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The Tusk Ogma (Grineer Bomber) is the most broken enemy in the game.


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I'm not afraid of the Teralyst. It doesn't scare me at all. It's big, it's tough, it's lethal. But it's fair, so I know I can win.

Unlike the Tusk Ogma, the most broken, overpowered, ridiculous enemy in Warframe. Let's look at some attributes of this marvelous little gem, shall we?

  1. It's airborne, an enemy type for which there is one(!) effective solution (the Opticor).
  2. It's basically immune to damage. How much health does it have? A million? Because it feels like a million. How much armor does it have? Is it a million? Because it feels like a million.
  3. It's pretty much immune to archwings. Archwings in the plains are terrible because you don't have archwing weapons, there are no energy drops so you can use only a couple of abilities before you run out of energy, everything will kill you by breathing on you, and the control scheme is somehow worse than the two previous iterations.
  4. It practically one-shots the toughest, max-geared frames in the game, and if by some miracle it doesn't kill you it's definitely going to kill your companion. Which means you'll be suiciding to get your sentinel back since there's no good solution to that problem, and if it kills your pet you'll probably be suiciding to get that back because if you try to revive it then the Ogma will definitely kill you.
  5. It's pretty much impossible to dodge. Flying through the air using parkour at max speed while keeping an eye on the Ogma to try to dodge its bombing run? No problem! It'll just correct course a bit to hit you anyway. Gratz! Your sentinel, and probably you, are dead. Be sure and revive so it can kill you again.
  6. Like all flying enemies, it will never drop aggro on you. Did you find shelter in an underground cave to try to collect yourself and try to fight the end-boss of Warframe, or maybe wait for it to go away? HA-HA, silly player! Not a chance! Ogmas are like luggage. Or herpes. It will be with you forever. Or at least until you die. Which is REAL SOON.
  7. Like all enemies in Warframe, the Ogma ALWAYS knows EXACTLY where you are. ALWAYS. Are you in a buiding? Are you in a place it can't see you? Are you 30 feet underground curled in a fetal position in the shadows under a rock in a crevice where you've been hiding for 20 minutes crying for your mommy while you wait for the bad man to go away? DOESN'T MATTER. THE OGMA KNOWS WHERE YOU ARE. This wouldn't be such a problem if it EVER dropped aggro. Or changed targets. BUT IT DOESN'T. (see #6, above) Also, speaking of being underground...
  8. THE OGMA WILL KILL YOU WITH ITS BOMBS INSIDE BUILDINGS AND THROUGH 30 FEET OF SOLID ROCK. Yep, you heard me. There is no shelter. There's no hiding. There's no waiting it out. The Tusk Ogma is the Michael Myers of Warframe. No matter where you go, no matter how far, no matter how long it takes it will kill you (unless you happen to have the ONE gun that is useful vs. aircraft).

Seriously, This needs to be looked at. There's a reason players no longer even try to kill them (Seriously, they don't. People just let them run rampant throughout the entire bounty). I've been dealing with these things for days. If you try to mine you're going to have to deal with them and they are terrible in their current incarnation. I was being harassed by one earlier and was having a lot of trouble, then I had a bright idea. "I'm not using my archwing. I just have to fight this enemy on it's own terms, the way the developers intended. That's the ticket! No problem!"

So I cashed in one of my ARCHWING(PlainsofEidolonlimitededition)TM tokens, took to the air, gave it my all, failed miserably and shamed myself and was destroyed. How, you may ask? Well, I thought "I can kill this, easy, I'll just use the missiles I have, THAT'S WHAT MISSILES ARE FOR, RIGHT?" HA-HA, silly player, you know nothing.


Gratz. You wasted your energy.

Aaaand you're dead. Turns out they'll bomb you right out of the air, too. With bombs.

I'm sure there are some real smart fellers who are just dying to tell me about the time they killed a tusk ogma so they can prove ONCE AND FOR ALL that they're not broken and they're JUST FINE. I've killed some too. At lower levels they are semi-mortal. But at high levels (like 50+) they are demigods.

