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Coming Soon: Devstream #92!


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3 hours ago, Chroia said:

Given that the EE.log keeps track of mission time, this should be fairly simple.


Have you tried this? I'm pretty sure it's possible.

(Also, nitpick: Cyngas is the archwing shotgun, you mean Cycron. And I agree.)


Last time I tried was last week with Spira Prime - Spiras are blade, Spiras prime are the spinning drills. I will re test tonight, thanks!

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Will we ever get the opportunity to redo secondary quests without getting awards for this, as in the cinematic main quests?

Can't wait to see some new raid trials (that would be great if there is some orokin's and corpus raids), and there is still no nightmare version for jordas verdict :(

Also need some fix for codex objects (security cameras, infested tumors and apothic imprints are missing or it's rank not full while it's scanned till green glow).

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Are beam/continuous weapons ever going to get a buff? The one-hit-per-second nerf that they got forever ago made most of them inferior to weapons that can put out multiple shots a second. 

This reddit comment compares the status effectiveness of the Glaxion vs the Grakata. 


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Would be happy if you could talk about this or at least answer the question if you would add an option where you can choose if you want to be the host before starting a mission or if you want to be matched with a squad that has already started the mission


Edited by _Mr.Robot
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1. Rebbeca said the universal vacuum discussion was being brought up in the livestream, will it? :D
2. Tennogen when? Life feels hollow without that Ivara skin.
3. Next Prime hint maybe? 
4. Is it really neccesary for nintain extracts to be that rare/time gated? With so much to work towards currently in the game it can be frustrating when you have everything ready to build something new, except for nintain. Would it be possible to up the amount awarded per alert to 3 or 5? so that it's not so much of a pain to miss alerts while working.
5. Will the Baro's inventory at the tennogen relay have the same price for each thing as it would if it was a regular Baro visit?
6. Will Harrow's quest award his parts? (pls say yes).
7. Will we have to farm 7 prime parts whenever Prime Equinnox is made? (pls say no)
8. Does Rebecca know how much is 5 seconds yet?
9. Will a new frame (or a reworked  frame) ever have exalted sword and shield as his 4? :D

10. Why does support not attend during the weekend?

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Oh boy I've been waiting to ask these questions for a while. 


1. Now that Ambulas and Pluto are using the Corpus Outpost tileset, are there any plans to add a new tileset to Venus for instance? I really would love to see Venus get reworked!

2. Can we get an ETA on the VIP system? I don't think I've been this excited for a new system in a long time.


3. I remember a long time ago that someone said the Corpus Techs were getting a visual rework. I haven't heard of any progress on that, was it scrapped?

Edited by Lord-Taco-the-Great
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Is there any chance that it will one day be possible to search for relics (both in the codex and when picking relics for refinement and missions) by the parts that it drops?

Being able to see the exact mission nodes that a relic can drop from isn't very useful if you have no idea what relic you need in the first place, and with the number of unique relics you could be browsing through growing as new ones are released and old ones vaulted, it becomes harder to keep track of which relics are relevant to the prime gear you are hoping to acquire, or even know if you have a relic for the part you want, without selecting every single relic one at a time.

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Awesome about being able to see Harrow in action!

Also some questions I would like to ask:

A couple of devstreams ago you were asked if we would be able to color each individual part of our warframes such as each arm and leg can be colored differently, is that still being thought about or worked on?

Any Specific thoughts on Oberon and whether or not he is still being tweaked a bit?

In the previous devstream the next rework or look at is Zephyr, any details ready to be released on changes or is it still being looked at?

An archwing question is that will we be able to go into archwing and out of archwing on regular missions similar to sharkwing on Uranus?

Also is there any considerations of adding more mini bosses in regular mission modes especially in survival and defense to increasing challenge of playing long timed missions and possibly adding their own rewards for defeating them? For Ex. on Defense 5 waves (boss on fifth wave), 10 waves (boss on 10th wave), etc.

Will Defense get looked at for adding more substance to it such as Gears of War horde mode where you can place barricade, turrets, traps, etc.to slow enemies and able to kill them quickly? And if so will we see units sent to destroy specific items that is being placed?

A long time ago we had two (land) big bosses (excluding archwing's Jordas Golem), Vay Hek and Lephantis, will we see bigger scale bosses such as these again in the future? And if so will be able to climb a giant boss such as Shadow of the Colossus scale and attack weak spots? 


Also for designing operators can we get slots where we get appearance slots, similar to warframes appearance presets but for operators?

Thank you for an epic game! I have been playing it for 3 years and each year is always a roller coaster ride, never slowing down and always exciting! Can't wait to see what's next!


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Love the game DE, keep up the great work.

