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Is Warframe becoming pay to win?

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5 minutes ago, CaliburxZero said:

Pay to win talks about paying to get in-game advantages, however small.  And I believe (aka in MY opinion) that its not realistic to enjoy said power without paying.  Also, this is a game about getting loot.  And some of the best loot in the game (rivens) is pretty hard to enjoy in its present state.

Until rivens are improved in accessibility in a meaningful way to obtain, or removed entirely this is my opinion and view of the game at the moment.

Anyways, its not like I expect you to not come back to be sassy at me just because you don't like my opinion.  

How is the original "god-tier" riven acquired? For free, randomly. Yes, the chance is low. But this is the way to give us incentive to stay in game and spend our time here to get the best. If you don't want to play for it, you can skip the process by buying rivens from other players or you can ignore the whole riven thing and still be very powerful. Actually, the purpose of rivens is not making already powerful weapons even more powerful, but giving weak weapons a chance to shine. IMO, it'd be better to just revise useless gear and not introduce rivens at all, but still, this system is nowhere near pay-to-win.

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I dont think its P2W, but I personally could not play this game as a free player.  I love this game, dont even wanna think how much ive spent.  I couldnt do the waiting 24 hours for forma to build when you can only build one at a time, waiting god knows how long to imprint two different animals then mix them together, playing trade chat just to buy slots, not being able to buy things that I cant get to drop and who knows what else im forgetting.  I'll continue to buy PAs and such because this is one of my favorite games.  If you are a free player theres nothing wrong with it, I just personally couldnt do it.

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Would you look at that, another player complaining about P2W on the least P2W F2P the market has to offer. 

#1- Skin Packs and instrument packs are not instrumental (ha) to winning. They are purely cosmetic and can be bought with plat like anything else. Simply go farm the plat and problem solved. No real money needed.

#2- The only thing in WF that you cannot buy with plat is Tennogen, and those are cosmetic as well. Besides this there is a simple way to buy everything you "need". Go frickin farm for the plat and buy it like the rest of us.

#3- Resource drop rates and amounts are not P2W, and like I mentioned, just go farm like the rest of us. The boosters are meant to be expensive because they are only for impatient players (you) who don't want to spend the time to farm. 

Stop complaining when the reason you don't have something is your fault alone. Also don't use the forums to rant about how the game is so called "P2W". If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to play it

Edited by Aleksundar
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8 hours ago, Dycoth said:

Octavia was, I believe, a big mistake. Not the Warframe herself, but the fact that you have to buy many component of her main skill. Why isn't there a way to farm at least 1 instrument...? Songs are cosmetics, just to have the music we want, but when we play her we hear the song from the beginning until the end on the mission, so you can't say me that this is just a cosmetc. I've heard too many HORRIBLE musics... Unplayable.


But, except for Octavia, Warframe is not a pay-to-win. It's only Pay-To-Accelerate.
You need to reroll a Riven, I don't know, 10 or 15 times ? So, let's farm.
You want it in a faster way ? So, pay a booster, and farm x2 less.

Octavias sound packs aren't pay to win.

At all.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

the thing is, u cant get kuva unless u do war within, even if u do a kuva mission, it wont reward kuva

u can get all of the parts of octavia without even doing second dream... including doing the quest

so no u cant just do 4 kuva missions if you cant do kuva missions yet lol 

one of my clan members was dead set on building ti till he found out about the kuva :u

Oooooh Kay, I think we solved this issue. OP doesn't quite understand the mechanics of the game/is straight crazy. What's this BS about kuva? There are literally 10 kuva missions on the map at any given time. Use your eyes XD

orrrr... Just do the fackin cinematic quest and stop btching

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FREE GAME releases new FREE FRAME for everyone to get FOR FREE. Have to shell some plat to make the music sound different XD yep gg totally pay to win. All joking aside, DE upped their game and tried a frame with a completely new concept and many of us my wife included, obtained said frame without spending a nickel. Seems perfectly fair to me.