Since this is feedback, I guess I'm expected to provide solutions, so here's some.

  1. Hey DE. SInce we're fighting airborne enemies in the plains now (and presumably in ALL other landscapes later as well) WE NEED ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONRY. Since ALL non-Opticor weapons (including a maxed-out Ogris) do nothing but tickle and annoy aircraft we need MULTIPLE guided or homing missile weapons, preferably ONE FROM EACH FACTION. We need this sooner rather than later. Please!
  2. Archwing abilities should work on aircraft. Odonata missiles aren't just useless vs. Ogmas. They won't even kill Dargyns. It's ridiculous. If I fire missiles from my archwing at an aircraft, they should be able to track and hit it. They DEFINITELY shouldn't be OUTRUN BY A BOMBER.
  3. Archwings need a way to get energy while being used (no, I don't mean picking it up off of the ground, if they can even do that). The energy regeneration rate is atrocious. You can use a couple of abilities then you're just out of energy and can use maybe one ability every 30 seconds or so thereafter. It's horrible. Have flying enemies drop some energy like they do in space. or give archwings some kind of VACUUM ability (blasphemy!) so they can pick up energy from the ground, or just increase their energy regeneration rate. Something. All of the above would be great.
  4. Explosive and high-damage weapons should be as viable vs. aircraft as the Opticor. If I hit an aircraft with a fully upgraded and equipped Ogris it should be about as effective as an Opticor. Instead of doing nothing. Which is what it does now. Honestly if I hit a Tusk Ogma with an Ogris I feel like it should do MORE damage since it took more skill and effort to land the shot. This is what the Ogris was made for, to blow things up. Big things. Like vehicles. And monsters. Make it work. Make it do the thing it was designed to do. This also goes for other weapons of this class like the Penta, the Tonkor, the Kulstar, etc. If I go to the trouble to hit a dropship with a Penta grenade I should be rewarded with explosions and serious damage, just like people using the Opticor. I've used a fully maxed-out Kulstar & Ogris vs. enemy aircraft in the Plains and they are utterly worthless. It shouldn't be this way.

Please give us the tools and abilities we need to fight airborne enemies in the Plains of Eidolon, DE. I know this is new, but we are underequipped, outclassed, and we need help. We need TENNO REINFORCEMENTS, if you catch my drift. Help me DE Kenobi.

You're my only hope.


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The tusk ogma is still handlable though... I'm WAY more scared about the tusk Bolkor and its "i see you through walls and I'm too tanky to die" thing, it deliver a sh*t ton of ennemies (wich is still handlable (exept napalm imo)) and its turret shred your tankiest frame in few seconds, the hitbox of the turret is VERY small, and when you destroy it, the bolkor leaves and another one come to ruin your fun times... I would be fine if theses things were more easy to disable (not destroy) and didn't spawn as much.

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Roll to survive, the 75% damage reduction from rolling is a bless to survive tusk ogma's carpet bombing. 

About killing it, snipers can deal huge amounts of damage when the combo is kept high enough, maybe not enough to kill in one hit (unless your combo is kept with an insane multiplier) but still enough to deal with it in a decent time. You should also try taking down it's arms first to reduce it's fire power.

You can also avoid fighting them by killing seeker drones released by enemies before they drop a flare, there's a green flare that seems to call for ogmas, so killing the drones before drop it should be enough to not even have to deal with them.

Ogmas are fine and are one of the few enemies that can add twist to missions just by appearing.

1 hour ago, Xyhon said:

Stop wasting time with stupid answers, because this is feedback to real issue that is another poorly designed enemy. Grineer can counter us within seconds when on archwing, yet we can't rely on most weapons (even heavy hitters), because crap hitpoints and hitscan mechanics.

You don't even need archwing to fight the ogmas, there's no point on using how easily these are taken down as an argument against them. If it was an issue with crap hitpoints and hitscan mechanics, there wouldn't be people able to kill them in a reasonable time.

