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Coming Soon: Devstream #98!


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3 hours ago, azerial1337 said:

Something discussed in previous streams was the availability for more loadouts.
The limiting factor is that they take up a lot of room server side.

One thought was to have loadouts stored locally on the players Computer/console. with easy access so that the loadouts can be transferred via email or jump drive.

And as always, thanks for the great game.

i dont think they would, theres teh mess about dedicated servers for conclave and i only hear about it in Some Hotfix notes i havent yet seen the files, (maybe this is something for chosen beta testers or something for the founders?) and something that opens External Access to the live enviroment at large (PvE  an dnot anything PvP,) opens a Potential Security Risk.

there was just a verry recent (i think what was it? 9AM EDT? ) Server Maintenance and upgrade to prepare for PoE(probbably Preloading into the Production servers (what we play on/are handled by etc) a not final build, but more an Release candidate that once PoE is ready to deploy would take less time to do so, without something like when U18 went into Deployment there was a considerable time for people to be stuck in thier lisets and in missions while it was being installed [remember how things go read-only during this point?] ,) could give reason More Storage Capacity was Added. and a few dev streams back they stated (i think it was Steve that did maybe..i only caught glimpses of this particular one on my phone ) that they are continuously looking for Efficient means of Database Compression that doesnt flat out Break on em,

(sorry if its a convoluted answer my thought process kinda goes around , side ways into a loop out the back and in every which way between sometimes ^^;; but tldr, they did server maint. this morning w/ more than likely a pre-load of a RC build, and to add More storage? and to your Question in such a short manner, "Highly unlikely from a Security standpoint."

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Q1: How is going to be the transition from the current tenno to the warrior version, for who has already done all the current game quests?

Q2: How did you decide the name Plains of Eidolon?

for me it was like this:
-What name are we going to put into it?
-I don't know, but it would be nice to start with plains
-Repeat what you said
-I don't know, but it would be nice to start with plains
-Just the beginning
-I don't know
-Perfect, Plains of Eidolon

Edited by INotCamperBR
Just added another question xD
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On 9/13/2017 at 9:27 AM, angetrox said:

1) I liked the introduction of Palladino ... will we have more of her?
2) New color palette coming?
3) glass armor for TAXON pleaseeee


5) Will the next tennogen round be really scary? 

To your fifth question, the next wave of tennogen should be Halloween edition.

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On 9/13/2017 at 9:32 AM, (Xbox One)Debonair Corvus said:

are Ordan Karris and the Stalker one and the same?

They shouldn't be because Ordan Karris is now our cephileon Ordis and Stalker was a low guardsman for the Orokin Empire when the tenno attacked, and we suspect he tried transference with a frame (Stalker) and since he is a tenno his transference does not work like ours stalker's mind is not perma stuck in the stalker body unless we find a way to reverse it.

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Hi, I wanted to ask if it is possible, to get Rivens (when disolved) to the same amount of endo as the Ayatan Anasa Sculpture. I seem to not get them for a weapon I want, they don't drop with those godly values (everyone in tradechat is looking for ) for me and there is no way to change this so I want to desolve them rather then trying 30 minutes to get the kuva  for more then tenth reroll to get another nice riven completly devalued by the one negative that I can not change.

Speaking of the reroll. Is there a possibility to get like reroll tokens from the market (for maybe 5 Platinum) to get one reroll for a riven? I would assume it to be paying for faster progress as I don't need to farm for the Kuva but I also assume that it might be seen as a lottery ticket and that way it's not a good idea.

Edited by vinz_clortho
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Are founders going to get any love/recognition at any point in this venture?  Doesn't have to be free stuff or anything, but some QoL/recognition would be appreciated.  Like entering a relay always at the center dock would be cool, it's not much but would make me feel "important" in the tennoverse.  How about them names?  Weren't we listed somewhere prominent?  Can't even find the part of Pluto that I'm a founder of anymore because you guys deleted it (Nix).  Again, I don't expect the world, or even free stuff (though that would be nice, especially the ability to purchase old mods that aren't obtainable anymore (I barely missed primed chamber when the event went on back in the day, still wish I could get it)), but I had faith in this game from the start, and showed that faith with some financial backing that, at the time, was desperately needed.  Would be nice if you guys remembered that all these years later instead of forgetting who helped you along the way.  Just saying.



Edited by KingZoidberg
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6 minutes ago, KingZoidberg said:

Are founders going to get any love/recognition at any point in this venture?  Doesn't have to be free stuff or anything, but some QoL/recognition would be appreciated.  Like entering a relay always at the center dock would be cool, it's not much but would make me feel "important" in the tennoverse.  How about them names?  Weren't we listed somewhere prominent?  Can't even find the part of Pluto that I'm a founder of anymore because you guys deleted it (Nix).  Again, I don't expect the world, or even free stuff (though that would be nice, especially the ability to purchase old mods that aren't obtainable anymore (I barely missed primed chamber when the event went on back in the day, still wish I could get it)), but I had faith in this game from the start, and showed that faith with some financial backing that, at the time, was desperately needed.  Would be nice if you guys remembered that all these years later instead of forgetting who helped you along the way.  Just saying.



We already got Excal Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, Founders Badges, Founders Sigils, our names plastered at the top of the Relay. What more do you want?

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With the addition of hydroid prime and the "vaulting" of yet another frame, I, yet again, fail to understand why "vaulting" i.e removing content from the game exists. Could you elaborate on that 'feature', when your biggest salepitch for past years Starchart 3.0 rework was the introduction of relics that should have fixed the issue of Void Towers.


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A lil' bit question here:

1. Will PoE use same system as relay or Iron Wake on earth???

2. Can we do soloing mode in PoE as in any regular mission???

3. How's and will the focus system affect and it'll be changed in future in PoE??? Because AFAIK, focus system are still in beta.

4. How's the new "Arcane" such as a crystal gem that you showed in devstream before???

5. Is there any news about the new mod set such as "Augur Message" that you showed before???


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On Devstream #97 it was mentioned that Venus is thought to be the next Open world map (like plains) does that also mean that the Venus tileset is going to get a remaster or is the Open map just going to be the good old "Corpus Outpost" much like the current Venus tile? As it is the current Venus tileset does not make any sense even IF the Orokin did Terraform it. 

EDIT: If Venus is not the next tile for the Remaster, then which tile is?... (This Question is not required to be answered)

Edited by Firehead331
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Got only 1 question.


With the warrior tenno, our Operators become stronger and stronger. Maybe they are someday strong enough to fight as an Operator and simultaneously give there warframes some basic commandos, such as defend me or attack that position. So that a part of the Operator still controls the warframe, whilst in operator mode.

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