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9 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

Red veil are assasins purging corruption. That task fits better in an inquisitor rather than a priest. 

And the new frame looks so dark.... I think its an inquisitor frame

What, like every frame matches their syndicate? Oh yeah, Nidus is really Perrin sensibilities eh? And music was inherently related to Suda before a quest connected them.

There's no reason a priest can't be just fine. Inquisitor wouldn't be bad but I really don't think it should be specifically made to match them extensively.

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So far we've gotten almost no information as to the general feeling of the 'Frames power's besides the; "Supporting his allies at any cost" <-- Not sure as to the direct quote but, yeh!

What kind of power-set would you like with this upcoming 'Frame? Any unique idea's come to mind that may fit the theme of "Priest"?
Keep in mind as well, "Priest" in this sense can be a Priest of the Void, Priest of Souls, etc.

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or even better; ghostly.

1- Wraith; [33's Name] steadily walks forward, becoming intangible to obstacles and enemy fire. Lasts for 40 seconds at lvl 30.

2- Willow wisp: [33] summons X spirits that spread out, possessing enemies, causing them to take DoT, exploding on death.

3- Phantom: 33 dashes towards a targeted enemy, grapples them, then devours their soul. If used in wraith form, dmg is multiplied.

4- Exorcism: the sound of funeral bell tolls as enemies start mindlessly walking towards 33. Each toll of the bell increases dmg dealt and restores ally health and energy in its aoe. If used in wraith form, effects such as dmg and range are doubled.

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Anything as long as it doesn't implode the whole map (like the latest limbo) or CC the world (like octavia/titania)

No really for once I'd like to get a frame that is interesting to play without it being completely OP

But i'm curious about the "he'll rely on good aiming" (or something like this)

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Well seeing as it seems like it's based off a Christian/catholic priest (due to the swinging thurible/chain censor)

passive... on death gives any warframe within x metres 60 seconds temporary immortality, immortality lost if revive is not started within 15 seconds.  This may be a 'little' over powered though.

They said 33's abilities would focus on it being a support frame so no real damage abilities imo.  Maybe not in this order. 

1 - Cleanse - ability removes all status effects.

2 - Penance - 33 turns all taken damage and turns it into an ability buff for other frames, more damage taken means stronger buff.  High risk, high reward ability 

3 - Sacrifice - 33 kills himself but in doing so releases an aura that 'freezes' the area temporarily, passive activates.  Duration increases time frozen.

4 - Graveyard - summons the spirits of the past tenno who 'merge' with the warframes (within range) and gives enhanced damage and resistance to damage.  33 loses energy/health over time while this is active.  Affected by efficiency/duration and strength. 

4 Alternative - Heavens Gate: a gate opens and releases a beam of heavenly light clearing an area of the map.

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i have some feeling its will be very good something between inaros and loki... trick pony...skils who are not dependent on power strenght...1.drain energy...from enemy.2 blink u can teleport.. free aim...3. anyone any enemy catch in radius  armor and movament speed will be reduced by 50%. 4 will sumon reaper...who will scale with enemy level..and u melee mods will effect reaper dmg..reaper have aura hp regen  can heal any ally in radius

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  1. Penance - While active any Headshots save up into a healing pool, when turned off the heal is applied
  2. Pilgrimage - Timed toggle power that propels Warframe forward in a straight line (cannot jump or change path), causing damage/knockback to any enemies in it's path
  3. Eye For An Eye - Redirects damage back to attackers (higher Strength means less damage taken and more returned)
  4. Penitence - Drop self down to 1/4 Health and Energy and reduce speed to 25%, but revives any fallen teammates/friendlies, provide status protection, and moderate boost of damage

Passive - When immobile, the Warframe receives minor buffs to Regen, Energy replenishment, and status/knockdown resistance (he is a "Accuracy" based frame after all)

Edited by DaftMeat
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I don't necessarily "want" anything from his powers, I just want him to be fun for me to play so I can play him, because he looks awesome.

I do have vague expectations though. Sounds like he's gonna be a buffer/ sacrificial healer type of support. Protecting the squad and willing to sacrifice himself for the team?

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A good power set with nice synergy that no one will clamor for nerfs for in the first month of its arrival.


On a less salty note the self-sacrifice thing sounds interesting and could refer to a powerset based on mass defensive skills in exchange for taking the blunt of the attack and considering it rewards accurate shooting Fat chance of that being a good thing   it could mean that you are like a mirror take damage but when u deal it back there is a reward. However the incense thing could be a debuff skill or a dmg aoe.

I would like him to be a defensive mage type with good offensive possibilities . That incense thing is most likely some kinda weapon or a way to compensate for his sacrifice.

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I like the "damage taken is converted to buffs" idea.


As for my ideas...

Passive - Headshots leech health.

Abilities (in no particular order)

- Sacrifice ~50% max health to instantly revive an ally

- sacrifice x health to heal/buff your teammates

- an ability that let's him surive high level missions, because trying to support as a frame that drops in 3 poison ticks in kuva flood SUCKS (looking at you Equinox...today's mission was painful)

- "cleanse" enemies making them fight for you...or something. no clue for a 4th ability so far...

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I've gone in-depth as to why he's probably going to be called Osiris, but if not, then I reserve that as my name for him. It's copyrighted, so every time someone calls him that, I get 10 cents. So if you wanna, you know, make a contribution, I'm not gonna stop you...

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