1 hour ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

Cuz every new player have Vectis and Akstelitto with maxed Crit mods, Serration and Hornet strike.

Even if I see your point, I don't think the game should be 100% balanced around what new players have and don't have, otherwise there's bo incentive to progress by getting and ranking up mods like crit mods, serration and hornet strike.

1 hour ago, xXFlippyXx said:

Failure adds to experience

Failure in warframe? Nonsense! We are battle gods with the power to kill anything, and if we can't figure out a way to fight back, then the game is unbalanced and the enemy must be nerfed.

53 minutes ago, low1991 said:

Step 1: Use Nyx.

Step 2: Use mind control on Ogama.

Step 3: Enjoy it killing the grineer!

On topic: i think DE need to nerf it's targeting system. If you bullet jump out of the way, the Ogama will just do a 180 U-turn and resume the bomb run over you till it manage to hit you once. Then it preceded to fly away on Cooldown?

Optional: Use mindfreak augment to increase ogma's power against the grineer. (Can't wait to see visual augments adding tears on enemy eyes)

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  • Use void mode. You take no damage. You can even revive your pet.
  • Shoot the weak points: its nose (shoot off the panel to expose it) and exhaust.
  • Sniper rifles work.
  • Corrosive status works.

Honestly, these things are way too maneuverable, though. They shouldn't be doing 180's in the middle of a bombing run to hit you even after you dodge. That's stupid.

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I love the Ogmas. They're strong as hell and relatively bulky, but that's to be expected considering that you're a tinsuit with a gun fighting against a combat ship capable of casually splitting asteroids.


Some info bits about Ogmas:
- Their attacks are very, very telegraphed. If you see one flying towards you, then literally all you have to do is launch yourself away from their flight path.
- If the Ogma's too close for evasion to be a viable option, it takes about half a second to go Operator -> Void Mode.
- They have weakpoints, in the front and back. (Granted, attacking these is unreliable without an accurate hitscan weapon.)

Long story short, the only "gear check" that Ogmas have is that you need a decent-ranged weapon with decent sustained DPS to fight them. If you can manage that, then you're golden.
And no, the Opticor is not the only option. It's not even the best option, not by a long shot.


The LoS-ignoring thing is stupid as hell for sure (and it's honestly baffling how DE keeps forgetting to fix this for enemies with AoE attacks), but aside from that, Ogmas are pretty darn fair as far as PoE enemies go.

Edited by SortaRandom
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 While we aren't exactly told to prepare for them before we spend time on the plains, once players know that the ogma could happen, they should always carry something that will handle the ogma.  The simplest thing that would be most ammo efficient is any weapon with corrosive and a lot of status chance.  If you tear the armor off, any attack will finish it off.  You do have to survive long enough to shoot back, but you should have learned how to not die to too many explosions already, the game is covered with explosions that you can't dodge.

 Once you know it can happen, and if you go in prepared for it, then you can always handle it.

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Where to start?
How about first being that the Opticor isn't a good solution to use against them.  Try something that firest quickly and can proc status and load it with corrosive.  Strip its armor and it will go down super quickly.

And no, its not immune to damage.  Plenty of weapons will take it down quickly but a few tips:
Bring a good status weapon.
Hit its nose and engine.  The nose has a +300% damage modifier while the engine has around +150-+200% or so.  Either work and will let you take it out fairly quickly even at the highest rank bounty.

If you're having trouble with these enemies then maybe you should check your gear and see if you have anything that can reliably proc status and bring that.  With a good status weapon neither the Bolkors nor the Ogmas are much trouble at all since you can follow it up with a high alpha damage weapon and kill them before they can do much to hurt you.

Also they do lose aggro if you get far enough away from where they were summoned.  When I was leveling Gara I managed to get away and it did stop chasing me after just a short time.

7 hours ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

Cuz every new player have Vectis and Akstelitto with maxed Crit mods, Serration and Hornet strike.


