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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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9 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Its not that i care really its just so weird that we have a -Protects Nature Frame- with...

RADIATIIIOOOOON. Nuka-a-world the frame.

So... what's the problem? Light is radiation aswell. No problem at all.

And wenn actually know very little about different kinds of radiation. Wenn don't if there are living things needing radiation. And how Do you explain the plants growing in Fukushima?

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I´ve said this before and I will say it again, warframes are technoorganic machines that transform void energy into other forms of energy or physical phenomena, Ember is as fireproof as a flemathrower is, I know a lot of people disregard powers with the "space magic" excuse. Warframes have always been about the transformation of energy, it breaks the internal logic to suddenly create living matter, the only one with an excuse is Nidus that seems to work with a void fed fungal infection, that could be derived from the life forms inside Helminth´s room.

Oberon worked fine with radiation because the energy representation could be seen as a metaphorical Holy Light, but lets not forget they are not actually Druids, nor Paladins nor Fairy Kings, it does not make sense for void energy, this corrupting and destructive force to create life. If it was an energy effect that gave a semblance of plants of nature it could still be acceptable.

But the appearing of Oberon Prime has clearly show that people read too much the nature theme and prefer to further the space fantasy instead of retaining what little remains of the sci-fi elements.

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29 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

So... what's the problem? Light is radiation aswell. No problem at all.

And wenn actually know very little about different kinds of radiation. Wenn don't if there are living things needing radiation. And how Do you explain the plants growing in Fukushima?

Radiation with enough power to strip ferrite armor? Theres levels of radiation.

Plants recieve enough radiation but unless it mutates into a stronger strain after YEARS of exposure itll die.


Safe levels of radiation is normal, people absorb it too. But only so much.


Little boy alone was strong enough to melt living creatures and bend, twist and slightly melt steel.


Oberons radiation is isolated and strong / violent enough to rip metal.

Little boy levels of radiation is Once it starts to tingle and make you itch chances are youre going to die.

Radiation on the level to strip metal shouldnt be making grass pop up from the ground its torching.

But i only brought this up because Oberon is the only frame that seems to do the opposite of what his powers imply.


Its funny really.



Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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9 minutes ago, Pavelord said:

But the appearing of Oberon Prime has clearly show that people read too much the nature theme and prefer to further the space fantasy instead of retaining what little remains of the sci-fi elements.

I think we're all just poking fun. I doubt any of this is actually serious.


Im heavily assuming that to be the case.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

I think we're all just poking fun. I doubt any of this is actually series.


Im heavily assuming that to be the case.

Really, many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the design of Oberon P, because he doesn´t fit the regal King of the Faeries theme, which was never the case.

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So i finally managed to put up a decent build on Oberon with extremly high power strength for armor increase and healing / time.

Now i understand why people complain so much on his uhm...power "efficiency", talking about the Renewal. I am quite like alright, 1.5 energy / second, and 3.5 energy/second when healing someone.

Suddenly a Nekros uses a Shadows of the Dead and i start loosing 25 energy / second due to 7 shadows permanently loosing their health, means that Renewal will literally NEVER stop healing them unless they die = Energy gone in seconds. Trying to just "walk" away from him isnt quite the best idea due to Defensive / Intercept. missions...i dont see many options here. And asking the nekros not to use the shadows isnt the best tactic either...so, my question is...


And i was all happy about Oberon finally good after so long time...nope.

Edited by Inquizitor
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My 2 Credits on this from a recent topic:

On 14.6.2017 at 10:55 PM, NinjaZeku said:

How 'bout this?

1) Make Shadows unable to be healed by anything other than a recast.
2) Make Shadows unable to be damaged by anything other than the Health decay.
3) ???
4) Grofit!

That whole Health decay thing was a neat gimmick to replace the duration timer,
however, with enemy damage being a thing, this was actually a nerf to Shadow duration
- and while the recast option is awesomesauce, that still is 100 Energy each time -
so really all this'd do is bring Shadows back to what they were before (as they almost never died from enemy damage back then),
along with fixing the stupid Oberon vs Nekros anti-synergy, yay :D

... well, mostly, the Despoil + Equilibrium combo still is a bit problematic with constant Health regen, I guess. Baby steps!


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While I agree about the energy requirements on oberon (and on ash rework for that matter...yes we haven't forgotten DE), it's bad enough dealing with just allies, it actually seems like the dev's have got it in a bit for nekros at the moment if I'm honest....

Oberon players won't want to play with nekros due to the energy drain and they've just made health conversion less useful on nekros (despoil taking health when desecrating removes an armor stack) to 'help' frames that don't really need the help in the first place...let alone the fact it's a mod that's only really viable on nekros due to very few health orbs dropping... haven't tested by think hema has the same issue.  Could easily have been avoided by not including self damage in removing a stack...


