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Is EARTH gonna be ''fixed'' before POA or after ?


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DE wont address this issue EARTH is unplayable for a lot of ppl (i LAG super hard ) and avoid any missions on earth 

(something is wrong on earth even my friends who have x3 times better PC than me lag on earth) internet is not the problem.


If they decide not to do anything im afraid all other planets will be ''reworked'' too and than i wont be able to play WARFRAME anymore 

I dont even wanna talk about POE since i have been watching last stream even DE pc lag a bit (from time to time / glich) 

Can you DE guys pls do something about it i asked on region chat also (like 10 or more ppl agreed they all LAG there) 


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They said PoE will come with lots of optimization. 

Lags on Earth will probably disappear when PoE is live.

Can't say for sure tho.

EDIT: Their pc lags probably because they always have everything on max settings

Also, they said there will be more options in graphics settings, that you will be able to turn off for better perfomance.

Edited by Dante102
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5 minutes ago, Dante102 said:

They said PoE will come with lots of optimization. 

Lags will probably disappear when PoE is live.

Can't say for sure tho.

I don't think lag would disappear but since they mentioned that there are a lot of optimization in PoE, you can expect some improvements. However, you should also expect some issues in the first few weeks after the update launches. 


3 minutes ago, krc473 said:

I run all settings maxed and never have any issues on Earth. 


Not everyone has a perfect rig and even though Warframe doesn't really require a high end machine there are those who play on 5 year old laptops that wasn't really meant for gaming in the first place.

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This is getting to the point where imo the problem isn't earth rework, it's the expectations of people playing the game with older hardware.  Personally I don't see any lag on Earth but then I don't expect older hardware to play games which are using newer graphics effects etc without at the very least lowering the game settings.  In fact I'd go as far as to say that Earth is actually pretty well optimised considering the scenery etc but it is going to require more system resources than the old earth because of the extra scenery, it's as simple as there's more stuff on screen so the pc needs to use more resources to show it smoothly. 

The thing is that like usual the person complaining about lag doesn't mention what they're trying to play the game on, what sort of settings they're using etc and just blame it on the  'earth rework' when it's entirely possible that the lag is due to the hardware they're trying to play it on.  If someone is playing this on min specs then I'm sorry to say that really you need an upgrade, the listed min specs are woefully out of date and DE really needs to change them (no idea why they haven't), a pc 3x more powerful than the min specs is still really low specs so without a 'starting point' saying they lag too isn't really saying much, same goes for the 10 people (of how many thousand/million players....) in region chat who for all we know could be using toasters.

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23 minutes ago, TennoPain said:

DE wont address this issue EARTH is unplayable for a lot of ppl (i LAG super hard ) and avoid any missions on earth

k, two things:

1 - DE have stated, nay, @[DE]Steve himself stated that this will be the FASTEST update that warframe has ever seen. I'm really hoping he means by a hell of a lot, but this should mean massive performance upgrades.

2 - If you still lag after the update, maybe you need to upgrade your computer. Eventually and soon, DE want to upgrade to what's called Dx12. What this means is that Dx9 will be chucked out the window and IF your graphics card doesn't support at least Dx10, then you SERIOUSLY need to upgrade. Dx9 cards are essentially windows xp era. If you still use that technology, you NEED to upgrade. There is no running around or away from that anymore. You don't have to worry too much just yet, but with Dx12 coming soon to warframe, you'll be forced to upgrade because your computer will literally no longer be able to boot the game at all anymore. At this stage, if you still lag after PoE, and you can't run Dx10, you're too outdated to be a gamer.

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16 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

Not everyone has a perfect rig and even though Warframe doesn't really require a high end machine there are those who play on 5 year old laptops that wasn't really meant for gaming in the first place.

I am not claiming to have the perfect rig. I play with people who have no issues at all on lower spec than myself. Everyone I know who does it without issue is using recent (up to 2 y/o) computers/laptops. I don't think many modern games are designed to be played on 5+ year old rigs.


As for optimisation of Earth. I think all we know is that it won't come before plains - I believe there are no more fixes until then.

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I mean, there do seem to be a few of these threads around, so obviously some people have issues with it.

I haven't seen anyone gives their specs yet when they say they have this problem. So, it makes it hard to know if there is a genuine issue, or people just use low end computers. I think it is the latter.


1 hour ago, TennoPain said:

DE wont address this issue EARTH is unplayable for a lot of ppl (i LAG super hard ) and avoid any missions on earth

OP what are your specs?

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56 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

Something is for sure wrong with Earth. All other parts of the game run wonderfully on maxed graphics settings but then go to Earth having turned everything to low and it still lags. I would assume the fix is coming packaged with Plains of Eidolon.