Few notes from Update 20 onwards:

(In order of importance)

1. Dojo's are broken on PS4. Trading can take up to 30 minutes to finish because of the delay between the player, the server, and the other player. Ever since the switch from PtP to the relay servers, trading has become nigh impossible in dojos. On top of this, there are occasions where I will spawn a duplicate of my Warframe after pausing and unpausing the menu in the dojo. Also, (and I'm assuming this is because of the relay server system) sometimes I can trade with people and see dots on the minimap in my dojo of people who aren't even there. Please take a look at this, us console players need some love too.

2. Any news on the following?

  • Orokin Fan Weapon
    • Looks great and I want it really bad. Will this be a new weapon type, in the sense that we'll need new stance mods, or will it fall into another category (ie: dual daggers/ dual swords)?
  • Tenno and Corpus Shotguns
    • Both look great, very excited.
  • New Archwing Content
    • I noticed a massive improvement with the movement system of Archwing since update 20. I may actually start getting back into it if there was more to do ;)
  • Nef Anyo
    • The Sergeant is not a boss, please bring Neffy (and by extension Derf) back.
  • Nuptia(?) System
    • Read this in a Devstream transcript a while back? When will I be allowed to marry my space waifu?
    • Will there be a buff system for this mechanic (ie: playing with your betrothed gives you a bonus of some sort (damage, affinity, health etc.)
  • Swappable Cephalons
    • Can this please be a thing? As much as I love Ordis (not being sarcastic, I actually do love Ordis) I think it'd be really cool to switch the ship Cephalons out with different ones. Or maybe even a different Cephalon for each ship. Oooooooooohhhh.
  • Stalker Syndicate/Syndicate Assassinations.
    • Something I've wanted to see since I first met the Stalker back in 2014. Can we pleeeeaaaase get either a Stalker Syndicate or Syndicate Assassination missions and carry out assassinations on other playing Tenno? I would love to do some Dark Souls mess and invade another player and ice them for some kick &#! Stalker gear. If not a Stalker Syndicate then I'd think that Syndicate Assassinations would work considering you already have Death Squads in place. I think it'd be cool to allow players to take up a contract and try to fight another Tenno who's in an opposing Syndicate. Tell me that wouldn't be cool!
  • More Trials
    • I know there's a Corpus themed trial on the way so by that fat, I'm assuming that there must be an Orokin and a Sentient Trial in the works yes? ;)
  • Great Scythes (Melee Weapon idea)
    • The scythes we have in the game currently are very small and rather unsatisfying. They hit fast (which I like) but I don't get the whole "Grim Reaper" vibe when I'm wielding a scythe in this game. It'd be cool if we could have a much larger scythe (like the Kaszas) in normal combat that would swing slower and hit harder so I could run around with my Nekros Grim Reaper aesthetic. I would've submitted this for the melee weapon contest but I can't draw worth crap.
  • Tenno Customization (Mods and Configurations)
    • Honestly, I think the entire Focus system needs some tending to. What's great is that you guys are already working hard on fixing it up for us. What bothers me with it right now is the actual millions of focus it takes to fully max out an entire focus tree. It's nuts. But besides that, will we ever see operator mods? I'd love to be able to use my operator for more than half a second before he gets iced. I'd also like to be able to switch my Focus School with the click of a button instead of doing Options>Equipment>Operator>Focus>Madurai>X, It's a bit tedious and I like to switch schools a lot.
  • Derelict
    • The Derelict hass gotten no love lately and It's making me kind of upset. We used to be able to get prime parts from there. Lephantis used to be the greatest boss of all time. Surviving for an hour in an ODS used to be fun. Now the Derelict only gets visited when A: people need to finish the Eris Junction, B: People need Corrupted Mods, or C: People need Kavat scans, which honestly, I didn't even know they spawned there until I came across them by accident. I think the Derelict needs a lot of attention. I do have some ideas for it but I'll save those for a bit later on.
  • Conclave
    • I have a few things for this one so hold onto your hats.
      • Relevancy
        • I enjoy Conclave. I used to hate it, but I forced my self to dig deep and really try to find the light in it. Now I love it. I play at least 3 matches everyday. But a lot of my friends and Clanmates hate it. Especially a lot of the upper level players absolutely despise Conclave or just never touch it. Why is that? there are a few reasons and I'll get into them in a sec, but the main reason is because Conclave serves no purpose for the main game. Sure it offers some exclusive mods that can be used in PvP and PvE and it offers an alternative way to level up and enjoy the game. But playing it serves no real purpose other that cosmetics (which is why I'm playing it) and a few mods. If Conclave wants to be an actually important component of Warframe then it needs to have some serious changes made. If you don't mid please conider the following.
      • Annihilation (1vAll)
