farming kuva is a grind I personally do not agree with.

I have been saying to my clannies for while, all agreeing. Kuva fortress survival; but with Kuva for every 5 minute increasing with how long you stay. PLEASE.

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Yes, I just can't farm kuva anymore, I don't enjoy playing as the operator. I find the entire kuva farming process a fiddly mess, there are more fun things I can be doing. I've wasted over 100k kuva just trying to get a roll that's better than a non-riven and have ended up frustrated and converting my last 3 rivens into endo. My motivation to do sorties is currently pretty low; if I do get a riven, it has to be decent out of the gate or I'll scrap it.

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I agree with the OP. Just an idea : How about kuva excavation on Kuva fortress? Like instead of cryotic you get kuva but in higher amounts than standard 100 cryotic per excavator. I mean just doesnt make sense of not having kuva drop from the fortress. (Inb4 archwing excavation cuz it is asteroids XD )

Edited by --Q--Kyl0Ren
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Things that ultimately make Rivens reach god-status over time would make people quit because they run out of things to achieve, and deflate the price of plat, which would hurt DE's bottom line.

If you had perfect rivens, you'd probably stop doing kuva runs, and there's not enough new content for you to do, you stop logging on. DE doesn't get to make any money off of you. The only end game would be fashionframe and that's not really that much to it outside of sitting in Maroo's or your Dojo.



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Kuva missions are all samey and rely on the stupidly raw mechanics of the operator. Melee, dash, kill fat lady, wait, dash, smear kuva all over face, repeat. I've spent enough time staring at my dead eyed operator to know that I'm not enjoying the grind. Maybe more than one syphon per mission and maybe toss away the invincibility? How bout some kinda use for that hand laser other than being some shallow flashy throwaway mechanic that has been useless on both the focus ability and in practice running around as an operator?

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13 hours ago, Azurian-Draguard said:

Kuva farming isnt that all bad.


It's more of the Rivens they're meant for , especially when you're trying to get nice or 'God Tier' stats for the unlocked ones , especially for the ones that aren't popular. AKZani / Pantera / AKBronco / Tysis / Flux Rifle / etc.  If anything I have noticed , people ONLY want the Meta Rivens , if it's not Meta then they won't buy it.


god tier rivens are probably made by DE employees and sold in trade chat with fake accounts just to eat up plat they gave out during a dev stream. its impossible to get anything decent for a good weapon. only good combos like crit chance and crit damage on junk non crit weapons if you dont work at DE and your job depends on some plat acquisition quota

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I like the existence of riven mods, it makes me happy to use my Vulkar Wraith, and my Akmagnus being the strongest secondary. But I'm done with farming kuva. Unless, I got double resource booster, or DE change riven reroll mechanics, able to lock selected stats.

Kuva farming is boring. Despite the mission type, all we're doing when farming kuva is. Find Kuva, wait, locate and capture kuva, wait again, locate and capture kuva, repeat these process at least 4 times. Sometimes you have hard time to locate kuva because the kuva stuck in corpus map, spawn too close to the sucker machine in Grineer and Infested map, unable to see cause it has same colour with environmental in Eris, or other annoying bugs.

On top of that, without Double Resource Booster, the amount of kuva we got is very, not extreme, but very low. Six kuva missions with many bugs and more time standing besides machine waiting for kuva appears than playing the mission, just for a single reroll? Well that's actually ok, if we're certainly getting better stats than before. Except you get worse stats. Either you get no good positive stats, or not worth replacing other mods installed and a forma, or the negative stats ruined your suppose to be god roll stats.

DE: Well, we have predicted this circumstances, so we've added the ability to choose between your current stats or new rerolled stats to prevent any dissatisfied.

Except it's mocking my hardwork nightmares kuva grinding for nothing. Seriously, even with Resource booster, I hardly ever do it anymore. I suggest DE add mechanics to lock the selected stats to prevent it changes after reroll, with additional kuva cost or something. The percentage can be change, but not the type of stats. Unless, it'll be unfair to people who bought good stats riven in the market. Well goodbye riven.


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I'd say that a way to help this would be making Kuva drop as a normal resource on planets that the Fortress is nearby, kinda like Omega Isotopes drops in a planet that the Fomorian is nearby.

Kuva right now is a massive chore.
- Gives too little per mission, even if you get a resource booster
- Limited number of missions available. What, you limit how much I can get per mission and then limit how much I can farm too?
- Gets boring way too fast. Start mission, look for thing, hang around with CC until the clouds spawn, yadda yadda, extract, repeat. As I said, becomes a chore.
- Looking for the siphon is boring, doesnt helps when it spawns after the Sabotage room or the Rescue jail
- Eris Kuva missions. Having to find the Red/Black cloud on dark, red/black rooms. Might as well do it blindfolded.
- Being forced to use Kid mode is a massive pain in the butt. Sure, I'll turn into this slow and fragile flesh bag, instead of using all that stuff I forma'd, to dash into a cloud or into Siegmier because lol forced invincibility
- Spending several hours so your Riven ends with +zoom/+flight speed/-damage.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)hahajake said:

So glad im not a dev. 

Listening to the whiny never satisfied masses of gamers must be awful.

This is a shallow and common misconception.  If player A says "That is too powerful" and player B says "That needs to be buffed." it isn't constant whining.  It's feedback.  And honestly, that's the kind of feedback that a dev wants.

7 hours ago, (PS4)hahajake said:

Be grateful there is stuff to do in this game.

Why?  I'm not obligated to play.  DE should be grateful that there is stuff to do in the game because when there isn't, warframe dies.

7 hours ago, (PS4)hahajake said:

What else you gonna do with your kuva and why should missions be short? 

Brilliant.  That's exactly what we need; 20 minute kuva missions for 600 kuva.  That way tennos have to play for 2 hours for a single roll.

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The amount of Kuva that the missions give is fine. The problem is that these missions arent' challenging and become boring after just a few days. This game needs more ocntent at level 80+ besides daily Sorties and the occasional Kuva Flood.

Edited by MudShadow
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