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This Game is Boring


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That's not how aerodynamics and physics work!! Angular momentum where did it go?! Fly by Space tenno magic?


lel jk aside, this is project dylan? Lol from previous ruckus between two teams it must be really good or people will roast devs again.

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1 hour ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Never said weapon attack animations. Movement animations aren't the same thing. And I mean movement animations as in the walking, running, and sprinting animations. I'm not talking about parkour animations. Motion-capturing walking, running, and sprinting animations is entirely doable by DE's animation team. You're wrong if you think that isn't doable.

Ahh, see you didn't specify at first.  That sounds very doable without any extra expenses.  It's the other stuff I was thinking that would be problematic (not undoable).  

As for walk animations, I'm all in favor of the one 2B has in Nier: Automata.  :D

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What game isn't repetitive though? Let's look at the games that are similar to Warframe. We have Destiny which has you doing the same 5-6 missions over and over again or 1 of the 4 raids over and over again. Or you do PVP which is always the same thing on a different map. 

Borderlands has you doing different quests, but as soon as you finish the story then you have to do the same story again at least two more times. And that is for just one character. Then if you want to do the raid bosses you have to farm, which requires you doing the same thing over and over again to get the better weapons. 

Now, let's look at different games. Skyrim's quests all become very repetitive. It's either "go fetch this for me" or "go kill this for me". Sure you can chose to either do it with a bow or with a sword or with magic, but those are the same kinds of choices Warframe offers, too. 

Any FPS/MMO/MOBA game is repetitive. League of Legends you are literally doing the same thing on the same map each time. Call of Duty you are doing the same games just on different maps. Call of Duty Zombies you are doing the same thing over and over again just trying to get to a higher round. World of Warcraft you are grinding for better loot to do the same raids over and over again. 

Games that offer a great variety are very rare. One step further, multiplayer games that offer variety are even rarer. Unless you play just story games once and then put them away, you are doing something repetitive. 

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If I want to be honest this game was always boring because of it's direction and it's repetitiveness. You grind for better gear then again and beyond the quests and few non grinding game mode (yes conclave you) the game cannot provide more fun what the peoples think it is. The game offer a huge variation of weaponry which expanding with new items and frames by the time but no matter what style you play or items added into the game the game always be the same grindy grind. This is fun in the first sight at the second is okay but in the third time you realize you seriously needs to find another game.

Everyone who like this game is mostly like because advertised a ninja like game and that is sounds cool and peoples imagined / visionalised potentials what the game could have posses but these arent or just partly implemented in to this game. 

That is not a huge surprise many peoples coming and leaving the game and many others make breaks and come back later to see if anything changed but the game core concept wont change. This is that kind of game which can enjoyable for fews thousands of hours but in the first 1 hour (except) the tutorial you can realise this game is a time robber and grant almost nothing. No puzzles, no real lore or braintraining situations, no have so many interesting mechanics and ideas which could keep this game in a long run and almost everything in updates just add another layer to grind with no or almost none of lore or idea behind it.

So it is not a big surprise that Sharpie feels the game is boring because the game is really boring but sometimes you can enjoy it if you just add goals to yourself or just try to kill things. Pvp is hated but this pvp is more fair unlike any other pvp game and the pvp could be interesting because you fight against an (supposed to be) intelligent opponent whom can counter your action. Let to be honest that is more interesting part of the game but the lack of servers and the laggy gaming experience make that part of the game unenjoyable.

Lunaro also an interesting game type idea but sadly that is unfinished and uninteresting in the current state and most of the peoples not like the mini sports in game unless they playing sport games. The game also not open world and auction houses, more rooms and social activity stuffs for relays and dojos could make the game more interesting and in game you can socalize, participate in tournaments, "playing card" game, make obstacles more varied and challanging with minor rewards etc. All of these which could boost the game are missing and likely won't be added anytime soon.

