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Coming Soon: Devstream #92!


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Will we ever see more corpus tilesets? Currently there are only three, four if you count the infested corpus ship, at the moment, the Grineer run a sort of monopoly on varied tilesets, and themes, I understand the corpus are very one size fits all, but it does make fighting them more monotonous seeing the same three tilesets that look very similar to one another over and over again.

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Capture missions being most likely the fastest mission type in game received a "buff" over a year ago where the target could put the map in lockdown and could turn invisible etc... What if, similar to how enemy numbers scale with players in the squad; we had 2 capture targets in squads with more than 2 people. Alternatively, a capture target and some vital information elsewhere in the map the target may not spill the beans of… just to make it a little less of a speed run.

Many players quite likely have heaps of single relics they don’t use, for example I have 34 x NeoV2 Relics. Will there be any system put in place to reduce these numbers in the future by method of being able to “transmute” them or “dissolve” them into Void traces/ Endo. The same could apply to resources, but you mentioned rebuilding old relays before… so I’ll leave that.

The friendly NPC’s like our spectres tend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be great if we could “control” them in a way by using waypoints. (Especially the suicidal defence target on sorties)

Warframes have augment mods for their abilities; can they have augments for their passives?

Any possibility of a filter for the solar map where we can filter by mission type, faction and level?

The duelling rooms in dojos use a different system to the Dojo-relay system. Much like the relays and the Simalcrum. Would it be possible to make the simalcrum multiplayer for better testing possibilities?

For the fun of it, or as a challenge alert, how about a mission where all the robotics are replaced with their boss fight counter-parts. So MOAs are replaced with Ambulus, the Ospreys replaced with Raptors, the Ratels replaced with Hyena packs/ Jackal/ Lynx.

The frost harka skins off proportions haunt me… much like the ether daggers I will never be able to obtain.

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Look I am all for some updates - I just want to know these things can you please make a Offical DEV posting in forums and announcement WHEN will we be getting some new quests - When I say quests I mean more than just one quick one and then once its over we are bored as sin. These 1 quest updates are teases and very frustrating especially when you are a loyal player who even spends money on this game. I am really trying to be positive and stay playing but to be honest it is just the same old same old even when we get updates. Also We are seeing multiple repeats in Baro's Visits and there are no NEW PRIMED mods  out just the same mods over and over. So please think of this like a challenge to you DEVS / Game designers Make updates more than just 1 little thing and a bunch of cosmetic stuff. Less Style more Substance. In this WE have been waiting for this Excalibur Umbra for 2 years now - I know you all said you wanted to make a quest for it but seriously 2 years that seems a bit OVER excessive in time to do. I could write a quest so mind blowing in a day that you would not even know what to say no offense but it's truly a sad state when you have players willing to help with ideas for new quests etc and you ignore them. That is a resource you are a Company should be tapping maybe even offering them some sort of position to do it. Who knows but it could be a creative and amazing endeavor.  New weapons - I mention this because lately when you bring in a few frame I have seen this lacking, an example you put out  Octavia and not a melee to be seen with her.  In the past when frames have come out a weapon of each type came out as well. Now the last few frames or prime frames have been lacking at least 1 weapon type.  Im just being observant which any decent player with a fair amount of time in game would be able to tell you these things.  I hope you dont think I hate this game because I dont in fact I wouldnt waste my time playing or writing this even if I did. Sorties used to have a weapon each season, that we could earn then  it feels like someone got a bit lazy in weapons creation and decided to just recycle the weapons from the seasons past to the newer seasons - again with the multiple reruns. These weapons werent even the best of the types they were which considering how hard some of the sorties can be - it is a slap in the face to your players. On top of this a bigger slap is the fact that you simply removed weapons completely from sorties. This was to be frank a mistake , just simple make updated weapons again, stop the constant repeats. Same case with Baro - update his stock with new things more than just 1 or 2 items. New weapons, New items, New PRIMED MODS this is what you players want. This is why we work hard to farm stuff we already have earned hundreds of times over and sell for ducats. This is why people are putting up with a lot of this in hope Baro might have something good. However this hasnt been the case for a LONG While. Sorry  but you need to hear the truth from a player who is loyal to the game but is not afraid to speak up when something is wrong. Maybe its the ex soldier in me or maybe it's the fact I live in pain and am Dying slowly in Real life what ever the case may be I am honest and Im blunt. -But As far as the sorties - No weapons anymore - now nothing of the sort just the Rivens which okay yes some are worth the time and effort but we have yet to see the implementation of Melee rivens and you charge us and arm and a leg for 3 spaces to increase our ability to have more. IF you are going to do that you could at least raise the cap. right now 60 is waaaaay to low considering the amount of weapons out in the game. Melee rivens are needed as well. These are both things we need asap.  However beyond that perhaps you might look at the ideas for the past year or 2  that players have actually submitted to you in the general thread area where we can submit ideas - I have seen a ton of them that are fitting to lore and would be awesome. So if you dont like a part of it for this reason of that change it make it D.E's own but for the love of god stop the boredum because when a game like destiny which is in many ways similar to this game is able to put out a complete DVD disk or a part 2 that adds on to the original and its quests with updated new stuff - it tells me 1 thing - D.E is falling behind the curve. Your game is better  in the general since but once people play all the substance content - people will be bored and look for other games to play and may not return.  That is a missed Opportunity on D.E's part to keep players interested because of the methods being used. Perhaps  its time to hire more staff if needed to maybe produce good product faster. Speed and substance is everything in this industry I shouldnt have to say any of this but it is obvious to much importance is placed on Looks of things and Skins and not the substance and amount of it put out before  the style is added. The looks should always be secondary. Yes the game should look good but dont go so far as to cheat the players out of substance. OR you lose your player base and potential new players as well.  I hope This reaches someone at DE who understands what I mean and can make the changes needed . Otherwise I see maybe a year more of this game for it being around and then DE will be looking for a new project and wondering where they went wrong because this game is more than just a game it is large in part a company cash cow for you all.  Sorry but not sorry . Im not wishing anything bad, If anything I am speaking up before its too late. 

