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Harrow feedback and discussion


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1 hour ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

You should feel bad. This game wasn't meant to be played; it was made to be cheesed and then subsequently whined about on the Forums. *rolls eyes*

On topic, I know a lot of people have the problem with headshots, for a variety of reasons (the only one of which I agree with being the theme-clash), but honestly, with his first ability, that won't be a very big problem. I just hope they slightly tweak the abilities to be a bit more 'priest-like.'

ya. like i love his abilties and think they fit a shadow priest...I just didnt really understand the major need for headshotfocus. youd think they would put something like that on banshee or something,lol.

over all Ill deal with it. I just wish his 3 had a minor shuffling walk (like jason nyx does)

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I like the design, the pistol looks pretty. 

I found his abilities kinda boring on the devstream. Spend energy to get energy on headshots? Eh... Sounds like another attempt at making the game "harder" or more skill based. I don't like it.

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Some corrections: Only his 3 and 4 were said to require headshots. 1 gives shields/Overshields per enemy chained, while 2 grants healing based on % of damage dealt while active (meaning you can spray and pray to heal teammates in Affinity Range).

While his passive seems pretty good (2400 Overshields), it's trifle compared to Armor for high level survivability. I hope that Shield Gating comes with Harrow, and some form of damage reduction in his abilities. Because as he is shown, his main tools for surviving is 1 to lockdown enemies, 2 to keep healing while dishing out damage (but at the cost of his survivability in shields), and 4's brief invulnerability period. Given all that, he's still incredibly squishy.

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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

While his passive seems pretty good (2400 Overshields), it's trifle compared to Armor for high level survivability. I hope that Shield Gating comes with Harrow

I wonder if the shield gate will trigger on over shield collapse and normal shields both? I'm in agreement with you on this bit.

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Harrow looks like a good frame to have fun while soloing or maybe playing with a friend. However, I feel like he won't be as useful in a full group. Harrow is a frame that rewards precision, but there are plenty of frames/weapons that dispatch enemies just fine without having to rely on skill/precision. So what if getting headshots restores energy? I have hundreds of energy pizzas and/or a Trinity. I really think the focus on headshots is a cool concept, but it just doesn't seem to fit in with the fast gameplay that Warframe is known for.

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Imo, give it passive energy that overrides any toggles in granting energy along with a burst of energy on headshot/headshot kill

This would turn harrow into a distance runner where trinity is sprinter in energy restoration

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On 5/16/2017 at 2:04 PM, (PS4)Calamitea said:

Harrow looks like a good frame to have fun while soloing or maybe playing with a friend. However, I feel like he won't be as useful in a full group. Harrow is a frame that rewards precision, but there are plenty of frames/weapons that dispatch enemies just fine without having to rely on skill/precision. So what if getting headshots restores energy? I have hundreds of energy pizzas and/or a Trinity. I really think the focus on headshots is a cool concept, but it just doesn't seem to fit in with the fast gameplay that Warframe is known for.

This is my real issue with the character. I will wait to see what happens but there is a good chance that you either slow things down or everyone kills your enemies before you get a chance to do anything

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Wanted to say I'm happy with the change that Headshots and kills are bonus energy and that Harrow can replenish energy just on landing a shot/attack.


Going to be fun with an alternative to Trinity for Energy-support

(I am going to assume Thurible charging is affected by Casting Speed....Primed Natural Talent or Primed Speed Drift 😁)

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I tried really hard to get this question answered on dev stream it was either missed or ignored but hopefully someone might be able to shed some light on this, only looking for actual facts, no speculation, but with his third ability that restores energy for headshots for him and his allies does that apply to warframes that are currently channeling an ability? This could be a game changer if that's the case,  I really don't see it happening but so far there has been no information about it or at least from what Ive seen.  I mean with arcane energize, energy siphon and energy pads there are many ways to restore energy, but there was always a restriction with channel abilities, want to see if this will be the situation or not.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)I420t said:

That's a good question but I don't see it happening due to the high probability of it being abused.

What does "abused" even mean in a video game ? It's like saying someone can abuse sniper rifles in a shooting game because they are good at landing headshots . If it's not meant to work then don't make it a game mechanic . 

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1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

Most likely not since Trinity doesn't restore energy as well in this situation. 


True but its not them getting free energy for nothing, they still have to get the headshots to reap the benefits for the energy proc, so in that  sense they might be ok with it applying to channel abilities.

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Just now, Knight_Ex said:


True but its not them getting free energy for nothing, they still have to get the headshots to reap the benefits for the energy proc, so in that  sense they might be ok with it applying to channel abilities.

Not really. It would make them too OP because the energy given to them is higher than the usual energy cost. Think about Mesa for example, she kills 15 guys in the blink of an eye, that would be at least 75 energy back if we are talking about 5 energy per kill, even more so if she hits headshots. She can easily stay topped off with these kills since her drain is only 3-4 per second with a good Peacemaker build. 

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28 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

Hey Knight_Ex,

The energy gain follows the same rules as Energy Vampire, so channeled abilities that block EV gains will also block Thurible.



Thanks muchly for the info, now the theory crafting can begin!

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Glad that Harrow is "unchained" from headshots yet is desirable to execute them.

I'm happy about Thurible too, it's now a much more reliable energy gain as long as you're killing. Seems like something you'd want to have active at most times. It's a great incentive for teammates to stick nearby, alongside Penance and War Pact's Affinity Range coverage.

Can't wait to see how strong War Pact's critical chance bonus will be (4x multiplier!!), considering that they're changing Red Crits which Harrow will thrive on after the revision.

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