The game design is mediocre, the map designs is repetitive and good for horde shooters like this but need a lot more variation or finally a map making option. The warframe designs mostly nice and cool and mostly these keeps interested the players playing and the hope they can get some lore but to be honest that is a lot of time and often poorly executed. DE is a medium team by now but not that huge which could do every part of the game better at the same time and they are working precise and slow to try deliver some new stuff but the core concept is the same so mostly the result is the same repetitiveness.

Personally I can manage the burn out by playing many other game and not focusing one.

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15 minutes ago, Skyeborne said:

What game isn't repetitive though? Let's look at the games that are similar to Warframe. We have Destiny which has you doing the same 5-6 missions over and over again or 1 of the 4 raids over and over again. Or you do PVP which is always the same thing on a different map. 

Borderlands has you doing different quests, but as soon as you finish the story then you have to do the same story again at least two more times. And that is for just one character. Then if you want to do the raid bosses you have to farm, which requires you doing the same thing over and over again to get the better weapons. 

Now, let's look at different games. Skyrim's quests all become very repetitive. It's either "go fetch this for me" or "go kill this for me". Sure you can chose to either do it with a bow or with a sword or with magic, but those are the same kinds of choices Warframe offers, too. 

Any FPS/MMO/MOBA game is repetitive. League of Legends you are literally doing the same thing on the same map each time. Call of Duty you are doing the same games just on different maps. Call of Duty Zombies you are doing the same thing over and over again just trying to get to a higher round. World of Warcraft you are grinding for better loot to do the same raids over and over again. 

Games that offer a great variety are very rare. One step further, multiplayer games that offer variety are even rarer. Unless you play just story games once and then put them away, you are doing something repetitive. 

Well, it's two fold, and it's not about repetition. First, yes, it's about a game offering a variety of missions to play and objectives to complete. Using the COD example (since everyone likes to criticize COD, even though it's a best-selling billion dollar franchise), COD games offer a complete single player story that introduces you to the story, its characters, its factions, its locations, and its weapons. Then it offers some COOP gameplay that is based on the story. And then it offers multiplayer with a variety of different game modes, as well as weapons from the single player. This also includes character customization and weapon customization, including changing different weapon attachments. So the games offer a good bit of diverse content to accommodate different play styles.

Second, it's about the gameplay itself. This is the most important thing. COD players find the gameplay satisfying. Sure, they're doing the same thing over and over again, but the gameplay mechanics themselves are satisfying. From the grenade kills to sneak knife attacks to no-scope quickshots to the C4 kills and killstreaks and perks, the gameplay is satisfying. Activision develops their game with gameplay in mind. It's not about the specific weapons or the item rewards you get. It's about the gameplay. And THAT is why the shooter genre is so popular, and why COD in particular has been so popular and so successful. Same with the Battlefield series. If the gameplay is actually fun, then you don't care as much about how repetitive it gets, because the gameplay experience is actually enjoyable. When you play COD, you play for the gameplay, not for the items. The different unique features are just icing on the cake.

That's what Warframe players don't understand. WF players play the game mainly for the rewards that they get, because that's really all Warframe has to offer, ultimately. The gameplay mechanics are so basic in WF that players don't find satisfaction in the gameplay, but in the items that gameplay gives. So you'll have players getting burnt out because the only thing they played the game for was the reward. And when they've collected every item, they have nothing left to do, nothing left to enjoy, because the only thing they enjoy is collecting stuff. They don't actually enjoy the gameplay, so when there is no more stuff to get, they have nothing left to enjoy about the game. You do not see that in games like COD, because the entire focus of the game's development is to create a satisfying multiplayer gameplay experience.

So the issue isn't repetition. The real issue is how satisfying the gameplay experience is, when you have no more items to collect. If DE were to take out all mod drops and end-of-mission rewards, is the game still satisfying? Is it still enjoyable? Or is the thing that makes the game enjoyable the item that you receive?

13 minutes ago, C3-BANAKANI said:

Lol the moderators must be busy with Tennocon. This type of topic does not survive two posts usually in these forums.