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  • Shield gate: it's good to see it coming, BUT what about Slash procs bypassing the Shield? Will it be addressed? Because it doesn't make any sense and destroys the whole purpose of the Shield: it either absorbs, redirects or deflects a bullet/projectile/hit thus preventing it from damaging your Health thus doing its job. If we get hit while the Shield is not depleted, then it doesn't do its job, does it?
  • This is Spa- Ambulas! This is probably one of the best designed enemies so far. More than that its theme seems pretty fitting for Eximus units and recent Eximus overhaul concept: no need for hundreds Eximi, instead how about turning Eximi units into some kind of mid-bosses appearing after alarm is set off or every B/C rotation?
  • Proxy Rebellion, AnimOe AI made me wonder: while we haven't seen the Sentients as the whole new faction yet, were you guys thinking of implementing a purely Proxy/AI-specific faction?
  • Frohd Bek, Animo AI, Ambulas, Ra-a-aid: last time "we" kicked out the Corpus guy, he came back with the new Mutalists threat.

What are the chances of Frohd Bek following the same destiny of his former colleague?

And what are the chances of us not destroying the Animo's backup copy (a good businessman wouldn't keep all in one place w/o copies, that's for sure)? Given the Self-Learning AI threat and the fact that the Ambulas is the last Start Chart boss which is the Corpus specific and we don't have a Corpus-themed raid yet, I think it would be a great opportunity to introduce the Corpus Trial mission. The way we fight the current Ambulas Boss encourages team work and it would definitely work in the Raid as well.

  • Zephyr. Were you thinking of implementing a "flight mode" for her? Tail Wind and Dive Bomb could be tied with bullet jump action in said mode (depending on cam angle, that's 2in1!) and Jump/Crouch could change your altitude, thus leaving us with 2 free power slots for brand new powers.
  • Aksomati, A- & Dex-/ Furis, Dual-/ Cestra, Twin-/ Viper. Can we please buff their ammo reserve? Twin Grakatas, Akstiletto Prime and even Akzani have bigger ammo reserve.
  • Cernos Prime and Hikou. Will we ever get their shown fire modes: single-shot & spread shot for Cernos Prime and spread shot for Hikou teased in Conclave Alert?
  • +15-30% Status Mods. Guys, it's been a while and those mods need a serious look at. A serious one. By moving from "rainbow" builds in Damage 1.0 we came to Damage 2.0 and then to dual stat mods that basically moved us back to rainbow builds (no, Rivens isn't not a solution to ignore the basic mods) -- but this time in order to get high Status chance we have to put up to 4 dual stats mods for +240% Status-% ending up with up to 3 elemental combinations along with IPS damage. There's no way it encourages modding, it's just another mandatory situation. The 2 most common suggestions I'm keep seeing are:

1. make the values flat (+15, +30 Status) the way Supra's augment works,

2. increase the values up to 90% as well as increasing energy drain up to 11 points, making Status mods work the way Elemental mods work.

