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How would you react if Vay Hek took over for Lotus?


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So we know Lotus works hard for us.  In fact, I've never seen her take a vacation.  And I also remembered that joke offer of replacing her voice pack with that of others (just click on her portrait on the top left of this page).  I still think the Vay Hek voice pack is a riot.  :)


So now I'm asking out of curiosity...  What would happen if The Lotus went on vacation and somehow got Vay Hek to take over?  How would YOU react?  Would you send a complaint to DE?  Would you go to where Vay Hek is usually located on Earth to see who's taking over for him?  Would you mute him so you didn't have to listen to him?


Try not to be TOO serious please.  Things can turn south really fast when you turn seriousness way up past eleven...  :)

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1 hour ago, motorfirebox said:

I'm detecting a large security force heading your way. It's the Grineer. DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY

Thank you.  I had coffee all over my monitor a few moments ago.  :)

Edited by Lonnehart
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That would actually be pretty awesome!

Not sure how we'll get them, but I'd love for Vay Hek to be threatening to kill me as I extract data in Mobile Defense missions.

"Tenno, you must be ready for that sacrifice! If I catch you near my database, you're dead; just like your Lotus!"

BTW, Dismal Lotus seems like so much fun.

Edited by Warlord1400
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4 hours ago, Miser_able said:

I would finally test to see if I can fit an opticor barrel in my mouth. 

If you're going to crack open the front of Excalibur's helmet (along that line that makes it look like a mouth), I'd like to have a look inside.  Though I'll have to prepare in case the long tongue inside doesn't try to pull me in.  :)

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