Look at the amount and detail involved in the scenery on Earth, then look at the lack of scenery on other maps.... easiest way to look at it is this, the Earth rework is actually more like a modern game which requires semi-decent hardware while the rest of the star map is like a game from 4 years ago which can run on low spec machines, that is why Earth requires you to lower your settings

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12 hours ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

Not everyone has a perfect rig and even though Warframe doesn't really require a high end machine there are those who play on 5 year old laptops that wasn't really meant for gaming in the first place

Then I'd say those people shouldn't be "allowed" to complain about performance issues. If they're playing a damn laptop with a 5 year old GPU instead of upgrading for like ~100 bucks then that's their own fault :/

A somehwat decent GPU is quite cheap if you do some research. For example. I used to run a AMD R7 240 and could play at 40 FPS on max settings, I eventually upgraded to a GTX 1060 6GB for about 280 bucks, and that one usually costs around 400. You just need to look around :/

(Although my old CPU is bottlenecking it xD)

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5 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Then I'd say those people shouldn't be "allowed" to complain about performance issues. If they're playing a damn laptop with a 5 year old GPU instead of upgrading for like ~100 bucks then that's their own fault :/...

Right, because you know everyone's financial situation.

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9 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Law Of Retribution tileset still has yet to be updated as well. SoonTM I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oy don't jinx it.

11 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Look at the amount and detail involved in the scenery on Earth, then look at the lack of scenery on other maps.... easiest way to look at it is this, the Earth rework is actually more like a modern game which requires semi-decent hardware while the rest of the star map is like a game from 4 years ago which can run on low spec machines, that is why Earth requires you to lower your settings

I would totally look at the "Details" of 80% of the Earth rework did not go into shadows.

12 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

Something is for sure wrong with Earth. All other parts of the game run wonderfully on maxed graphics settings but then go to Earth having turned everything to low and it still lags. I would assume the fix is coming packaged with Plains of Eidolon.

What he said, but with a little bit more detail.

If the game runs stable at 60 on 90% of the content and dips to 20-ish (or worse on certain sorties) on Earth, is everyone with "toasters" the issue, or the poor optimization? Kinda strange kind of opinion "well upgrade your PC", when the configurations that are trying to kill them self on Earth are more than capable of dealing with the rest of the content.

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13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

This is getting to the point where imo the problem isn't earth rework, it's the expectations of people playing the game with older hardware.  Personally I don't see any lag on Earth but then I don't expect older hardware to play games which are using newer graphics effects etc without at the very least lowering the game settings.  In fact I'd go as far as to say that Earth is actually pretty well optimised considering the scenery etc but it is going to require more system resources than the old earth because of the extra scenery, it's as simple as there's more stuff on screen so the pc needs to use more resources to show it smoothly. 

The thing is that like usual the person complaining about lag doesn't mention what they're trying to play the game on, what sort of settings they're using etc and just blame it on the  'earth rework' when it's entirely possible that the lag is due to the hardware they're trying to play it on.  If someone is playing this on min specs then I'm sorry to say that really you need an upgrade, the listed min specs are woefully out of date and DE really needs to change them (no idea why they haven't), a pc 3x more powerful than the min specs is still really low specs so without a 'starting point' saying they lag too isn't really saying much, same goes for the 10 people (of how many thousand/million players....) in region chat who for all we know could be using toasters.

This is partly true because I have a relatively good pc which 1 and  half years old and should run the next 10 years games with ease. I detect some lag on Earth when some enemies are there but it seems on random points lags a little. Mostly happens when 4 person playing but this is similar on other planets aswell. I checked my settings and it run very well on high prefferences with ease and not using not needed option but yet I detect some lags here and there. This is mostly can happen when they improving the game and adding more content. The game engine can handle a said amount of items so if oyu want to make it smooth then you need to upgrade the engine too. Another stuff is like have in the sims games the more content they have the more issues come because the sims is practically a full gam which cut into pieces and these pieces not often works together well. Warframe in size also improved a lot from a relatively small game into a large-more complex state and maybe the built in systems not fixed here and there. These are opinions and I think partly this can be the truth but also the other hande is there are many peoples whom using 5+10+ years old builds and surprised the game cannot run well on.

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24 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I would totally look at the "Details" of 80% of the Earth rework did not go into shadows.

uh... what?


23 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

If the game runs stable at 60 on 90% of the content and dips to 20-ish (or worse on certain sorties) on Earth, is everyone with "toasters" the issue, or the poor optimization? Kinda strange kind of opinion "well upgrade your PC", when the configurations that are trying to kill them self on Earth are more than capable of dealing with the rest of the content.

As I said earlier, the other 90% of the content in the game is still designed like '4 year old games' (ie when warframe came out) while earth rework is closer to modern games in the techniques it's using.  People need to stop thinking the non earth maps are the done in the same way same as the reworked earth maps because they're not.  Earth is heavier on system resources so it will work pc's harder and as such can make toasters drop down to low fps, that doesn't mean it's not optimised....those of us with semi decent pc's (ie not toasters) are not complaining about the performance on Earth for a reason.


In realistic terms DE needs to solve the 'issue' and increase the minimum specs required to play the game smoothly because the current listed specs aren't good enough, it really is that simple. 


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