I know you can do this, guys, remember how we balanced out Electricity and Cold mods before?



Update 15.13:

  • Updated the Deep Freeze Mod to give up to 90% Freeze damage to match other elemental Mods.
  • Updated the North Wind and Shocking Touch Mods to give up to 90% damage to match other elemental Mods.


So can you please say anything about changing/balancing pure Status mods?

  • Supra Vandal. Thanks for making it colourable and updating it with a badass sound, was a Supra fan before but now I love it much more.

However, the question is, last time we could get a Lab Research for Ignis Wraith and it would be logical to assume we'd get it this time as well, but we didn't. There was a way to avoid Top10% requirement this time: Personal Goal for Supra Vandal (X beacons as the best result) and Clan Goal for Supra Vandal Research (X beacons as the sum of the best clannies' results). What were the motivations of not making Research as a Clan reward?

Edited by Thundervision
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- A while back in a Sunday Stream, Steve said it would be cool to have a holographic Ordis guide new players through the ship for the first time, explaining functions. Any chance we can get a holographic Ordis decoration?

- Can we get a musical decoration that we can load with Mandachord or other songs, maybe from the Soundtrack? A music box of some kind? Wasn't there a fan design contest for that?

- When will we get more replayable quests? I'm especially interested in replaying Vor's Prize. What about plot events as quests?

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Have to say Ambulas reborn has felt great and hope the toklen system stays for future content.
Q: But I have a question, with the coming changes for trade chat coming, I've always felt that the Earth Relay has been bit boring to do trading there or chat in general so will we see an auction house to come to EartnRelay to Sell and buy parts and etc from players?

Q2: Another Question I have is, will we see anymore raid bosses or possibly new big bosses that community has to fight such as the formians etc?

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PS something needs to be done with the void because seriously it is well flat out barely used unless a fissure is there or people need argon crystals.  As far as the Kuva Fortress many players have said this = add something to it so we have a reason to visit - besides a single mod to farm seriously mods are not enough to make people want to go to the place. Perhaps hidden Caches in the place that actually have something besides small boosters and a resource pre built.  This seems to be outdated - the rare and reinforced containers - the hunters also need updates and possibly a new type of hunter as well - infested type? I dont know just seems like some of these things have become so outdates since other changes have been made and some things have become obsolete now like the void missions themselves.  The void needs a reason to go explore a real set of reasons like it used to be - for prime objects etc. now nothing just argon really. sad. Its truly sad. 

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-Any plans to make the 4k endo sortie reward into an ayatan sculpture too?

-Ever considered making the texture/material of warframe/weapon skins to be customizable? (i.e. allowing players to switch between metallic, gloss, matte, leather-ish, etc.)

-Any thoughts of having arcanes equippable on multiple syandanas or something that does not limit my fashionframe? Not really a necessity but more of a convenience.

-Any thoughts on making the RNG bias in endless missions scale with enemy level? I mean having it so that you have more chance at rares from each rotation the longer you stay in.

-Any plans on bringing back the old arcane helmets as maybe a rare reward for some missions/raids/events/tac.alerts?

-Any plans to maybe bring into the game more endgame other than sortie 3, kuva floods, and raids? (nightmare sorties or endless kuva perhaps? Maybe the endless kuva gives the same resource, affinity and credit bonuses as in fissures)

-Given the recent mentions of Nef Anyo in the Glast Gambit, will he ever be a boss in his own raid?

-Any details you can give on what the future may hold for the alignment system?

-In the past you mentioned the cysts being used for some future mechanic. Is that still an idea in the works, or can I finally cure all my frames without having to worry?

-Will prime unvaultings ever be released with an accessory-only pack? If not are there any particular reasons why not?

-Any thoughts on giving Mag, Nightmare LoR sekhara, Vandals, Wraiths, etc the PBR treatment like the Supra Vandal?

-Oberon, Tipedo, Zhuge primes when??

-Are mods like Magma Chamber, Searing Steel and Aviator ever coming back?

-Ever considered giving the Seer Vor's teslas for just CC as an alt-fire to introduce new players to the mechanic more easily?