        • This game mode is bad because of the way it's set up. When you get a kill you have to go and retrieve the Oro that drops. Who ever has the most Oro or gets to 25 Oro first wins. The problem is, people can steal Oro without getting the kills. All someone has to do is sit in the back and watch two people fight, see them kill each other, and go take both Oro without getting touched. That or just a random passerby slides in and grabs it on accident because they were evading someone else and ran into it. The score should be based off of kills, not Oro count because the Oro count is not an accurate measure of player skill. It's just who's better at stealing points.
      • Custom Matches
        • We need to be able to have custom private matches. I would enjoy Conclave a lot more if I could practice againsst A.I., or play matches against friends with modifiers on (such as infinite energy, no health restore, headshots only, etc.). I'd really enjoy it if something like this came to the game.
      • New Game Modes
        • Currently there are 4 game modes in Conclave. I would really like to see a lot more types of game modes in Conclave so there is more diversity in the matches. I have some game mode ideas that could potentially be a lot of fun in Warframe because of the character variability.
          • Search and Destroy: One team protects an objective while the other destroys it.
          • Melee Only: Self explanatory, only a melee weapon is allowed.
          • Snipers Only: Only a Sniper Rifle is allowed.
          • Bows Only: Only a bow is allowed
          • King of the Hill (Teams and Free For All: Teams or individual players compete to hold down a marked location for a period of time to gain points. Whoever stays on the objective the longest wins the match.
          • Prime (Juggernaut): One player starts off as the Prime. The Prime does increased damage and has increased health. The objective is to get as many kills as the Prime as you can to score points. Other players will have to work together to take the Prime down. Whoever lands the final blow on the Prime becomes the new Prime and the cycle continues.
          • Infested (Infected): One player is on a team alone against the enemy team. The enemy team is only allowed a Lato to defend themselves whereas the solo "Infected" player is allowed a different weapon (Latron, Braton, etc). When the Infested player kills an enemy, the enemy also becomes infested. The objective of the Infested is to turn everyone in the match Infected where as the Clean team is trying to stay alive until the timer runs out. (Playing as a Charger would be hella fun.)
      • Relevancy Part 2
        • Do something to make Conclave relevant. There's no incentive to actually play Conclave right now so people aren't going to do it. If there was something that only Conclave had that players would want (more exclusive mods, exclusive weapons, Catalyst/Reactor/Forma rewards, Prime Part rewards) them more people would play it and it would give a reason to want to improve it.
    • Umbras
      • I hate to be the guy to bring it up but where are the Umbras at? I know they're coming. I trust you DE. But we've waited so long, I really hope you've got something big planned for this. My idea for the Umbras was to bring a base Warframe to the Derelict and have the player relive the memories of the original Operator of that Warframe (Ember Prime's codex entry) and slowly watch as the Warframe turned into its original state, its Umbra state. 
    • Next Syndicate Quests
      • I'm hype for Harrow and the Red Veil quest but I'm even more hype to see what you have in store for us for the Steel Meridian and the Arbiters of Hexis. 
    • Mission Types
      • Can we PLEASE get more missions like the Assault mission of the Kuva Fortress? It's so much fun and I want more of that.
    • New Planets/Solar Systems
      • We got Lua with the Second Dream. Perhaps it's time to expand out even further? I'd like to be able to experience new environments, new factions, new characters, and new enemies.
    • Sentient Invasion
      • When I saw the Tomb of the Sentients trailer I was honestly expecting a full scale invasion of the Sentients on the next update. Obviously that didn't happen, but I'd love it if you guys made that dream come true.
    • Fashion Frame
      • Can we get Syndanas that wrap around the face as well as go down the back?
      • Will there ever be an actual use for armor besides cosmetics?
    • Closing
      • Thank you DE for the past 4 years. I love Warframe to death. I love playing with my friends and progressing ever farther into the depths of what Warframe has to offer. I take heavy inspiration from all of the hard work this team does and I'm always excited to see what you guys will do next. I hope you take the time to read this post and consider some of the suggestions I have a listed. Even if change never comes, I'll still love Warframe and I will continue to play it until the day I die.
      • Sincerely, Your ever faithful Tenno
      • TurtletheBlack
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1: Back when the new syndicate mods were first brought up on a devstream, I distinctly remember a consensus being reached that the Red Veil one needed to be changed. Was not changing it a conscious decision, or did you forget? If the former, what was your reasoning? If the latter, well, it happens to the best of us.

2: So, the Supra is the first tintable Vandal variant (hooray!), are you planning to go back and make existing Vandals (and Wraiths!) tintable as well?

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