Well, it's actually a civil discussion, so there's really no reason for a mod to lock the thread.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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After almost 3k hours in game, I can say one thing.

The game does get a bit 'old' at times, but being able to play it with my brother and friends has kept me around for the longest time.
The gameplay is fun, the tried and true hack-slash-loot schematic works wonders (RNG sucks sometimes, though). The game itself is beautiful and vibrant, and the Warframes are well designed and sleek looking. (most of them. ;D) Operators and their respective Focus system need some touch-ups, and the game's overall lore needs to be more fleshed out. We still don't know that much about the Orokin as a race, we haven't seen the Tau system yet, and we haven't been told about what the Warframes really are. (I know that they're cooking something up for that.)

Anyway, I do sometimes ask the question: "Why am I still playing?" I have basically everything I can get at the moment. Nothing more I could ever want.
Regardless of the reasoning behind the question, I always come up with this answer.

Because having fun is never repetitive.

I know most people don't have fun with something if it never changes, and that's why nobody likes being stuck at one spot in their lives (or in games). But this game is continuing to evolve, not so much lately, but I know that they're hard at work trying to make this game better for everyone. I understand and have felt that feeling of burnout several times, but it always goes away if I just let myself take a break.

I love Warframe, and I wouldn't stop playing it just because I thought it was going nowhere. The possibility and potential this game has when it is finished keeps me enticed and playing. And spending time with friends and family while playing, making our own stories where there isn't any, and just experiencing it together.
That's what makes it worthwhile for me.

Everyone has their reasons.
And every reason is a good one.
To me, the time I've spent with my brother and sisters in this game means much more to me than all the items I've attained while playing with them.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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13 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

The amount of content isn't the issue.
- snip -
Of course, those who view the game solely through the lens of collecting, maxing out, and moving on to the next item, will disagree. 

That is my point though. Even with other games, there will eventually become a time when you as a player just begin to feel like you've experienced all of what a game has to offer and the player begins to feel bored. I do think that phenomena is more pronounced in Warframe because of the nature of the game, and you are absolutely right with what you are saying there.

I especially liked when it was mentioned how DE's design is always a sidegrade, when in fact their game would be better off by focusing on fleshing out what is already there. Sidegrades will not do much if they are based on a shallow mechanic, but a good game mechanic will always build a strong foundation for a game. Of course the essential question here is if DE is willing to undergo such risk because they have also had history with making mistakes (Archwing 2.0) and it is unknown if they feel confident to take those risks.

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1 hour ago, Iccotak said:

Anthem looks nothing like Warframe, sorry I just don't see it
One has open world environments and is a complete product.
the other one has been in BETA hell for the past 4 years

Anthem looks amazing but we will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

And Destiny 2 is coming to PC, will I play it ? Yup 100% for sure.

The fact is that AAA studios have seen the success of Warframe and are trying  to cash in on it. 



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2 hours ago, Iccotak said:

Anthem looks nothing like Warframe, sorry I just don't see it
One has open world environments and is a complete product.
the other one has been in BETA hell for the past 4 years

That's right Anthem has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DO WITH Warframe.

@Pendragon1951 I don't get it why someone here even says that it is like Warframe. Only because they have exosuits? Ok then, omg look at that Crysis clone named Warframe :P

The funny thing is only Warframe players compare Anthem to Warframe. Noone else does it. If you watch a YouTube video about Anthem and look at the comments you will only see comparisons to Destiny and Mass Effect Andromeda^^

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44 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

Anthem looks amazing but we will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

And Destiny 2 is coming to PC, will I play it ? Yup 100% for sure.

The fact is that AAA studios have seen the success of Warframe and are trying  to cash in on it.