-Any plans on having a raid starring ALL the syndicates at once working together? How cool would that be!? :D

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2 hours ago, (PS4)TexasTwurkT3am said:

Any word on when the HDR-for-all-platforms/PS4 Pro versions of Warframe are coming out? They were mentioned in December and never spoken upon again

Same question, when HDR on PS4/PS4 Pro.

Any plans for archwing syndindicate/sorty missions???

Edited by (PS4)EliteHunterZeroX
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Oh man I can't wait for Harrow! But you know what would complete him?

Some large scythe(s)! Maybe even the ability to launch the blade like a boomerang?

Also any news about archwing ideas? I'm pretty hyped about the racing idea, but I wonder if the main gametype couldn't use some kind of ninja-parkour-ing to make all the bumping into walls less stalling to the more speedy nature of archwing battles. Instead of bumping into walls, recochet off them or do ye olde faithfull: the wallrun

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One last thing - I found a bug most people seem to be aware of it - Melee sends you moving backwards now ? and on excalibur exalted blade its even worse you get pushed backwards so much when you swing your sword you can even aim or stand still or move forward at all. This needs to be FIXED ASAP .. Also to respond to something about NPC's someone said - Pets would also be nice if you could call them to you with a button so they dont wander off when you need them. It does get annoying, Maybe a Call Pet/Spectre command where you whistle and the come to you.

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I have a question, though I'm pretty sure I'm fairly alone on this:

When are we getting some love for the weapons classes that are under-represented? I'm personally hoping for a shiny new Sword & Shield weapon sometime Soon™, but I really want to know when we are going to get another Rapier weapon.

The Destreza is so very lonely right now, and I think everybody could use more friends.

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Just a few questions!

1. Will Animo Beacons continue to be a requirement to face Ambulas after the event? And if so, will he continue to show up in other missions in order to acquire them?

2. A few months back, you announced Ember's deluxe skin with some concept art. So far we've seen Frost, Chroma, some sculpt work on Mag's and even a preview of Zephyr's. Has there been any progress with Ember's?

3. Will we ever see a Vaccuum/Ultramagnet mod for Kubrows & Kavats? I miss using my pets and the utility of any sentinel pulling every resource within my vicinity to me is too convenient to not use.

4. With so many players accustomed to the "nuking" capability of the Tonkor pre-nerf, will we ever see any weapons with a nearly comparable rate of destruction? Will there be more tweaks to these weapons in the future?

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Okay I meant my last post to be the last one on here but I forgot one very important thing. Some of the items in Syndicates offerings - cant be traded yet its the only way to get them - for example the Large Ammunition Restore - which Red Veil is the only Syndicate that has it. Also the Sculptures each Syndicate has - I dont see why the Large Restore pack blueprints from syndicates - and the Sculptures from the syndicates cant be tradeable it seems awful petty to not allow a cosmetic item for our ship and something that only 1 Syndicate has as an option to be tradeable - it to be frank is a little cruel to players who ranked up in other syndicates - you are basically saying sorry now you have to lose one of 2 that you ranked up in just to get a ammo restore pack blueprint - thats pretty much slapping us players in the face .. It hardly seems fair at all. MAking us do more redundant work.

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Can you give us an update on where discussions are at for re-releasing braton vandal and lato vandal? There was a poll on the forums regarding the re-release of braton vandal but it seems like nothing ever came of it.

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Hi Dev,

Since we have a special mod slot for aura and exilus mod, will there be any possibility to expect a mod slot just for arguments? Because by giving a one special mod slot for argument mods do allow us to build more efficient build for the frames.

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I just got some wild ideas I wanted to present.

I understand my idea may deviate from the usual style of the game, but some old posts about allowing "inader style pvp" like in Dark Souls got me thinking. I understand, Tenno attacking Tenno and hindering each other's mission is against the spirit of Warframe and its lore.
But there are bosses who do invade (and who tend to be farmed as soon as they pop). What if they were controlled by players? It would give a better challenge to players, and allow some of that pvp aspect without going against the spirit of the game.

Another idea spawned from the Ambulas event. How about having this reward system replace the current rng drops? Like, players get points from their assassination missions and redeem them for Warframe parts. They'd need multiple runs to get enough parts, but hopefully it will reduce player grievances caused by bad luck.

Thank you for your attention.

P.S. And please, some comment about Steve's idea of crewed ships. I got so excited when I found out about that!

Edited by Necromanrius
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