Also I would like to go out Wonder around plains. And being one shoted during fishing is an interesting game feature. Give fish rocket launchers... why not : P

Sorry, but please tell me which "new player" is going to be playing the last 2 tiers of bounties?  As in the only tiers that ogmas reliably can appear in (I've only seen one ogma on the third bounty tier).

So since they can appear at levels that are approaching Sortie 1 levels maybe the players should be prepared to handle enemies at sortie 1 levels?  Which completely excludes "new players" from being involved with Ogmas.

Secondly is that even on the opposite side of the map from Cetus Ogmas won't spawn if you arent in a bounty so again, you can wander the plains all you want without fighting ogmas.

Third is that Ogmas have to be summoned to appear.
You know that drone that seekers and Dargyn pilots throw out?  That can summon ogmas with its flare.  Kill it before it sends out a flare and you will never have to deal with another Ogma.  You just need to prioritize your enemies appropriately.

And finally: IF you just want to wander the plains without having to worry about ogmas or anything accept the tier 1 bounty.  Locks everything to the level 5 to 10 range and Ogmas will never appear and everything can be one-shot with fairly weak weapons.


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8 hours ago, Kasa_ said:

The tusk ogma is still handlable though... I'm WAY more scared about the tusk Bolkor and its "i see you through walls and I'm too tanky to die" thing, it deliver a sh*t ton of ennemies (wich is still handlable (exept napalm imo)) and its turret shred your tankiest frame in few seconds, the hitbox of the turret is VERY small, and when you destroy it, the bolkor leaves and another one come to ruin your fun times... I would be fine if theses things were more easy to disable (not destroy) and didn't spawn as much.

You can shoot the turret off the Bolkor without having to strip its armor. And it likes to sit there all stationary and everything which can make this easy.

We might be able to do something similar with the Ogma, but it likes to stay a long way out of range except when I am dodging (or being hit by) its bombardment so stripping its armor and then blowing it up seems easier.

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In case OP and others are not aware... The Tusk Ogma actually has a variant of its bombing run that lasts substantially longer with much better tracking.

Those missiles? Easy. Just roll/bullet jump after they fire and they'll miss.

The normal bombing run before doubling back? Easy. Jump straight up and take your time coming back down.

The special run, though, will screw you over. And there is no way (that I have discovered) to predict when it will use one or the other.

The Ogma's scaling is a bit crazy. At low levels it's a decent enemy. But it has a single BS attack that really needs to be changed... Even if it just gets a special telegraph.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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It has silly hp

It has silly armor

Because its GEARED for arcwing...

I think easy solution is adding arc weapons when ever you activate arc wing suddenly they aren't so bad... just to clarify my opticor can take down a teralyst part in a few shots to a clip depending on crits, and frame in use. But a Ogma can take a ton of hits even if you STRIP its armor it has a bajillion hp... its not that it can kill me because i think that's a gross over estimation of its abilities.Its easy to predict ist path as it does lines, and can be dodged or even bullet jumped up to avoid the blasts... but that doesn't discount how annoying they are as they are just to dang tanky for the plains. Of all enemies i think they either need serious retune or just tossed in favor of something else...

As limbo i give no S#&$s about these guys they cant hurt me... but i can get the frustraition because as a vertern with most of the mods in game and a ton of rivens... i still struggle to kill them in any reasonable amount of time once you hit the 30+ mark of enemy levels.

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3 hours ago, LordLokai said:

I think easy solution is adding arc weapons when ever you activate arc wing suddenly they aren't so bad... just to clarify my opticor can take down a teralyst part in a few shots to a clip depending on crits, and frame in use. But a Ogma can take a ton of hits even if you STRIP its armor it has a bajillion hp... its not that it can kill me because i think that's a gross over estimation of its abilities.

Once its health bar has gone red (which takes maybe 5-10 seconds when I can hit it with my no-riven pox), my opticor (also with no rivens - corrosive damage) can take it down in six or seven seconds without needing to target weak points. If I hit weak points it goes down a lot faster. That's a long time when I am fighting other things, but it's doable. (All times are approximate, of course - they are from memory and not the result of rigorous testing.)