I don't buy this idea that AAA studios are somehow jealous of Digital Extremes' success and are trying to "cash in." These are studios that already make a whole lot more money than DE can ever dream of making. They're already successful, and aren't looking to Warframe as a measure of success because, compared to them, it really isn't successful when compared to those studios. That's like saying AAA studios are trying to cash in on the success of a niche game series like Arma. Yeah, sure, it's been around since 2001, but it has never been nearly as successful as AAA studios. Same with Warframe. Sure, it boasts a high number of registered players (notice how you never hear how many active players it actually has, which is a much better judge of the game's actual popularity), but that isn't a measure of success. A publisher like Activision (publisher behind Destiny), who has quite literally made billions off of franchises like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty, and a studio like Bungie (creators of Destiny), who is famous for the extremely successful Halo franchise, are most certainly not looking to Warframe in order to copy its "success" because they've had success several times over with multiple completed projects, while DE boasts what? Dark Sector? An incomplete Warframe which can't even get out of beta after four years (WF's more comparable to DayZ than anything)? Some random ports here and there? Despite PCGamer's flowery words about Warframe, it is not the game-changer that they, and the community here, make it out to be. And it most certainly cannot be considered more successful than what AAA studios have already put out. You want to know what is successful? COD4, a game which has spawned a billion-dollar franchise and which is still played even now, nearly 10 years after it was released. That is success.

14 minutes ago, Sarcasm4Free said:

That's right Anthem has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DO WITH Warframe.

@Pendragon1951 I don't get it why someone here even says that it is like Warframe. Only because they have exosuits? Ok then, omg look at that Crysis clone named Warframe :P

The funny thing is only Warframe players compare Anthem to Warframe. Noone else does it. If you watch a YouTube video about Anthem and look at the comments you will only see comparisons to Destiny and Mass Effect Andromeda^^

Just like Warframe players are the main ones comparing Destiny and Warframe, when there are barely similarities. It's like comparing Division to Warframe just because it emphasizes loot.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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30 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

Anthem looks amazing but we will have to wait and see how it actually plays.

And Destiny 2 is coming to PC, will I play it ? Yup 100% for sure.

The fact is that AAA studios have seen the success of Warframe and are trying  to cash in on it. 



Sci Fi shooters came out before Warframe existed (Halo, Crysis) the only difference is they were Singleplayer based. It's not a new thing to create Sci Fi shooters. Warframe didn't invent it^^

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Just now, Sarcasm4Free said:

Sci Fi shooters came out before Warframe existed (Halo, Crysis) the only difference is they were Singleplayer based. It's not a new thing to create Sci Fi shooters. Warframe didn't invent it^^

This. Not only that, but the games you mentioned also featured multiplayer. Halo was iconic for its singleplayer, but popular for its multiplayer.

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For those of you who think this game is boring, no one is forcing you to play it all the time. There are a variety of other games that you can play and other things to do. The best way to get out of burning out in this game is to play other games in between. Heck you can go ahead and choose to play this only on every major update and I'm sure you'll have a good time for a few weeks.

The content may be slowing down a bit but at least we get more out of it. Mostly quest for the warframes (and a damn good one came with octavia). Quantity may be lacking but quality isn't. 

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3 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Exactly. Anthem isn't like Warframe at all. Warframe is an inferior product from a technical standpoint, imo. Anthem (and everyone else recognizes this) is a Destiny copy, not a Warframe copy. It is targeting the Destiny player base (which is not the same as the Warframe player base).

A futuristic exploration post/apocalyptic world with almost extinct humans is not new. 
Destiny has a more Star Wars/fantasy feel
While Anthem has more of a hard sci-fi edge
Also there is a new Metro: Exodus

Also I concur about Warframe. I even warned about this a long while ago.
Destiny would learn from its mistake and vastly improve
Co-op open world action games were going on the rise.
It was only a matter of time before AAA produced high-quality content that left Warframe behind.

imo, DE needs to focus their resources on one planet at a time so then they can create the best quality levels in shorter time.
Rather than spreading themselves thin and creating content slower.
Stop focusing on toys and focus on the meat and bones of the game

-Update Tile sets for the new movement system
-Create new and unique Tile sets like Kuva Fortress
-Make Tile sets specific to mission types
-Create unique enemies for the planets
-Create several storylines per planet
-Create unique Boss Fights
-Implement lore, dialogue, conversations in the game
-Overhaul the Relays
-Create unique Syndicate Missions
-Overhaul Archwing with unique missions and bosses

And etc. And etc.

