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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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That's a pretty terrible guess, from a business point of view at least.

Why push the hype to the limit at TennoCon if 90%+ of the playerbase won't be able to have it.

Don't think I've heard anything about Frost Umbra neither which, unless I've been paying little attention, serves as another way of proving that this guess is based on personal desire rather than facts and informations.

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Even that the story may seems to have similarities with Arthur legend, It is also important to note that every game or book or movie is based on something, and Warframe is heavly based on many lores put together, doesn't mean that it can be the full legend there, but just the part of picking the sword of a stone.

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28 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

This Umbra Hype already got on my nerves and is unnecesary sicne it won't be the holy grail as some see it.

I'm hyped for it since it was released on China years ago, And the holy Grail there for me is the looks, it is beautiful looks awesome it has a hot scarf. 

If it has new powers or whatever new, it is a bonus. 

And no, it won't be founders only, Excalibur prime was a mistake as founders only since Excal is the first and is the main character.

If they do it would be a 2nd mistake.

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3 minutes ago, Eminem37 said:

I'm hyped for it since it was released on China years ago, And the holy Grail there for me is the looks, it is beautiful looks awesome it has a hot scarf. 

If it has new powers or whatever new, it is a bonus. 

And no, it won't be founders only, Excalibur prime was a mistake as founders only since Excal is the first and is the main character.

If they do it would be a 2nd mistake.

Nothing agaisnt if peopel are hpyed but some interpret things into it that will and might not be true and then the disapointed will be bigger, but what pisses me of the msot is that those people in the end will blame DE for not making what there fantasy maked up for them or what missiinformation the hype created not be true.

And well i will be also happy if it will be something unique instead of copy paste powers with just redesigned looks or flashy effects i will be disapointed aswell.

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Excal is a warframe that has it roots in the Dark Sector game and is probably the most promoted frame in game so its fitting they make it first Umbra.

Also, Umbra is going to be tied to a quest, which means it has to be available to everyone, as quests arent founders-exclusive.

I only hope they make some good lore-excuse for presence of the Umbras and release more of them quickly :D

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13 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Nothing agaisnt if peopel are hpyed but some interpret things into it that will and might not be true and then the disapointed will be bigger, but what pisses me of the msot is that those people in the end will blame DE for not making what there fantasy maked up for them or what missiinformation the hype created not be true.

And well i will be also happy if it will be something unique instead of copy paste powers with just redesigned looks or flashy effects i will be disapointed aswell.

That I can agree, the problem is as well that, the longer it takes to release something, the worst/big is the hype, DE MUST be nervours with the sacrifice quest due to years literally of hype for it, however, it was already confirmed that Umbras will have their own thing just like prime has (getting energy from those orbs around the void) but what it will be was not confirmed yet.

9 minutes ago, Matir21 said:

Excal is a warframe that has it roots in the Dark Sector game and is probably the most promoted frame in game so its fitting they make it first Umbra.

Also, Umbra is going to be tied to a quest, which means it has to be available to everyone, as quests arent founders-exclusive.

I only hope they make some good lore-excuse for presence of the Umbras and release more of them quickly :D

Yes, a.k.a. Hayden Tenno, that game was fun and scary. played 1 year after release, and then re-played again.

They should bring some of the infested from that game to warframe, they were defenetly unique.

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18 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Except they didn't find their way back randomly, they came back cause Hunhow was pissed that the Orokin would just leave the Sentients to die after they had done what they were supposed to do in the Tau system , the whole "coming back" part wasn't supposed to happen either but the Sentients adapted somehow. And your theory doesn't hold up simply because we don't know when the Sentients were actually created by the Archimedians and sent out to terraform a new system for the Orokin to conquer, although it's likely it was more recent after the Tenno got Warframes because that cemented the Orokin's absolute rule over the Sol system. Look at it this way, why would the Orokin risk letting the technocyte out against the Sentients if they already have the Tenno and their Warframes, who are kicking Sentient &#!?

It holds up more than fine.

"oh S#&$, enemies from afar that may or may not be of our creation are invading us and we need better weapons. Let's try to improve on the stuff that did work against them."


As opposed to your: Somebody broke into a holding facility and released some lethal bio-techno virus they just happened to have made and stored insecurely for no apparent reason. Other than a terrible plot trigger.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)Chaotic_Mayhem30 said:

No! I want my Umbra Ember! You can't have Excalibur be the poster boy for warframe. He isn't the only frame. It's unfair. 

It would hardly be logical to make 30+ frames all the poster frames for the game

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18 minutes ago, Dhashruman said:

It would hardly be logical to make 30+ frames all the poster frames for the game

and umbra series of warframes will be limited; as in only chosen warframes will have umbra variant, and my guess is that those chosen warframes will fill up gaps in the lore.