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7 hours ago, LordMazulia said:

It's not "almost" pay-to-win. It's simply not at all. DE doesn't make up the trade prices for Riven mods. That's what we, the players, did on our own. If someone is selling a riven for 700 plat, that's because they chose to sell it for that much.

Right. Here is where I call complete and utter bullS#&$.

If someone is selling a particular Riven for 700 plat, assuming they can get it of course, then it has nothing to do with the player choosing to sell it for that much. This is 100% supply and demand. The only reason you can get that price is because supply is restricted vs the demand being the entire player base. The demand is always the entire player base, or some approximation of it.

And this is the biggest problems with Rivens. Until they came along, it was not PTW in any way. And it's still mostly not. I mean really, what are you winning? But now the goal posts have shifted. It's no longer a case of playing a PUG game and having an Uber frame in the mix. Now it's a case of having no fun not only because of the Uber frame, but also because a random guy/girl/hermaphrodite has a god tier Riven. I have the right to use the words "no fun", because most players don't want to feel that they got carried, whether they needed it or not.

Assuming they can't be removed from the game since people have payed plat and there is a need for some kind of end game style grind, then Rivens need a total ban from public play.

A total ban from public play.


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9 hours ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

With Octavia's music packs being be behind a pay wall, on top of other changes to resource drop rates and the need for kuva, do you guys think warframes mindset has changed to pay to win?

Ya I think the should have had an option to build them with resources as well. It's not a cosmetic so I can see where people could see this a cash grab.


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12 hours ago, Dycoth said:

Octavia was, I believe, a big mistake. Not the Warframe herself, but the fact that you have to buy many component of her main skill. Why isn't there a way to farm at least 1 instrument...? Songs are cosmetics, just to have the music we want, but when we play her we hear the song from the beginning until the end on the mission, so you can't say me that this is just a cosmetc. I've heard too many HORRIBLE musics... Unplayable.


But, except for Octavia, Warframe is not a pay-to-win. It's only Pay-To-Accelerate.
You need to reroll a Riven, I don't know, 10 or 15 times ? So, let's farm.
You want it in a faster way ? So, pay a booster, and farm x2 less.

ummmm the type of instrument you use has no effect on Octavia's abilities besides how your songs sound.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

With Octavia's music packs being be behind a pay wall, on top of other changes to resource drop rates and the need for kuva, do you guys think warframes mindset has changed to pay to win?

NO.... Absolutely. This things dont give domination upon the other players. Also pay2win it is not about platinum things (you can recieve it for free by trade skills) , boosters is obtainable in sorties and rare crates. Music pack dont give any advantage.

What are you saying it is nonsense

Edited by UmbraDestroyer
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5 hours ago, DxAdder said:

Ya I think the should have had an option to build them with resources as well. It's not a cosmetic so I can see where people could see this a cash grab.


It is literally the definition of cosmetic in this context. It's a frivolous form of customisation that has zero impact on actual gameplay what so ever.

There's a few people here that somehow have it in their head that both Octavia and her optional music packs are somehow P2W and... that just blows my mind. No, really. Reading this and the few other comments like it just:




Edited by StinkyPygmy
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You can buy her packs yes, but they don't help you in any way...ok, maybe they make it so you can play Spotify less in the background, but that's about all it does. Oh yea, it also lets you show off your skillz by showing that you can combine sounds to form...wait, what's the sound version of Captain Planet called again?

Now I kinda wanna see how Hollywood would mess up a Captain Planet reboot...

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Despite the grind, no Warframe is by no mean pay-to-win. What is there to win? There's no edge to gain since everything that you can level gains advantage from mods, if you go by buying mods then I suppose that could constitute as p2w. 
If there's anything explicit in this game it's that it is "pay to skip the farm/grind" and "pay to look good" much like buying skins for weapons in other games.

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