The Meat and Bones of the game, stop focusing on the little stuff


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Just now, Iccotak said:

A futuristic exploration post/apocalyptic world with a human city is not new. 
Destiny has a more Star Wars/fantasy feel
While Anthem has more of a hard sci-fi edge

Well, Anthem seems to have a gameplay focus that is similar to Destiny's. That's why I say Anthem seems to be a Destiny copy. Sure, Anthem's setting and technology are closer to Titanfall in aesthetic, but the gameplay itself seems to be similar to that of Destiny. I wouldn't be surprised if it's meant to compete with Destiny.

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Warframe is in heart a mindless hack and Slash game like dynasty warrior, for some it will get repetitive quick, for other they keep coming back because of being able to obliterate massive enemies in style, and fashion frame.

I do want DE develop more lore base content in the future.

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On 6/9/2017 at 8:53 AM, JSharpie said:

Subjective title aside, it's time I finally faced the facts. This game, from the start to the end, is the same thing. Shoot, run to extract, shoot, run to extract. There is little variation on anything. Even playing different frames feels the same. Whenever a new or interesting mechanic comes out, it's either a gimmick (Operators), worthless (2/5 focus schools), or non-functional/troll heavy (Limbo, and I really like Limbo). This isn't a slight at the devs, I couldn't have done better and I think they're doing their best. Lets face it though, even attempts at reworks just end up being more of the same. Archwing was the last totally new thing we got and it was awesome, the possibilities were awesome! Supposedly they're working on it, but it flopped. Majorly.

So there lies the crux of the problem. This game is boring. At least for me. I don't think I'm the only one, but if I am, woops. I mean where is the variation in gameplay? Even new powers are functionally the same. Generally there are 5 categories. CC, Buffs, Damage, Utility, and Mobility. That's what our powers generally do. And they're effective, sure, but are they fun? Maybe for the first couple of months of gameplay, but after that? I mean a lot of us have been at this for 2, 3, 4 years! All we do is shoot, or spam E to melee. I mean a lot could be accomplished if just the Melee system was fleshed out, or if the FoV was able to be altered just a bit more! But instead we have grossly powerful weapons where we hit one button and everything dies until the level gets so high we just can't possibly do it anymore. That's not good game design, at least not in my opinion. We need fixed level design. Let me play on beautiful earth with level 100 enemies. Balance our mods and weapons around that. Set a level cap, and balance around it. It'll be hard work, but it'll pay off. Vary  you're enemies. Make parrying do something. Let me open up a melee only enemy for finishers by parrying at the right time. Oh wait, did you guys know we can already do that? It's never apparent, and there is almost no purpose to it. So give us purpose to our mechanics. Make charge attacks work, make channeling worthwhile, make deflection viable, allow varied gameplay instead of this tired meta.

DE, I know you're trying hard, but as a long time fan of the game there are some glaring problems that need to be fixed. I've been ignoring them for awhile assuming better things were on the horizon, but it's important to point this out now. The direction the game is, the direction I think it's going, it isn't fun. Not for me, and I'm willing to bet not for others. 

You ever played Diablo? Cause this is TPS Diablo,It's a dungeon crawler.

Kinda like in a racing game you always race and in a fighting game you always fight?




Take Black Desert Online. I've been playing that game for awhile. That game is more of a grind than this is. It's awful, yet I love that game to bits. The gameplay is fun. Combos are flashy, taming horses is fun, farming, fishing, crafting, it's all there and all interesting. What's stopping Warframe from adding something new? Something varied? Something to do that isn't just a new tool to do the same thing?