Edited by LSG501
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Id like to see delux skin power animations. so have the flower hollwed ground attached to the tree look of oberons delux skin (and have the prime have its lovely fire back...at least on the edges so I can see the range damn it. since the game keeps cutting it off so i can only see it 3 feet from were i cast it from)


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Well at least they no longer draining for the full amount. even with my build if all allies were damaged AND the shadows were up then it would drain up to 28/second. and my build is more efficient.

Would have been 40 energy p/s total in your case in those days o_O (at least its down to 24 p/s total now)

Do hope they remove that drain though. the negatives with them taking the drain up far outweigh the positives. (nekros needs to keep his shadows up, not oberon)

Edited by Airwolfen
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7 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Radiation with enough power to strip ferrite armor? Theres levels of radiation.

Plants recieve enough radiation but unless it mutates into a stronger strain after YEARS of exposure itll die.


Safe levels of radiation is normal, people absorb it too. But only so much.


Little boy alone was strong enough to melt living creatures and bend, twist and slightly melt steel.


Oberons radiation is isolated and strong / violent enough to rip metal.

Little boy levels of radiation is Once it starts to tingle and make you itch chances are youre going to die.

Radiation on the level to strip metal shouldnt be making grass pop up from the ground its torching.

But i only brought this up because Oberon is the only frame that seems to do the opposite of what his powers imply.


Its funny really.



I believe there is some confusion over radiation in general, and that which is radioactive decay (thanks to sci-fi, popular imagination would associate all radiation with this).

In terms of being able to cut through armor, light itself can be focused into lasers, capable of cutting through metal. Mirage's Prism and Orokin Death Orb also deal radiation damage with their lasers.

(Sun)light in general is rather dangerous to animals/humans overall, causing sunburn and sunstroke (a symptom of which is confusion), while plants have the capacity to literally convert that energy.

On the other hand, radiation hazard maps feature the Geiger counter sound effect (the familiar clicking sound) that suggests the presence of decaying radio-isotopes.

So the game has just broadly used both light/lasers and radioactive decay in portraying radiation damage.

From a fantasy perspective, the idea of a paladin/cleric using holy light to 'Turn Undead' is applied in warframe as Oberon's ability to Smite and injure all enemies. In this case, I would say that the light/radiation of Hallowed Ground is being selectively beneficial to the 'holy' Tenno and plants, while injurious to the 'unholy' enemies of the Tenno and enemies of nature itself.

Edited by RunningTree3
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3 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

Why is there an extra drain anyway, it's not like other healers have it and they can also heal everything.

Don't you know? Healing abilities can't be too stronk, that'd ruin the game.

Nevermind stuff like, say, ResoQuake and Mallet killing entire tiles with little effort,
or being able to survive near anything as Chroma, Wukong, perma-invis Loki / Ivara / Naramon user and whatnot,
what needs to be stopped is Squad support Frames having an easy time doing their job. Like, duh.

Now, Nezha, that's a nicely balanced healer, I tell you hwhat.


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I'm sure there are a few frames that suffer this... but I really like how Saryn can infest her molt and enemies if she so chooses.. and Volt being able to electrify his shield.. so why cant such good ideas be conveyed through all frame #1 abilities?.. For example, just off the top of my head, if an enemy steps on hallowed ground and you smite them, they become an orb generation hive that spawns orbs until the enemies health pool depletes.. or perhaps the enemy becomes arrested with guilt (or some nonsense) and are chained to the hallowed ground, and if you kill them they release a shockwave of orbs that do extra damage... just something that keeps these #1's from feeling so plain.. even the #1 augments are very vanilla at this point in the game, since DE has spoiled us with all this delicious synergy :)

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I think impact (able to get +50% extra damage on certain things) + radiation (able to do +75% more damage on certain things, unlike fire, electric or ice), being able to knockdown enemies (opens up for a finisher) and being able to make this "stun + radiation proc combo" in one go. I think the ability is pretty decent for a 25 costing ability, more would be a tad overkill no?

 You already have damage, stun,radiation proc and an enemy open up for a finisher, this on an ability that only triggers when you aim at the enemy, it won't ever go to waste like a fireball or a shock. You want more than that on a 25 energy ability?

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48 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

I think impact (able to get +50% extra damage on certain things) + radiation (able to do +75% more damage on certain things, unlike fire, electric or ice), being able to knockdown enemies (opens up for a finisher) and being able to make this "stun + radiation proc combo" in one go. I think the ability is pretty decent for a 25 costing ability, more would be a tad overkill no?

 You already have damage, stun,radiation proc and an enemy open up for a finisher, this on an ability that only triggers when you aim at the enemy, it won't ever go to waste like a fireball or a shock. You want more than that on a 25 energy ability?

Puncture/Radiation damage in my experience, though Reckoning does Impact/Radiation. I would agree otherwise, Smite is a pretty solid first move.

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