Edited by Fleuria
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Keep in mind it has the same armor types as a Bombard or Elite Lancer. If you can melt its armor, a weapon with Viral damage and good status chance will obliterate it pretty quickly.

It does have some pretty buggy pathfinding (most of the flyers do, though you see it less with Bolkors and Firebolgs) where it tends not to do so hot around bases with tall structures. The doing donuts overhead while spewing bombs in all directions is so out of place I'm pretty sure it's a bug.

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9 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

[...]Sorry, but please tell me which "new player" is going to be playing the last 2 tiers of bounties?  As in the only tiers that ogmas reliably can appear in (I've only seen one ogma on the third bounty tier).[...]

I have seen some players with MR 0-3 who did join T4/5 bounties cus it gives no limitation for the players to prevent them from playing those bounties.

Basicly Bounties from T3 shouldn´t be playable for ANY Player who hasn´t completed TSD while T5 should only be available after TWW considering the rewards (even if the rate is extremly low for the lenses and the Kuva)

Aside from that those Ogmas are less annoying with all their bombing thx to Operator Void mode to preven the one or another death it´s more the part of that it won´t go away when you try to hide from it so that it would leave you alone. No matter if you move into a building (where the explosions even go through the solid walls) or you go into a cave and wait for several minutes the Ogma won´t go away.

The Killing is a bit of the tricky part if you don´t have the weapon with you that can kill it quickly so that it just is an big bullet sponge.

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Hey atleast they give a clear warning when they attack unlike the large gunships that just rain bullets for a good while, ogma are pretty easy do deal with by bullet jumping to the side when it starts its bombing run and using that time afterwards to shoot at it, just remember damage falloff is a thing now :clem: b

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Agree with OP 100%

Any time an Oghma shows up on Bounty 5, I cringe. We can basically walk away at that point, hands thrown up in resignation to the failure which is inevitable from that point forward, especially since the aircraft (Oghma & gunships) seem to come in pairs at high level.



You created this mess of a situation. You already had to scale back aircraft once because of these issues, now finish the job and bring these enemies into balance.


Special note to the OP:

Since I never maxed out my Opticor, I use my maxed Lanka for anti-aircraft duty. Its innate punch has it dealing damage 3-4 times in cross-section to gunships, dependent on shot vector and hit location, of course. I am usually able to silence a gunship's turret in 1 or 2 shots at all level ranges. I have yet to find a viable way to take down *any* aircraft other than the dargyn within a bounty 5 instance though.

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16 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

Keep in mind it has the same armor types as a Bombard or Elite Lancer. If you can melt its armor, a weapon with Viral damage and good status chance will obliterate it pretty quickly.

It does have some pretty buggy pathfinding (most of the flyers do, though you see it less with Bolkors and Firebolgs) where it tends not to do so hot around bases with tall structures. The doing donuts overhead while spewing bombs in all directions is so out of place I'm pretty sure it's a bug.

this is kinda wrong... example my Hema can strip its armor in mere seconds do to procing viral and corrosive on every shot, it would still take me several clips to kill it with the hema or any status weapon considering i primarly use high status weapons anyway. My hema easily hits 100% status mark, the issue is kind of two fold. It's not just that it has huge armor its that it has a MASSIVE hp pool to. The BEST way to kill them seems to be using a status weapon to strip its armor, and then swapping over to a high crit single target burst weapon, geared toward heavy single shot damage.

I in no way am saying that its unkillable just that it is far more difficult enemy to down in the plains, far exceeding a teralyst limb in raw armor and health once it hits the 30+ area its most annoying enemy. The primary reason i use limbo is so i can ignore them entirely...

17 hours ago, Fleuria said:

Once its health bar has gone red (which takes maybe 5-10 seconds when I can hit it with my no-riven pox), my opticor (also with no rivens - corrosive damage) can take it down in six or seven seconds without needing to target weak points. If I hit weak points it goes down a lot faster. That's a long time when I am fighting other things, but it's doable. (All times are approximate, of course - they are from memory and not the result of rigorous testing.)