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and it works out. I hope it's just me that has found this game to be boring. 


This game is not an mmo.

But they have added PVP, Lunaro, Archwing, breeding pets, crafting.

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I don't have as much of an opinion about some of the game as I haven't made it far enough. I have had tons of fun helping new players and just playing the game. However sometimes it is literally putting me to sleep as I'm playing. I sometimes keep playing, sometimes pass out (great for before bed lol!), or have to get up and move to wake up. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I play for days or hours, sometimes I don't play for months. Sometimes the grind is too boring.. everything is the same : p however sometimes it's a ton of fun! Maybe just personal preference here haha!:thumbup:Overall though this game is amazing for a free to play game. I have supported their game and bought content within it, and I don't regret it ;)

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I'd totally love a farm on my Liset or on a planet where I could grow things (Threshcones! Ferrite mining! Relic 'cabbages'!) Raise desert skates to... milk? Lol Harvest Moon lite. Build a lovely base to keep it all. Maybe dojo rooms?

Edited by (XB1)x Varda x
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I am with you OP.

I come from Payday 2. I have 1200+ hours in that game. Even though it's graphics are outdated, and the game engine has a lot of quirks, it's a "smarter" game than this one. In Warframe you supposedly do a lot of things, but it's basically the same always. Defend this, exterminate that, but to accomplish that you just have to kill the waves of enemies that come at you. That's it. The only maps a little more elaborated are raids (trials) where you have to (gasp) stand on a pressure plate... right.

Payday 2 is also a lot of the same too. Shoot loads of cops that come at you. But the similarities end there. For starters, special units are meaningful and challenging to fight. A bulldozer charging at you is a frightening experience. A tazer is an annoying sob that can get you downed at every moment. A cloaker that can spawn at any minute and down you in just one hit. In Warframe? Lets see... bombards? Just a unit with heavier armor and a rocket launcher. There are no new mechanics involved. Sometimes you hardly can distinguish it from other units. A lot of people resent nullifiers, but at least they introduce some challenge in  the game.

But the biggest difference are in the map mechanics. In Warframe the map is just a setting where things happen. There is almost no interaction with it at all, except for a couple cyphers here and there. In Payday 2, even though some of them repeat, it's a lot more interesting. Protect this thermal drill from cops until it opens the safe, and don't let the cops stop it. Do not touch the lasers in this bank while we are stealthing it. Steal an ancient Samurai armor from a mercenary contractor without sounding alarms. Destroy as much property as possible from this Russian mobster so we can get his location when he tries to threaten us. Etc. Finishing a map most of the time requires also completing a series of objectives, each one a challenge in itself.

There is also the fantastic music by Simon Viklund (and others too), which really pumps your adrenaline and makes the game more exciting, something that I feel is somewhat lacking in Warframe.

You eventually get bored of doing the same missions in Payday 2 too, but at least I feel a lot more compelled and excited in repeating a Big Bank map than doing another interception in Warframe while I watch the timer go by and bore myself to death.

I have stayed in this game for the sense of progress it gives. Collecting the frames, getting the weapons, etc. It's a grinding/collectors game. But I also admit it has a lot of Skinner box conditioning aspects (check this great video for an explanation: The Skinner Box - How Games Condition People to Play More - Extra Credits ). But the truth settles at some point, as it happened to you. I have opened the game a lot of times, thinking for example about doing invasions to build a new weapon, but the thought of doing 3 times the same missions I have done over and over is not a fun prospect.

The truth is, there is not much to do except kill enemies, to get more weapons and frames which you can use to... well, kill more enemies. That's it.


