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Plains of Eidolon


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And what about those white trees all around the towers, maybe they transmit messages from a central brain or AI, we can see the same thing on the operator room.

Also on the moon

Edited by SoulStealer10
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4 hours ago, Kaotyke said:



Is that a hole and you're asking if someone is on the other side?


Don't make a joke.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  

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Doubt it. Earth remaster was the wake-up call. Those of us on laptops or older rigs need to upgrade or leave. 

Unless I can scrape up some cash I think my time with Warframe will be coming to an end shortly. Oh well.

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34 minutes ago, Torhque said:

As far as I'm aware, they've done a great job of optimizing the game. They did a lot of stream-loading typa stuff to reduce resource load of multiple tiles in a map and such. I'd say there's a chance lol

Nah, they really haven't. Other games handle foliage mesh generation quite well. Warframe doesn't. That alone is a sign that an open world probably won't be well optimized.

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3 hours ago, Krion112 said:

I don't see us losing the procedural generated tile system.

We're not. This is simply adding on to the world to give the player worth-while content to explore.

3 hours ago, mrecentric said:

My idea of what makes Warframe fun:

1. Quickly choose between short mission types and equipment loadouts on small randomized maps.

2. Kill things.

3. Repeat.

4. Get new things.

You're one of those guys that just farms for the new shinies?
Is that all you want? A new toy to play with every week to feed your collection? No growth? 
Not only is that really Shallow, but Warframe would have died off a long while ago if that is all they did.

You do realize that Warframe is, by any game standard, an incomplete product right?
What we got in the beginning, around 4 years ago, was a taste of what they wanted to make. 

That is bare minimum Alpha content that DE offered to show a sample of what they have in store.
Notice how the game is labeled; "BETA".
No, they are not getting rid of procedurally generated content because those are what make the "Dungeons" and helps keeps variety. 

Did you really think that they were only going to make new junk every week for you to farm for?
Digital Extremes has been trying to move past that for some time and work toward creating a complete game.

The Only reason many of us joined is because we saw what Warframe could be.
We didn't focus on the latest shiny.

3 hours ago, mrecentric said:

Open world requires too much time investment, too much exploration, and not enough variety.

Not Enough Variety? Really? Have you played MMOs? Or even Skyrim? There is alot of variety in open world maps.
That is the Point of Open World Maps.
For starters; Not everything is going to stay in the same place the whole day, they move. 
They patrol, they interact and react to you. 
Secondly; They can fill it with a wide variety of people, environments, and stories.

You just want new toys? I want Progress. I want a Good game, not farmville. 

Edited by Iccotak
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3 hours ago, mrecentric said:

Please don't make me play Eidolon. I'm happy that it's an option for those who want it, but don't force the rest of us to be unhappy.

This comes off as so petulantly whiny.
It is just like when reading all those people complaints about the Operator because they were kids, not even the gameplay mechanics, just that they were kids.
"Force the rest us to be Unhappy" Seriously? This is a good step forward toward creating a better and complete game, but because it doesn't simply make it easier for you to farm for new toys, its somehow this awful thing that you are going to have to endure?
I would prefer to have worth-while content with 12 Warframes and a couple dozen weapons rather than 30+ Warframes with nothing to do but farm the same tile maps over and over and over and over and over and over, until the game dies.

2 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

I don't think the once-a-week weapons was ever sustainable.

^This^ Once-a-Week weapons wasn't sustainable and they never intended it to be.

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I hope now that when you add a open zone that you are forward thinking and adding some exloration achivment(challanges). If it gonna be 3x3km  there could be alot of stuff to find for achivments for those that wanna do some exloration challanges.

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2 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

I'm curious as to how they're gonna explain this colony being untouched by the major factions. The Corpus clearly know about it, since they hang out in the market, and the Grineer are literally just outside their doorstep.

If they are not a threat nor important enough, or if they actually pay their dues demanded of them by the factions, then they'd have no reason to be killed off. They are probably just one of many colonies that exist all over the place.

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A name... So many things to consider, in regards to the practice of making a word for a thing. Is a name earned? Passed down? Assigned? Should a name be evocative of what the bearer is, or what it is hoped to be? Or perhaps it should bear no meaning at all, all the better for the bearer and its work to become the meaning.

There are certainly names which, in meaning, directly say "battle sword" (Hildebrand) or "spear-friend/comrade" (Darvin) if more baldly literal fare such as "flesh ripper" or "corpse-kebab" is not to one's taste. The cliched "Matilda" means "mighty in battle," and the even more cliched "Vera" is one of many names which are more poetic in meaning, which is "truth" in its case. And this is assuming one doesn't simply name it after a weapon or warrior they hold in high regard.

Of course, these names are all European in origin. Someone with deeper connections to a different culture will have an entirely different selection of names which they deem suitable, though the principles would likely remain the same.

Forgive me if my musings wax pretentious, I only mean to explain, rather than simply state, that naming is usually complicated.

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