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8 minutes ago, Corial said:

and umbra series of warframes will be limited; as in only chosen warframes will have umbra variant, and my guess is that those chosen warframes will fill up gaps in the lore.

well thats not really known at this point , if they are "limited" or will be a thing, de hasnt said anything on them being limited for a while so many are considering that maybe the umbra variety pool could be bigger then anticipated due to the fan base 

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38 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

well thats not really known at this point , if they are "limited" or will be a thing, de hasnt said anything on them being limited for a while so many are considering that maybe the umbra variety pool could be bigger then anticipated due to the fan base 

Personally.. I think they should be limited to the first main frames.. (excal, rhino, mag, loki, frost)

Unless DE wants to turn it into umbra packs.. and sell just like primes, but since it is quest based.. having 30+ quests to get umbra version is just insane.. now maybe the excalibur will be quest based together unlocking a new map tile where we will be able to drop umbras, then yes thats fine to add just 5 more on the list.

As well if there is too much of it, the magic will end, just like primes.. on the start when primes were a new thing, it was just amazing to see it beautiful almost a god version of normal frames, but then it kept going and now I feel like it just a normal character.

Make em a bit harder to get, give em a bit more stuff, and ppl will fall in love even more.

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something that me and @Corial were talking on in the discord 

we know the "china" version shows what looks like a solar eclipse but what if its more then just a solar one? what if its an equinox solar eclipse ? 

example umbra image




plenty have stated it seems they are telling a story , but if you look at the glyphs it shows what looks like an equinox or at least  sun>planet>planet>planet>moon 

one of the planets has a outer ring, so possibly saturn ... 

so maybe this is a story from the past or future

basically if this "alignment" event occurs a void gate opens/opened and results in a deliverance

if we look at it from what we know lore side  maybe this is how lotus unchained us originally  

or maybe this a prediction of the future?

just from the pictures names

it seems to state that an :

eclipse is imminent, luna[moon] awakens, those in eternal stasis , a solar flare then will cause a void gate onto the last object [moon] , results in the lotus deliverance 

some of the descriptions:



however the sigils themselves state things that have happened ? or maybe a mix of past /present /future

the lotus deliverance states it remembers the one who awakens ... could refer to natah /umbra /balas? maybe 


whats your thoughts?  

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15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:


the lotus deliverance states it remembers the one who awakens ... could refer to natah /umbra /balas? maybe 

whats your thoughts?  

I was just checking the sigils to see if I could fit em into tennogen somehow lol, the timing if you posting about it, anyway.

Could it refer to the Operators if it is the past? Present or future can be umbra, balas is awaken since he talks on the trailers that would be my guess, not so in deep with his lore.


-It can be telling the story on a reverse state maybe? like

Lotus - void gate - solar flare - enternal - awakened lua - eclipse


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6 minutes ago, Eminem37 said:

I was just checking the sigils to see if I could fit em into tennogen somehow lol, the timing if you posting about it, anyway.

Could it refer to the Operators if it is the past? Present or future can be umbra, balas is awaken since he talks on the trailers that would be my guess, not so in deep with his lore.


-It can be telling the story on a reverse state maybe? like

Lotus - void gate - solar flare - enternal - awakened lua - eclipse


maybe ? the lotus one says 

"Remembers the one who awakens".-Lotus Deliverence Sigil
so seems specific , maybe umbra awakens and this starts a event leading to eclipse? 
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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

maybe ? the lotus one says 

"Remembers the one who awakens".-Lotus Deliverence Sigil
so seems specific , maybe umbra awakens and this starts a event leading to eclipse? 

I tried to fit all sigils into a single text, I ended up with something like this: 

First apparence of lotus, she discovers the void gate, and so she noticed that on the other side there is some great untamed power, so maybe now she awaken the tenno revealing the location of the moon, and thus after the revelation of the moon, the dark overcomes the light (can mean anything from the sentients to umbra).

I don't know how it fits the lore, but I tried.

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1 minute ago, Eminem37 said:

I tried to fit all sigils into a single text, I ended up with something like this: 

First apparence of lotus, she discovers the void gate, and so she noticed that on the other side there is some great untamed power, so maybe now she awaken the tenno revealing the location of the moon, and thus after the revelation of the moon, the dark overcomes the light (can mean anything from the sentients to umbra).

spanking with someone else that could fit the pattern of the sigil order inverted to match with past/present 

lotus "frees" tenno > uses void gate > solar flare >eternal stasis> lua awakens> eclipse is imminent

we know lotus used a void gate as she cannot create anymore sentient herself "wombs in ruin" as hunhow put it 

could be saying a lot of things

maybe sigil order means 1 thing , while the descriptions mean another 

maybe the description tells of the past, sigils refer to present path leading up to a solar?/ eclipse

and a real solar eclipse is happening this year aug 21/2017 


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1 minute ago, Eminem37 said:

I tried to fit all sigils into a single text, I ended up with something like this: 

First apparence of lotus, she discovers the void gate, and so she noticed that on the other side there is some great untamed power, so maybe now she awaken the tenno revealing the location of the moon, and thus after the revelation of the moon, the dark overcomes the light (can mean anything from the sentients to umbra).

I hope the next daily tribute milestone after 600th (Primed Shred) will give another clue.

650th milestone should be Sigil, Booster, and Potato if pattern is still followed.

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