Edit: I think I must also mention what is good in Warframe. The engine for starters is nice. Worlds look good, frames look good too. Visually it's a very attractive game. Although 3rd person view is not my favorite, it works here. There is also a lot of weapons that feel different from each other, with different mechanics and functioning. Flamethrowers, energy weapons, projectile weapons, weapons that deal elemental damage, different types of melee weapons, etc. Lot of variety there. Frames are varied too, and considering there are a lot of them, it's a feat that DE has created so many different abilities for them, even if some times balancing them is hard. Not really a fan of the design of all frames (I mean, standard Excalibur looks like a smiling toad/crab with a horn on the forehead), but with some accessories and color design, they can look really elaborate and attractive. The combat, feels fluid and the powers meaningful, most of the time.

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5 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

That's not how aerodynamics and physics work!! Angular momentum where did it go?! Fly by Space tenno magic?


lel jk aside, this is project dylan? Lol from previous ruckus between two teams it must be really good or people will roast devs again.

Anthem is almost everything I could want in a co-op...But Bioware is running it and they don't respect their online properties worth a darn. It can be one of the best games on the planet and if they don't treat it right, it's gonna fail.

The ME Multiplayer and SWToR are excellent examples of an innate wrongheadedness in regard to how online should be managed imo. (makes no sense to make purchases in ME because you are more likely NOT to get what you wanted as opposed to the opposite, SWTOR has some of the best episodic tales in the business right now, but it's not worth a monthly sub and F2P is so restrictive it's not even funny. AND most of their new stuff is locked behind a paywall whether you sub or not)

DE, otoh, learned it the hard way,took the bumps and chose to do it better because it was their "Final Fantasy"... Either it worked or they failed as a company.

Seems like it's working to me.

That said, the game is 4 years old (whether in Beta or not) and they are going to have to up their game a bit to compete... New experiences, varied experiences, new story, and rewarding effort (something DE does the worst possible job at imo).

I'm glad Anthem and Destiny 2 are coming as it opens up opportunities to see DE raise the level of it's own game.

I'll definitely be playing Anthem, but I don't see it keeping me from logging in to WF on a regular basis.

...Only DE can do that.


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3 hours ago, Iccotak said:

Also I concur about Warframe. I even warned about this a long while ago.
Destiny would learn from its mistake and vastly improve
Co-op open world action games were going on the rise.
It was only a matter of time before AAA produced high-quality content that left Warframe behind.

This right here. DE will either evolve or die. Because the current formula will not sustain them. All I am waiting for is a Star Wars "mass effect/destiny/anthem" type game and I'd never load WF up again. Be to busy learning lightsaber fighting styles. 

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24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

This right here. DE will either evolve or die. Because the current formula will not sustain them. All I am waiting for is a Star Wars "mass effect/destiny/anthem" type game and I'd never load WF up again. Be to busy learning lightsaber fighting styles. 

Dang. That's exactly how I feel. I mean, once Battlefront 2 comes out, I'll definitely be taking a break from WF, even though BF2 isn't exactly a ME/Destiny/Anthem type game. The moment we get a rebooted JK series (which will probably be a WF/For Honor type game), I'll probably be done with WF for a while. It's just - I've been wanting DE to expand the gameplay for a looong time now, and they just won't do it. They just don't care to. I want them to expand the PvE gameplay. I want them to expand PvP. I want them to expand the space-based gameplay. But they just aren't that interested. So, at this point I'm just waiting for a WF-killer to pop up from one of the AAA developers. Honestly, at this point, if any of the AAA studios comes out with a WF-like game, I'll probably leave, because chances are they'll produce a complete game in less time than it's taken DE to develop their game. Makes me sad to say that, but right now, the only reasons I'm still playing Warframe are because I've invested a lot of money and time into it, including having a Tennogen skin in the game, and because there currently isn't anything like WF that offers gunplay and melee gameplay. At this point, I would love to see what one of the AAA studios could do with WF. That's how desperate I am to see Warframe's gameplay expand and evolve.

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On 6/9/2017 at 8:02 AM, Elvangreen said:

Also, DE are a lot smaller than many other game companies, so it will take a while for them to make the game into what they want it to be. There is a reason it's still in beta.

170 employees is not a small team and having a premium currency takes them out of beta even if they wish to hold on to the tag

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