While removing the armor helps it in no way makes them squishie... it's not like a  bombard where you remove its armor and can one shot them at your leisure. I can safely strip its armor down to 0 with a Hema but unless i have a really high damage single shot weapon with a crit build it's still going to take me far longer to kill then any other enemy in the plains outside of a teralyst shields, but if you just consider its health/armor compared to the teralyst its a joke. I simply feel that this enemy is strangely off putting in the plains it feels like it a wall compared to everything else. i can effectively one shot most enemies with my opticor, with out a headshot... but this thing takes shot after shot after shot to kill... it's inconsistent with the rest of the plains...

I do think it needs toned back so that it is more comparable to the rest of the plains enemies... it SHOULD be tankier then the other fighters and it should take a few hits to kill, but some people are putting entire ammo loadouts into these things even WITH high armor stripping builds which shouldn't be the case.

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8 hours ago, LordLokai said:

this is kinda wrong... example my Hema can strip its armor in mere seconds do to procing viral and corrosive on every shot, it would still take me several clips to kill it with the hema or any status weapon considering i primarly use high status weapons anyway. My hema easily hits 100% status mark, the issue is kind of two fold. It's not just that it has huge armor its that it has a MASSIVE hp pool to. The BEST way to kill them seems to be using a status weapon to strip its armor, and then swapping over to a high crit single target burst weapon, geared toward heavy single shot damage.

I in no way am saying that its unkillable just that it is far more difficult enemy to down in the plains, far exceeding a teralyst limb in raw armor and health once it hits the 30+ area its most annoying enemy. The primary reason i use limbo is so i can ignore them entirely...

While removing the armor helps it in no way makes them squishie... it's not like a  bombard where you remove its armor and can one shot them at your leisure. I can safely strip its armor down to 0 with a Hema but unless i have a really high damage single shot weapon with a crit build it's still going to take me far longer to kill then any other enemy in the plains outside of a teralyst shields, but if you just consider its health/armor compared to the teralyst its a joke. I simply feel that this enemy is strangely off putting in the plains it feels like it a wall compared to everything else. i can effectively one shot most enemies with my opticor, with out a headshot... but this thing takes shot after shot after shot to kill... it's inconsistent with the rest of the plains...

I do think it needs toned back so that it is more comparable to the rest of the plains enemies... it SHOULD be tankier then the other fighters and it should take a few hits to kill, but some people are putting entire ammo loadouts into these things even WITH high armor stripping builds which shouldn't be the case.

Then, plainly, those people aren't modding their weapons effectively or using weapons that are especially powerful against it. Maybe your loadout is supposed to have a high-damage crit weapon in the mix somewhere to go with your fast-firing armor peeler.

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Personally i am in love\hate relationship with ogmas and bolkors.

They provide a very different experience to the game Bolkors melt you in mere second even Valkyr prime with wooping ~1800 armor and force you to take cover or hide , but then you go like wait a minute but this is fullsized space battleship meant for goddamn space batles and you are just a punny flesh robot.

Same goes to ogma thou my mine problem is that spawning of ogma somehow F*** ups enemy spawns at liberate the camp they wont spawn for me properly till i deal with ogma.

As for overall ogma fight it feels pretty ok valkyrs prime woooping amount of armor gives huge protection from ogma explosion , and it takes 1 clip of astilla to strip armor and 2 clips of lato vandal to rekt the ogma itself.

Edit: I really like how the plains actually force you to think out your loadout , like bring debuff gun and heavy hitter gun or special type of weapons for Terralysts.

Edited by Marmelade
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So... The Grineer decided to bring an AC-130 to a sword fight... That sounds like the most tactical thing the Grineer ever decided to do.

I don't mind the Ogma, but what I'd like is an anti-vehicle weapon for my primary that does extra damage to vehicles and can track targets. My Ogris needs a Fire & Forget feature upgrade.

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