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Tennocon [2017]: content thread


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I actually liked the weight distribution on original Hydroid. It was different than the other frames and I never understood what was supposed to be "ugly" about it. Now he's just another frame with a skirt. Also that skirt design is getting a bit old. Really similar to Harrow. I shouldn't have expected something wild and squiddy, but I did. Kind of disappointed by this one.

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8 minutes ago, Arniox said:

oh ok, that's not actually too bad. And FINALLY. FINALLY. FINALLY they give us prime armor instead of crap syandanas :P

Mhm though I can't say I'm too impressed with the armour as it does look kind of basic. Not that basic isn't good but at first glance I immediately thought 'Eh, feels lazy'.

1 minute ago, WindBlade said:

he launched with the nami and the attica, and we've been needing a prime crossbow for a longtime, and I guess people (including myself) hoped they'd go with the oldest one that doesn't already have a syndicate variant.

Good point about Attica also having no other variant.


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42 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

Looks absolutely amazing to me.

I like it ALOT.  It's along the same lines as the look I gave him but much better and Primed.

He's slightly different but so much better.  Hopefully like his reworked kit will be. BTW, Bunny, you are slipping!  (I kid because you are awesome).

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4 minutes ago, Katinka said:

Has any other prime come with the same weapons as their normal version?

From what I recall, nope (if you wish to exclude Excal Prime) but that doesn't mean it couldn't be released this time and I was just using it as a reason as to why he could have have been released with Attica Prime.

Technically... Yes. Hydroid Prime has or will be.

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3 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

I read Nami Skyla Prime:


Ballistica Prime coming too:

Also new frame is glass.

Pics are not mine, you can see them here!


Screw it, hyped for Ballistica Prime.

Though unless it's got beastly stats it's going to be a hard contest between the Rakta with it's AoE effect.

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Just now, Katinka said:

Has any other prime come with the same weapons as their normal version?

This is what Hydroid prime will do with Nami Skyla and what Excalibur did with Skana and Lato.

Plus, prime weapon generally match the warframe released with them (Valkyr with claw, Nekros with slash weapons, Banshee with crit based stuff, Saryn with good weapon to spread spores, etc...), so giving some pirate weapon to Hydroid seems logic.
Ballistica fit well with the pirate style but the weapon already have a syndicate variant and primary crossbow really need some good weapons...

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34 minutes ago, Bellesk said:

At the same time as being an obvous pirate frame TBH I kinda see a samurai in there too. If you colour/gear em up rite. TBH Im not a fan of Hydriod/His Abilities. But Im a prime collector. So im gettin em, and im probs just gonna make him a straigh up samurai. Put the edo set on em. nikana prime, Idk what syndana. Got some cool Customization ideas for em tho

It looks like a Seahorse

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I wasn't sure when oberon p was released, now if this hydroid p model is accurate, it's confirmed that art style did indeed turned 180 degrees... 

Well I don't expect it to be the same as when Mynki was still in the team anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

I wasn't sure when oberon p was released, now if this hydroid p model is accurate, it's confirmed that art style did indeed turned 180 degrees... 

Well I don't expect it to be the same as when Mynki was still in the team anyway.

From now on, all Warframes have skirts and crests and fans and weird ornate twirly bits and dangling things and have insanely ugly, busy, noisy, crowded design?


No Warframe will ever again look sleek and efficient?

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5 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

I wasn't sure when oberon p was released, now if this hydroid p model is accurate, it's confirmed that art style did indeed turned 180 degrees... 

Well I don't expect it to be the same as when Mynki was still in the team anyway.

It's accurate. Maybe some small tint changes here and there (Nekros Prime, for example, had narrower white stripes on top of black that at TennoCon as Mynki finished the design) but the general concept will be that one.

Anyways, looks like they're relying heavily on Keith Thomson, who did designs for Volt, Atlas and other early frames, so it's gotta be good.

I agree with someone who said (on reddit I think?) that the skirt was too similar to Harrow. Hopefully they don't overuse it more though.

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